DevelopmentArrested said:You've been trolling this game since day one. Your shtick is getting old.
This is supposed to make me laugh, right, it's an awesome reply. :lolBruceLeeRoy said:I got absolutely raped last night.
There was this dude running around with Marathon | Lightweight | and sporting 2 shotguns that could not be stopped. I stayed in every game he was in just to try and get revenge but he made me pay over and over and over again.
BruceLeeRoy said:Have you even played the game? If your not playing it on the easiest setting that is absolutely impossible to pull off.
DevelopmentArrested said:You've been trolling this game since day one. Your shtick is getting old.
Yeah, it's really ridiculous.PetriP-TNT said:lol at the amount of level 10 prestiges right now, like 1/3s of every match are level 10, yeah right...
careful said:I don't mind the bitching and complaining at all. I think it puts pressure on the developers and keeps them in check. They need to be aware of the issues and react with a sense of urgency. I also agree that some of the IW PR has been pretty cocky with this game and that might not be the best attitude to take with your community.
RSTEIN said:I just don't like the general trend of this generation.
Gears 2... oh boy. "Hi. I'm Cliffy. We fixed all the problems from Gears!" Um, no. In fact the game was and still is worse than Gears 1 in many ways. Now Modern Warfare 2. Glitches, matchmaking issues, balancing issues, etc.
What the fuck happened between Gears 1 and Gears 2? MW1 and MW2? Like... where is the money going? Where is the dedication to constant improvement? Where's the investment in Q&A and the basic development process? Where's the respect for your core audience? It's just sad.
Yeah, I never saw the Afghan glitch or the Public/Private match glitch. The only glitch I saw was the Javelin martyrdom.LosDaddie said:MW2 is no more "glitched" and/or "broken" than CoD4 was a month after release in 2007.
And maybe I'm just not paying enough attention (or playing enough), but I don't see nearly half of the shit online that you guys are crying about. But yeah, the Akimo dual-shotgunners are annoying.
No it isn't. You get killed within a few shots in Elite difficulty in KZ2. Here is he taking many shots and his screen barely turns red.Chrange said:Have you ever tried it? Because that's on the hardest difficulty.
PetriP-TNT said:lol at the amount of level 10 prestiges right now, like 1/3s of every match are level 10, yeah right...
Well, I'll just play my new class (Riot Shield + Throwing Knives) until I feel like playing again.
-viper- said:No it isn't. You get killed within a few shots in Elite difficulty in KZ2. Here is he taking many shots and his screen barely turns red.
Gamesradar did the same thing (on Easy).
I gotta start rocking the shield. I've seen guys hunker down in the bunker in Wasteland and just absorb damage all day. I'd like to try the same in one of the bathrooms in Estate.Critical Jeff said:riotshield
I don't care about my k/d ratio anymore, I have alot of fun using the shield, whether or not i go positive or not. In team deathmatch, most people still don't know how to deal with a guy with a shield.
What? I was just talking about how that knife video ISN'T set at the hardest difficulty. He barely gets shot, and when he does, he barely takes any damage. It's on Easy mode.Chrange said:It's the hardest you can select at the start. It doesn't really matter, since making you die faster isn't making the AI better. You can still kill everyone with the knife, you just have to get their attention and then stand at a corner.![]()
DeuceMojo said:I gotta start rocking the shield. I've seen guys hunker down in the bunker in Wasteland and just absorb damage all day. I'd like to try the same in one of the bathrooms in Estate.
Has anyone thought of a particularly good reason to run the riot shield class... like ever?
Five friends and I won a deathmatch game on Karachi with six shield, we all just stayed back at the original spawn behind the building. One guy on turret, everybody with claymores, scavenger, danger close, and commando. We formed a wall behind the truck and then backed up once they noticed us, lured them right into the claymores/turret. It was amazing.Freedom = $1.05 said:My dream is to assemble a 300-esque perimeter around a bomb one day.
It will be glorious.
Freedom = $1.05 said:My dream is to assemble a 300-esque perimeter around a bomb one day.
It will be glorious.
Roxas said:Why are there people running around knifing with a care package grenade in their hand? Is there some kind of advantage doing it this way instead of the tactical knife?
Pyke Presco said:Five friends and I won a deathmatch game on Karachi with six shield, we all just stayed back at the original spawn behind the building. One guy on turret, everybody with claymores, scavenger, danger close, and commando. We formed a wall behind the truck and then backed up once they noticed us, lured them right into the claymores/turret. It was amazing.
One day James Lipton will recount your adventures in front of the Actor's Studio at the New School. It will be splendid. :lolFreedom = $1.05 said:My dream is to assemble a 300-esque perimeter around a bomb one day.
It will be glorious.
This is bullshit. Maybe on the easiest setting, but try pulling this off on Elite. No way. On topic, thankfully I haven't been seeing a lot of glitching on the PS3 side with MW2.Chrange said:
-viper- said:What? I was just talking about how that knife video ISN'T set at the hardest difficulty. He barely gets shot, and when he does, he barely takes any damage. It's on Easy mode.
Can you really knife faster? From the video, it looked like you can recover faster from the knife animation, but initial knife motion is the same speed. This only looks useful in the case where you have a bunch of dudes standing right beside each other.Pyke Presco said:Plus, with the knife cancel (basically a B/X/B or B/X/R, only in this case a RS/RB/Y/RS while you have a piece of equipment available) You can actually knife FASTER than with a tac knife
DeuceMojo said:One day James Lipton will recount your adventures in front of the Actor's Studio at the New School. It will be splendid. :lol
I want to see the shield phalanx in action.
I ran that "glitch" for all of one night, and it was hilarious. I flew through Karachi at like 50 mph until my left thumb hurt. I killed EVERYONE I saw. And to the man who said it was a glitch because knife challenges didn't register while doing this: he was right. It was a while later before I earned my slasher title.careful said:Can you really knife faster? From the video, it looked like you can recover faster from the knife animation, but initial knife motion is the same speed. This only looks useful in the case where you have a bunch of dudes standing right beside each other.
careful said:Can you really knife faster? From the video, it looked like you can recover faster from the knife animation, but initial knife motion is the same speed. This only looks useful in the case where you have a bunch of dudes standing right beside each other.
RubxQub said:So can we officially say that IW are in no way worthy of any of the praise they seem to get?
- Dedicated Servers
- Incoherent and Ridiculous Story
- Javelin Glitch
- Wall-Walk Glitch
- Shield w/Mounted Gun Glitch
- View Enemy Map Glitch
- Unlimited Supply Crate Glitch
- Private Server Boosting
- Unlimited Ammo Tampering
- Broken Matchmaking
- Sketchy Netcode
- XBL "Join Session In Progress" Oversight
- Knife Delay Glitch
- Care Package Speed Glitch
- Akimbo 1887 Balancing there more I'm missing?
It just feels like while this game is fantastic, it's so fucking bad :lol
Chrange, it's not on Easy mode. It's on the hardest mode you can select when you start.
backflip10019 said:Ugh, prestiging is difficult. I just hit first prestige last night and was getting absolutely wrecked without my usual line-up of first rate weapons. Going back to the M4 and FAMAS with iron sights is rough.
LosDaddie said:MW2 is no more "glitched" and/or "broken" than CoD4 was a month after release in 2007.
And maybe I'm just not paying enough attention (or playing enough), but I don't see nearly half of the shit online that you guys are crying about. But yeah, the Akimo dual-shotgunners are annoying.
I never played World at War, but a buddy was telling me that it added a class slot every few prestiges you went through.firehawk12 said:Extra slots and the new titles to earn.
You basically have to be crazy about the game to do it though. :lol
Dude, that's probably the worst way to counter dual shotguns. :lolBruceLeeRoy said:Those Dual-Shotgun guys are absolutely ridiculous. I make it my personal mission to try and knife them if I see a guy with dual-shottys....That usually ends very badly for me though.
BruceLeeRoy said:Those Dual-Shotgun guys are absolutely ridiculous. I make it my personal mission to try and knife them if I see a guy with dual-shottys....That usually ends very badly for me though.
Ever heard of the Barracks?DeuceMojo said:I think I'm around 300 kills with the 1887. Anyone know when I get the mastery title for that mahfokka?
You should read what he wrote this time in your case. Just imagine xxCODMW2Dogzxx wrote it.divisionbyzorro said:The more you quote him, the less effective my ignore list becomes.
:lol I know! But I just want to humiliate them for how much grief they give me but in the end I am the one that is humiliated.careful said:Dude, that's probably the worst way to counter dual shotguns. :lol
tiddles said:Personally I find that the biggest sources of annoyance often create the greatest satisfactions... there's nothing better than taking down a guy who's carrying dual 1887s and has just failed to hit you at point blank range.
blahness said:death by throwing knife would be greater humiliation
death by throwing knife would be greater humiliationBruceLeeRoy said::lol I know! But I just want to humiliate them for how much grief they give me but in the end I am the one that is humiliated.
No, RavenFox, where are these 'Barracks' you speak of?RavenFox said:Ever heard of the Barracks?
Oh, look at that! A useful comment!Cerrius said:Already got my 2,500 kills with the 1887. Now working on the 500 headshots challenge which should net me a new shiny emblem.
You ***** dog rapist.Cerrius said:Already got my 2,500 kills with the 1887. Now working on the 500 headshots challenge which should net me a new shiny emblem.