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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Dammit, got a 27 killstreak earlier on Afghan (finished on 32-1) but because I'm so low ranked on the PS3 I hadn't unlocked my Nuke yet. Otherwise I would have used it. Last few matches though I was definitely getting some weird hit detection issues. Knifing through people but not actually hitting them, shooting people in the chest/head with 2-3 Stopping Power bursts of a FAMAS and still no dice. Very frustrating when that happens.

This game online is such a love/hate relationship for me.
Class_A_Ninja said:
I've only won once as the SEALs. I know this for a fact because when it happened yesterday, it played some song that I had never heard before.

By the same score the Spetsnaz outfits on estate and wasteland are terrible! Bright bloody red, people see you from a mile off.
Re: All the talk of CoD4 vs. MW2 and their MP maps: Has anyone gone back to CoD4? How's the # of players? Is there really THAT much about MW2 that would prevent someone from switching back?


MW2 may not be my GotY, but it's the game I'm going to play the most from 2009. I probably put in about 7hrs this weekend and loved every minute.

My only complaint would be the Party System. I swear that 2 (maybe 3) people in a party is fine, but anymore and someone gets dropped. Hopefully MS cert's the patch soon.


nib95 said:
This game online is such a love/hate relationship for me.

same here, lately I just accepted that in my opinion this game is based around "cheap" kills and not skill or team play (random public games), of course a skilled player will do better than a newbie, of course a team of organised players will wipe your team out, but the average game is just full of people looking for the fastest and cheapest way to get their killstreaks, even if that means refusing to move from a certain spot or accomplish objectives.

apart from that, I'm doing quite well in Domination with the UMP + marathon + lightweight + commando setup (tactical insertion & smoke grenades equipped), always end the games capturing more zones than anyone and getting the most points. Also, it seems to me hit reg/detection with the UMP is better than with assault rifles :lol

sorry if this has been answered already, is the latest patch live in Europe? (PS3)
kyo_daikun said:
By the same score the Spetsnaz outfits on estate and wasteland are terrible! Bright bloody red, people see you from a mile off.

I roll into battle with my Militia purple and yellow soccer shirt and a pair of shades. I feel like I'm bringing a knife to a gun fight.

Rainy Dog

careful said:
M4 is almost the same as the ACR.
Same damage, but slightly faster rate of fire for slightly more recoil (it's still almost laser-like).

FAMAS and M16 have even less of a difference.

Apparently, the ACR has better range than the M4 (does max damage at a longer distance). Same re. the FAMAS over the M16.



Comics, serious business!
RE: love/hate relationship with online.

Yeah. Sums it up perfectly. One game I'll be just dominating and doing lots of crazy shit. Others I won't be at the top but doing well, adapting to the rhythm of the game.

Then I join a game with 2 simultaneous killstreak rewards and then have 5 god awful spawns where I'm put in the crosshairs of a sniper or in the path of a knife wielding maniac.

Then I go into Alec Baldwin mode where the game becomes my daughter. And I have a desire to leave very nasty voicemail for it:

You are a rude, thoughtless little game. You don’t have the brains or the decency as a good game, I don’t give a damn that you’re an Infinity Ward developed game, or that you’re a shooter, or that your developer is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn’t care about what you do as far as I’m concerned. You have humiliated me for the last time with this shit.


Rainy Dog said:
Apparently, the ACR has better range than the M4 (does max damage at a longer distance). Same re. the FAMAS over the M16.
Very interesting. Where is this graph from?
I saw an early prototype graph from Den Kirson himself and he had the range damage the same for all ARs.
First prestige!!!!! Wahooo!!!!!

Second time around is more fun, just time to grind away again to get a Stinger, a Striker, an AK etc.

My first game as a level 1: "private" domination match on Rust. When I left, level 14. Nice.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I've finally found my go-to build/load-out.

Primary: ACR w/FMJ
Secondary: Striker w/Grip
E: Semtex
SE: Flash Grenades
Perk 1: Scavenger Pro
Perk 2: Cold-Blooded Pro
Perk 3: Ninja Pro​

I've completely fallen in love with the ACR. The accuracy over long distances is fantastic and something I can't live without anymore. Considering I want super-high accuracy, that left me with 3 choices: Famas, ACR or FAL. Basically for me it came down to the fact that I needed a gun that was automatic. There are too many times in close combat situations where the FAL and the FAMAS leave something to be desired, so the ACR let's me put on the pressure and disrupt the aim of the attacker. The iron sights are also boss as hell (second to the SCAR) and allow me to take some other perk than Bling.

Went with FMJ because the ACR is a bit gimped on damage and there are plenty of times when I need to hit fools through cover/walls, so this will let me do that with greater efficiency, and none of the other attachments were really doing it for me (having a NoobTube actually makes me play worse). I'm sure most people would say "Why not a silencer with that Ninja build?"...and the answer is "The ACR is gimped on damage enough as it is... I don't need another modifier fucking that up." I tried using a silencer, but too many times did the enemy make it around that corner, finished me off...I need that gun doing it's maximum damage potential, not it's minimal, considering how weak it is by default.

The Striker is my favorite shotgun by far...and adding a grip just makes it amazing. Shoots very fast, for solid damage, with fairly good accuracy with the grip. I've emptied rooms full of campers with that thing, and with the large clip size, I can hold down a position by myself without reloading for a good bit.

Scavenger Pro is fantastic as I'll never run out of ammo...and I'm not dying often enough to get a fresh stock, so I need to restock on the field. The re-upping of my Semtex nade is also so good.

Cold-Blooded/Ninja Pro are so I never ever ever show up on radar or sound unless I want to (shooting). People are so obsessed with their radars and heartbeat sensors that being invisible to those devices just disrupts everyone's expectations...plus it's nice not to be airgun fodder.

The key to this entire build is to take your damn time. Last night I was playing with a bunch of friends and I was probably going 4:1 in most of the games we played with this build. Biggest thing I've recently changed up is that I'm not trying to sprint everywhere anymore. Moving more deliberately. Retreating into advantageous positioning if I hear people coming instead of meeting them head-on.

Oh...and I last night was my first time using these:


Fantastic. If you're at all wanting to take your game to the next level...by all means buy these things. So much easier to make minute adjustments for those long distance shots.
DeuceMojo said:
First prestige!!!!! Wahooo!!!!!

Second time around is more fun, just time to grind away again to get a Stinger, a Striker, an AK etc.

My first game as a level 1: "private" domination match on Rust. When I left, level 14. Nice.

I found it painful not having cold blooded and the stinger, ah well its all part of the experience! Nearly got 1000 Famas kills for the prestige emblem, need about 150 more headshots tho for that title...


I have come to the conclusion that every issue I have with MW2 is linked to killstreaks that have been introduced...

It's the answer to all my issues...

Campers - People camp to gain and protect killstreaks...
TDM play in Objective modes - People are playing objective modes with a TDM mentality.

If Killstreaks were taken out in objective modes and boiled down to just UAV, Counter UAV, Sentry Gun and Precision Missiles...the game would be atleast be played by people the way it was mean't to in objective based games...

I see people fussing about 1887's/Tactical Knife/glitching and all that...but I don't have an issue with this stuff...

Fundamentally IW has ruined what could have been a really memorable MP by adding in killstreaks...it really is the be all and end all of the game.
kyo_daikun said:
I found it painful not having cold blooded and the stinger, ah well its all part of the experience! Nearly got 1000 Famas kills for the prestige emblem, need about 150 more headshots tho for that title...
No doubt. I haven't even equipped a rocket because the non-stinger/non-javelin launchers just suck. And Cold-Blooded Pro was a friend of mine. So was One Man Army Pro. And all the other pros. At least I got Commando Pro back fairly quickly.


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So is there any major reason to prestige more than once? I'm probably a couple days away from hitting 70 on my first prestige.

It looks like I've unlocked the ability to get a vast majority of the titles and emblems by just prestiging once...and I think some of the emblems/titles are prestige specific...but there aren't GROUPS of titles/emblems that you can only get by prestiging more than once, right? Just very specific ones?
I dont care what IW says and Im not buying the "Well its a shotgun" arguement, the 1887 is still friggin godly at a distance worthy of tons of people still using them as primary weapons. Im not talking CQC distance, these things are better then an AR/LMG/SMG still if your at least 20-30 feet away.

I just played a game were 3 guys on my team and 2 guys on the opposing team used them, and they were the top guys.

Im gonna give in and use them as a primary and switch to my ACR for shots of 30feet.


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Pkm said:
I dont care what IW says and Im not buying the "Well its a shotgun" arguement, the 1887 is still friggin godly at a distance worthy of tons of people still using them as primary weapons. Im not talking CQC distance, these things are better then an AR/LMG/SMG still if your at least 20-30 feet away.

I just played a game were 3 guys on my team and 2 guys on the opposing team used them, and they were the top guys.

Im gonna give in and use them as a primary and switch to my ACR for shots of 30feet.
I can tolerate people with dual Rangers, as their range is pretty shite, and they only get 4 total shots before they have to reload for an hour and a half. Completely glass canon.

They still drive me up the fucking wall, but at least people with Rangers are just begging to get schooled if they ever run into more than one person.

1887's aside from the sick range have like 6 shots each, so you can do quite a lot of damage before you need to reload...but from what I've anecdotally heard here, it sounds like the nerf was pretty decent, so hopefully that nonsense is much more tolerable.

...we'll see...


RubxQub said:
Oh...and I last night was my first time using these:


Fantastic. If you're at all wanting to take your game to the next level...by all means buy these things. So much easier to make minute adjustments for those long distance shots.

What's this?
I absolutely loathe the ACR for everything except hardcore TDM, where I'll admit the damn thing is godly.

My hardcore build atm is

ACR w/ HB Sensor, ACOG scope
M93 Raffica w/ Red Dot Sight, Silencer
Flash grenades
Bling Pro
Cold Blooded Pro
Ninja Pro

While HB Sensor is not the end all be all, and I certainly could do without, I like the way it forces me to play. I really take my time and seldom have stupid deaths because of the pace I'm going. I am surprised at the number of folks that roll w/o Ninja. Yesterday I had a match where 5 or 6 enemies were w/o Ninja, it was like fucking Christmas. :lol


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FerranMG said:
What's this?
FPS Freeks.

I just finished writing my review on Amazon, actually :lol

Basically they make the analog sticks longer which allows you to make more minute adjustments on your aim much more easily. Really great controller mod.
RubxQub said:
FPS Freeks.

I just finished writing my review on Amazon, actually :lol

Basically they make the analog sticks longer which allows you to make more minute adjustments on your aim much more easily. Really great controller mod.
Wouldn't turning up your sensitivity do essentially the same thing?


Pkm said:
I dont care what IW says and Im not buying the "Well its a shotgun" arguement, the 1887 is still friggin godly at a distance worthy of tons of people still using them as primary weapons. Im not talking CQC distance, these things are better then an AR/LMG/SMG still if your at least 20-30 feet away.

I just played a game were 3 guys on my team and 2 guys on the opposing team used them, and they were the top guys.

Im gonna give in and use them as a primary and switch to my ACR for shots of 30feet.
Maybe it's you this time? Trust me I have no love for the crap that IW has bestowed upon us but after the patch I can now drop mofo's without being shot from 3/4 down the hallway in skidrow by 1887's.
kyo_daikun said:
I found it painful not having cold blooded and the stinger, ah well its all part of the experience! Nearly got 1000 Famas kills for the prestige emblem, need about 150 more headshots tho for that title...

I thought it was 1000kils for the emblem but its actually 2500, I nearly cried :lol


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backflip10019 said:
Wouldn't turning up your sensitivity do essentially the same thing?
These things allow you to play at higher sensitivity without losing your ability to track targets over long distances.

By making the sticks longer, it's much easier to make slight adjustments than it is with shorter sticks...basically you can make more dramatic motions without having dramatic effects.


RubxQub said:
These things allow you to play at higher sensitivity without losing your ability to track targets over long distances.

By making the sticks longer, it's much easier to make slight adjustments than it is with shorter sticks...basically you can make more dramatic motions without having dramatic effects.

That looks pretty nice. I'm actually thinking of buying a pair of them.
Would you mind pointing me towards your Amazon review? (or just paste it here FWIW) :)
RubxQub said:
These things allow you to play at higher sensitivity without losing your ability to track targets over long distances.

By making the sticks longer, it's much easier to make slight adjustments than it is with shorter sticks...basically you can make more dramatic motions without having dramatic effects.


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FerranMG said:
That looks pretty nice. I'm actually thinking of buying a pair of them.
Would you mind pointing me towards your Amazon review? (or just paste it here FWIW) :)
Not sure where my review went actually...I guess it gets submit for approval or something? I can't find it within my account or on the item itself, sadly.


F#A#Oo said:
Fundamentally IW has ruined what could have been a really memorable MP by adding in killstreaks...it really is the be all and end all of the game.

not the end of all games but you got a point with the killstreaks ruining objectives games.
Johnlenham said:
I thought it was 1000kils for the emblem but its actually 2500, I nearly cried :lol

Ah well I know that when you hit 1000 you get some kind of emblem, guess I will be using the famas for longer than I assumed...
OK, so the other day I'm playing Rust and I get a handful of care packages. I only cared about two of them really... AC-130 and Chopper Gunner.

Both were stolen by my worthless teammates. Am I wrong in wanting to find the bastards that did this and smash their 360s with a hammer and then put the smashed bits into a stocking and nail it to one of their car tires? :lol


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DeuceMojo said:
OK, so the other day I'm playing Rust and I get a handful of care packages. I only cared about two of them really... AC-130 and Chopper Gunner.

Bother were stolen by my worthless teammates. Am I wrong in wanting to find the bastards that did this and smash their 360s with a hammer and then put the smashed bits into a stocking and nail it to one of their car tires? :lol
I think the problem with care packages is that there is no way to know if the care package belongs to someone nearby or if they were killed.

If I see a care package with no one around, I'm taking it so the enemy doesn't.
If I see the guy patiently waiting for his 'ish to drop, I move along.


RubxQub said:
I think the problem with care packages is that there is no way to know if the care package belongs to someone nearby or if they were killed.

If I see a care package with no one around, I'm taking it so the enemy doesn't.
If I see the guy patiently waiting for his 'ish to drop, I move along.

Yup, and if someone from your team is running at you and shooting while you snag his c130 or chopper gunner then stop. If he is dancing in front of you trying to get your attention, please stop.
After playing a couple hours this morning, I think I finally figured out why I (and many others) get so pissed off at this game. Shotguns. Seriously, why Infinity Ward decided that players could use shotguns as secondary weapons is beyond me. They devolve the gameplay (at least in the smaller maps with tons of corners and hiding spaces) into a game of who has the better connection. It's stupid. I would estimate that probably around half of my deaths (~3000) are due solely to shotguns, and many times I'm shot from what seems to be miles out of what the range should be (1887s, Rangers, hell even the SPAS).

What IW should have done was keep shotguns as a primary weapon like they were in CoD4 or DRASTICALLY reduce their range to around that of the Halo 3 shotgun, which would IMO reduce their prevalence online. As it stands, almost every shotgun is wildly overpowered, and they seem to play a strange role online. But seriously, what's the point of them? It makes no sense. There are a myriad of other weapons that can be used for medium range (ARs, SMGs, LMGs, auto Pistols). And then there's knifing for CQC. And yet it seems like shotguns (which should intuitively be primarily created for CQC) can match and even surpass the range of SMGs. Seriously? It's things like this that really make me want to quit this game forever.



backflip10019 said:
After playing a couple hours this morning, I think I finally figured out why I (and many others) get so pissed off at this game. Shotguns. Seriously, why Infinity Ward decided that players could use shotguns as secondary weapons is beyond me. They devolve the gameplay (at least in the smaller maps with tons of corners and hiding spaces) into a game of who has the better connection. It's stupid. I would estimate that probably around half of my deaths (~3000) are due solely to shotguns, and many times I'm shot from what seems to be miles out of what the range should be (1887s, Rangers, hell even the SPAS).

What IW should have done was keep shotguns as a primary weapon, which would IMO reduce their prevalence online.
I imagine the akimbo 1887s would still be as prevalent even if they were the primary weapon.

Other shotguns probably wouldn't be as much.


@ Gun Chart above.

Wait wait wait...

How is it that ALL 4 sniper rifles have the exact same damage stats, yet I know for a fact there's a clear difference in damage between, say for example the Intervention and the M21???

Edit: Although I have a lot of fun with this game, what the fuck is up with developers thinking headshots are barely worth more damage? I mean seriously, 1.5 damage? It should be 3.0.

Maybe they watch too much Kill Bill and they think that on average a person can survive a shot to the head.


UFRA said:
@ Gun Chart above.

Wait wait wait...

How is it that ALL 4 sniper rifles have the exact same damage stats, yet I know for a fact there's a clear difference in damage between, say for example the Intervention and the M21???
M21 has a Chest multiplier of 1.1. The other guns have 1.5.


RubxQub said:
These things allow you to play at higher sensitivity without losing your ability to track targets over long distances.

By making the sticks longer, it's much easier to make slight adjustments than it is with shorter sticks...basically you can make more dramatic motions without having dramatic effects.

Hm maybe I should try this. I have to turn down my sensitivity when sniping occasionally. Do they have those for PS3 controllers?


Zabka said:
M21 has a Chest multiplier of 1.1. The other guns have 1.5.

Yeah but I've tested the M21 with various setups, and found that an M21 silenced, WITHOUT stopping power can NOT kill someone with a 1 shot kill headshot, and according to that chart, the M21 and Intervention both have the same headshot multiplier and damage. :/

Edit: Whereas the Intervention can still get a 1 shot kill headshot with a silencer without stopping power.


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Sielys said:
Hm maybe I should try this. I have to turn down my sensitivity when sniping occasionally. Do they have those for PS3 controllers?
Apparently it's a "One Size Fits All" design. They say they'll fit on both PS3 and 360 analogs.

Can't say I've tried to put it on one of my Sixaxis', but I could test it out for you when I get home if you want.


kitch9 said:
Do people have knife class with Commando or Ninja?

I can't make my mind up which is best.

I would imagine Commando is best since you can be sloppy with your distance and the game will warp you over to get the kill.
sparky2112 said:
Re: All the talk of CoD4 vs. MW2 and their MP maps: Has anyone gone back to CoD4? How's the # of players? Is there really THAT much about MW2 that would prevent someone from switching back?

CoD4 on 360 still has a pretty good population, over 20k at any given time, usually 8 or more in TDM which is my primary mode of play. I've been going back and playing it over the last couple of weeks, and I have to say I still think its the better game, so you should come play it with me. And no, you can basically switch between them at any time, just be prepared for a rude awakening when you go to knife somebody and three feet away you miss. That Commando will really fuck with your head at times.

There is a lot more flow on the maps, people are always moving and trying to get to where the action is, unlike MW2, where (if they're not playing a runner) you tend to find more people will be a lot less mobile, sticking around the same areas and chasing that chopper gunner. I didnt think that camping was actually an issue in MW2, as I don't get bothered by it. But compared to CoD4, there is a hell of alot more, so I guess I can see where all the players bitching about ti are coming from. (or maybe its just the experience level of the current CoD4 players has dropped off a cliff, which might be the case. I typically go +20 every round nowadays, which seems a little much for someone leveling up the headshots on the dregs of their guns rather than using the good stuff. Maybe they are just all running around because they dont know any better). And the game is so much more quiet! MW2 is a cacophany of noise, CoD4 is almost silent at times, it can be really disconcerting.
Yeah, so, ummm....wtf with Emergency Care drops? It's rare that all 4 ever land near to where I throw my nade. It's so frustrating to see one or two boxes land on a roof, or worse, right outside the map. The first time I call it in they all landed outside of the back fence in Favela. Another time, 2 of my 4 packages actually fell through the fucking map. I was spinning around in circles trying to find (Quarry, btw).

It's bad enough that half of them are either ammo or a UAV, but the problem is further exacerbated when you can see the awesome packages, yet you can't reach them : l


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kitch9 said:
Do people have knife class with Commando or Ninja?

I can't make my mind up which is best.
Commando, easily (even, though I despise people who's sole purpose for creating that class is to knife...YOU HAVE A GUN! RARRRRG).

Commando lets you avoid fall damage, so you can jump down on fools unsuspectingly and get them...not to mention the increased melee range lets you get the knife in just that much faster which could be the difference between running away in victory with jam on your face or watching a killcam.

Ninja is fantastic in general for all classes, but I don't think it really has 1:1 synergy like Commando does, especially if you're intent is to be knifing.
Freedom = $1.05 said:
Yeah, so, ummm....wtf with Emergency Care drops? It's rare that all 4 ever land near to where I throw my nade. It's so frustrating to see one or two boxes land on a roof, or worse, right outside the map. The first time I call it in they all landed outside of the back fence in Favela. Another time, 2 of my 4 packages actually fell through the fucking map. I was spinning around in circles trying to find (Quarry, btw).

It's bad enough that half of them are either ammo or a UAV, but the problem is further exacerbated when you can see the awesome packages, yet you can't reach them : l
I think it's fine as it is...it's just you can't be on the very edge of a map and expect to get all your packages. For a killstreak that could potentially get you an AC130, a Sentry Gun, a Pavelow and a UAV all in one...I think it makes sense that there is a very great risk/reward factor to it.

Open field, nowhere near the edge of a map or rooftops...at least 20 yards all around to make sure all 4 land in the gamefield.
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