cameltoe said:you guys see this little "trick"
its faster then tactical knife
Papercuts said:There is really no excuse for the game being THIS glitchy. If anything, it shows that an "AAA" studio like IW should already be well aware how important the beta process is, considering it's what happened with the last two CoD games and that went swimmingly. They already knew how popular the game was going to end up and talked all about it, instead of actually preparing for all these people to get their hands on it.
My issues with the game also stem farther than the glitches. The balance with all the insane killstreaks, when you get the necessary materials(stinger) to combat these killstreaks is too far away. The starting levels suck ass because you can do nothing but run or die from them, the starting AA isn't even worth using. The game basically felt like a grind to level 25 to get cold blooded so you could finally stop getting destroyed by them, then once you got to 30 it was fine. But that was never something I felt in the other games, even if you got better guns later--level 1 never felt disadvantaged like it is here.
I also hate the design of most of the maps, some of the perks just add frustratingly effective class builds like the lag-abusing long range knifers, the obviously overpowered shotgunners, weird hit detection issues that always get hilariously highlighted by the slow-mo end of match kill, etc. Even stuff from CoD4 like getting thrown into games just about to end haven't been fixed...oh, and I didn't even touch on the plethora of bullshit that went on with the PC release.
So I find it hard to swallow that Treyarch is just a second rate studio riding IW's coattails. I had a much better time with both the SP and MP with WaW than MW2 has provided. Not to mention they had cool modes like Nazi Zombies and ACTUALLY SUPPORTED THE GAME, unlike IW with 4. They have map packs for MW2 announced, but even now when the game is in this hilariously bad condition full of glitches and broken matchmaking, they are BARELY saying anything or keeping people up to date on what's happening. Just the occasional twitter update to let you know they are aware of it.
Generic said:I honestly think Treyarch gets crapped on way too much for all they do. I still remember before WaW's release people just laughed when it was going back to WW2 after MW, but then it released, was pretty damn good, and was continually supported. IW has failed to support in the past, and aren't doing a very good community job right now either. I'd personally say they could learn a thing or two in humility from this "second rate" team.
Generic said:IW has failed to support in the past, and aren't doing a very good community job right now either. I'd personally say they could learn a thing or two in humility from this "second rate" team.
divisionbyzorro said:Let's not forget that this latest fiasco, the infinite ammo, isn't something that anyone should expect them to have caught. People had to literally hack the game with modded consoles, for goodness sakes. If anything, that's Microsoft's fault, not Infinity Ward's.
Now, the playlist glitches and shitty matchmaking? That's something else.
Cerrius said:No QA team is going to find everything and when you have a game as big as MW2 you can bet the house that the kiddos online will try and break every single thing imaginable. This is the biggest FPS release this gen and IW is a AAA studio , they get the benefit of the doubt from me. I'm sure these issues will soon be resolved and the world will keep turning.
As for Treyarch, they're a second-rate studio that works off of whatever Infinity Ward builds. Enough with the hyperbole.
Generic said:I honestly think Treyarch gets crapped on way too much for all they do. I still remember before WaW's release people just laughed when it was going back to WW2 after MW, but then it released, was pretty damn good, and was continually supported. IW has failed to support in the past, and aren't doing a very good community job right now either. I'd personally say they could learn a thing or two in humility from this "second rate" team.
:lolcameltoe said:you guys see this little "trick"
its faster then tactical knife
Magik said:While I don't have anything against Treyarch, they are a solid developer, you guys are given them way to much credit.
Of course WaW was good since it was based on CoD4's engine to begin with. Treyarch didn't create the engine, they just modified it. Any developer can make a good game when they are given all the vital components from the get go.
Magik said:While I don't have anything against Treyarch, they are a solid developer, you guys are given them way to much credit.
Of course WaW was good since it was based on CoD4's engine to begin with. Treyarch didn't create the engine, they just modified it. Any developer can make a good game when they are given all the vital components from the get go.
Do you really believe that IW didn't want to support CoD4 beyond the only map pack? Everybody knows that Activision is the one calling the shots and with the immense success of CoD4 do you really think Activision would have wanted IW to make map packs instead of creating the next installment that is a guaranteed success? On top of being a guaranteed success, the MW2 engine is also going to fuel the next filler CoD so there's even more incentive for Activision to push IW to focus on annual releases rather than continued support.
If there's one thing I can give props to Treyarch for, its their community. That I agree with you. They have done a better job at that than IW has.
jiien said:Hold on, dude. Look at what you're claiming. A game is not all about the engine. If someone hands you an engine, do you think you can make a competent game, just like that?
And again, regardless of the tools they've been handed, they still managed to create a kick-ass arcadey mode through Nazi Zombies, balanced gunplay, and well designed maps, among other things. And again, all of them worked.
We're not talking about glitches and bugs here (well, at least, I'm not). The engine has nothing to do with creating a balanced multiplayer.
Magik said:While I don't have anything against Treyarch, they are a solid developer, you guys are given them way to much credit.
Of course WaW was good since it was based on CoD4's engine to begin with. Treyarch didn't create the engine, they just modified it. Any developer can make a good game when they are given all the vital components from the get go.
Do you really believe that IW didn't want to support CoD4 beyond the only map pack? Everybody knows that Activision is the one calling the shots and with the immense success of CoD4 do you really think Activision would have wanted IW to make map packs instead of creating the next installment that is a guaranteed success? On top of being a guaranteed success, the MW2 engine is also going to fuel the next filler CoD so there's even more incentive for Activision to push IW to focus on annual releases rather than continued support.
If there's one thing I can give props to Treyarch for, its their community. That I agree with you. They have done a better job at that than IW has.
Pyke Presco said:Well, I decided to go back and play some CoD4 today. If anybody wants to join me, its a blast, all the good players are gone and its nothing but scrubs left. I've leveled up my M14, G3, Dragunov and M60 all to 150 headshots and now have golden camo for a sniper, LMG, and I'm one AR away (MP44). It's like a warm blanket on a cold night.
eternaLightness said:Which version? I was playing some Domination on it last weekend. Oh how I miss the AK-74u.
Razor210 said:
Pyke Presco said:I'm on 360 right now, but I have the PC version on Steam as well. Come join me!
Papercuts said:I don't really get what you mean by this. The other responses already hit on most of the points, but it's not like an engine just autocreates the entire game. They had all different weapons, maps, etc. even if it was based on the same engine. And hell, look at MW2...same engine, but it clearly didn't just automatically create a functional product.
DarkJC said:Just have to :lol at that. Gimme a break. Poor Treyarch, having to put up with shit like this.
Magik said:In the case of WaW, it was all about the engine. The entire multiplier engine was exactly the same as CoD 4's with a few add-ons. The single player, down to the respawning, pinpoint-rage-inducing-enemy-accuracy was the same as CoD 4. My point about the engine was that Treyarch didn't have to spend the R&D time in making the engine which allowed them to work on other things such as the Zombie mode.
Multiplayer 'balance' was very subjective. All CoD multiplayer modes have always been unbalanced to me.
Sielys said:I for one loved the WaW maps. They were probably my favorite set of maps out of every FPS I've played. Unrealistic, I know, but I really hope the DLC mappacks have WaW maps.
Razor210 said:
divisionbyzorro said:Turn party chat back on in all modes (okay, I suppose they can leave it off in hardcore or something - let the hardcore players play hardcore).
Hard Camp TDM? I've never seen a hardcore TDM actually meet the winning score. It always ends because time ran out since everyone camps their asses off every time.jedimike said:FFA is full of boosters... it seems the only mode I can stand playing is HCTDM.
TheSeks said:Tenth Prestige Hack is awesome. Too bad it's a "no-no," otherwise I'd use it on my main/primary PSN account. As someone that never prestiged in CoD4 and find prestiging for "My Little Pwn'y" in CoD6 stupid, it's awesome to have all the titles and shit and just... fucking play.
*sigh* I hope when IW patches it they let the "hacked save" stay for offline play. It's nice to have for split-screen (on PS3 there is no "two profile" mode like the 360, so you have to have multiple offline saves to use and then rank them up individually, takes forever...) mode.
Now to go back to my level 31 0 prestige account and GRIND MOAR. *sigh*
Skilotonn said:.......
Smokey said:Tenth prestige hack? What?
I was trying to decipher what it actually is from your post..but couldn't.
TheSeks said:On PS3, there is a hack going around that'll give you instant 10th Prestige from switching around gamesaves with this hacked gamesave file.
So basically, you go from Level 1 0 Prestige to Level 1 10th Prestige in a matter of... two-three minutes.
There are people that are using it. But 402 has said it's null-and-void. I dunno if PSN will issue bans (they didn't for the Javalin Glitch) or if IW will ban you from MM (which is the reason why I'm not doing it on my main account. I'm getting MW2 for public/MM games). But it's a nice little thing for those of us that don't give a shit about Prestige but want the titles/emblems. :|
Smokey said:Nice, so the game is broken on both systems!
At least IW is spreading the love!
sturmdogg said:Are the infinite ammo and matchmaking glitches found on all the platforms, or just the 360 / PC?
Wow. Here I was thinking the PS3 was pretty devoid of glitches and this shows up. :lol I haven't experienced a lot of glitching, but I'm kinda worried jumping on tonight...TheSeks said:On PS3, there is a hack going around that'll give you instant 10th Prestige from switching around gamesaves with this hacked gamesave file.
So basically, you go from Level 1 0 Prestige to Level 1 10th Prestige in a matter of... two-three minutes.
There are people that are using it. But 402 has said it's null-and-void. I dunno if PSN will issue bans (they didn't for the Javalin Glitch) or if IW will ban you from MM (which is the reason why I'm not doing it on my main account. I'm getting MW2 for public/MM games). But it's a nice little thing for those of us that don't give a shit about Prestige but want the titles/emblems. :|
It's not.-viper- said:Wow. MW2 sounds like the most broken FPS created.
Critical Jeff said::lol @ all everyone bitching about glitches. Has everyone forgot the amount of halo2 glitches there were?