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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

I'd prestige but I don't want to reset the progress on some of the harder/longer ones (such as 1000 UAV's, kill 5 guys with their own claymores, 1000 care packages etc).

By the way, has anyone gotten the "Kill 20 enemies by throwing back their own grenades" challenge done? My game timer is at 3 days and I have yet to throw single 'nade back.


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Cerrius said:
It seems if you use bling with the 1887s and use FMJ + steady aim, the 1887s are exactly the same as pre patch.

Forcing them to take bling and steady aim at least makes it much more bareable, as you'll always be able to hear them coming and they won't really be able to truck around the map so far.

It's certainly better if they have to try hard to make it the same by giving up two perks.


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PetriP-TNT said:
By the way, has anyone gotten the "Kill 20 enemies by throwing back their own grenades" challenge done? My game timer is at 3 days and I have yet to throw single 'nade back.

I've thrown back a nade before, but nowhere near anyone. It always pops just shortly after I toss it. My first instinct is to run away, though, so it's extremely rare. Maybe have done it 3 times total?

How about the fucking "shoot an enemy claymore through a wall and kill them" challenge? NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!
RubxQub said:

I've thrown back a nade before, but nowhere near anyone. It always pops just shortly after I toss it. My first instinct is to run away, though, so it's extremely rare. Maybe have done it 3 times total?

How about the fucking "shoot an enemy claymore through a wall and kill them" challenge? NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!

I've done this twice, once in COD4 and once in WAW, purely accidental and luck. It is probably 10 times as hard to do it in this game because claymores are unlocked only in later levels.


You like me, you really really like me!
divisionbyzorro said:
Hasn't it been proven multiple times over at this point that FMJ only increases bullet penetration damage?

I think IW only patched akimbo 1887s but not bling 1887s.

The code may recognize them as different weapons.


Pkm said:
The game in my eyes wont have any legs due to the gimmicks, people are gonna burn out, get bored, get frustrated.

I have to agree with this. I wouldn't expect it to sell "as good" as it does next iteration. This is due to a couple things. First off, the piss-poor pathetic state IW shipped the game out to people. The glitches, bugs, MM/flawed party problems, glaring weapon/perk imbalances, they all ruined this game for many people. Second, there isn't a reason to keep playing besides boredom aka prestige. There's zero, absolutely zero community support here to prolong things like clan battles and the sort. But that's because there's basically zero clan support built into this game still, despite how many people bought and enjoyed the first MW. Lastly, DLC is TOO far off for this game. Once again, considering the amount of people who bought MW, they should've been on the ball, instead they looked like a monkey fucking a football.

IW just didn't put forth enough effort given how much the first MW sold I believe. We've seen games that were far less successful go through greater changes in quality in their successors than MW2 did. With MAG, BFBC2, Reach, etc, they're going to pull players away from this game, one of which will do it before DLC is available. IW may have got their primary concerns accomplished, which is sales, but they didn't win any points with as many players this time.

divisionbyzorro said:
Remember how they say that in WoW, there is life after 80?

Not even remotely close as an example. WoW has totally new content every couple of months. Lots of new gear, new fights, new factions, new lore, new achievements, etc. Unlocking the same gun 10 times, same camo's, is not the same. Only thing out there is new titles/emblems, and doing some challenges. Not nearly in the same ballpark.
Lionheart1827 said:
I've said it here before, but I prestige because staying at level 70 is fucking boring. :D
Why yes, yes it is. Seriously, most people are going to hit 70 within the first month (or within the first week depending on who you are) and then what? No more levelups? Work on your K/D ratio? What a nerd!

Yes, I am calling you out, five-star level-70 man.


divisionbyzorro said:
Remember how they say that in WoW, there is life after 80?

There is life after 70 here. Do you have all the challenges completed? Do you have all the killstreak emblems? All the weapon attachments/camos

Even after hitting 70, there is still plenty to do without having to prestige. Of course, you'll have to prestige to get all of the titles and emblems, but there is still more than enough things to try to accomplish.
I don't completely disagree with you when it comes to "life after 70", but some of those challenges are just ridiculous. "Get the match winning kill by dropping a care package on someone's head". Seriously?? :p

Also, you know, the game itself is pretty good. We played shooters online for years without RPG hooks to bring us back. You could always, you know, just enjoy the game itself :lol
Oh totally, that's why I said half the fun. :)


Comics, serious business!
DeuceMojo said:
Don't forget the Danger Close to add that extra 'mmmph' to your multiple grenades. Use this underground on Wasteland and chuckle as you imagine people swearing about the "f'ing noob tuber." :lol

Hey, I forgot to mention. I was thinking of you yesterday.

I get into a room and one guy goes "with the recent patch they're changing the models."

I said "what?" Immediately my mind went models=character/gun models->why haven't I heard about this? Why isn't anyone on GAF talking about changes to the character models???? OMG!!!!!1

Then someone else said "yeah, two models together are too powerful."

Ah. Time for a DeuceMojo history lesson.
divisionbyzorro said:
Remember how they say that in WoW, there is life after 80?

There is life after 70 here. Do you have all the challenges completed? Do you have all the killstreak emblems? All the weapon attachments/camos?

Even after hitting 70, there is still plenty to do without having to prestige. Of course, you'll have to prestige to get all of the titles and emblems, but there is still more than enough things to try to accomplish.

Also, you know, the game itself is pretty good. We played shooters online for years without RPG hooks to bring us back. You could always, you know, just enjoy the game itself :lol

Eh nobody said we werent enjoying the game, its just more incentive and keeps the game kinda fresh in a way. It forces you to stay out of your comfort zone. For someone like me and my M16, I have to make due with other weapons until half way through again.
Cerrius said:
It seems if you use bling with the 1887s and use FMJ + steady aim, the range is the same as pre patch.
Well, you aren't gonna be running up on anyone at full speed anymore with marathon being knocked out of the equation. That's one thing...


noire said:
Regarding claymores and scavenger: I think only one of your claymores disappears when you die. I've gotten kill points out of no where after I've respawned which I think it from the 2nd claymore persisting.

Is it after you spawned or during the killcam? Because I know claymores don't explode until the killcam is over.
aku:jiki said:
Why are you blatantly ignoring my examples? Grenades won't help because he has a line of sight before you do in that dark room, same for noobtubes. Flashbangs might work, but the room is built in a way that he can just spray towards the exit and have a good chance of getting you. Ninja Pro won't help at all and neither will an LMG.

Exactly what room are you talking about? Is it the little area crated by the crates, formed in a triangle with tall grass?

Secondly, you don't have to be facing someone to throw a grenade at them. You can be pretty much 90 degrees of their position and bounce the grenade off a wall.

My point is, if you are a half decent player, there is not a single place, unless it is a glitch, that cannot be completely defended and camped without trouble.


DeuceMojo said:
Pretige mode is like the ultimate joke. Start completely over with very little benefit, all for the fun of it. And a silly symbol next to your name.

It's the pinnacle of the addictive quality of Call of Duty. It's like f'ing Marlboro points. Smoking is awesome. When you're a smoker, you do it all the time. Hell, as long as you're doing it, why not be brand-loyal and buy the shit out of these cartons of Marlboros? Then send in for a bright red sweatshirt with the word "Marlboro" on it. It's useless, it's ugly. But it says, "By God, I smoke cowboy killers, and I am damn proud of it." And not everybody has one.

It's like a seriously white trash Rolex. It's a mark of pride for some people. Yeah, prestige mode is like that.

I say this jokingly, and yet I'm going to do it TEN TIMES. :lol

You are right, I don't know why I did it. I was actually having fun with my classes and now I'm getting raped in every match and all for nothing.


noire said:
Well after the spawn.

Weird, I have no idea then. My claymores always disappear, I'll have to try and find a way to make them stay then.

Also, everyone post your class you first got a nuke with.
For me it was-

Intervention FMJ
Spas-12 RDS


Sleight of Hand Pro
Stopping power Pro
Steady Aim Pro


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Wait...Scavenger lets you place multiple C4?! And potentially some of them persist after you die?!

Uh...holy fuck if true on so many levels.
Sielys said:
Weird, I have no idea then. My claymores always disappear, I'll have to try and find a way to make them stay then.

Also, everyone post your class you first got a nuke with.
For me it was-

Intervention FMJ
Spas-12 RDS


Sleight of Hand Pro
Stopping power Pro
Steady Aim Pro

All three of my nukes(so far) have been with the same class:

M16 with silencer
Tac Insert (why dont I use a grenade/claymore? Beats me, especially considering I use OMA...)
Stopping Power
(Harrier, Chopper gunner, Nuke)

2 on rundown, 1 on wasteland, all 3 in regular TDM.

RubxQub said:
Wait...Scavenger lets you place multiple C4?! And potentially some of them persist after you die?!

Uh...holy fuck if true on so many levels.

You can place two, like claymores, but the detonation blows them both at the same time I think.


Also, why do you unlock the M9 at Rank 46, but the headshots (under challenges) don't become unlocked until you reach rank 62 (when you get the desert eagle)?

I have 600+ M9 kills (without tactical knife) and 0 headshots because it unlocks so late.
Rant time...

Party system is horrible, we have 3 people who are trying to join a domination game and one person always gets kicked out, its been happening for the last few days. It is so annoying sitting here trying to get everyone in a game only to have one person be booted every time.



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Cerrius said:
He didn't even have to have Steady Aim...just FMJ+Akimbo. You see that the class he picked was Bling Pro + Ninja Pro...and the class he picks later to show that it doesn't work without FMJ has Steady Aim Pro on it.

...come on man, please don't be true...


RubxQub said:

I've thrown back a nade before, but nowhere near anyone. It always pops just shortly after I toss it. My first instinct is to run away, though, so it's extremely rare. Maybe have done it 3 times total?

How about the fucking "shoot an enemy claymore through a wall and kill them" challenge? NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!

Just toss your own nade at the ground, pick it up and toss it....at least this method worked on COD 4.


CrazedArabMan said:
Rant time...

Party system is horrible, we have 3 people who are trying to join a domination game and one person always gets kicked out, its been happening for the last few days. It is so annoying sitting here trying to get everyone in a game only to have one person be booted every time.


Been happening to me and my friends since we started partying up - it's a few weeks now. PS3 btw.

It's a real pain in the ass because we're constantly backing out and inviting each other... AGAIN.


RubxQub said:
How about the fucking "shoot an enemy claymore through a wall and kill them" challenge? NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!

Easy beans with sitrep on. Also I finally got the invincible challenge! After never getting it in cod4, and only once in WaW, I'm so happy I'm going to use that title forever.

The invincible challenge is get 5 full health regenerations without dying btw.


Sielys said:
The invincible challenge is get 5 full health regenerations without dying btw.

I got that once in WaW and got the shoot C4 through the wall once in WaW.

Eventually, if you play enough...it'll happen.
RubxQub said:
Wait...Scavenger lets you place multiple C4?! And potentially some of them persist after you die?!

Uh...holy fuck if true on so many levels.

You can only have 2 out at a time, if you place a 3rd the first one blows up.

When you die, they stay active UNTIL YOU RESPAWN. So, if you have claymores out and you know enemies are around them, don't leave the killcam just yet.
RSTEIN said:
Hey, I forgot to mention. I was thinking of you yesterday.

I get into a room and one guy goes "with the recent patch they're changing the models."

Then someone else said "yeah, two models together are too powerful."

Ah. Time for a DeuceMojo history lesson.
:lol :lol :lol

Hahahaa, that cracks me up. Now children, once upon a time, there were people born before 1990, people that did worthwhile things...
RubxQub said:
Wait...Scavenger lets you place multiple C4?! And potentially some of them persist after you die?!

Uh...holy fuck if true on so many levels.

You can place multiple C4's but it sucks. I had that class for a while and when you get a new ammo pack, you can't detonate the last C4 until you throw your new one. If you're camping or something it may be good, but when I used them in domination it took extra time that I didn't have.


Heh, I tried the Bling 1887s and it literally un-nerfs them. Sure you'll have to give up marathon or sleight of hand, but seeing how those perks were hardly necessary for akimbo 1887s to begin with, being forced to use bling pro isn't a major drawback.


nib95 said:
I swear the knifing is fucked in the PS3 version. Currently keeps messing up, I knife well in advance but it either doesn't connect, goes through them, or they get it first despite doing it well after. Really frustrating.
I agree. The melee attack wasn't this bad when the game was released. It definitely has gotten worse.
DuckRacer said:
Heh, I tried the Bling 1887s and it literally un-nerfs them. Sure you'll have to give up marathon or sleight of hand, but seeing how those perks were hardly necessary for akimbo 1887s to begin with, being forced to use bling pro isn't a major drawback.
I'll take your word for it. See you soon, lvl 67 <3 <3 <3.


GodofWine said:
THE FUCKING HARRIER HOVERING RIGHT OVER MY TEAM...that f'er killed me 5 times, there wasn't even time to fire a rocket...it kept putting me back in that corner, under that damn plane.
Cold-Blooded perk is your friend.
tarius1210 said:
Cold-Blooded perk is your friend.
I kinda endured the Harrier/Heli until level 30 (Stinger), when I shot down every single one I saw for the following 40 levels.

Meanwhile, back at level 21, I've been getting my ASS beat by those things, 'cause I don't like the default rocket launcher. Guess I better man up and equip that piece of shit.


MarkMclovin said:
What makes me laugh, is when someone knifes you and you watch the kill cam, only to see that the fucker wasn't even looking at you at the swipe. A knife kill in nothing but fresh air!
Happens a couple of times to me too. I see the killcam and I'll be to his side, he stabs forward but somehow that registered as a kill for him.

My issues with the respawning point was proven again. Yesterday I get respawned right into a predator missile attack right after I had just gotten killed by an enemy...

It's getting really frustrating. Deep down, I like the game. But the respawning bs is really pissing me off.


DeuceMojo said:
I kinda endured the Harrier/Heli until level 30 (Stinger), when I shot down every single one I saw for the following 40 levels.

Meanwhile, back at level 21, I've been getting my ASS beat by those things, 'cause I don't like the default rocket launcher. Guess I better man up and equip that piece of shit.
To be honest, you don't even have to equip a Stinger. Just go Cold-Blooded and aerial vehicles will not be able to see you. I only go out the way to shoot them down in Team Deathmatch where my teammates deaths will actually effect whether we win or lose.
So does anyone know if 1.07 fixed the infinite ammo deal? I can't find any solid evidence that it did, other than Bowling saying they were working on it after the 1.06 patch came out.


not characteristic of ants at all
fps fanatic said:
Happens a couple of times to me too. I see the killcam and I'll be to his side, he stabs forward but somehow that registered as a kill for him.

My issues with the respawning point was proven again. Yesterday I get respawned right into a predator missile attack right after I had just gotten killed by an enemy...

It's getting really frustrating. Deep down, I like the game. But the respawning bs is really pissing me off.
That's unfair to criticize the spawn points because of that. Predator missiles are user controlled, the game can't predict where it's going to land. I just attribute that to bad luck.
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