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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


kyo_daikun said:
I noticed I muted people the other day and could still hear them, I think this feature is slightly broken at the moment.

Its because they are not muted on other peoples games, and their headphones are picking them up and broadcasting it back to you. They are probably not even wearing the headphones (which is a great 'mute' technique) which makes the sound transfer from ear speaker to mic easier (since their big mellon is not jammed in between them).

Thankfully, PS3 people are (currently) far less racist (or inclined/able to cheat / hack / break games)...granted only 30% seem to have mic's on, but really there is no 'coordination' in this game.

Pete Rock

Wizman23 said:
Just can't get enough of those awesome guitar riffs huh?
I imagine Stephen Colbert doing his best air guitar impression every time this happens, sound effects and all "blada-wada-waaaoooooooww" :lol


mr_mcgregors said:
That happened me loads with COD4 - maybe try switching your console off, turn router off, leave for a few minutes, and then switch them both back on.

it was usually fixed by getting a different IP from isp, but this time it was a no go :(

so much for my usual couple of matches at lunch break :(

LiK said:
I wish I could save replays :(
True. They should've taken a tip from Bungie and let you record clips to show some of the awesomeness. I always get a snicker out of capping someone while they're in mid-air and seeing their corpse go all ragdoll.
kyo_daikun said:
So there's a way to get straight to 10th prestige? How lame
I heard this from a PC-using friend a few weeks back, that people were modifying files to add the 10th prestige emblem, which is absolutely ridiculous. Hope to God it doesn't affect the 360. Or the PS3 for that matter.

On the serious tip, even if they nerf the range of the 1887, I hope they don't kill it entirely, like dropping the damage or whatever.


Have they given any word on bringing party chat back for some modes? I don't really see the point on keeping it out of (HC)TDM...S&D or something like that sure, but TDM? Party mode just makes it much easier to get/keep people together. In the mean time, the "friends only" chat option thru the privacy settings is a godsend.

My buddies and I have been HCTDM players since COD4, so it's kind of kept the headache level low so far in MW2. Sure you run in to your 1887s here and there, but for the most part it's not that bad. People harp on the level of camping in hardcore, but you pick your poison I guess. Sure there are some low scoring games occasionally, but I usually run and gun and have no problem with the gameplay in general.

/plz add final kill cam to all games, not just the ones that reach the score limit!


Comics, serious business!
I played for about 1.5 hours last night and didn't encounter the infinite ammo thing once. I want to experience it at least once before it's taken away :lol
LiK said:
Anyone else disturbed by the amount of kids playing the game. When I hear those voices I must mute.
It doesn't help that the compression of voice chat makes everyone sound like one of three different voice types: little kid, 13 and under; douchey kid, 14-18; person with deep voice, 19-50. That last type has 3 variants: midwestern, twangy, and hard-boiled northeasterner.


LiK said:
Anyone else disturbed by the amount of kids playing the game. When I hear those voices I must mute.
Yup sometimes I have to ask how the heck did you guys get this game.
kyo_daikun said:
So there's a way to get straight to 10th prestige? How lame
Yes just like it was with WAW but this one doesn't involve turning off your PS3.
DeuceMojo said:
I heard this from a PC-using friend a few weeks back, that people were modifying files to add the 10th prestige emblem, which is absolutely ridiculous. Hope to God it doesn't affect the 360. Or the PS3 for that matter.

Pretty sure that is already an issue on PS3.

Not only that, the other day I saw a guy that was default level 1 (not Prestige) with the glowing nuke emblem. How the hell?
Mw182006 said:
Have they given any word on bringing party chat back for some modes? I don't really see the point on keeping it out of (HC)TDM...S&D or something like that sure, but TDM? Party mode just makes it much easier to get/keep people together. In the mean time, the "friends only" chat option thru the privacy settings is a godsend.
Hmmm, good point on the friends only. At the same time though, allowing everyone in a room to block out all but friends leaves the other guys no communication, no interaction etc. Think about those guys! :*( :lol


There's no guarantee that a public beta would caught any of these problems. The reason being that betas are usually kept limited in terms of who can access it and what parts of the game you can play (ie. limited numbers of codes/access it through a special promotion, only play on some maps / with some features etc).

Beta features are limited, so Javelins and 1887s might very well have not been available ... It took over a month with 5 million+ people playing for the public/private/infinite ammo problems to surface, would they have done the same with (say) a couple of weeks and a fraction of that number playing? No QA department, however well staffed, can match up to that number of people (or a significant minority of them) playing a game, messing around with it and looking for exploits or hacks.

Finally, a beta is always "beta" code - it's perfectly possible that these issues could have slipped in after the beta trial stage, and thus would never be seen by beta testers.
Couldnt play with my friends last night, because we kept ending up in Rust for inifniite ammo. IW should be ashamed. They better fix this ASAP.


RSTEIN said:
I played for about 1.5 hours last night and didn't encounter the infinite ammo thing once. I want to experience it at least once before it's taken away :lol

Ha me too. I played for about 4-5 hours last night in all different playlists and didn't have one infinite ammo game.

I'm almost jealous...

Also, I tried to join a room with a buddy last night and it said, "cannot join game because your friend does not have the updated playlists."

Could this be a quick fix? Has anyone had a glitched match so far today?
Mw182006 said:
Have they given any word on bringing party chat back for some modes? I don't really see the point on keeping it out of (HC)TDM...S&D or something like that sure, but TDM? Party mode just makes it much easier to get/keep people together. In the mean time, the "friends only" chat option thru the privacy settings is a godsend.

/plz add final kill cam to all games, not just the ones that reach the score limit!

Getting a lot of fights starting because me and my mates are all chatting to each other and then some random chimes in and starts being abusive, this should be a priority after all the glitches are fixed.


Anybody else having their mic cut off constantly? Everyone in my group is having this issue all the damn time. It is getting really annoying. PS3 version.

I miss playing CoD on PC :(


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
IW totally fucked up the party/chat system anyways.

Mercenary TDM is supposed to allow party chat because in theory, you shouldn't be able to play with anyone intentionally...but through the magic of XBL, you can totally join a session that your friend is in, and you can be placed on opposite teams... So this opens up that mode to people nuke boosting ,etc.

...and we obviously know about the private match nonsense that happens all the time now.

I don't know, IW dropped a lot of pegs in my book as an elite developer. The multiplayer balancing and execution is all sorts of fucked up. I'm not sure what they were thinking with some of the decisions or how thoroughly they thought some of potential issues through.

...I mean, the game engine was essentially built already, right? I know they updated and tweaked it, but surely much more thought should have gone towards balancing, map creation, netcode optimization and glitch detection?

The only thing that truly feels balanced in this game is the perk/weapon/equipment selection. I'm constantly finding that I can't create a build that I'd call "cookie cutter". Each build has sacrifices, pros and cons, and I can't recommend any build as the "go to" build....so kudos at least in that department.


taylor910 said:
Also, I tried to join a room with a buddy last night and it said, "cannot join game because your friend does not have the updated playlists."

Could this be a quick fix? Has anyone had a glitched match so far today?

I had this problem yesterday trying to get a party going yesterday. I think the way we fixed it was by quitting the game and going back in - this is on the PS3 btw.

Oh and yesterday saw a good 3/4 people with the level 10 prestige hack bs. I was playing with these 2 kids, they sounded like they were 5 years old and they were level 10 prestige...
f*cking jokes...
RubxQub said:
IW totally fucked up the party/chat system anyways.

Mercenary TDM is supposed to allow party chat because in theory, you shouldn't be able to play with anyone intentionally...but through the magic of XBL, you can totally join a session that your friend is in, and you can be placed on opposite teams... So this opens up that mode to people nuke boosting ,etc.

...and we obviously know about the private match nonsense that happens all the time now.

I don't know, IW dropped a lot of pegs in my book as an elite developer. The multiplayer balancing and execution is all sorts of fucked up. I'm not sure what they were thinking with some of the decisions or how thoroughly they thought some of potential issues through.

...I mean, the game engine was essentially built already, right? I know they updated and tweaked it, but surely much more thought should have gone towards balancing, map creation, netcode optimization and glitch detection?

The only thing that truly feels balanced in this game is the perk/weapon/equipment selection. I'm constantly finding that I can't create a build that I'd call "cookie cutter". Each build has sacrifices, pros and cons, and I can't recommend any build as the "go to" build....so kudos at least in that department.

As I said yesterday, the base gameplay is fantastic, and is probably the best I've ever played. That's what keeps drawing me back in day after day. But the peripheral stuff - the matchmaking in particular - is horse manure.


kyo_daikun said:
Getting a lot of fights starting because me and my mates are all chatting to each other and then some random chimes in and starts being abusive, this should be a priority after all the glitches are fixed.

Try the setting I mentioned, it works wonders. The only downside is if you're the type that actually communicates and you happen to have someone on your team who's not a friend -- they won't hear you either.


GodofWine said:
Thankfully, PS3 people are (currently) far less racist (or inclined/able to cheat / hack / break games)...granted only 30% seem to have mic's on, but really there is no 'coordination' in this game.
Definitely not. I run into A TON of idiots on a daily basis on PS3. The FPS/COD community is no different across platforms.

I kinda like the fact that Merc TDM has mostly no one using mics and is pure silence. Don't have to go through the trouble of instantly muting people as soon as lobbies are merged and you start hearing kids or morons.
RSTEIN said:
Do it. A taste of the fun to be had:

Haha, I love shouting that occasionally... Ten-inch STORZINA!!! and the occasional Seven-inch Storgina.

Heard the guy that says "Tony Romano" ?
So I want to know.

Has anybody managed to earn a tactical nuke without using the Apache (or boosting)? I'd be satisfied even if I saw someone earn a nuke with an AC-130...it seems that the Apache is the only real way to earn one.


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divisionbyzorro said:
So I want to know.

Has anybody managed to earn a tactical nuke without using the Apache (or boosting)? I'd be satisfied even if I saw someone earn a nuke with an AC-130...it seems that the Apache is the only real way to earn one.
Apache = Chopper Gunner?

I've gotten a 25+ killstreak with the Chopper Gunner before, but I never have tactical nuke equipped, for me the Chopper Gunner is my end-state.
Yeah apache is chopper gunner.

The only way you really get lots of kills with the 130 is if you can keep shelling their spawn area, rare you normally get that opportunity except for wasteland and rust.
kyo_daikun said:
Yeah apache is chopper gunner.

The only way you really get lots of kills with the 130 is if you can keep shelling their spawn area, rare you normally get that opportunity except for wasteland and rust.

Yeah, that's what I've noticed.

I kinda feel like the AC-130 needs to be given another flare or something to help it out; it seems so inferior to the Apache that I really wonder why you would want to use it.

EDIT: I suppose the AC-130 would be valid for working your way up to EMP, but again, since the Apache is so much better, I still don't see why you would use it.
kyo_daikun said:
Yeah apache is chopper gunner.

The only way you really get lots of kills with the 130 is if you can keep shelling their spawn area, rare you normally get that opportunity except for wasteland and rust.

Chopper gunner is my hands-down fave, but when the AC-130 gets going on an open map, it's too fun to rain the large and medium shells down on the enemy.


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DeuceMojo said:
Chopper gunner is my hands-down fave, but when the AC-130 gets going on an open map, it's too fun to rain the large and medium shells down on the enemy.
I actually saw a guy using the AC130 to deadly effect, and he was using a tactic that I never really thought of using.

He was cycling between all the weapons after shooting them. Fire the huge shell, swap. Fire the littler shells, swap. Fire the tiny shells, swap...fire the huge shell...etc etc.

Seems like the reloading delay on one weapon doesn't affect the other weapons on that ship.

AC130 is harder to find in the sky as well.
divisionbyzorro said:
Yeah, that's what I've noticed.

I kinda feel like the AC-130 needs to be given another flare or something to help it out; it seems so inferior to the Apache that I really wonder why you would want to use it.

I think it needs to damage through buildings like the apache seems to magically do, maps with loads of indoor areas destroys the AC130, I think the heavy 120mm cannon (or whatever it is) should do damage through buildings whereas the other 2 don't, that would balance it sufficiently for me.

On the reloading thing as long as you fire all the shots from it the different weapons will reload while cycling, if you leave a bit then cycle back round to the weapon you will only have a small amount of shots to fire.


GodofWine said:
Thankfully, PS3 people are (currently) far less racist (or inclined/able to cheat / hack / break games)...granted only 30% seem to have mic's on, but really there is no 'coordination' in this game.

:lol How much does Sony pay you?

ON TOPIC: After trying out a few guns for the last week or so, I still think the SCAR is the best weapon.


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LosDaddie said:
ON TOPIC: After trying out a few guns for the last week or so, I still think the SCAR is the best weapon.
I'm all over the place.

M4 is my favorite all around weapon, but the iron sights blow so I need to waste my attachment slot on a red-dot, or take bling to get red-dot plus something else.

SCAR-H is a fantastic weapon with fantastic iron sights, but it's super low clip size and ammo forces me to take the Scavenger perk.

M16 is another fantastic weapon, but the iron sights are also pretty bad, so I'm forced to use a red dot instead of some other attachment, and the burst firing makes it so that in some close combat situations, if you miss that first burst you're pretty much hosed.

UMP is a great close combat weapon. I think this is probably the strongest gun in the game, with the only limiting factor being it's range.

P90 is fantastic at close combat, but it's high fire rate make it really hard to shoot over distances with any reliability.


The whole gun/perk/attachment balancing for primary guns feels very well done. One of the only things I'm willing to compliment IW on :lol
Actually somebody correct me if I'm wrong but if you're on one of the russian side or opposing force and you use chopper gunner, its actually a Havoc not an apache. :) Just like when you use a attack chopper its either a cobra or a hind depending on the side.


RubxQub said:
SCAR-H is a fantastic weapon with fantastic iron sights, but it's super low clip size and ammo forces me to take the Scavenger perk.
Get the clip extender for the gun + scavenger. Definitely worth it (although you'll begin to notice the low firerate of the weapon..)


RubxQub said:
I actually saw a guy using the AC130 to deadly effect, and he was using a tactic that I never really thought of using.

He was cycling between all the weapons after shooting them. Fire the huge shell, swap. Fire the littler shells, swap. Fire the tiny shells, swap...fire the huge shell...etc etc.

Seems like the reloading delay on one weapon doesn't affect the other weapons on that ship.

AC130 is harder to find in the sky as well.

Out of curiosity, whats the tactic you use? Because I thought this is what everyone does...


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Disguises said:
Out of curiosity, whats the tactic you use? Because I thought this is what everyone does...
I usually just stuck to the middle level caliber of shells, because it seemed the most balanced as far as AoE and damage and zoom...it hadn't occured to me that each shell type was on it's on reload timer...never really tried.

Early on I went with chopper gunner and haven't tried the AC130 unless I'm hijacking an enemy care package.
Yeah I fire off the big one then swap to the mid shell and bounce back and forth but chopper gunner is alot better in my opinion.

All the Ground war match's seem to end up Domination on Rust. Its fucking mental but I can barely stay positive
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