someone said it was a combination of those two but I don't know what their source is. It seems to choose the most retarded point possible to me :lol Sub Base is a great example, as someone else also mentioned. Half of the map isn't utilized at all, other than as a starting spawn point in some modes.fps fanatic said:I have noticed this too. I'll be moving and looking around, walk past a part where I know up and down there was no one there. Then all of a sudden, hot lead to the back.![]()
I think post-patch (PS3 here) the biggest issue I have with the game is the respawning. I don't know if the game tries to respawn you close to teammates, or respawns you close to enemies/someone who just took you out to get a chance to get even?
Yeah. I mean if the spawning was a little more random, ok. I guess the game wants to keep you close to the action but sometimes it's ridiculous!Minamu said:someone said it was a combination of those two but I don't know what their source is. It seems to choose the most retarded point possible to me :lol Sub Base is a great example, as someone else also mentioned. Half of the map isn't utilized at all, other than as a starting spawn point in some modes.
fps fanatic said:Sub-base does seem like one of the bigger offenders when it comes to this. I wonder if you give the game time and watch the killcam and then respawn, would it make a difference? I know a lot of times that's out of the question (at least sometimes for me) cause I want to get right back into the action.
Maybe me jamming on the square button to get back in doesn't give the game enough time to calculate where it's going to spawn you? I don't know. So many questions. :lol
Yeah, hopefully IW takes care of this. It's one thing I had hoped would have improved from COD4. It's still there though.Xevren said:I always watch my kill cams and I get my share of bad spawns. Think they're just going to have to do some sort of fix.
Zabka said:Wait a minute. What's the definition of a camper if the person doesn't stay in the same spot?
I remember camping in Quakeworld was people who would hang around a power weapon spawn and massacre people carrying low level weapons.
only if by "still there" you mean "worse than before." at least before there was logic to the spawns, even if they sucked. how this one decides to spawn you in the middle of the other team is beyond my comprehension.fps fanatic said:Yeah, hopefully IW takes care of this. It's one thing I had hoped would have improved from COD4. It's still there though.
Yeah, that happens more often than you getting into an actual game. I tend to just quit the game when the map is loading if i get in an in-progress. People left that game for a reason.kevm3 said:Wow what a joke. As soon as I logged onto a game, I was handed a defeat, as the game ended 4700-7500. I didn't even get to choose my gun. Game over, I get a loss.
What's so evil about that then?SmokeMaxX said:You can camp without staying in the exact same location. Shoot someone, move 5 feet over, wait for them to come back, shoot them again, repeat.
kevm3 said:Does this game even attempt to match people of the same rank? Just lost a game because they tossed a level 2 in there who went 2 and 17.
Pyke Presco said:In 8.5 days, I've only seen one other player with [nGAF] and I got booted from the lobby immediately. There just arent that many of us in the grand scheme of things.
Zabka said:What's so evil about that then?
If you fall for that it's your own fault for dying. You spawn with all the tools you need to handle someone in an enclosed space.
glaurung said:Logged on last night, had to download 1.07.
I mentioned this right after the patch came out, I am 100% sure that IW changed the spawning system after people complained about it in the first place.fps fanatic said:I don't know if the game tries to respawn you close to teammates, or respawns you close to enemies/someone who just took you out to get a chance to get even?
campers get my special sharp attention. but it's a tactic they are allowed to use.S t y l e z said:For people who like to fucking perch in MW2, I do the care package knife runs. With Marathon pro on, you can run around the maps atleast three times before getting killed. I went 30-5 on Favela because bitches thought it would be cute to camp spawns. I can say with a fact thought, that the camping in MW2 doesn't hold a candle to the original Ghost Recons. Thirty minute play times and they would camp the full thirty minutes.
PetriP-TNT said:I mentioned this right after the patch came out, I am 100% sure that IW changed the spawning system after people complained about it in the first place.
Before it was "furthest you can spawn from enemies", now it is "closest to your team mates no matter how close they are to enemies".
nib95 said:I swear the knifing is fucked in the PS3 version. Currently keeps messing up, I knife well in advance but it either doesn't connect, goes through them, or they get it first despite doing it well after. Really frustrating.
You mean... Unless that one area is the upper floor warehouse in Sub Base, the heli landing pad in Wasteland, the dark room and grassy container area on Underpass, the overlooking roofs on Derail, the tower in Rust, the sentry gun room in Skidrow, the second floor of the grocery store on Rundown, and so on? I really don't understand what game you're talking about, man. MW2 is actually made for camping - you really can't say that the little dark room on Underpass was designed for anything but hardcore camping.Fraull said:I like what cod does against campers. It makes them learn that sitting in one area for the whole game will get them no where, on most occasions. It adds more tactics and strategies to the game and requires everyone to move around more, rather than having everyone sitting in a spot. Only campers would complain about how cod handles their gameplay style :lol.
That was last week. This damn game actually has trends and this week's trend is bunnyhopping around like you're playing Quake. It's getting pretty unbearable.Kentpaul said:ah everyone now a days is double shotgunning or knifing
nib95 said:I swear the knifing is fucked in the PS3 version. Currently keeps messing up, I knife well in advance but it either doesn't connect, goes through them, or they get it first despite doing it well after. Really frustrating.
Yesterday, I had one killcam I wish I could've sent to IW. I was on the upper floor of the warehouse in Sub Base, attempting to cross the little "bridge" over to the other upper floor area. On my way across the catwalk, I was insta-killed from the opposite diagonal on the ground floor. I bet even the guy with the shotguns wondered how the fuck that just happened.Spydy said:IW also need to do something about the 1887 Akimbo's. Seriously, I get the jump on most players and get frustrated with them because it's one shot - one kill from a mile away.
That actually happened to me, but I was said 'fucker'MarkMclovin said:What makes me laugh, is when someone knifes you and you watch the kill cam, only to see that the fucker wasn't even looking at you at the swipe. A knife kill in nothing but fresh air!
aku:jiki said:Oh man, I had the most amazing FFA match yesterday. There was not one person doing something shitty - no glitching, no camping, no boosting for nukes, no cheating of any kind whatsoever. The only downer was that one guy was running around with 1887's, but he was being cool about it and ran around like Rambo and never camped or did anything lame. I even got him in a few fair fights without having to yell bullshit. :lol
Everyone in the top 3 finished with like 28-21 because it was such non-stop action with these guys. It felt amazing to get to see how this game was meant to be the same time as it felt pathetic that I saw my first "real," unbitchified game at level 43 prestige after 4 days of playtime. :lol
You mean... Unless that one area is the upper floor warehouse in Sub Base, the heli landing pad in Wasteland, the dark room and grassy container area on Underpass, the overlooking roofs on Derail, the tower in Rust, the sentry gun room in Skidrow, the second floor of the grocery store on Rundown, and so on? I really don't understand what game you're talking about, man. MW2 is actually made for camping - you really can't say that the little dark room on Underpass was designed for anything but hardcore camping.
Speaking of Underpass, the containers create a little corner where you can't be taken from behind in any way and you can't see the corner from the main path outside the containers. Drop a tactical insertion there, go around the corner and camp the high grass for an easy killstreak. Even if they get you, they won't know that your insertion is right there because they can't see it without SitRep and nobody uses SitRep but me apparently. (Some kid even lectured me about how stupid I am for using it and I should clearly use Commando. :lol)
I must say that it feels like all the people defending camping haven't really played this game that much yet. The camping is absolutely insane, and if you haven't noticed it yet, you weren't paying attention. And the killcams aren't even close to enough to help. It doesn't matter if you know someone's camping the dark room on Underpass - it has one entrance and only a marathon/lightweight/knife combo can take whoever's in there out. Don't have that class? You won't be killing that camper with anything but a grenade and if he's any good in the slightest he'll have a line of fire on you before you have a chance to aim the toss.
I just really can't buy what some of you guys are saying about the camping. It's just not true.
That was last week. This damn game actually has trends and this week's trend is bunnyhopping around like you're playing Quake. It's getting pretty unbearable.
aku:jiki said:I must say that it feels like all the people defending camping haven't really played this game that much yet. The camping is absolutely insane, and if you haven't noticed it yet, you weren't paying attention. And the killcams aren't even close to enough to help. It doesn't matter if you know someone's camping the dark room on Underpass - it has one entrance and only a marathon/lightweight/knife combo can take whoever's in there out. Don't have that class? You won't be killing that camper with anything but a grenade and if he's any good in the slightest he'll have a line of fire on you before you have a chance to aim the toss.
GodofWine said:DANGER CLOSE most go, I get killed 3-5 times a game via blind fire grenades.
Smoke grenades are your friend.aku:jiki said:I must say that it feels like all the people defending camping haven't really played this game that much yet. The camping is absolutely insane, and if you haven't noticed it yet, you weren't paying attention. And the killcams aren't even close to enough to help. It doesn't matter if you know someone's camping the dark room on Underpass - it has one entrance and only a marathon/lightweight/knife combo can take whoever's in there out. Don't have that class? You won't be killing that camper with anything but a grenade and if he's any good in the slightest he'll have a line of fire on you before you have a chance to aim the toss.
Why are you blatantly ignoring my examples? Grenades won't help because he has a line of sight before you do in that dark room, same for noobtubes. Flashbangs might work, but the room is built in a way that he can just spray towards the exit and have a good chance of getting you. Ninja Pro won't help at all and neither will an LMG.MarkMclovin said:Grenades, flashbang, noob tube, Ninja Pro, LMG with FMJ and loads more are all anti camper tools. It doesn't matter where you go, if your opponent is any good and wants to go back to get you, he can.
I don't use thermal on anything, so no, they're not really my friends.Smoke grenades are your friend.
That never happens in the kill-based game modes. If you're in an objective-based game mode, it's not really a blind throw... Feels cheap to be the recipient of course, but the throw makes sense.DANGER CLOSE most go, I get killed 3-5 times a game via blind fire grenades.
industrian said:Don't be hatin' on my Toob'd AR + Thumper + Scavenger combo mang.
Not a bad idea, but it's extremely vulnerable to spawn camping. You need a #4 that locks down spawn camping and it'll be good!GodofWine said:Regarding Spawn Points, Here is my "How all games spawns should work"
1. There shall be 2 starting spawns for each team, which you will be able to pick one or the other. Your team cannot lose these spawns ever.
2. There will be other captureable spawns on the map, even in TDM, there will be something to do besides shoot people and camp...camping will only be effective if you have captured more spawns.
3. At each respawn you select where you would like to enter at.
They didn't lower the number of players because they couldn't code more players in there. They made a choice for the balance of the maps, weapons and so forth...GodofWine said:Basically, Warhawk like, but with 2 'bases' to start with so as to prevent a good old fashioned base raping...and to allow you a 'way out' of a bad situation. The player count in COD is so low by today's standards (really..6v6 Infinity Ward...really?) that you'll never get pinned down, and there will always be some vacant 'spawns' to grab quickly.
aku:jiki said:Not every war game needs to be 256v256 on 10 square km maps.
RubxQub said:I don't get the point of guns with shitty stats.
Statistically speaking, the TAR, F2000 and the AK should be awful guns with no benefits to them.
- The TAR is widely inaccurate, has a low fire rate and doesn't even have amazing damage.
- The F2000 is widely inaccurate, has low damage and a high fire rate. Seems like a shitty SMG.
- The AK is is widely inaccurate, has solid damage but has a fairly low fire-rate.
Why would anyone pick these guns over the alternatives? The accuracy ratings alone make them useless over long distances...why not just use an SMG?
Is there some intangible about these guns like iron sights or ammo capacity that I'm not seeing? I must find a thousand TARs on the floor and can't figure out for the life of me why someone would use it.
Xux said:The statistics don't mean a whole lot. Firing in bursts more or less overrides any statistical accuracy issues and the guns' damage relative to their fire rate is pretty equal.
Full-auto, the TAR has way more kick than the SCAR but its fire rate and clip size make them pretty equal.
The AK's pretty much like the TAR but with different sights and a faster switch-to-grenade launcher animation.
The F2000's probably the most accurate AR in the game if you can get over the learning curve.
Don't forget the Danger Close to add that extra 'mmmph' to your multiple grenades. Use this underground on Wasteland and chuckle as you imagine people swearing about the "f'ing noob tuber." :lolGodofWine said:OMG, I must try that.![]()