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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

Akimbo weapons are pretty badass altogether. Shotguns just happen to be more badass because of the spread.

I'm definitely down with these things being nerfed now, 'cause it seems like 20%+ of the players in the game are now exclusively using JUST the 1887s. And that ain't right. They're obviously the God gun now.

Note to 13-year-olds playing this game on XBL. Once upon a time when a military adopted (or a manufacturer invented) a firearm, they would just name it after the year they started using it, hence the Kar98 infantry rifle from 1898, the M1911 pistol from, yes, 1911, the Sprinfield 1903 rifle, the AK47 assault rifle from -- wait for it -- 1947, etc. etc. Anyway, this brings us to:

The year 1887, when Winchester produced Browning's lever-action repeating shotgun, the, Model 1887. Yes, you can start calling it the 1887, 'cause, 8th-grader, calling it "The Model" or "he's using Models" makes you sound like a douche. I'm just looking out for you. That is all.
Freedom = $1.05 said:
Yeah, so, ummm....wtf with Emergency Care drops? It's rare that all 4 ever land near to where I throw my nade. It's so frustrating to see one or two boxes land on a roof, or worse, right outside the map. The first time I call it in they all landed outside of the back fence in Favela. Another time, 2 of my 4 packages actually fell through the fucking map. I was spinning around in circles trying to find (Quarry, btw).

It's bad enough that half of them are either ammo or a UAV, but the problem is further exacerbated when you can see the awesome packages, yet you can't reach them : l

One of my friends told me (but I havent checked it yet to confirm, so take this with a grain of salt) that the plane flies in the same direction as you were facing when you threw the grenade. So if (like me most of the time) you are pointing towards the outside of the map when you toss it, they will go that way. You want to have your back towards the map edge and throw it away from fences or whatever.

Again, dont know how true that is, I have yet to test it out.

RubxQub said:
Holy shit this makes so much sense...I need to try this out with my Harrier strikes... :lol

Holy shit, maybe thats how airstrikes worked in CoD4...this might actually be important information! Or it might just be a bunch of bullshit! Lets test!



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Pyke Presco said:
One of my friends told me (but I havent checked it yet to confirm, so take this with a grain of salt) that the plane flies in the same direction as you were facing when you threw the grenade. So if (like me most of the time) you are pointing towards the outside of the map when you toss it, they will go that way. You want to have your back towards the map edge and throw it away from fences or whatever.

Again, dont know how true that is, I have yet to test it out.
Holy shit this makes so much sense...I need to try this out with my Harrier strikes... :lol


Comics, serious business!
DeuceMojo said:
The year 1887, when Winchester produced Browning's lever-action repeating shotgun, the, Model 1887. Yes, you can start calling it the 1887, 'cause, 8th-grader, calling it "The Model" or "he's using Models" makes you sound like a douche. I'm just looking out for you. That is all.

Yeah. And when I try to explain the M16 was invented in 1916 they laugh at me. People need to learn their history. The events of 1916 sparked a huge evolution in weaponry.
RSTEIN said:
Yeah. And when I try to explain the M16 was invented in 1916 they laugh at me. People need to learn their history. The events of 1916 sparked a huge evolution in weaponry.
Hahaha, ok, you got me there. :lol

In reality, the lazur rifle was invented in 1916.


RubxQub said:
I think the problem with care packages is that there is no way to know if the care package belongs to someone nearby or if they were killed.

If I see a care package with no one around, I'm taking it so the enemy doesn't.
If I see the guy patiently waiting for his 'ish to drop, I move along.

Exactly, I've had times when I wished one of my teammates would steal the care package just so the jackass that killed me doesn't get it.


UFRA said:
I would imagine Commando is best since you can be sloppy with your distance and the game will warp you over to get the kill.

I know but I've just knifed (Tactical) 3 dudes in a room without alerting any of them I'm there with ninja.....

If I hadn't done that I'd have said commando too.


Comics, serious business!
DeuceMojo said:
Hahaha, ok, you got me there. :lol

In reality, the lazur rifle was invented in 1916.



UFRA said:
Yeah but I've tested the M21 with various setups, and found that an M21 silenced, WITHOUT stopping power can NOT kill someone with a 1 shot kill headshot, and according to that chart, the M21 and Intervention both have the same headshot multiplier and damage. :/

Edit: Whereas the Intervention can still get a 1 shot kill headshot with a silencer without stopping power.

I've even gotten OHKOs with silenced intervention that weren't headshots.

And if you could tell me how those extended triggers feel on sixaxis, that'd be great. And just in time for christmas :D


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Pyke Presco said:
Holy shit, maybe thats how airstrikes worked in CoD4...this might actually be important information! Or it might just be a bunch of bullshit! Lets test!

Totally, dude.

There are so many times when I'm like "OH COME ON!" when using my Harrier Strike, as they come flying in from some direction that I couldn't care less about.

The fact that air strikes doesn't come in at the same direction everytime means they're basing it off SOMETHING...either completely random...OR!

...must test...


DeuceMojo said:
Akimbo weapons are pretty badass altogether. Shotguns just happen to be more badass because of the spread.

I'm definitely down with these things being nerfed now, 'cause it seems like 20%+ of the players in the game are now exclusively using JUST the 1887s. And that ain't right. They're obviously the God gun now.

Note to 13-year-olds playing this game on XBL. Once upon a time when a military adopted (or a manufacturer invented) a firearm, they would just name it after the year they started using it, hence the Kar98 infantry rifle from 1898, the M1911 pistol from, yes, 1911, the Sprinfield 1903 rifle, the AK47 assault rifle from -- wait for it -- 1947, etc. etc. Anyway, this brings us to:

The year 1887, when Winchester produced Browning's lever-action repeating shotgun, the, Model 1887. Yes, you can start calling it the 1887, 'cause, 8th-grader, calling it "The Model" or "he's using Models" makes you sound like a douche. I'm just looking out for you. That is all.

While we appreciate the info I'm not looking forward to the brats with a little knowledge and getting cocky with it.

Reminds me of the summer when I went to Flint Intl airport for a big military air show. There's a A-4 Skyhawk sitting on display that you could walk up to and touch and it had under wing fuel tanks (see below).


This guy is showing it to his middle school aged son and he points to fuel tanks and says, "yep, those are torpedos".
RubxQub said:
Totally, dude.

There are so many times when I'm like "OH COME ON!" when using my Harrier Strike, as they come flying in from some direction that I couldn't care less about.

The fact that air strikes doesn't come in at the same direction everytime means they're basing it off SOMETHING...either completely random...OR!

...must test...

Well, CoD4 airstrikes seem to be random based on my limited 4 try testing, so I would asume Harriers are the same, but I cant test, b/c for some reason you cant use an online profile for splitscreen on MW2, so streaks are all locked and I'll need to wait and do a private match with a friend for proper testing.


Freedom = $1.05 said:
Yeah, so, ummm....wtf with Emergency Care drops? It's rare that all 4 ever land near to where I throw my nade. It's so frustrating to see one or two boxes land on a roof, or worse, right outside the map. The first time I call it in they all landed outside of the back fence in Favela. Another time, 2 of my 4 packages actually fell through the fucking map. I was spinning around in circles trying to find (Quarry, btw).

It's bad enough that half of them are either ammo or a UAV, but the problem is further exacerbated when you can see the awesome packages, yet you can't reach them : l
And it's always the best shit that lands outside of the level (AC130, Chopper Gunner, Pavelow).


Pyke Presco said:
Well, CoD4 airstrikes seem to be random based on my limited 4 try testing, so I would asume Harriers are the same, but I cant test, b/c for some reason you cant use an online profile for splitscreen on MW2, so streaks are all locked and I'll need to wait and do a private match with a friend for proper testing.

What? Yes you can. I just use my offline profile, go to game setup, and enable "Use online data"


greenjerk said:
Yup, and if someone from your team is running at you and shooting while you snag his c130 or chopper gunner then stop. If he is dancing in front of you trying to get your attention, please stop.

If you have time to dance in front of the guy stealing your care package, you have time to just go up to the care package itself and just hold X. The person who calls in the care package has priority and only takes about 1 second to recover the package while the person trying to steal the package requires about 5 seconds to recover the package. Usually two people cannot try to recover the package at the same time, but the person who called it in can always recover the package even if someone else is attempting to do so.


Freedom = $1.05 said:
Yeah, so, ummm....wtf with Emergency Care drops? It's rare that all 4 ever land near to where I throw my nade. It's so frustrating to see one or two boxes land on a roof, or worse, right outside the map. The first time I call it in they all landed outside of the back fence in Favela. Another time, 2 of my 4 packages actually fell through the fucking map. I was spinning around in circles trying to find (Quarry, btw).

It's bad enough that half of them are either ammo or a UAV, but the problem is further exacerbated when you can see the awesome packages, yet you can't reach them : l
I hate this shit. I picked the most open area possible (Scrapyard, the area behind the truck) and still two packages fell out of the map, and they were the best ones too. They need to fix this shit.
Sielys said:
What? Yes you can. I just use my offline profile, go to game setup, and enable "Use online data"

Interesting! Will test.

EDIT: Confirmed that Harrier Strikes appear to be random as well, orientation of the player model has no effect on direction the planes come from. Can't test Air Drop as its not unlocked yet, but my hopes arent very high. Looks like a myth.
tarius1210 said:
And it's always the best shit that lands outside of the level (AC130, Chopper Gunner, Pavelow).
I think the code goes something like this:

If Drop.Location = BEYONDPERIMETER then make CarePackage.Type = AC130
:lol :lol :lol


mattso said:
I imagine the akimbo 1887s would still be as prevalent even if they were the primary weapon.

Other shotguns probably wouldn't be as much.

I think the SPAS is severely underrated on here. It's not as easy mode as the 1887 akimbos, but its range is pretty close to where the 1887s were at. Also, if you miss with a shotgun, you're pretty much dead unless you have one of the shotguns with near-zero range (AA-12) or near zero ammo capacity (ranger).


whitehawk said:
I hate this shit. I picked the most open area possible (Scrapyard, the area behind the truck) and still two packages fell out of the map, and they were the best ones too. They need to fix this shit.

As said previously, make sure the direction in which you're facing is an open area.
SmokeMaxX said:
I think the SPAS is severely underrated on here. It's not as easy mode as the 1887 akimbos, but its range is pretty close to where the 1887s were at. Also, if you miss with a shotgun, you're pretty much dead unless you have one of the shotguns with near-zero range (AA-12) or near zero ammo capacity (ranger).
When the 1887s are nerfed, when people realize the AA12 sucks and the SPAS is waaaay too slow, the Striker will once again reign as king of the 12-gauges.


Also, why do people keep going to that cliff in Afghan, and just sit there? It's basically saying "please kill me". I look up there often enough to pick off at least 5-6 people a game. Sure, I might use it to get a kill or 2, but I always leave it before they counterattack. I know people like to find their camping spots and just sit there, but I've killed the same person about 4 times in a row coming up there(This was all within about 40 seconds, I think he must have been using a tactical insertion) You think he'd learn not to come back, but eventually he left the game and sent me a note "You camping dickhead, you suck at this game." I wasn't even camping , I shot him from 4 different places in the middle of the map, and once in a bunker.

It's the same with that one roof in derail, there's almost always a prone sniper up there.

EDIT: Also have to express my love for the akimbo rangers! I like them better then the striker at any rate.
Sielys said:
It's the same with that one roof in derail, there's almost always a prone sniper up there.
More and more I come to derail and find the windows are there, unbroken, nobody's gone there. Definitely a stupid place to be. But... not as stupid as:

Me going up there one game, seeing someone laying prone on the roof, approaching the window, swinging my knife, not breaking the window I'm in front of, having the sniper turn around and kill me. :lol

Note: I will never not use Commando Pro if I can help it. When I got cycled back to level 1 I tried stabbing w/o it, and found melee absolutely pathetic.
Sielys said:
"You camping dickhead, you suck at this game."
People get so f'ing sensitive. My fave though is when people turn around a losing game on the winners:

"Nice win, you f'ing campers."

"If it wouldn't have been for your f'ing chopper gunner, you would've lost."

"Almost your entire (winning) team went negative."

And you know what the best respose to this garbage is? Who got the f'ing "W," bitches? :lol


gibonez said:
Mw2 is really enjoyable, but man it has some of the worst multiplayer maps ever. Underpass, karachi, derail,favela,high rise, wasteland, sub base and scrap yard are all terrible crappy maps with no real direction. All of these maps also reward Assault Rifle and shotgun campers meanwhile snipers are left with very few good sniper spots. These few sniper spots are impossible to secure also, they always have 3 or more entrances so placing your claymores proves pointless. They should have ported crash and overgrown from cod 4.
I understand the reasoning behind the lack of good sniping spots, but it still should be a viable set-up.

For High Rise, you put yourself at serious risk, but I like to just pop up from behind the cubicles and use my thermal vision and pop people. This works particularly well on Domination with people going for B.

Underpass obviously has a few spots that work pretty well. Favela isnt very well suited, definitely an AR level. Wasteland works in that you can snipe people through the bunker fairly easily and then others will sometimes park in the buildings but I get bored with that. There's place to snipe in every level although not a lot of great ones.
Meier said:
For High Rise, you put yourself at serious risk, but I like to just pop up from behind the cubicles and use my thermal vision and pop people.
As a sniper or even an AR, this is an excellent strategy for Highrise. The thermal scope is made for that place.
Meier said:
Underpass obviously has a few spots that work pretty well.
Like the massive rooftops and second-story sniper perches on both sides.

This man speaks the truth. Sub Base has ample sniping opportunities. Karachi has a few. Yeah, there aren't many Ghost Recon-style maps that let your cover a few square miles with your rifle, but then, you bought COD Modern Warfare 2.
Has anyone actually got that "Get a game winning kill with a package drop" award? It seems that the chances are somewhere near 0.0000000001%
PetriP-TNT said:
Has anyone actually got that "Get a game winning kill with a package drop" award? It seems that the chances are somewhere near 0.0000000001%
That is quite possibly the stupidest challenge I've ever seen, and it encourages boosting. I mean, how does it not encourage boosting?

Let me put it like this: I heard a guy say he enjoyed playing World of Warcraft. Until they included achievements. Then one day, somebody threw a pumpkin at his head to finish an achievement and he said the game lost all meaning to him.

I mean, I can see how kill streaks and awards become the meat of the game when people are getting 40% of the kills from them.


DeuceMojo said:
People get so f'ing sensitive. My fave though is when people turn around a losing game on the winners:

"Nice win, you f'ing campers."

"If it wouldn't have been for your f'ing chopper gunner, you would've lost."

"Almost your entire (winning) team went negative."

And you know what the best respose to this garbage is? Who got the f'ing "W," bitches? :lol

Yep... I hear the same things. I play with a group of guys and we all have different clan tags so the other team assumes we are disorganized... but they are so wrong. We take our positions, cover eachother's backs and advance slowly and deliberately. Once we have the lead, it is up to the other team to attack us. We take defensive positions (aka camping) and wait for the other team to attack us. That is what TDM is about. Don't hate the playa... hate the game.
I would love to see them just make a playlist that doesnt allow killstreaks. Maybe even one that doesn't allow perks. Just to have some variation, I love/hate playing groundwar cause of all the damn killstreaks rewards up in the air, makes it almost impossible to play. I love playing against that many people though. Didn't they have a playlist after a while in COD4 called like barebones, you, your gun, and your skill, or something like that?


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DeuceMojo said:
Let me put it like this: I heard a guy say he enjoyed playing World of Warcraft. Until they included achievements. Then one day, somebody threw a pumpkin at his head to finish an achievement and he said the game lost all meaning to him.

The thought of some guy minding his own business in WoW and getting pelted in the head with a pumpkin, much to the delight of everyone around him, makes me laugh so much.

I can just see the guy spamming general chat with "THANKS FOR THE ACHIEVEMENT...LOSER! LOLOLOL" as he throws a Mohawk grenade at someone else and plays his dance flute causing everyone at the AH to dance.


when you guys are dropping in a harrier or air strike, does the arrow on the target icon mean anything? I always figured that was the direction it was covering.


DeuceMojo said:
When the 1887s are nerfed, when people realize the AA12 sucks and the SPAS is waaaay too slow, the Striker will once again reign as king of the 12-gauges.
Spas is way too slow? I think you underestimate the SPAS. I thought it sucked until I forced myself to get 500 kills with it. It's a BEAST man.
SmokeMaxX said:
Spas is way too slow? I think you underestimate the SPAS. I thought it sucked until I forced myself to get 500 kills with it. It's a BEAST man.
Yeah, it's strong but you have to cock it after every shot. You can just rapid fire with the Striker like no tomorrow.
jedimike said:
Yep... I hear the same things. I play with a group of guys and we all have different clan tags so the other team assumes we are disorganized... but they are so wrong. We take our positions, cover eachother's backs and advance slowly and deliberately. Once we have the lead, it is up to the other team to attack us. We take defensive positions (aka camping) and wait for the other team to attack us. That is what TDM is about. Don't hate the playa... hate the game.
Heh, funny. Clan tags mean absolutely zero to me. I've used WIGA, RBOT, DOMO, MEX!, whatever strikes everyone as funny on a given day.


KaYotiX said:
when you guys are dropping in a harrier or air strike, does the arrow on the target icon mean anything? I always figured that was the direction it was covering.

Wait, is there an arrow for harriers too? I always only see a round target icon with no arrow whatsoever.


Another good sniping spot, r.e. sub base, is up the fairly short stairs that leads to a catwalk on the side of the map. There is enough clearance to probably kill them with your claymore and then you just focus ahead and can feel fairly secure. I've found it's not a great spot for getting a lot of kills necessarily, but I usually feel safe there at least.

The only level with just a primo sniping spot is probably the one with the missile silo (I think) in the center -- drawing a blank on the name. With the rock faces that you can run across and the manufacturing plants. Even then though, people can shoot you from below... it's tough being a sniper but I like it.
I see a lot of concern over win/lose records for matches. I never even thought about it.

I guess in some ways, if you are really good you can make any team win. In general, it seems to me like people are getting upset over both heads and tails comming up when you flip a coin.

You don't pick your team, and they get mixed up every round if you stay in a room. No one is doing any sort of intense planning. I guess I can understand getting put in losing matches where you have no chance to win...but if everyone knows that happens, no one is looking at your match W/L to say you are a good player.

Getting tossed into losing matches means you don't have a chance to get all the points you would with a win..but I doubt that is a concern for people who are already 70. Being in all losing matches could affect your K/D--the other side is always getting more kills than your team, which has to have an effect at some point. If a player is good enough to really be concerned with match W/L, then they are probably surviving in losing matches just fine.

I would get much more upset losing a match in Halo than I do in MW2. I think MW2 is much more concerned with individual effort, and it is a lot more enjoyable for it.
DuckRacer said:
Just went 34-2 on Estate TDM and got two chopper gunners legit, my teammates were literally singing my praises.

Everytime I read something like this (not taking anything away from your great game btw) it just makes me think that there is some bug in regular TDM where people are unable to equip Stingers.

My friends and I literally fight over who is going to take down choppers first. "I got this one", "No way dude, I'm taking it", "Well, I'm going to fire first so you're just going to waste a rocket", "Oh come on... you got the last one!!"


OldJadedGamer said:
Everytime I read something like this (not taking anything away from your great game btw) it just makes me think that there is some bug in regular TDM where people are unable to equip Stingers.

My friends and I literally fight over who is going to take down choppers first. "I got this one", "No way dude, I'm taking it", "Well, I'm going to fire first so you're just going to waste a rocket", "Oh come on... you got the last one!!"
I am level 44 now and have never taken one down. Never even used a stinger...
OldJadedGamer said:
Everytime I read something like this (not taking anything away from your great game btw) it just makes me think that there is some bug in regular TDM where people are unable to equip Stingers.

My friends and I literally fight over who is going to take down choppers first. "I got this one", "No way dude, I'm taking it", "Well, I'm going to fire first so you're just going to waste a rocket", "Oh come on... you got the last one!!"
Pretty sure flares don't deploy if you free-fire, so test your luck and try it out.


backflip10019 said:
Yeah, it's strong but you have to cock it after every shot. You can just rapid fire with the Striker like no tomorrow.

What i like about the spas is that it forced me to really aim. With the striker I just tended to mash, granted i don't have the grip or anything else for it.
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