Matty McDee
Neo Member
GodfatherX said:roughly 3/5 of the games i have been joining have been glitch games
That seems about right for me too.
I swear I haven't heard the words "Back out" so many times in one hour.
GodfatherX said:roughly 3/5 of the games i have been joining have been glitch games
ShOcKwAvE said:I am kinda new to MP...played maybe 10 hours, but I haven't noticed any glitches and I didn't even know they existed. I've had a lot of fun even when I get my ass kicked.
joesmokey said:Seriously? I haven't been following this game at all.
adelante said:And people have been trying to tell you that we have every right to complain about something that's especially as rampant and gamebreaking as all these glitches
OMGLOL A LLAMA said:Game-breaking? The only game-breaking glitches are the Javelin glitch, and the turret-in-the-wall glitch. Whats the harm in Private matches, what people having FUN in a game they paid for somehow fucks the game up for the rest of you guys? I'm not defending glitches like the Javelin glitch, because those do fuck up the game for others, but Private matches? Really?
OMGLOL A LLAMA said:Game-breaking? The only game-breaking glitches are the Javelin glitch, and the turret-in-the-wall glitch. Whats the harm in Private matches, what people having FUN in a game they paid for somehow fucks the game up for the rest of you guys? I'm not defending glitches like the Javelin glitch, because those do fuck up the game for others, but Private matches? Really?
OMGLOL A LLAMA said:Game-breaking? The only game-breaking glitches are the Javelin glitch, and the turret-in-the-wall glitch. Whats the harm in Private matches, what people having FUN in a game they paid for somehow fucks the game up for the rest of you guys? I'm not defending glitches like the Javelin glitch, because those do fuck up the game for others, but Private matches? Really?
The gamebreaking bit was specifically refering to the Javelin and Tenth Prestige glitch. But having "fun", however subjective that term is, still doesn't justify for rampant glitches to exist in the first place. And last I checked, not everyone wants to play in private room with infinite ammo turned on (although you assuming that is pretty funny hah :lol ) especially when you're searching thru public servers in the first placeOMGLOL A LLAMA said:Game-breaking? The only game-breaking glitches are the Javelin glitch, and the turret-in-the-wall glitch. Whats the harm in Private matches, what people having FUN in a game they paid for somehow fucks the game up for the rest of you guys? I'm not defending glitches like the Javelin glitch, because those do fuck up the game for others, but Private matches? Really?
OMGLOL A LLAMA said:Game-breaking? The only game-breaking glitches are the Javelin glitch, and the turret-in-the-wall glitch. Whats the harm in Private matches, what people having FUN in a game they paid for somehow fucks the game up for the rest of you guys? I'm not defending glitches like the Javelin glitch, because those do fuck up the game for others, but Private matches? Really?
NeoUltima said:Infinity Ward, too good for beta tests
OldJadedGamer said:No, they had one for COD4 and that only had a few minor problems that were patched super fast after launch. MW2 really has a lot of weird stuff that has been slowly responded to but if you do look at COD4 and the one single map pack you'll see they aren't the fastest to respond.
Oh, and btw... all night been playing Hardcore and not a single glitched game. Not a single one. Now, back to shooting men.
johnFkennedy said:Do people realize that the infinite ammo trick isn't a glitch, but a mod that can only be activated through a modded console? Technically this isn't IWs fault.
You sure? Everything I've heard says it's a glitch.johnFkennedy said:Do people realize that the infinite ammo trick isn't a glitch, but a mod that can only be activated through a modded console? Technically this isn't IWs fault.
EazyB said:
Papercuts said:Right, but the matchmaking is still putting people who haven't done anything wrong into these modded games.
beast786 said:Do you realize the range on that shotgun, do you realize you have one in each hand and can have one reload while other still shoots, do you realize the reload really doesnt take that long at all.
1887 is the most powerful weapon i have faced in FPS. Plenty of ammo , no recoil, huge spread of bullets, one shot kill, good range.
Seriously, I have it and i dont care now, but when i didnt it sucked ass playing with someone in maps that are mostly door to door shooting.
Seriously dude. You might not use it, but its damn the most unbalance weapon.
J-Rzez said:Certainly not from the distance they do, wow. I hope you're never consulted for a game, and you steer clear from any form of tactics agency. I was able to run around getting triple kills from a blast from each hand. I haven't used them since because I just felt dirty using such cheap ass bullshit that has no place in this game in the first place. They turned this game into some new-age action movie with akimbo shotguns/smg's/pistols. Keep that shit in halo, not here.
Everdred said:Don't believe this bullshit. This is blown so far out of proportion it's ridiculous. All PS3 and 360 have the same problems and it isn't nearly as common as the people here claim.
I played 3 1/2 hours of MW2 online with the 360 this morning and NOT ONCE did I run into these glitches. I played Ground War, Free For All and Team Deathmatch. I was purposely hopping around just to see these glitches and I couldn't find them anywhere.
I can't believe the amount of people freaking out on here. The Javelin glitch was way worse than this and even that wasn't that common. Maybe 1 out of every 10 matches had them.
Just my input.
Haven't tested myself, but I was told they do carry over.DRE Fei said:Do the special "green" prestige challenges reset just like the regular ones or are they gone forever once they're completed and prestige again?
I thought I read someone post that they witnessed the infinite ammo on PS3 but I went back the last 5 pages and you are right. I retract that part of what I said but I still think it is being blown way out of proportion. I have honestly put in about 8 hours in the last 2 days and I haven't seen any of these glitches. I guess I'm just lucky.SmokeMaxX said:Wrong on so many levels.
1) Private/Public matches are AFAIK 360 only because of some interaction between MW2 and XBOX Live.
2) 10th Prestige "glitch" is PS3 y
3) Private/Public match is very common on 360. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't. I'd say at peak hours (after school) 50% of the games I join are glitch-fests.
DRE Fei said:Do the special "green" prestige challenges reset just like the regular ones or are they gone forever once they're completed and prestige again?
That happened me loads with COD4 - maybe try switching your console off, turn router off, leave for a few minutes, and then switch them both back on.Manp said:been stuck at the "connecting to matchmaking server" message for the last 10 minutes (ps3 version).
... :|
Wizman23 said:LMAO at all you IW internet heroes that are actually defending that piece of shit developer for releasing this god awful glitch ridden piece of garbage especially after the whole dedicated server debacle. Just can't get enough of those awesome guitar riffs huh?
ergo said:This game is really starting to disappoint me. I love the game play most of the time, but between the problems with the game itself and the constant yelling and racism you now cant avoid, im having a hard time justifying the continuation of MP.
But it's just so difficult!Shurs said:You can mute individual players.
Shurs said:You can mute individual players.
Everdred said:But it's just so difficult!![]()
I thought this was the case briefly, and then realized that the guy I muted was sitting next to another guy in the room. Muted them both, problem solved.kyo_daikun said:I noticed I muted people the other day and could still hear them, I think this feature is slightly broken at the moment.
Shurs said:I'm guessing he picks Martyrdom as one of his perks.
Yes, that is exactly how ratios work.ChefRamsay said:Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually glad to have MW2 on the PS3. We may have had a disgraceful multiplayer launch full of server issues, but I guess the benefit to having 3x fewer people playing is that you also have 3x fewer idiots trying to glitch or mod the game.