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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

vatstep said:
I tried the ACR for a second time and I still don't really understand the love it gets. Even with stopping power, it's too weak — I can take people out with the TAR (with stopping power) in almost half the time. I run around like a wild banshee with my TAR + sleight of hand + stopping power class because almost no one can kill me one-on-one. It's a deadly setup. The ACR is more accurate, but not by much... I still get lots of longshot kills with the TAR. I guess what I'm saying is: try the TAR if you haven't. It rules.

Agreed, I just mastered the TAR-21 and am finding it hard to switch to another weapon. Although I dont see too much of a difference between the TAR and the SCAR, both are great.

I think I may have found my new weapon in the AUG HBAR with Grip and red-dot. I have been owning the Christmas nubs with it.


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Someone needs to tell me what's good about the TAR.


Accuracy: Below Average
Damage: Above Average
Fire Rate: Average


Accuracy: Above Average
Damage: Above Average
Fire Rate: Below Average


So for a little less fire rate, you get way more accuracy. The TAR would beat the SCAR at SMG distances, but anything beyond that the SCAR would dominate it.
With the scar you fire two rounds and you're suddenly out of ammo.

I would primarily use the SCAR with extended mags if I wanted to go loud but I prefer the AUG.


RubxQub said:
Someone needs to tell me what's good about the TAR.


Accuracy: Below Average
Damage: Above Average
Fire Rate: Average


Accuracy: Above Average
Damage: Above Average
Fire Rate: Below Average


So for a little less fire rate, you get way more accuracy. The TAR would beat the SCAR at SMG distances, but anything beyond that the SCAR would dominate it.
Basically what I think as well.

For me it's either SCAR or ACR. Right now I'm Prestige (2) lvl 39, so I can't get the ACR. But other than that one, the SCAR is the best one imo.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I roll with Scavenger by default, because I often outlive the normal clip size for my guns (minus 3 shot burst guns).

The clip capacity on the SCAR is really only an issue if you're trying to take on 3 guys at the same time. I can easily drop two dudes, fall back and reload and continue my push in.

I'd argue that with the higher fire rate and the worse accuracy, you're probably missing more than I am with the SCAR and thus the clip sizes are essentially balanced and equal.

CQC, I totally agree that the TAR would be better (because accuracy doesn't really play at that range), but anyone who plays this game hopefully knows that you're not always shooting at a guy who's next to you.


RubxQub said:
Someone needs to tell me what's good about the TAR.


Accuracy: Below Average
Damage: Above Average
Fire Rate: Average


Accuracy: Above Average
Damage: Above Average
Fire Rate: Below Average


So for a little less fire rate, you get way more accuracy. The TAR would beat the SCAR at SMG distances, but anything beyond that the SCAR would dominate it.

Pretty much how I feel about the TAR vs SCAR.

And I really don't have a problem with the SCAR's clip. Then again, I'm usually dead by the time I'm out of, what?, the 3 clips you start out with.


With Scavenger Pro, you start with 120 bullets, and you can keep picking up more whenever someone dies. I don't see the problem :p


RubxQub said:
Someone needs to tell me what's good about the TAR.


Accuracy: Below Average
Damage: Above Average
Fire Rate: Average


Accuracy: Above Average
Damage: Above Average
Fire Rate: Below Average


So for a little less fire rate, you get way more accuracy. The TAR would beat the SCAR at SMG distances, but anything beyond that the SCAR would dominate it.

The higher rate of fire + the great iron sights make the TAR my ideal stealth/hardcore weapon. I can stick a HBS and silencer and dominate. Tried the same thing with the SCAR, not as good for me.


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ZeroRay said:
The higher rate of fire + the great iron sights make the TAR my ideal stealth/hardcore weapon. I can stick a HBS and silencer and dominate. Tried the same thing with the SCAR, not as good for me.
To each his own, of course.

For me, accuracy is important which is why I'm willing to use the ACR as my primary of choice:

Accuracy: Well Above Average
Damage: Below Average
Fire Rate: Average

With this gun, I can pretty much guarantee that my bullets are going exactly where I want them to, which means I can hit people's heads from further away and track people on the move better. Not to mention the iron sights on the ACR are fantastic.

To be completely honest, I haven't given the TAR a fair shake. I haven't buckled down and tried the gun for more than a game, and only use it when I'm out of ammo and see one on the floor...but just based on the numbers I don't think it's speaking my language.


Took a break from the GT5 TT and played this a bit last night. Got a nuke without even planning, forgot I had it set on it. Didn't call it, really enjoyed that game.
It could be just me but I swear even direct shots in the chest with the Barett Sniper Rifle don't seem to drop people in one hit anymore. Does STOPPING POWER help the sniper rifles as well?


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BruceLeeRoy said:
It could be just me but I swear even direct shots in the chest with the Barett Sniper Rifle don't seem to drop people in one hit anymore. Does STOPPING POWER help the sniper rifles as well?
Why wouldn't it?
BruceLeeRoy said:
It could be just me but I swear even direct shots in the chest with the Barett Sniper Rifle don't seem to drop people in one hit anymore. Does STOPPING POWER help the sniper rifles as well?
Stopping power makes any shot you take with a sniper rifle in the chest area and above a one-hit kill. You should have stopping power with your sniper rifle.


Junior Member
Dark FaZe said:
H2 and H1 are extremely close in terms of multiplayer. Both have terrific maps.

The difference between CoD4 and MW2 is that MW2 doesn't have much there to place it as being superior. Killstreaks are just fun little things that do nothing but promote camping. The maps are so inferior that its embarassing. The only thing that is definitively better in MW2 would be that it has more weapons, and I would argue that the damages in CoD4's weapon set made it a better game in that regard also.

People bitch about MW2 because there is a lot to bitch about but it is still a great game. It's very addicting and everyone is there. That doesn't mean it's better than CoD4 though.

Just about sums it up perfectly imo. The game has faults but it's still fun to play, and yes killstreaks only promote camping. COD4 had it right there where only 3 rewards they should have kept it at that.
On another note why do so many people say addicting? The correct word is addictive i don't understand this is it an American thing?


Dark FaZe said:
H2 and H1 are extremely close in terms of multiplayer. Both have terrific maps.

The difference between CoD4 and MW2 is that MW2 doesn't have much there to place it as being superior. Killstreaks are just fun little things that do nothing but promote camping. The maps are so inferior that its embarassing. The only thing that is definitively better in MW2 would be that it has more weapons, and I would argue that the damages in CoD4's weapon set made it a better game in that regard also.

People bitch about MW2 because there is a lot to bitch about but it is still a great game. It's very addicting and everyone is there. That doesn't mean it's better than CoD4 though.

The only aspect of CoD4 I find superior to MW2 are the DLC maps. But IW will have new maps out soon.
I've used akimbo UMPs for about 35 levels now -- trying to get the veteran emblem and title for it -- and I've discovered something about myself... running at high speed and taking enemies head-on or surprising them from the rear while using short/medium range SMGs is my bag, baby. Kinda breathed new life into the game for me.


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-viper- said:
does the silencer weaken the gun?
Kind of.

The silencer reduces the range on a gun, which means that your damage potential over certain distances is hindered.

Based on that one graph someone posted a bit ago from independent testing, it seems like silencers mainly affect your mid range damage, not your short or long range damage. Over all your maximum potential damage and minimum potential damage aren't affected, but at what ranges you can achieve those damages is adjusted.

...this is all based on that graph someone posted awhile ago that seemed very credible, but I could be entirely wrong.

Anecdotally, all I can say is that my above explanation feels right. I'd also add that bullet penetration damage seems affected by silencers, but that could be off.

Edit: Here's a similar chart (not exactly the one that was posted), but it gives you the idea of what I'm describing (looks like this chart is for CoD4, not MW2, but the trend lines were the same.)
RubxQub said:
Someone needs to tell me what's good about the TAR.


Accuracy: Below Average
Damage: Above Average
Fire Rate: Average


Accuracy: Above Average
Damage: Above Average
Fire Rate: Below Average


So for a little less fire rate, you get way more accuracy. The TAR would beat the SCAR at SMG distances, but anything beyond that the SCAR would dominate it.

I guess I didnt realize this was the case, I dont have accuracy issues with either, the only difference I notice while playing is the fire rate, which is why I liked the TAR.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
So I decided to start using the shotguns more and I decided to start things off with the AA-12. Holy shit. I love that gun soooooo much. It's pretty awesome in Favela as well in HC HQ Pro.


Mik2121 said:
With Scavenger Pro, you start with 120 bullets, and you can keep picking up more whenever someone dies. I don't see the problem :p
I really don't know how I'm the only one to notice that you do pick up ammo from guns lying around too. There's a little clicking sound sometimes; that's you running over whatever gun you had and replenishing a bit of ammo. Don't need Scavenger if you use a common weapon.

Gotta suck to be the only guy in the match with the Vector or the F2000!


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dorkimoe said:


so fun
I hate you and your kind! :lol

I'm really good and spotting claymores in obvious locations (top/bottom of stairs, obvious sniping locations)...but claymores in places where they have no business being get me every single fucking time.


So I got knifed like a bagillion times last night so I decided fuck it, lets hit up the Marathon/Lightweight/Commando set up. I get right next to this guy and try to knife him and Commando fails me............FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

So annoying how guys just fuckin leap at me and knife me or totally run past me but do a 360 and still knife me. I know some of this is lag but WTF


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Bumblebeetuna said:
If you use Scavenger and claymores, is your limit still only two set at a time?

Yes, which makes it a bit pointless. :/
mYm|17| said:
So I got knifed like a bagillion times last night so I decided fuck it, lets hit up the Marathon/Lightweight/Commando set up. I get right next to this guy and try to knife him and Commando fails me............FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

So annoying how guys just fuckin leap at me and knife me or totally run past me but do a 360 and still knife me. I know some of this is lag but WTF
Yes, Commando does fail due to lag, but so so many times, it provides a glorious lunge that just kills people in such a glorious way. Glorious!


RubxQub said:
Someone needs to tell me what's good about the TAR.


Accuracy: Below Average
Damage: Above Average
Fire Rate: Average


Accuracy: Above Average
Damage: Above Average
Fire Rate: Below Average


So for a little less fire rate, you get way more accuracy. The TAR would beat the SCAR at SMG distances, but anything beyond that the SCAR would dominate it.
The SCAR runs out of ammo way too fast and I'm too used to Marathon to use Scavenger.


I started using FMJ and Stopping power pretty much as a combo now, all the time...Im tired of losing shootouts.

TAR w/ FMJ + Marathon (which I need to get away from) + stopping power + commando = killer set up.

Secondary Im starting to like the G18(? auto pistol, packs a punch, want to akimbo it)


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
G18 is wildly inaccurate when aiming down the sights. :/ At least with Akimbo the accuracy is a bit better. But the getting there is a bitch and a half.
*sigh* I keep chasing that nuke emblem, and I'm no closer than when I started - I still only have one.

People who bitch about the nukes need to just chill. First of all, getting a 7-streak unassisted is not as easy as people on these boards make it out to be. Second, half the time your Harriers do jack-shit or get shot down immediately. And third, even if you get to the CG, it's not an automatic win-button - if you don't get shot down, most people are smart enough to hide indoors!

I hate boosters, but I understand why they do it. I, personally, refuse. I just know that if I keep chasing it long enough, it'll happen. Someday.

(And when will they ever fix the Pave Low bug? It would make going for EMPs a lot easier.)

GodofWine said:
Secondary Im starting to like the G18(? auto pistol, packs a punch, want to akimbo it)

Huge fan of the Akimbo G18s. If you have the discipline to burst-fire it, and you bring along Steady Aim, they're incredible as a secondary.


GodofWine said:
I started using FMJ and Stopping power pretty much as a combo now, all the time...Im tired of losing shootouts.

Do you really have a lot of shoot-outs? I find that 90% of the time whomever gets the first shot off wins.


Dax01 said:
Stopping power makes any shot you take with a sniper rifle in the chest area and above a one-hit kill. You should have stopping power with your sniper rifle.
No, any shot in the chest and above is a one hit kill. Stopping power only makes it so that if you shoot a dude in the stomach w/ intervention or the Barret they instantly die. If you use that W1200 (or whatever it's called) stopping power is pretty irrelevant and you're better suited with Hardline or Cold Blooded.


Assembly Required said:
Just started using the TAR. Holy sh!t, this gun is all kinds of awesome!
It's all I really use now with a little silenced Mini-Uzi on the smaller maps. Probably my favorite all-around gun in the game since the ACR seems so weak in non-hardcore matches.


LosDaddie said:
Do you really have a lot of shoot-outs? I find that 90% of the time whomever gets the first shot off wins.
I actually run into that problem too. M16 + Stopping Power is my preferred choice when I run into folks that are killing it with their Stopping Power build. I would think M16 + Stopping Power would outclass ACR + Stopping Power due to the damage output difference, with M16 being on the order of 10 Damage Points higher.
mr_boo said:
I actually run into that problem too. M16 + Stopping Power is my preferred choice when I run into folks that are killing it with their Stopping Power build. I would think M16 + Stopping Power would outclass ACR + Stopping Power due to the damage output difference, with M16 being on the order of 10 Damage Points higher.

People really underestimate the M16 now. Everyone is on the SCAR, and ACR's sack, but the M16 with Stopping Power still downs people in one burst. Good stuff.


Doing excellent today. Sniping is such good fun! It's nice to set up shop somewhere, throw down a TI, and rack up kills. Got an 11 streak without using any of my rewards (Should have had them turned off, would have gotten 8-bit price! Bah). I also love when you're chilling in your TI spot, how idiotic teammates come and draw attention to you by shooting wildly and letting the enemies know exactly where you are and the setup/layout of it by dying and letting them see the killcam... Nevermind, I fucking hate that shit. :X
DMeisterJ said:
I also love when you're chilling in your TI spot, how idiotic teammates come and draw attention to you by shooting wildly and letting the enemies know exactly where you are and the setup/layout of it by dying and letting them see the killcam... Nevermind, I fucking hate that shit. :X

:lol :lol People have been doing that since CoD4.

"Oh, that Sniper has a great spot. Let's go up there, and shoot RPG's that have a nice long smoke trail that will lead the enemy's eyes RIGHT UP TO THE SNIPER." FUUUUUUUU
GodofWine said:
I started using FMJ and Stopping power pretty much as a combo now, all the time...Im tired of losing shootouts.
I was using akimbo/rapid fire on my MP5, along with Steady Aim and Stopping Power and it just murdered people. I had to nerf it and exchange rapid fire for FMJ to get past the challenge, and it hurts me deeply how many firefights I lose now.


This game is absolutely stunning. I haven't even touched multi or specops mode yet, just trying to get through the campaign mode right now. It's far and away the most cinematic game ever. It's like an AWESOME season of 24.
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