Patrick Bateman
Has the whole shabangabang been patched on the 360, yet?
industrian said:Korean flag - identifies my location.
- Because I like it and rarely see it.![]()
moai said:maybe it's luck but all the idiots runing around with 1887 go negative or barely keep a ratio of 1 in the games i've been playing. i don't think they are such a big deal. i play ground war only and they get shot down quickly, mostly getting 1-2 kills at most.
of course it pisses you off when you are the one being killed, but i don't think they dominate.
I love emergency airdrops!gibonez said:They should remove Ac130s and Chopper gunners from the emergency airdrops.
:/ leaving the game up to chance is counter productive to competition.
How are you playing with randoms on Spec Ops? I only have the option to invite people from my friends list and nothing else.unomas said:Much respect, I just started getting into spec ops and I'm at 18 stars on Vet, and some of those missions have been pretty tough even for being early on. Granted, I was playing with a complete stranger that had no mic, but the guy was good regardless of having a mic or not. Hopefully I'll get all the stars done, but some of those missions are brutal.
RubxQub said:Hmm...
Does Sitrep Pro make people with Ninja Pro sound louder as well? Very cool if so.
Isn't that an odd combo for the ACR? Remove the silencer and put on Stopping Power and watch your ratio fly up to 10:1!RubxQub said:ACR w/Silencer is my baby. Super tight stream of bullets and the iron sights are to die for.
Yes.RubxQub said:Does Sitrep Pro make people with Ninja Pro sound louder as well? Very cool if so.
In my experience it does, but there's also like a glitch or something with the footsteps. Sometimes a guy runs up on you and knives you and all you heard were the last 2 footsteps, and in the killcam he's using marathon/lightweight/ Ninja. I guess he runs so fast that his footsteps lag out?Siterep Pro does not cancel out Ninja Pro.
I think the problem is that it's way too easy to get 3 UAV's and 1 counter-UAV, and 3 of those are gonna land outside the level or on top of something even if you toss the beacon in a very open spot.RubxQub said:The risk/reward factor with emergency airdrop makes it a fun killstreak. I used it for a day or two and enjoyed it, but ultimately didn't like how unpredictable and risky it was.
My playstyle is all about sneaking around and being unexpected. I've killed groups of people in an area easily, only because none of them knew where I was due to the silencer.aku:jiki said:Isn't that an odd combo for the ACR? Remove the silencer and put on Stopping Power and watch your ratio fly up to 10:1!
aku:jiki said:Also this! ACR with Stopping Power feels so overpowered, I'm afraid that they might nerf my favorite gun too! It's so steady over ridiculous distances too, just find a guy and hold the trigger and you can spray him dead from clear across the valley in Afghan if you like. :lol
RubxQub said:My playstyle is all about sneaking around and being unexpected. I've killed groups of people in an area easily, only because none of them knew where I was due to the silencer.
It's too important to me that the enemy never knows where I am to take off the silencer. I was rolling without one for awhile and liked the increased damage, but it was too hard to sustain killstreaks because I was constantly revealing myself on the map for people to hunt me.
I tend to roam around the map carefully and go directions that I think will get me behind the enemy, and if my shots make me show up on the radar the enemy team knows to turn around and focus behind them, killing my entire surprise attack.
If you're good with iron sights, you don't really need the red dot... But it really helps with the cheap snipe shots I pull with the ACR.Meus Renaissance said:Just tried this and I felt like a T-800. This thing is ridiculous on Terminal. Thank you GAF. Just out of interest, should I equip it with a Red Dot or use the Iron sights?
I definitely hear you, as I play a sort of combo Rambo/stealth playstyle (I'll sneak until I get bored and then I'll run up on fools). In my experience, most people are so crap at checking for close enemies that it doesn't really matter. Then again, you probably streak longer than me if you keep the stealth up at all times. :lolRubxQub said:My playstyle is all about sneaking around and being unexpected. I've killed groups of people in an area easily, only because none of them knew where I was due to the silencer.
Care package rewards never add to your killstreak, so that's not much of an issue.RubxQub said:In regards to Emergency Airdrops, I think they're still fine. It's an 8 killstreak reward, which really isn't that hard to get. And that you could potentially get multiple insane killstreaks by only achieving an 8 killstreak means IW needs to make it fairly random and hard to do.
Yeah, when I'm getting consistently taken out by guys like you (ACR + Stopping Power) that's when I switch to M16 and Stopping Power build ^_^ I currently don't have anything unlocked for ACR - just too lazy.aku:jiki said:Also this! ACR with Stopping Power feels so overpowered, I'm afraid that they might nerf my favorite gun too! It's so steady over ridiculous distances too, just find a guy and hold the trigger and you can spray him dead from clear across the valley in Afghan if you like. :lol
I actually think the Care Package coupled with Hardline is way too effective. Netting 3 kills in a row is pretty much trivial - you do that 3-5 times in one match, you're bound to get something good (i.e., AC130 or Chopper Gunner). And all the while, you're gaining other killstreaks as well. One match, I had two Sentry Guns (one from Care Package Killstreak, one from Sentry Gun Killstreak) perpendicular to each other, thus covering two lanes.gibonez said:They should remove Ac130s and Chopper gunners from the emergency airdrops.
:/ leaving the game up to chance is counter productive to competition.
Meus Renaissance said:Just tried this and I felt like a T-800. This thing is ridiculous on Terminal. Thank you GAF. Just out of interest, should I equip it with a Red Dot or use the Iron sights?
Oh I know, I just meant that since you only need 8 kills to get the EA, and you can 11 to 15 killstreak items within it, they need to make it a risky reward thing otherwise it'd be so broken.aku:jiki said:Care package rewards never add to your killstreak, so that's not much of an issue.
The grenade launcher shouldn't be in the game at all.TacticalFox88 said:God dammit, does it piss any one off where you fire off a grenade from the grenade launcher attachment, and it DOESN'T explode on contact but "bounces" of the wall, and the enemy kills you before you can switch to your regular gun?
Dax01 said:The grenade launcher shouldn't be in the game at all.
j-wood said:So last night, I decide to pay sabotage. I start on my Ninja class (marathon pro, lightweight pro, ninja pro) with a mini uzi.
I sprint, pick up the bomb, plant it, defend it, and single handly win the match in less than 3 minutes.
I was then chewed out by everyone for planting the bomb. Even people on my team. I told them if they wanted to play deathmatch, go play deathmatch.
One guy responded, they give us 20 minutes for a reason. I said yeah, to get the bomb planted.
Then every single person left the lobby.
Am I doing something wrong here? :lol
I hate it and also love it, playing a payload map in TF2 earlier and people end up camping or killing more then actually moving the bomb towards a check point, idiots.UFRA said:No, keep up the good work.
I hate it when people want to manipulate the game by turning everything into TDM...F them and play it properly.
A great deal, I always imagine they're easy to use being called noobtubes, buy I almost always scree ip when I use them. They miss or bounce off the damn floor, sucks! I can't even get 20 kills with them for the scar-h. Makes me feel bad that I can't do the noob move!TacticalFox88 said:God dammit, does it piss any one off where you fire off a grenade from the grenade launcher attachment, and it DOESN'T explode on contact but "bounces" of the wall, and the enemy kills you before you can switch to your regular gun?
Thanks for that link! Gonna come in useful. I'm currently using this callsign...Lunchbox said:i use this as a callsign
dont think im ever going to change it, it looks so awesome when i get the last kill and Heartbreaker pops up :lol
btw, has all the callsigns and how to get them if anybody was wondering
RJNavarrete said:ACR + FMJ + Silencer is beast-mode. I effing love that gun...
Only the Hip, yes applies to sniper rifles.BruceLeeRoy said:Does steady aim only apply to shooting from the hip or does it work when your using your sights? Does it work with sniper rifles?
When you get "Steady Aim Pro" it will work aiming down the sights of scopes. Iron sights it won't work.BruceLeeRoy said:Does steady aim only apply to shooting from the hip or does it work when your using your sights? Does it work with sniper rifles?
Pro is like Iron Lung from cod 4, it just lets you hold your breath longerTacticalFox88 said:When you get "Steady Aim Pro" it will work aiming down the sights of scopes. Iron sights it won't work.
TacticalFox88 said:When you get "Steady Aim Pro" it will work aiming down the sights of scopes. Iron sights it won't work.
Scopes aren't worth it on Assault rifles, unless it's the ACOG. Otherwise just stick scopes on Sniper rifles as you lose too much POV when using a scope on a AR.BruceLeeRoy said:Awesome thanks for the clarification guys. Do you think its worth using on a sniper rifle or the M16/ACR?
TacticalFox88 said:Scopes aren't worth it on Assault rifles, unless it's the ACOG. Otherwise just stick scopes on Sniper rifles as you lose too much POV when using a scope on a AR.
Me personally, I like the M21 EBR. It's semi-automatic, so if you miss you can quickly adjust and fire again. Or if you like just spam R1 till you get a kill. Either way it works. Once you start unlocking the Heartbeat Sensor and the Thermal for the gun, it's absolutely deadly, and if you're smart, the other team won't even able to get NEAR you, let alone touch you. While the WA2000 is the most powerful in terms of damage, getting it's unlocks is a chore because the gun (IMO) is ugly to look at, and I don't feel like wasting my time with a gun I don't really like. But if it's damage you're looking for and you can stand to look at a ugly gun (Again IMO) then go for the WA2000 when you unlock it. Otherwise the EBR is your friend.BruceLeeRoy said:That's a great point man. Ill do that. In your opinion whats the best sniper rifle?
The Barret .50 cal or the last sniper you unlock.BruceLeeRoy said:That's a great point man. Ill do that. In your opinion whats the best sniper rifle?
BruceLeeRoy said:I have been using Barrett .50 cal since I got it. Is there a better sniper rifle?
DMeisterJ said:ACR is a lovely gun, but the power of the AK47 makes it hard for me to go back to the ACR. I do miss the absent recoil and streak of bullets though...
jedimike said:I haven't seen a lot of love in this thread for the PP2000, but it is by far, my favorite secondary. It owns in the 10'-50' range.
Saw something like that a few days ago and thought it was a hacker. Turns out he was a terrible player with a weird name.tedtropy said:So I noticed this today...
Match didn't seemed hacked or any different. I guess someone just found some tags in the naming syntax or something...