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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


I enjoy halo and mw2 equally but cmon now hes right, mw2 has crap netcode. Its almost embarrasing that Infinity ward would release the game. They could have done better, they did in cod 4.


gibonez said:
I enjoy halo and mw2 equally but cmon now hes right, mw2 has crap netcode. Its almost embarrasing that Infinity ward would release the game. They could have done better, they did in cod 4.
That's what's confusing. Dunno, maybe its all local - maybe the good to bad host ratio is different now?

OldJadedGamer said:
And I'm sure these people aren't complaining when the other guy lags and they get the lucky kill.
How would we know that they were lagging?


DarknessTear said:
I often get a 10:1 ratio KDR from rushing. I'm not patient enough to camp, it doesn't sound very fun to me. Scavenger Pro is perfect for me. :D

Runnin' and gunnin' works well for me too, although my thumb gets tired of sprinting, lol.

And in response to another post, I've been kicked out of several matches too due to "timeout" issues. It seems I always get kicked when I'm doing well too - so aggravating!


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Donno why you guys are comparing the Halo 3 and Call of Duty netcode.

They are easily the 2 best I've seen on 360. Neither are bad, or perfect.

Most other games are almost unplayable on my net.


You like me, you really really like me!
Infinity said:
Runnin' and gunnin' works well for me too, although my thumb gets tired of sprinting, lol.

eh? You only have to click the stick in once to sprint, not hold.

I remember how much I hated sprinting in Treyarch's masterpiece Call of Duty 3 because the geniuses required clicking the stick and HOLDING it down. So frustrating.


user_nat said:
Donno why you guys are comparing the Halo 3 and Call of Duty netcode.

They are easily the 2 best I've seen on 360.

That doesn't say all that much. Perhaps H3 runs way better now, I got rid of it after 2 weeks from launch. This is the one thing that should piss people off, you pay to play online on the 360, but yet the best online running games are on the PS3, which is free, go figure. Once my free year of live is up, it would take a miracle improvement or game to get me to pay to play a major piece of the game that's meant to be free again.

MW2's online is horrible, still to this date. I was playing last night just to check out the Christmas noobs, took close to 15mins to get the whole party in the same game, 10mins to get into a game (instead of getting game lobby closed or whatever), then watching the lag in the game. This was early in the morning too.


gobassgo said:
I am now officially part of the nuke club.
I am still shaking from it.

Grats! I had one last night. Here i thought I'd be preying on the noobs, but my nuke came against a bunch of mid-to-high level 2nd/3rd prestiges. Go figure.


J-Rzez said:
Grats! I had one last night. Here i thought I'd be preying on the noobs, but my nuke came against a bunch of mid-to-high level 2nd/3rd prestiges. Go figure.

I'm not going to lie, it was in HC HQ and I had to camp for it, but I wanted to try and get one! And I did, so HA!

My loadout was:
Silenced M21 w/Thermal
Bling, Cold-blooded Pro, Ninja Pro.

I thought the game was going to end early, because someone on the opposing team got a chopper gunner and went on like a 30 kill streak, but apparently he didn't have it equipped.

I bet he was kicking himself after mine went off! :lol


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
J-Rzez said:
MW2's online is horrible, still to this date. I was playing last night just to check out the Christmas noobs, took close to 15mins to get the whole party in the same game, 10mins to get into a game (instead of getting game lobby closed or whatever), then watching the lag in the game. This was early in the morning too.
The matchmaking is horrible.
The actual gameplay is usually fairly smooth.



JustHadToJoin said:
hey guys what are those helicopters some people use to shoot my team for like an entire match?? Those are annoying as hell.

Anyway besides that my first impressions are very positive. I got addicted and played for four hours straight. Sabatoge mode was the most fun for me, especially when one time it got into overtime, and some guy killed me and said "yes we killed their best player" :D :D

I didn't realize you GAF guys were so good though. I always read your posts about 1.5 and above kd ratios and I thought since I read here I'll be good too :lol Didn't happen like that, my ratio is like 0.5 Anyway I'm having a great time, if it wasn't for those non stop helicopter onslaughts I wouldn't really complain at all.

I was playing the game at 0.53 for my first day played. Now I am at 0.76 after 2d played with a 28 max KS. I expect to end somewhere around 1.0 by the time I am done with it. Most of my matches are positive now.

If you keep with it and keep upping the sensitivity on your controller you'll start to get it. Watching youtube videos of good players also helps a lot as does just learning where people go on the maps.


Neo Member
user_nat said:
The matchmaking is horrible.
The actual gameplay is usually fairly smooth.

The match making is horrible if you do "lobby hopping". If you stick with one lobby for a while, the game balances inself out. It's not perfect, but certainly not horrible. I'm glad that the game keeps the lobby after each game. Some games, even nowadays, close the lobby at the end of each game.

Captain N

Junior Member
I have everything set up to play and it hasn't let me play at all today.

It's stuck at the

"Fetching Playlists ...
Updating Rank and Unlocks ...
Connecting to Matchmaking Servers ..."

and won't leave that screen..no matter how long I let it sit there..

this sucks....
xxjuicesxx said:

Kinda like when I die and respawn in MW2 and either reload or knife right off the bat without touching anything. Both games have their flaws but I seriously think MW2 netcode is a lot worse especially the stupid party system. Yeah Halo splits of parties in social but it is not really a netcode problem. It is far less worse than having a teammate get kicked out right as you find a game, and it happens almost everytime you search for a game to play.



After some 50 hours or so invested into multiplayer, I FINALLY got my first nuke!!! Or should I say...nukes!

I actually got 2 in a row. First one I went 49-7, second one 49-5.

And I actually feel like I accomplished something since I got both nukes WITHOUT camping. I was constantly on the move and flanked the enemy and racked up some great kills.

I will not try for a nuke for a long time now..lol I'm a nervous wreck after all that. :lol


A fix to the camping problem would be to have the computer track player movement in a zone, if that player does not move from that zone in one minute, they are kicked and lose all xp gained for that match.
Rikyfree said:
A fix to the camping problem would be to have the computer track player movement in a zone, if that player does not move from that zone in one minute, they are kicked and lose all xp gained for that match.
Er...no. You realize without properly testing that out, that you could potentially break the game? I can think just about a dozen glitches that would happen from having that feature.


Rikyfree said:
A fix to the camping problem would be to have the computer track player movement in a zone, if that player does not move from that zone in one minute, they are kicked and lose all xp gained for that match.

This sounds absolutely horrible. Players are given multiple classes with multiple ways of testing and clearing areas as well as a killcam to show you where you were killed from. It becomes the player's burden to react appropriately, not someone else for "not playing the game right."
CrazedArabMan said:
Kinda like when I die and respawn in MW2 and either reload or knife right off the bat without touching anything. Both games have their flaws but I seriously think MW2 netcode is a lot worse especially the stupid party system. Yeah Halo splits of parties in social but it is not really a netcode problem. It is far less worse than having a teammate get kicked out right as you find a game, and it happens almost everytime you search for a game to play.

Except People get booted before games even start in Halo 3 all the time. Its called incompatible NAT's thats not netcode either.

Hit detection is the main area where MW2 excels so greatly. The leading and spread of the BR in Halo 3 leads to some really shitty scenarios where you shoot and shoot and shoot in whats a supposed 4 shot kill weapon but it takes entire clips to get kills. Its just really bad over Live, whereas most MW 2 weapons will take one or two shots and actually register. The truth is MW2 is miles ahead in netcode whether any of you HaloGAF players want to admit. The netcode is also much leaner leading to less lag in most games, especially larger games. Hell in Customs Night we could barely get a playable custom game with 8 players, I immediately got angry and went and switched to MW2 and went into 18 player ground wars games and it was basically "lag" free, yes there was some ping, but I could tell it was minimal as it can be in 2009.


Rikyfree said:
A fix to the camping problem would be to have the computer track player movement in a zone, if that player does not move from that zone in one minute, they are kicked and lose all xp gained for that match.
or if its a Hardcore match, they'll start appearing on the map
Damn, I just had a 19/24 domination game with a whopping 17 assists. Normally I don't have a problem bringing people down with my Vector commando class, but I was getting helpers left and right in that one. It was frustrating, yet hilarious at the same time.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
xxjuicesxx said:
EHell in Customs Night we could barely get a playable custom game with 8 players, I immediately got angry and went and switched to MW2 and went into 18 player ground wars games and it was basically "lag" free, yes there was some ping, but I could tell it was minimal as it can be in 2009.

Maybe it's because Q3A code (which I assume IW steals along with most of the Q3A engine, only to hack bits and pieces of it) still has some of the best netcode a decade later.

/Wave iD fanboy flag

But yes. MW2 doesn't have too terrible a netcode. The problem is it finds some crappy hosts and then can't migrate hosts to a better pipe. :|
TheSeks said:
The problem is it finds some crappy hosts and then can't migrate hosts to a better pipe. :|

Agreed with your post above, but the rest I left quoted isn't netcode. Thats just the implementation of their MM system. Honestly though I don't seem to have any problems finding lag free games. I have seen it not be able to migrate several times, after a host quits though.

And I wont even stand up for MW2's MM, they do need to fix the party splitting when trying to join games with larger parties + the joining super stale games, but that isn't netcode and if people want to complain about it they should say "this games MM is terrible" especially if they don't even know what netcode is.


user_nat said:
The matchmaking is horrible.
The actual gameplay is usually fairly smooth.


Had a ton of lag tonight. Maybe just that many people playing, but it was rough.

They really, really, really need to work on this party system stuff. It was a selling point of Gold for a while there that most games had a solid party system, but man is this a mess. It takes a solid 10-20mins getting your party in one piece into a game anymore. Granted I usually play with at least 2 others, but it gets even worse for each additional person you may have.


Captain N said:
I have everything set up to play and it hasn't let me play at all today.

It's stuck at the

"Fetching Playlists ...
Updating Rank and Unlocks ...
Connecting to Matchmaking Servers ..."

and won't leave that screen..no matter how long I let it sit there..

this sucks....

i used to have issues with COD4 mulplayer and what i did to get around the problem was to switch off my router, turn it back on and then go into multiplayer.

You've probably already tried this but who knows.


My god they really need to remove chopper gunner and Ac130 from the care packages and from the emergency drops. Make people earn that whats with all the noob friendly crap in COD mw2.


gibonez said:
My god they really need to remove chopper gunner and Ac130 from the care packages and from the emergency drops. Make people earn that whats with all the noob friendly crap in COD mw2.

It can be irritating but its easily countered. The problem is few want to suck it up and be the guy with the Stinger.

Rainy Dog

Smokey said:
I'm pretty sure all one needs to do is find one of the many dark corners on any map, go prone, and reload their OMA.

You don't even need to do that. OMA Pro takes 3 secs to swap classes which is faster than many guns take to reload. It's definitely best to use it on all your classes, but if you do you've got yourself infinite ammo/grenades/equipment etc, the ability to swap between Stopping Power/Cold Blooded/Danger Close Perks on the fly, the capability to combine Tactical Insertions with Claymore protection... No other perk gives you that kind of situational flexibility. In the hands of a good player it's easily one of the best perks... It's just that I'm not a good enough player :)


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Don't think I've played in a game yet without noticeable lag, unless the killcam is broken.
xxjuicesxx said:
there was some ping, but I could tell it was minimal as it can be in 2009.
Captain N said:
I have everything set up to play and it hasn't let me play at all today.

It's stuck at the

"Fetching Playlists ...
Updating Rank and Unlocks ...
Connecting to Matchmaking Servers ..."

and won't leave that screen..no matter how long I let it sit there..

this sucks....

Maybe it could help to delete the cache of your console.


Junior Member
xxjuicesxx said:
Go play Halo 3. Have fun running around with your AR. Map movement is just stupid, especially in FPS's. You want to hold down shit communicate with your teammates and outsmart your opponent, not run and gun around with your head cut off.

So moving around the map in an fps is stupid? I can understand if you're playing an objective game where you might want to hold ground or guard a flag.

Not a personal attack against you here but MW2 is full of campers, its even worse the CS on pc back in the day. The amount of times you get killed by someone ducking behind a doorway with a shotgun or someone lying on their gut ads just waiting for someone to walk through the door.
Like i say in an objective game strategic positioning is important but there's a massive difference between that and camping.


Arhal_Katarn said:
Not a personal attack against you here but MW2 is full of campers, its even worse the CS on pc back in the day. The amount of times you get killed by someone ducking behind a doorway with a shotgun or someone lying on their gut ads just waiting for someone to walk through the door.
Jeez, you people need to play ground war and never go back.


Case said:
Jeez, you people need to play ground war and never go back.
But no, seriously. Sometimes it's kind of sickening. I can understand someone camping by a some corridor that connects both teams' original areas. But randomly camping behind some crate or box in the middle of nowhere, for minutes, where nobody else is, and killing you.. that's seriously fucked up. And basically half of the people playing a random TDM match is not moving, or just barely moving.

I think the flow in Counter Strike was MUCH better. Damn, even in COD4 it was better. Now it's so messy, with people running around everywhere, makes no sense.
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