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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


MrCompletely said:
If you're 1.21 k/d and 19% accuracy, you prob need to be more aggressive and net more kills per round, or change up your high level kill-streaks (if you're achieving them). Just using my own basis for comparison, I'm 1.97 K/D and 24.9% accuracy, and I usually play aggressively.

Just to be clear; You are a fucking beast at MW2 according to those stats. Very impressive.

If you have the time, I'd love for you further explain how you rank-up (seemingly) so quick....since I too mainly play TDM and Ground War. Do you level-up each weapon? Upgrade each perk?

Personally, I don't really care about ranking up that much. But it'd be nice to have some kind of proven path to follow.
RubxQub said:
Like 14,000.

I'm pretty much on par with you. I've got about 4 days logged in and am pretty close to being lvl 2 prestige. I also usually finish in the top 3 so I'm not sure what these dudes are doing different. Unless they're godly good or play a megaton of S&D there's no way they should be that high up in the ranks.
MrCompletely said:
It's not the stat that counts, its the points (at least according to this discussion). Capping flags in domination only nets 150xp, that's equivalent to 3 kills (not including payback, headshot, longshot, or other bonuses).

If you're 1.21 k/d and 19% accuracy, you prob need to be more aggressive and net more kills per round, or change up your high level kill-streaks (if you're achieving them). Just using my own basis for comparison, I'm 1.97 K/D and 24.9% accuracy, and I usually play aggressively.

define "aggresive", because when I start running, I tend to get caught with my pants down and my reflexes aren't very good. (most of the time I will notice enemies only after they have had enough time to notice me).

I almost never (99% of the time) camp though, which might explain my low ratios.
8.5 days here, 4th prestige, level 48. Im going to say its mostly just the ungodly amount of time I've sunk into it, but mind you I've been practicing with CoD4 for the last 2 years, so I'm pretty good too.


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MrCompletely said:
I doubt it i think a 19% accuracy says a lot; to me, it sounds like you can take the shot no problem, but maybe you're not judging the best times to take that shot; do you use a silencer? I've just been able to get in the zone alot recently. I actually peaked at a 2.11 K/D r, but it's been dropping like a rock lately.
My K/Ds been slowly on the rise, as has my accuracy.

I think my biggest issue (in regards to my accuracy rating) is that I'm not afraid to pump an entire clip into a wall if I think there's a guy in there camping. I also have used a silencer for probably 50% of my gametime and don't use stopping power on any of my builds so I'm taking a lot more shots than most people (I constantly get the "most shots fired" accolade). I'm also trying (probably more than I should) to pick off people from extremely far distances that are on the move, which is a lot of blown shots.

I didn't play CoD4 at all really (owned it, but never played MP), so I think I'm finally comfortable with the game's pacing. This is the first FPS I've invested so much time into on consoles, so I'm slowly getting back into my crazy CS mentality from back in the day.

I'm not saying I'm the best player in the world, but I know I'm nowhere near terrible, either. Always looking to improve.
Pankaks said:
Quick question GAF, do you guys use the tactical button layout or the default button layout?

Tactical switches the knife from RS (Xbox 360) to the B button. I've been using tactical since COD4 and have gotten pretty used to it. But I keep finding myself unable to react fast enough to a knife maniac or just in CQC at all. What do you guys think?

I've never switched to it. But I usually play with my index finger on the face button and my middle finger on the right trigger. People used to do it alot fo halo2. People called it the 'claw' and its pretty damn helpful.


RubxQub said:
Like 14,000.
You have 3000+ more kills than me, I have a k/d ratio of 1.04, a little bit more than 6 days worth of playing & I'm almost at 3rd prestige (lvl 57 I think), mainly because my friends mainly want to play hc tdm or hc headquarters. I used to get 1 prestige per 24 hours in cod4 because we played hc s&d 95% of the time. Now, it's closer to 25% of all matches. Something's obviously strange here :) Granted, I could probably be considered a no-lifer when it comes to this game (but why else would we post on GAF?), but I think it all comes down to you not getting enough points to keep up due to different playstyles/playlists.

I think you got 5 times more points per kill in cod4 s&d right? So it hasn't really changed much since that game.
I thought HQ games give most XP on average, especially if the game is a very close one. It can feel like the game is going on forever.

I played some HQ the other day and twice we had a 170 point draw. Bloody good games too. I must have had over 60 kills, 20-30 deaths and walked away with a shit load of points.

With S&D though, get killed a few times and it's over. Nil-Pwa.
LosDaddie said:
Just to be clear; You are a fucking beast at MW2 according to those stats. Very impressive.

If you have the time, I'd love for you further explain how you rank-up (seemingly) so quick....since I too mainly play TDM and Ground War. Do you level-up each weapon? Upgrade each perk?

Personally, I don't really care about ranking up that much. But it'd be nice to have some kind of proven path to follow.

I aim to level all the AR's to complete the kill based challenges, which consists of multiple 10k xp break points. Alot of the headshot and attachement challenges come naturally along the way, but I only specifically set the kill challenges as goals. If I get close to completing a headshot challenge, like within 50 kills, I'll set out to complete it, but otherwise I'll ignore.

my go-to weapon is the FAMAS w/silencer + holo site. I never see others using this gun. It's insanely accurate. I also love the silenced ACR (w/o stopping power), but that obv doesn't come till late in the progression.

My primary kit:

FAMAS silenced + holo
various secondary (i dont like rockets because they're easily visible)
Bling Pro
Stopping Pro
Ninja Pro

I feel vulnerable whenever I'm not using a silencer, like I'm naked. So, when I get the ACR, I use the following:

ACR Silenced
Various secondary (im always switching that up, but i dont partake in shotgun shenanigans)
Scavenger Pro (sometimes I switch it up w/Marathon)
Cold Blooded
ninja Pro

I call this my invisibility class.

I definitely play into the kill streaks as much as I can, esp. in a ground war domination match. First few minutes are slow and methodical. Other team will always be rushing to the B flag, so carefuly position yourself somewhere to pick them off, flags aren't important in the beginning. I never go for the flag near the initial spawn when the match starts like the rest of the team for the 150xp, that's valuable time that you need to move up the map to spot B.


I always turn off the in-game music when I play games (It's distracting to my immersion, especially in a war game like this). But this game leave me sort off startled as I can't find the option to turn off the music :O Where the hell is the option?


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MrCompletely said:
You and I sound like we have very similar playstyles, but you execute much better than I do.

I strive to be more like you, sir.
RubxQub said:
I didn't play CoD4 at all really (owned it, but never played MP), so I think I'm finally comfortable with the game's pacing. This is the first FPS I've invested so much time into on consoles, so I'm slowly getting back into my crazy CS mentality from back in the day.

Your performance is pretty damn good considering you didn't play too much COD4. I got plenty of practice, as I've been playing COD4 since day 1, and own that and WaW for both 360 AND PC, yes I double dipped on both games - that's how much I've played over the past 2 years.

And I'll dip for MW2 on PC as soon as the price comes down, or I find a good deal.


MarkMclovin said:
I thought HQ games give most XP on average, especially if the game is a very close one. It can feel like the game is going on forever.

I played some HQ the other day and twice we had a 170 point draw. Bloody good games too. I must have had over 60 kills, 20-30 deaths and walked away with a shit load of points.

With S&D though, get killed a few times and it's over. Nil-Pwa.
Still, 60 kills only equals a minimum of 3000 points towards a level up. In s&d, you'd get 30k points from the same amount of kills. In your sixties, that's halfway to a level up compared to a 20th you'd get in hq. Or put another way, you only need to kill 6 people to get the same amount of points. And even with spectating your teammates, getting 6 kills takes far less time than getting 60 kills in non-hardcore. Add a potential match bonus of a couple of thousand points every round, depending on your current level & performance. It also seems to give you more points if you do poorly, possibly to even it out a bit. I've gotten 2500 points for one round where I didn't even shoot anyone properly but only gotten 500+ when I've shot 4 guys in one round. In my experience, you just don't get that same consistency in other playlists.

To give it some perspective, you would need to kill 10 people to get from lvl 1 to lvl 2 in most playlists. In s&d, you only need to find 1 dude, which can be done within 20 seconds, literally, & still achieve the same goal.
MrCompletely said:
Your performance is pretty damn good considering you didn't play too much COD4. I got plenty of practice, as I've been playing COD4 since day 1, and own that and WaW for both 360 AND PC, yes I double dipped on both games - that's how much I've played over the past 2 years.

And I'll dip for MW2 on PC as soon as the price comes down, or I find a good deal.
A boxed copy is always cheaper then steam I learned that lesson the hard way Dawn of war 2.
Pyke Presco said:
8.5 days here, 4th prestige, level 48. Im going to say its mostly just the ungodly amount of time I've sunk into it, but mind you I've been practicing with CoD4 for the last 2 years, so I'm pretty good too.
Holy fuck...4th prestige? I haven't got to my first one yet. :lol I understand you guys are good but you guys are ranking up in unGodly amounts of time.


xxjuicesxx said:
Maybe you guys are just using rocket launchers nonstop :lol Easier to hit.
No, mine is at 26.93% using the SCAR only. I only shoot when I know I can get the kill. I usually don't shoot through walls or spray.

My accuracy would be well over 27% but I'm in the process of completing the final SCAR challege (Mastery III - 738/1000 headshots). It's killing my numbers.
Critical Jeff said:
I've never switched to it. But I usually play with my index finger on the face button and my middle finger on the right trigger. People used to do it alot fo halo2. People called it the 'claw' and its pretty damn helpful.
Weird! Hahahah, ahh, but now I get it. No need to move your thumb then. Interesting.
TacticalFox88 said:
Holy fuck...4th prestige? I haven't got to my first one yet. :lol I understand you guys are good but you guys are ranking up in unGodly amounts of time.

Its all about doing the challenges. I prettu much just play deathmatch so that I can concentrate on killing people and leveling guns. I bling two attachments so I can get an acog and a silencer completed at the same time. Play the long range game so that every kill gives you a longshot and you get more experience. It's all about stacking as much shit as you can into a game to level quickly.


Accuracy really means nothing, I'd rather blind fire down a hallway in hopes of a lucky kill then to actually sit there and try and see if I can spot someone. Also when you see a guy poke his head out from a corner, forget waiting for him to do it again I'll just start shooting right before I think he's gonna pop out and when he does he pops out into a domeshot.

I play to win, accuracy means nothing in regards to skill.


funcojoe said:
Accuracy really means nothing, I'd rather blind fire down a hallway in hopes of a lucky kill then to actually sit there and try and see if I can spot someone. Also when you see a guy poke his head out from a corner, forget waiting for him to do it again I'll just start shooting right before I think he's gonna pop out and when he does he pops out into a domeshot.

I play to win, accuracy means nothing in regards to skill.
And if he doesn't...your ass will probably get shot (assuming your not using a silenced weapon) from giving up your position on the map. If I hear and see gunfire, rest assured that I will haul my butt to the area to kill that person.

Blind fire is not a good strategic move.


RubxQub said:
Are you intentionally trying to pick a fight or something?

I'm correct.

If a certain game mode is better to play to get XP, than they balanced it wrong. How is that an arguable statement?

If you're good at S&D, you'll get a lot of points. If you're good at TDM, you'll get a lot of points. If you're bad at S&D, you'll get zero points. If you're bad at TDM, you'll usually get a few hundred points. Your point total is "boosted" on TDM with the large number of killstreaks that you can have in the air, while in S&D high killstreaks are both rare and limited in the timeframe that it can be used. S&D is balanced as well as possible. Plus, they like to give small match bonuses to TDM because they want people to expand beyond just simply killing.
tarius1210 said:
And if he doesn't...your ass will probably get shot (assuming your not using a silenced weapon) from giving up your position on the map. If I hear and see gunfire, rest assured that I will haul my butt to the area to kill that person.

So blind fire is not a good strategic move.

Nonsense. Use an LMG with grip and FMJ, and if you see anybody shoot, just start spraying through the wall and kjeep going until they die. Then move three feet to the left and shoot whoever comes for you. Most people arent that bright, and will come, as you say, directly for where they saw shooting. Easy enough to pick them off.
RubxQub said:
Anyone who is beyond 2nd prestige, maybe 3rd must have boosted to get there. I've been playing this get legit pretty much since it came out (close to 5 days of MP time logged) and I'm just about to hit 70 on my 1st prestige.

...that or they pretty much have ZERO life beyond waking up, playing MW2, going to bed. Rinse/repeat.
Sorry, but no. I've only clocked in ~6 days (thats only one more than you, just to keep things in perspective) and i'm halfway through my third prestige. I only play legit and hate any boosters with a passion. It's not about how long you play, it's about how well you play. I know people who have kept up with my level and have a much lower play time.

Might I also add that i play TDM and FFA like 95% of the time. Once in awhile i'll switch it up with a Domination, or if you count Ground War, but those are all essentially the same. I've been trying out new modes. I play CTF, S&D, Demolition very rarely.

Also, i don't focus up on leveling up. I basically have used 1 gun per prestige so far. I work on the titles rather than getting experience from doing each of the challenges. I would imagine that if i focused on using every gun possible on each prestige, i would have prestiged a lot more by now.


Pyke Presco said:
Nonsense. Use an LMG with grip and FMJ, and if you see anybody shoot, just start spraying through the wall and kjeep going until they die. Then move three feet to the left and shoot whoever comes for you.
Your assuming that target will stay in that spot. You can't just sit there with a LMG firing at a wall for 5 - 10 seconds without being spotted and killed.

Pyke Presco said:
Most people arent that bright, and will come, as you say, directly for where they saw shooting. Easy enough to pick them off.
So you say. I guess you've never played with good players before.


tarius1210 said:
And if he doesn't...your ass will probably get shot (assuming your not using a silenced weapon) from giving up your position on the map. If I hear and see gunfire, rest assured that I will haul my butt to the area to kill that person.

Blind fire is not a good strategic move.

Maybe blindfire isnt a strategic move in this game but I'm a Halo player and from all the years of Halo till now I have habits that will never die and blindfiring is one of them also strafeing, I have and never will shoot prone it seems retarded to me to stand still while shooting.

My Halo skills pay off hugely in this game, I never even played MW1 or WAW and I destroy at this game, its actually easy really. This game is team swat, people die so easily I cannot fathom how anyone cannot be good at this game.

Off of that back to my accuracy means shit in regards to skill comment, I stand by it. If I wanted to pad an accuracy stats that is meaningless I'd snipe.
tarius1210 said:
Your assuming that target will stay in that spot. You can't just sit there with a LMG firing at a wall for 5 - 10 seconds without being spotted and killed.

So you say. I guess you've never played with good players before.

I just play with what the game gives me. If they're stupid enough to hang around in a room, then what am I supposed to do, let them be? And, yeah, there's been times where I'll unload an entire clip of an RPD through the wall of a building and get multiple kills. Thats the matchmaking for you.
My k/d ratio is 0.99 and accuracy is like 13%. I just like to run around fast and spray everything I can instead of camping and taking time to shoot stuff. Plus I waste clips and clips and clips of ammo trying to shoot people through walls (and I pull it off most of the times).


Fourzerotwo's Twitter said:
Still waiting for the #MW2 patch to release on Xbox 360. Latest ETA from production was MS hoped to release early "this week". Hope b4 xmas

Well, let's hope it's tomorrow.
Eric WK said:
What's up with the speed hack? Just experienced it for the first time.
What's up with it besides it's HILARIOUS? Get yourself a marathon/lightweight class, get a care package, hold that marker in your hand and see if anyone is able to spot/shoot you before you put your knife in them.


PS I play with guys who are in the top 100 at this game and all they do is setup a fire with some marashmellows. All these stats in this game are meaningless in regards to finding out if someone is better then someone else. sure if you put enough time into the game you better be alot better then those who havent but in the end the game is broken.

This is the conclusion i've come to with the top two console fps's.

I was thinking about this the other night, I was saying how in COD since rank doesn't matter all these kids worry about are their KDR. You see it in objective games where no one cares about the win they just wanna rack up kills. That imo breaks the game, cause the objective games are meant to be played with strat in mind and with the end goal of winning but in MW2 honestly all the top players dont give two shits about a win cause a win or loss has no effect on anything. So the only way these guys can brag to their friends is by showing off their KDR.

Halo's problem stemmed from everyone wanting a level 50. Hence the second accounters who plow through a playlist in a day to 50 and sell them to people who cant get a 50. The way it breaks the system though is a guy whos skill is a level 50 comes in on a second account ranked like 25 and he destroys a legit 45, that in turn makes the system believe the guy at 45 should nopt be there and drops his rank. This goes on all day and Halo is just filled with new accounts played on by really good people trying to make money and others who do it because they like beating up on lesser skilled people.

So I always said maybe Halo should hide the rank and have something else in place so people dont worry about the rank so much. The only positive thing about the rank in Halo is Winning is what counts. Thats it, so even if you go 5-10 but you still win thats what the system goes off of so you rank up by beating higher levels. So in an objective game people actually try to cap the flag, or hold the territory cause winning is what matters.

Now you have COd and since wins and loss have nothing to do with your rank, the rank is meaningless. It just shows you play alot, so what shows off how good you are? KDR So these kids end up doing anything they can to improve it and in objective games when all anyone fucking cares about is how many kills they get it just becomes pointless.

I dunno, there has to be a way these devs can make winning a game and using teamwork mean something more gratifying then some number next to your name or the KDR shown in a leaderboard.


I used to run an M16 build with HardLine - but I noticed that I was getting seriously outclassed by any AR with Stopping Power. It's not like I don't like Stopping Power, I used to run it all the time in COD4, but I think perks like HardLine and Cold-Blooded are just too interesting to pass up. In any event I had to switch back to using the FAL, which I actually don't mind. I'm now prime two builds: M16 w Stopping Power for Terminal and matches where I'm still getting smoked by AR-Stopping Power builds and a FAL w HardLine build which I start the match with to get a pulse on the flow.

Is Stopping Power pretty much a staple for everyone? If not, how the heck can you withstand firefights with ACR w Stopping Power / M16 w Stopping Power?


Honestly they just need to let mlg make a playlist and that would be all I played. Take out all these retarded ass perks, killstreak rewards, launchers, and just give everyone a standard weapon. I would love a playlist like that. until then though I'm gonna abuse the shit out of everyone with the cheap shit IW has given us.
mr_boo said:
I used to run an M16 build with HardLine - but I noticed that I was getting seriously outclassed by any AR with Stopping Power. It's not like I don't like Stopping Power, I used to run it all the time in COD4, but I think perks like HardLine and Cold-Blooded are just too interesting to pass up. In any event I had to switch back to using the FAL, which I actually don't mind. I'm now prime two builds: M16 w Stopping Power for Terminal and matches where I'm still getting smoked by AR-Stopping Power builds and a FAL w HardLine build which I start the match with to get a pulse on the flow.

Is Stopping Power pretty much a staple for everyone? If not, how the heck can you withstand firefights with ACR w Stopping Power / M16 w Stopping Power?

Just like CoD4, stopping power is so much more useful in a firefight than any other red perk (except juggernaut) that you are pretty much obligated to take it in core gametypes unless you're willing to be at a disadvantage or use a beastly powerful gun like the RPD. Hardcore is the only gametype I use hardline or sleight, and Cold-Blooded is only on my AA class in core types.


Ran into the speed glitch earlier today. I gotta say, all of these exploits/glitches are starting to piss me off. I'm tired of having to take a loss because of how fucked this game is and the matchmaking failures.


search and destroy has an inherent problem that i've encountered far too often. Little bitches camping with silencers and heartbeat sensors (on my team) that sit and wait for kills since it gives so much exp. don't even try to STOP the bomb when its planted. so I join games and lose. Fail.
mr_boo said:
I used to run an M16 build with HardLine - but I noticed that I was getting seriously outclassed by any AR with Stopping Power.

Is Stopping Power pretty much a staple for everyone? If not, how the heck can you withstand firefights with ACR w Stopping Power / M16 w Stopping Power?

I don't run it much. Especially not with the M16 which smokes fools at long range and short range equally.

But it's interesting you run Hardline. Of all the perks I've powered my way through (and I got pro on 10/16 before I prestiged) Hardline was the one I couldn't bear to play with. It's just so m/f'ing useless for me. Cold-blooded pro is very useful for me, as is stopping power, danger close, and lightweight. I probably played 2 matches with Hardline on my first run-through.

So tell me, what does Hardline Pro do for you?
DeuceMojo said:
I don't run it much. Especially not with the M16 which smokes fools at long range and short range equally.

But it's interesting you run Hardline. Of all the perks I've powered my way through (and I got pro on 10/16 before I prestiged) Hardline was the one I couldn't bear to play with. It's just so m/f'ing useless for me. Cold-blooded pro is very useful for me, as is stopping power, danger close, and lightweight. I probably played 2 matches with Hardline on my first run-through.

So tell me, what does Hardline Pro do for you?

Makes your deathstreaks come one earlier as well. Great for hardcore with painkiller, 2 deaths and you're quad health.
DeuceMojo said:
But it's interesting you run Hardline. Of all the perks I've powered my way through (and I got pro on 10/16 before I prestiged) Hardline was the one I couldn't bear to play with. It's just so m/f'ing useless for me. Cold-blooded pro is very useful for me, as is stopping power, danger close, and lightweight. I probably played 2 matches with Hardline on my first run-through.

So tell me, what does Hardline Pro do for you?

I started using Hardline recently and love it. I also switched back to using UAV since it seems like no one on my team ever calls one in. And I love getting UAV in 2 kills...and an air drop in 3.

I think I also realized recently that as sad as it is, the most fun I have is when I am calling in kill streaks so Hardline helps with that.

Plus, without stopping power, I tend to play just a bit more carefully which I think actually helps me.


Pyke Presco said:
Makes your deathstreaks come one earlier as well. Great for hardcore with painkiller, 2 deaths and you're quad health.

It's actually basically tri-health (cuts incoming damage by 1/3, no rounding).


Seriously, wtf is wrong with the matchmaking in this game?
With a party of more then 4 people it's near to impossible to find a game, and if you do
it's a damn glitched private match.
Shit is getting really annoying


funcojoe said:
PS I play with guys who are in the top 100 at this game and all they do is setup a fire with some marashmellows. All these stats in this game are meaningless in regards to finding out if someone is better then someone else. sure if you put enough time into the game you better be alot better then those who havent but in the end the game is broken.

This is the conclusion i've come to with the top two console fps's.

I was thinking about this the other night, I was saying how in COD since rank doesn't matter all these kids worry about are their KDR. You see it in objective games where no one cares about the win they just wanna rack up kills. That imo breaks the game, cause the objective games are meant to be played with strat in mind and with the end goal of winning but in MW2 honestly all the top players dont give two shits about a win cause a win or loss has no effect on anything. So the only way these guys can brag to their friends is by showing off their KDR.

Halo's problem stemmed from everyone wanting a level 50. Hence the second accounters who plow through a playlist in a day to 50 and sell them to people who cant get a 50. The way it breaks the system though is a guy whos skill is a level 50 comes in on a second account ranked like 25 and he destroys a legit 45, that in turn makes the system believe the guy at 45 should nopt be there and drops his rank. This goes on all day and Halo is just filled with new accounts played on by really good people trying to make money and others who do it because they like beating up on lesser skilled people.

So I always said maybe Halo should hide the rank and have something else in place so people dont worry about the rank so much. The only positive thing about the rank in Halo is Winning is what counts. Thats it, so even if you go 5-10 but you still win thats what the system goes off of so you rank up by beating higher levels. So in an objective game people actually try to cap the flag, or hold the territory cause winning is what matters.

Now you have COd and since wins and loss have nothing to do with your rank, the rank is meaningless. It just shows you play alot, so what shows off how good you are? KDR So these kids end up doing anything they can to improve it and in objective games when all anyone fucking cares about is how many kills they get it just becomes pointless.

I dunno, there has to be a way these devs can make winning a game and using teamwork mean something more gratifying then some number next to your name or the KDR shown in a leaderboard.

Good idea, but I think it's a little flawed. K/D has as little to do with rank as W/L does. Rank is ONLY how much you play as your rank can never go down. While a higher K/D can lead to a faster rank, so can a higher W/L. I think most people look towards K/D because it's EASIER than winning, not because it's easier to brag about. In addition, the way the game is set up, you can easily lose games (being put into a game where your team is down 7400-1000) while you're almost always in control of your k/d (except where you spawn with a sniper right next to a guy with a shotgun four times in a row).

I think the best thing to do is turn off k/d for objective playlists. Why should the game even record it? Instead, it should track objectives captured (or whatever). Back when I played Quake 2, there was an autologger that tracked flags capped, enemy flag carriers killed, flags returned, objective assists (damaging an efc that someone else kills), etc. Nobody cares if you go 55-7 on Wasteland CTF if you're not doing anything useful. Sure it's annoying for the other team to keep getting hit by harriers, chopper gunners, predators, etc but they won the damn game. In the end, though, they're punished because they tried to win. How are they punished? They work their ass off for a 50-50 shot at winning while a person can camp in a house not even close to the flag and pick off everybody going an alternate route, just because people HAVE to go an alternate route against any good team.
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