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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

aku:jiki said:
One glitch nobody seems to talk about but that I think is bullshit is the fact that all explosives disarm immediately when you die, and that rule only excludes grenades! What about noobtubes and rockets I fire before someone comes from behind and shoots me? Why does the guy I shot with the rocket get a free pass because some other guy shot me? That's some bull-fucking-shit right there.

I think this is wrong.

Explosives you placed during your life appear to remain active during the killcam roll, but they do instantly reset when you respawn. I purposely watch the full killcam if I know that someone is walking into my claymore and have gotten a least a few paybacks that way (for some reason this doesn't appear to count as afterlife)

That never happens in the kill-based game modes. If you're in an objective-based game mode, it's not really a blind throw... Feels cheap to be the recipient of course, but the throw makes sense.

uhm, I have made quite a few "bullshit" noob tube +danger close kills by simply pointing the grenade in the general direction of the other side of the map on scrapland and highrise. Most 50+ people would use a Javelin for that effect though, which is much deadlier and has a huge area of effect. Getting killed by noob tube is "fair game" in comparison, imo. At least, I don't judge others for using it on me either.

Scrapland in particular is very noob tube + danger close friendly if the enemy team isn't highly organised, due to it enclosed spaces with many holes through which a grenade can be shot in and the fairly long distances that tend to occur between you and the enemy. (in my short online experience)

If anything is bullshit though, it's that most people have to use stopping power to be effective and that makes very easy pickings for a sniper with thermal attached. I am a sub-1 k/d ratio player and I've gained a 10+ killstreak on Estate by simply picking off people in the house with my sniper class (.50 with thermal and FMJ + stopping power pro and steady aim pro: everything is a one-shot kill). And I only realised because of that match that One Man Army is THE perk to place on a sniper class, whereas I usually bring a Javelin (I though of it as a support class, not a regular use class).
It all goes to shit -which is good!- when people switch to runners with cold-blooded though.

I tend to think in terms of strategy instead of skill with a particular setup. I switch my classes based on what map is coming up and what gametype will be played. Which is how I've come to notice that most players have no clue how to apply the tools of the game to the situation where they matter. In a Domination match on Invasion, people kept running to point B and proceeded to get killed because none of them was willing to use the obvious tool here: the riot shield. As long as there is a wall behind you, you can safely capture the point and also deflect any incoming noob tube (the default riot shield class also comes with blast shield). It's really on objective games that the riot shield is a good strategic option.

The only downside is that one knife to the back will kill you, but it takes two riot shield melees to kill opponents. But I guess that's because we would abuse it with runner classes if it did kill with one hit. (allthough you could still use it to protect you backside if you're making a shotgun or tactical knife runner class)


Comics, serious business!
DeuceMojo said:
Don't forget the Danger Close to add that extra 'mmmph' to your multiple grenades. Use this underground on Wasteland and chuckle as you imagine people swearing about the "f'ing noob tuber." :lol

I have unleashed so much destruction and carnage over the last week or so it's not even funny. I must be the most hated person in the game. Noob Tubing with OMA/Danger Close should not be allowed on Terminal or Karachi. Just complete pwnage.


I visit this thread quite regularly and I'm surprised I haven't seen this mentioned yet but doesn't anyone else think the leveling in MP is one giant grind? I'm about 25 hours in and I'm only at level 43 and the last few levels have been mind-numbingly slow. I can't imagine what the later levels are like.

In COD4, I leveled really fast by maxing out the weapons one by one but doing that here is a lot slower because you get so little exp for most of the unlocks and I'm not even going to bother with the ridiculous extended mags bullet penetration thing.

Fortunately, the ACR is probably the last weapon that I really want so I can just do it at my own pace once I hit 48.


cameltoe said:
the spawning is fucking retarded...it will randomly switch sides on you....
you are fucking the enemy up, its a great battle, then it spawns them all behind you..you die, spawn on the other side where they were, repeat...

wait till you wipe some campers out of a domination area and proceed to capture the flag, suicide, yes, no matter how good you are taking campers out they will respawn instantly a few meters away to crush your capturing attempt. No rewarding at all, still you can go with some team mates, throwing smoke and stuff but in random games? good luck with that.


Also, some of the exp rewards in the game totally don't justify the amount of effort you need to get there. For example, unlocking tactical knife on the Magnum requires 100 kills but awards only a measly 2500 exp. WTF?


I make it my mission now to play FFA and find you fuckers boosting for nukes.. so that's 8/10 games I play.

The responses I get from them makes it all worth while just before they quit. :lol


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Dax01 said:
Booted up the game and received an update notice (360). Nice.:D

I swear to God yesterday everyone was getting their last hurrahs out with the 1887's and were fucking my face from miles away on purpose just to make sure I'd remember the suffering they've caused me.

Hit 70 on my first prestige last night...not sure if I want to prestige again.

Switched over to a silenced SCAR as my go-to instead of the ACR, but I think I'll alternate between those two guns depending on the map.
ElyrionX said:
Also, some of the exp rewards in the game totally don't justify the amount of effort you need to get there. For example, unlocking tactical knife on the Magnum requires 100 kills but awards only a measly 2500 exp. WTF?
Considering that you get 10K XP for a thousand kills (pretty sure that's right), 2.5K for 100 is a gift, not a curse!


The Lamonster said:
Anybody feel like posting recent 360 patch notes?

Same as PS3?

1887 nerfing, private match glitch, prestige glitch.

RubxQub said:

I swear to God yesterday everyone was getting their last hurrahs out with the 1887's and were fucking my face from miles away on purpose just to make sure I'd remember the suffering they've caused me.

You will still have people running around with the 1887, and they are still ridiculous, but not as ridiculous as they used to be.


Agreed Seep, I hate people that are clearly boosting, I came upon two guys huddled in a corner in Karachi in a FFA match, tac insertions deployed, not killing each other and proceeded to knife both of them.... its the little things really that get me thru the day



ElyrionX said:
I visit this thread quite regularly and I'm surprised I haven't seen this mentioned yet but doesn't anyone else think the leveling in MP is one giant grind?

But seriously now, COD4 was a massive grind too. You either love the game enough to grind through it or you don't.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
DMeisterJ said:
You will still have people running around with the 1887, and they are still ridiculous, but not as ridiculous as they used to be.
As long as the range is nerfed to Ranger levels, I'm happy.
Maybe it's the PS3 community, but I rarely get a nuke hunter in TDM matches and air support is usually dealt with before it gets to that point.

But the "problem" of nuke hunting (and camping) doesn't stem from the "get 25 kills in a row" reward, but the fact that a NUKE ends the game in a victory for the user, not a draw / total wipeout as you would expect from a nuke. EMP is also skewed in this aspect as it applies only to enemies and not your team, but that's that big an issue.

To have matches end like that which only last 10 minutes to begin with, can get a bit annoying after a while. In particular since the PS3 didn't have the groundwar FFA bug or modding bug.

btw, what do marathon pro, last stand pro, sitrep pro and lightweight pro add as bonus?
First off, this is the most disturbing image on NeoGAF. Who is that? Shirley from What's Happening? :lol

Secondly, thank God for no more boosting matches on Rust. Can anyone verify these are gone for good? I am SICK of "let's not play TDM or Demolition or whatever, let's play Domination on Rust for the next 45 minutes." Is it gone.

Lastly, goodbye 1887, I barely knew ye. You were too good for this world.


ElyrionX said:
Also, some of the exp rewards in the game totally don't justify the amount of effort you need to get there. For example, unlocking tactical knife on the Magnum requires 100 kills but awards only a measly 2500 exp. WTF?

If you use the default recon class, you already have a magnum with tac. knife
Just equip that one, your tac. knife kills count toward your kills with the gun, that way you can unlock tac. knife for your magnum pretty fast.


DeuceMojo said:
http://i46.tinypic.com/qnk54x.jpg[img]First off, this is the most disturbing image on NeoGAF. Who is that? Shirley from [I]What's Happening?[/I] :lol [/QUOTE]

It's Nathan Drake from Uncharted 2: Among Theives... Just a fatter version


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
So...any reason to prestige more than once?

It looks like I won't be able to get the prestige specific titles (Round 2, Five Sided Fistagon, etc), but...that's pretty much it?

I know I can unlock the gold weapon/perk titles, as I've started to see those open up as of late...so it seems like it's really just to change my rank icon and to get those prestige titles.

May end up doing it anyways just so I can show off my lack of like e-pen0r, but I'm not really seeing the motivation.
RubxQub said:
So...any reason to prestige more than once?

It looks like I won't be able to get the prestige specific titles (Round 2, Five Sided Fistagon, etc), but...that's pretty much it?

I know I can unlock the gold weapon/perk titles, as I've started to see those open up as of late...so it seems like it's really just to change my rank icon and to get those prestige titles.

May end up doing it anyways just so I can show off my lack of like e-pen0r, but I'm not really seeing the motivation.

Don't do it. It's really not worth it.
Yeah I am going to stop on the 2nd prestige......

I finally got around to finishing all of the Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta spec ops missions.

Now time for Echo.

A buddy of mine and me did the one with explosives and knives only last night. My god that was a headache.
RubxQub said:
So...any reason to prestige more than once?

It looks like I won't be able to get the prestige specific titles (Round 2, Five Sided Fistagon, etc), but...that's pretty much it?

I know I can unlock the gold weapon/perk titles, as I've started to see those open up as of late...so it seems like it's really just to change my rank icon and to get those prestige titles.

May end up doing it anyways just so I can show off my lack of like e-pen0r, but I'm not really seeing the motivation.
Yeah, you should unzip and let me see that big ole e-peen. :lol

No but really, the only benefits of prestiging are more custom slots (on the odd prestiges) and new titles.


backflip10019 said:
Yeah, you should unzip and let me see that big ole e-peen. :lol

No but really, the only benefits of prestiging are more custom slots (on the odd prestiges) and new titles.

Is the rumor about an extra killstreak for 5 and 10 true?

It's the only way I can see myself prestiging.


Yeah I am stuck at 64/69, only Wetwork and the last star on Hidden holding me back... have to wait till my spec ops partner is back from Vacation... We get to the end of Wetwork on basically every try but manage to fuck up the last breach. In variably one of us has a shot carrythru into one of the bombs and screw us
I've decided not to prestige at all. Took me a month to get to level 70 and IW is asking me to start ALL over with all my hard earned unlocks gone and "Pro" level perks gone? Just for a new shiny emblem? Hell no.


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DMeisterJ said:
Is the rumor about an extra killstreak for 5 and 10 true?

It's the only way I can see myself prestiging.
This would be so broken :lol

*crzzrk* Harrier Strike Incoming... *scrzzrk*
Enemy Pavelow Above...
Nuclear launch detected...

...all by one guy...all within second of each other.

I don't see that ever happening...but we are talking about IW so maybe it's true? :lol
TacticalFox88 said:
I've decided not to prestige at all. Took me a month to get to level 70 and IW is asking me to start ALL over with all my hard earned unlocks gone and "Pro" level perks gone? Just for a new shiny emblem? Hell no.
You do unlock quite a lot of things (titles and challenges) with the first prestige, but after that it seems like there's no reason to do it at all.

I only roll with 4 builds:

Scav/CB/Ninja w/ACR
Scav/CB/Ninja w/SCAR
Marathon/CB/Ninja w/UMP w/Launcher
Marathon/LW/Ninja w/UMP

...so more custom slots don't really help me.


DeuceMojo said:

But seriously now, COD4 was a massive grind too. You either love the game enough to grind through it or you don't.

It wasn't as huge a grind as in MW2. You leveled a lot faster and it felt a lot more rewarding.


I could use another custom slot or two, I like having builds for different game modes and then for whatever gun I happen to be working on at a given moment.

1. When I first start a gun SoH/Stopping Power/Commando (all pro versions obvi)
2. Once I unlock multiple attachments Bling/Stopping Power/Ninja or Commando
3. My stealth build Bling w/ dot sight and silencer/Cold Blooded Pro/Ninja Pro - Usually using the M16 - This is also my air support destroyer build cuz I role with Stinger.
4. This slot varies, currently this is my sniping build
5. This is usually my oddball slot where I put messing around with Marathon/Lightweight combos or a secondary gun that I working with

Wouldn't mind having another one so I could have a dedicated one for search and destroy or some other weird situational ones that I'd like to be able to switch to
Yeah the 1887 got a nerf, a minor one at that.

Yes it isnt insta kill from 30-40ft anymore, those type are more random and luck.
But it is insta kill at about 20 feet max, and your still able to kill 2-3 guys in a split second.

The last few days, even after the patch, the game has basically disolved into 3-4 types of players.
1. Classic players who are basically in it for the FPS sim/arcade aspect
2. Speedy Knifers
3. Akimbo 1887's (Even after the patch almost all people lvl 67-70 are using them still as a primary)
I actual smile when Im in a room wih no lvl 67-70's, all I have to worry about then is getting knifed through my bullets or akimbo G18's outdamaging my AR/LMG/SMG.

If you dont encounters these guys you basically encounter the the speedy smg bunny hoppers that zoom around the map jumping roof to roof drop shotting and such, makes me wish I had spent more time playing twitch speedy shooters like Unreal Tourney. these guys will hop over Clays, zoom past them, drop of 4 story roof tops blasting away...seriously some Matrix type shit.

Seems as if Primary weapons in general are left to distance shots while all combat under 50ft consist of secondary weapons, be it akimbo G18's, 1887's or Shottys in general.

A good majority of the maps are played 100% same way to the point of some being tediously broken, as well as objective game types broken and boring due to KS's.
1. Subbase-50% of the Map is never used, even in Domination C base is rarely battled over or defended. Terrible spawning means its a grinder
2. Terminal-Danger Close toob delight, B base is widely left open
3. Highrise-Danger Close again
4. Skidrow- AKA battle for the Hallway, 1887's and hallway battles.
5. Derail- AKA Battle for the Warehouse, 1887's with Thermal Sniper Rifle Primary
6. Favela- 1887's, Knifes, Little box on the rooftop being camped.
etc.. etc.. the list could go on, but the maps all tend to play out the same and become a jog in a circle till you encounter a gimmick to kill you.

I think someone said it here but me and my friends had the same conversation the other day..
"Infinity Ward has broken down modern military combat into 2 weapons, Knives and Shotgun..mostly Shotguns from the 18th century."

The game in my eyes wont have any legs due to the gimmicks, people are gonna burn out, get bored, get frustrated. In 6 months all that will be left is Speedy guys with Knives and Shottys killing noobs trying to get to the lvl 67 promise land.
As it stands now I lost 14 out of my 15 buddies that I partied with for the first few weeks, Im down to 1 friend who has no problem and harrasses me for not using a Knife class or 1887 class, also my brother just bought the game so Im kind of forced to play with him.


I'll prestige just once to get another slot and open the other challenges...but I'll wait til the first Double XP weekend hits to help ease the pain. Not having CB pro, ninja pro, and my silencer will feel like running around naked for me in HCTDM. I just got the fall camo on my tar too damnit! :lol


I've been wondering why nobody ever talks about the Akimbo M93's? They're not as common as the Akimbo 1887's, but I think we're gonna start seeing a hell of a lot more M93's after the 1887 nerf. The damn M93's are one-shot kills with ridiculous range too!

Zeitgeister said:
I think this is wrong.

Explosives you placed during your life appear to remain active during the killcam roll, but they do instantly reset when you respawn. I purposely watch the full killcam if I know that someone is walking into my claymore and have gotten a least a few paybacks that way (for some reason this doesn't appear to count as afterlife)
Well, I think what I said is still true even if you're right, but thanks for the tip! Definitely gonna make sure to watch the whole killcam next time I bomb someone right before dying. :D

Zeitgeister said:
uhm, I have made quite a few "bullshit" noob tube +danger close kills by simply pointing the grenade in the general direction of the other side of the map on scrapland and highrise. Most 50+ people would use a Javelin for that effect though, which is much deadlier and has a huge area of effect. Getting killed by noob tube is "fair game" in comparison, imo. At least, I don't judge others for using it on me either.
I don't know what to tell ya. I don't mean to say my opinions means more, but I'm on leave and play this stupid game for like 8 hours a day and I've never been killed by anything but my own Javelin, and I never get noobtubed out of nowhere. The latter happens once every 100 matches or so, but in my experience it's far from common... It was a much bigger problem in COD4, as I recall.

TacticalFox88 said:
I've decided not to prestige at all. Took me a month to get to level 70 and IW is asking me to start ALL over with all my hard earned unlocks gone and "Pro" level perks gone? Just for a new shiny emblem? Hell no.
Eh, nobody's holding a gun to your head. Prestige is for players who like the challenge, like to brag or just find the game boring if they don't have anything left to unlock. I fall into the latter category myself and am planning to prestige again when I need to. I really like being forced to use weapons I rarely use, only to discover that they fit me perfectly. :D

Zeitgeister said:
Maybe it's the PS3 community, but I rarely get a nuke hunter in TDM matches and air support is usually dealt with before it gets to that point.
The nuke boosters are in FFA, because you can just join your buddy's game if there's a slot open and easily boost with no effort.

Zeitgeister said:
btw, what do marathon pro, last stand pro, sitrep pro and lightweight pro add as bonus?
Marathon Pro = Climb faster (dangerously addictive!)
Last Stand Pro = Pulls the gun out faster, I think. Last Stand feels very inferior to Final Stand in this game.
SitRep Pro = Louder enemy footsteps. THIS IS AMAZING AND MORE PEOPLE SHOULD USE IT! :D
Lightweight Pro = You don't have to stop to aim-down-sight when running, you can just instantly pull the gun out. Very awesome if you're a speed player.
Pkm said:
I think someone said it here but me and my friends had the same conversation the other day..
"Infinity Ward has broken down modern military combat into 2 weapons, Knives and Shotgun..mostly Shotguns from the 18th century."
:lol I think he meant 19th century.

Anyway, I agree with most of what you said. The game boils down to cheap mechanics and doesn't reward players who like to play traditionally.


Pkm said:
The game in my eyes wont have any legs due to the gimmicks, people are gonna burn out, get bored, get frustrated.
I think that MW2, will be the last COD title to sell at the expected COD level...its turned me off to the game (I play it, cause its the only FPS I now own).

I really think that the Battlefield series on consoles is going to rise up, and force IW to, ya know, actually use the two years they have to maybe really do something new for COD8MW2...no one stays on tops forever...the shark has jumped.
aku:jiki said:
I've been wondering why nobody ever talks about the Akimbo M93's? They're not as common as the Akimbo 1887's, but I think we're gonna start seeing a hell of a lot more M93's after the 1887 nerf. The damn M93's are one-shot kills with ridiculous range too!
which one is that again, the Rafica? My Friends swears by them calss them his mini-M16's

Well, I think what I said is still true even if you're right, but thanks for the tip! Definitely gonna make sure to watch the whole killcam next time I bomb someone right before dying. :D
Yeah Clays stick around after you die as long as you dont exit out of killcam, I never see the kill on the list tho..oddly..but I always get +175 xp for payback.
I don't know what to tell ya. I don't mean to say my opinions means more, but I'm on leave and play this stupid game for like 8 hours a day and I've never been killed by anything but my own Javelin, and I never get noobtubed out of nowhere. The latter happens once every 100 matches or so, but in my experience it's far from common... It was a much bigger problem in COD4, as I recall.
Same here, except Ive been killed just once by a Javie. I can admit and say tho, being an avid user of Danger Close/Scavenger + Toob, I can fire a toob in a persons general direction and as long as Im like 10ft away its a kill. This set-up destroys Terminal.
Some dude running around w/ Akimbo P90s AND Akimbo 1887s last night.
That's 4 guns. If you choose akimbo, it should take up your secondary weapon slot.
Pretige mode is like the ultimate joke. Start completely over with very little benefit, all for the fun of it. And a silly symbol next to your name.

It's the pinnacle of the addictive quality of Call of Duty. It's like f'ing Marlboro points. Smoking is awesome. When you're a smoker, you do it all the time. Hell, as long as you're doing it, why not be brand-loyal and buy the shit out of these cartons of Marlboros? Then send in for a bright red sweatshirt with the word "Marlboro" on it. It's useless, it's ugly. But it says, "By God, I smoke cowboy killers, and I am damn proud of it." And not everybody has one.

It's like a seriously white trash Rolex. It's a mark of pride for some people. Yeah, prestige mode is like that.

I say this jokingly, and yet I'm going to do it TEN TIMES. :lol


MrCompletely said:
Some dude running around w/ Akimbo P90s AND Akimbo 1887s last night.
That's 4 guns. If you choose akimbo, it should take up your secondary weapon slot.

I've done that on favela..same weapons...with stopping power...its soooo stupid.

Im surprised I can't go akimbo HBARs like rambo...


Pkm said:
which one is that again, the Rafica? My Friends swears by them calss them his mini-M16's
Yup, that's the one, and your friend gets it! I swear the M93's are going to be the next huge pain in the ass. They're harder to use than the 1887's because you have to aim better, but once people get into it it's gonna be a lot of M93's running around...


Zabka said:
What's so evil about that then?

If you fall for that it's your own fault for dying. You spawn with all the tools you need to handle someone in an enclosed space.
One of the reasons I'm not a fan of camping is that it makes things really boring.
If you camp on your side of the map and I camp on my side of the map, nothing is happening except an epic borefest.

I'll argue that defense usually has the advantage over offense, as you are prepared and looking for enemy movement. Thus campers usually have the advantage over the rushers. I feel cheap when I stay in a window somewhere in Rundown and pick off all guys actually making an effort to move around to come get me. I put in no effort to stay in my window just looking for enemy movement and I got all the kills.
aku:jiki said:
Yup, that's the one, and your friend gets it! I swear the M93's are going to be the next huge pain in the ass. They're harder to use than the 1887's because you have to aim better, but once people get into it it's gonna be a lot of M93's running around...

Ive seen him literaly snipe with them, ALOT lol.

Its odd, most shooters Ive played have always seemed to tell the classes..
"You chose a Sniper Rifle, hence you dont get kick arse CQC abilities"


"You chose the Shotgun, you are a CQC beast, but dont let them see you from 10+ feet"

Not MW2, you actually have to think twice about taking a sniper out from under 10feet, he can intsa kill you with a Shotty, Rafica, G18 etc..
And that Shotty guy, well heck he can stand back and snipe till he's in CQC range.

Pretty cool, and pretty unbalanced to a degree.

Makes me think I should just rock a sniper rifle and super-secondary wep as my god class?
Maybe a Sniper + Acog or Thermal with Akimbo G18's/Rafica/1887's/Shotty in General
Perk up speed and Commando
Wonder how well this would work, Id even get the nifty Guile suit to hide with as well as look good.


MrCompletely said:
Some dude running around w/ Akimbo P90s AND Akimbo 1887s last night.
That's 4 guns. If you choose akimbo, it should take up your secondary weapon slot.
Wow, never thought about that before. That's pretty stupid.
Seep said:
I make it my mission now to play FFA and find you fuckers boosting for nukes.. so that's 8/10 games I play.

The responses I get from them makes it all worth while just before they quit. :lol
I've come across boosters only once so far, but when I'm playing I'm always accused of boosting/cheating cause I'm good and there is always atleast one terrible player on the other team. Please tell me you aren't one of those guys who just blindly accuse others.


careful said:
One of the reasons I'm not a fan of camping is that it makes things really boring.
If you camp on your side of the map and I camp on my side of the map, nothing is happening except an epic borefest.

I'll argue that defense usually has the advantage over offense, as you are prepared and looking for enemy movement. Thus campers usually have the advantage over the rushers. I feel cheap when I stay in a window somewhere in Rundown and pick off all guys actually making an effort to move around to come get me. I put in no effort to stay in my window just looking for enemy movement and I got all the kills.
I can't recall playing a game where both sides hid in buildings and didn't move. It's like every other competitive game ever made. The person/team in the lead plays it safe while the losing team has to take risks to gain an advantage.
aku:jiki said:
Yup, that's the one, and your friend gets it! I swear the M93's are going to be the next huge pain in the ass. They're harder to use than the 1887's because you have to aim better, but once people get into it it's gonna be a lot of M93's running around...

G18s are better. They're not quite as strong, but they're incredibly accurate akimbo, especially with steady aim. You can spray at close range or burst at medium range and still get plenty of kills. Akimbo G18s are my go-to secondary on my main AR classes.

And does anyone else enjoy akimbo Magnums? With SP/SA, they're a very effective (and incredibly fun) shotgun replacement. They do kinda need Scavenger since they tend to run out of ammo pretty quickly, but still - so much fun to use.

And as far as bitching about weapons is concerned: I swear, sometimes I feel like nobody on this thread will be happy unless all weapons are made to be the same and do as much damage as a nerf gun. The only reason the 1887s were unbalanced was because they could OHK at a ridiculous range without having the take the time to go ADS. Sure, they'll probably still kill at a decent range pretty quickly, but so will the Striker!

So many of you guys already had an idea in your head of what this game was "supposed" to be, and when it turned out different, you bitch and rage. Get over it. Stop playing it if you hate it so much.
DeuceMojo said:
Pretige mode is like the ultimate joke. Start completely over with very little benefit, all for the fun of it. And a silly symbol next to your name.

It's the pinnacle of the addictive quality of Call of Duty. It's like f'ing Marlboro points. Smoking is awesome. When you're a smoker, you do it all the time. Hell, as long as you're doing it, why not be brand-loyal and buy the shit out of these cartons of Marlboros? Then send in for a bright red sweatshirt with the word "Marlboro" on it. It's useless, it's ugly. But it says, "By God, I smoke cowboy killers, and I am damn proud of it." And not everybody has one.

It's like a seriously white trash Rolex. It's a mark of pride for some people. Yeah, prestige mode is like that.

I say this jokingly, and yet I'm going to do it TEN TIMES. :lol

I've said it here before, but I prestige because staying at level 70 is fucking boring. :D Not only that, one of my favorite genres is RPGs and I am a huge completionist so getting most of the titles and stuff is good enough for me. If I'm going to be playing the game constantly, might as well prestige. Its a good challenge and I love kicking high level players asses with bare bones weapons and classes.


Lionheart1827 said:
I've said it here before, but I prestige because staying at level 70 is fucking boring. :D Not only that, one of my favorite genres is RPGs and I am a huge completionist so getting most of the titles and stuff is good enough for me. If I'm going to be playing the game constantly, might as well prestige. Its a good challenge and I love kicking high level players asses with bare bones weapons and classes.
I've got to agree with this. For me half the fun of playing MW & MW2 is leveling up, completing challenges, and unlocking new weapons.
Geoff9920 said:
I've got to agree with this. For me half the fun of playing MW & MW2 is leveling up, completing challenges, and unlocking new weapons.

Remember how they say that in WoW, there is life after 80?

There is life after 70 here. Do you have all the challenges completed? Do you have all the killstreak emblems? All the weapon attachments/camos?

Even after hitting 70, there is still plenty to do without having to prestige. Of course, you'll have to prestige to get all of the titles and emblems, but there is still more than enough things to try to accomplish.

Also, you know, the game itself is pretty good. We played shooters online for years without RPG hooks to bring us back. You could always, you know, just enjoy the game itself :lol
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