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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


LosDaddie said:
Do you really have a lot of shoot-outs? I find that 90% of the time whomever gets the first shot off wins.

More like, Im tired of losing those 'quick gun fights' where I swear i shot first...so if I can have it take one less bullet to kill a dude, I'll take it.

DeuceMojo said:
I was using akimbo/rapid fire on my MP5, along with Steady Aim and Stopping Power and it just murdered people.

^will try. P90's make a nice akimbo / stopping power / steady weapon...


My friends and I were on a 51 game win streak yesterday, most of it Search and Destroy. Then we finally get beaten on a match on Favela. I told two of them that prestiging at that time was a bad idea.

Being rank 1-20 is the worst thing if you're playing gametypes like S&D. You don't have access to all the good stuff. =/


mr_boo said:
I actually run into that problem too. M16 + Stopping Power is my preferred choice when I run into folks that are killing it with their Stopping Power build. I would think M16 + Stopping Power would outclass ACR + Stopping Power due to the damage output difference, with M16 being on the order of 10 Damage Points higher.

I get what you're saying. I guess I just find that, more often than not, whoever gets the first shot off wins. Very rarely have Halo3-esque shoot-outs


Net_Wrecker said:
:lol :lol People have been doing that since CoD4.

"Oh, that Sniper has a great spot. Let's go up there, and shoot RPG's that have a nice long smoke trail that will lead the enemy's eyes RIGHT UP TO THE SNIPER." FUUUUUUUU

This is why I'm so thankful for Cold-Blooded Pro :D Been mistaken for a corpse so many times it's ridiculous.

I have to say, while arguing which assault rifle is the best is a tad pointless, it always reminds me how much better the weapon balance is in MW2 compared to CoD4. The fact that there are a good 4-5 assault rifles that are constantly being referred to as "the best one" (ACR, SCAR, TAR, M16, M4A1) tells me that you can pretty much use any of them and kick ass if you bother to just practice with it.

Personally I'm in the TAR-21 camp, probably my favorite weapon in all of MW2 next to the SPAS-12. I normally run with just a silencer, but on HQ S&D I use Bling Pro and slap on the Holographic Sight as well. It's a really fun gun to use :)
Wow, I just got extremely lucky and completed the "kill a person by dropping a crate on them" challenge. I was on Highrise on the bottom level and threw my marker down next to me. Just as the chopper was over head, I get knifed from behind. And the next thing I know, "CHALLENGE COMPLETE!"

So awesome.


backflip10019 said:
Wow, I just got extremely lucky and completed the "kill a person by dropping a crate on them" challenge. I was on Highrise on the bottom level and threw my marker down next to me. Just as the chopper was over head, I get knifed from behind. And the next thing I know, "CHALLENGE COMPLETE!"

So awesome.
I had a teammates crate drop on top of me as soon as I spawned in yesterday. That was just terrible luck.


Loxley said:
This is why I'm so thankful for Cold-Blooded Pro :D Been mistaken for a corpse so many times it's ridiculous.

I have to say, while arguing which assault rifle is the best is a tad pointless, it always reminds me how much better the weapon balance is in MW2 compared to CoD4. The fact that there are a good 4-5 assault rifles that are constantly being referred to as "the best one" (ACR, SCAR, TAR, M16, M4A1) tells me that you can pretty much use any of them and kick ass if you bother to just practice with it.

Personally I'm in the TAR-21 camp, probably my favorite weapon in all of MW2 next to the SPAS-12. I normally run with just a silencer, but on HQ S&D I use Bling Pro and slap on the Holographic Sight as well. It's a really fun gun to use :)
And people still underestimate the FAMAS. It's a better gun than the M16, with a tighter burst and more damage at distance.


Gio_CoD said:
This game is absolutely stunning. I haven't even touched multi or specops mode yet, just trying to get through the campaign mode right now. It's far and away the most cinematic game ever. It's like an AWESOME season of 24.


I haven't played SpecOps much, the MP is fucking awesome. Unlocking new weapon scopes and Perks is actually exciting.


Zabka said:
And people still underestimate the FAMAS. It's a better gun than the M16, with a tighter burst and more damage at distance.

Yah, I never used the FAMAS at first, but it's freaking awesome. Add SPP and it's nice and strong too. Love it :D


Gonna be hard to Prestige in this one. I finally have the AK-47 and I'm loving it. :D I also finally have Cold Blooded Pro and that's a pretty awesome perk.
DeuceMojo said:
I was using akimbo/rapid fire on my MP5, along with Steady Aim and Stopping Power and it just murdered people. I had to nerf it and exchange rapid fire for FMJ to get past the challenge, and it hurts me deeply how many firefights I lose now.
GodofWine said:
^will try. P90's make a nice akimbo / stopping power / steady weapon...
Noooooooo! :lol I've never actually used the MP5 in this game, actually the only SMG I've used is the UMP. Didn't want to confuse anyone.
fps fanatic said:
Gonna be hard to Prestige in this one. I finally have the AK-47 and I'm loving it. :D I also finally have Cold Blooded Pro and that's a pretty awesome perk.
That AK is a meat grinder. Just unstoppable at medium range. Cold Blooded Pro is great. I used that from about level 42 onward my first time around.


Loxley said:
I have to say, while arguing which assault rifle is the best is a tad pointless, it always reminds me how much better the weapon balance is in MW2 compared to CoD4. The fact that there are a good 4-5 assault rifles that are constantly being referred to as "the best one" (ACR, SCAR, TAR, M16, M4A1) tells me that you can pretty much use any of them and kick ass if you bother to just practice with it.

AGreed. In fact, other than the maps, I find MW2's MP to be all-around superior to CoD4.

I'm in the SCAR camp, but truthfully, I haven't given the other ARs enough love.


fps fanatic said:
Gonna be hard to Prestige in this one. I finally have the AK-47 and I'm loving it. :D I also finally have Cold Blooded Pro and that's a pretty awesome perk.

Do iiiiit. You get additional custom class slots, new challenges, and new titles. It's worth it to do it at least once or twice. Maybe three times.
TheQueen'sOwn said:
Am I doing myself a disservice only using the FAMAS?
Should I switch to another gun?
Nope. Personally, I think that the FAMAS and M16 are probably the best two guns in the game. Sure, gameplay might get a little stale if you use the FAMAS exclusively, but at least you're using one of the best weapons.


Zabka said:
And people still underestimate the FAMAS. It's a better gun than the M16, with a tighter burst and more damage at distance.
Burst interval is 0.2 seconds on both guns so the tighter burst doesn't mean much, and "more damage at distance" is dubious considering there are plenty of charts that list them both as identical in terms of range.

Also, I don't know about MW2 having better weapon balance than CoD4. They've made sniper rifles more viable and shotguns all-around more useful, but at the cost of creating a sort of rock-paper-scissors dynamic with akimbo weapons where the short game is so mind-bendingly unbalanced that you have to more or less hope that your opponent isn't using an akimbo SMG (or akimbo G18s) if you want to win a close-range, head-on firefight. In CoD4, you weren't entirely out of the running if you were unfortunate enough to be caught with a G3 in a head-on firefight because there were no guns that had the sheer stopping power (no pun intended) and fire rate of an akimbo SMG/G18. The AK-74 shot what, 900 rounds per minute, whereas akimbo G18s hit 2200. It's entirely irrelevant that each bullet only does 30 damage when there's literally dozens of them coming at you.

By category, the AR selection hasn't gotten better (for the most part), it's just gotten Street Fighter-ized, by which I mean almost every gun now has an extremely similar variant, allowing players to be more specific. In CoD4, the M16 (to a degree), the M4, the G36C (map pending), the AK-47, and the M14 (if you could get past the brick wall learning curve) were all very good, which only leaves out the poorly-designed G3 and the clearly-a-joke MP44. Yes, they certainly improved the (possibly PC-only) phenomenon where virtually everyone ran around with an AK due to its proportionately insane damage, but it may just be a matter of time. The M4 and the ACR are virtually identical guns, both being low-recoil, medium rof, low damage guns, and the ACR will likely outstrip the M4 entirely as the former has virtually no advantages (it has slightly less recoil, but the ACR's recoil is so bizarrely low that it's difficult to tell). The TAR and the AK-47 are nigh identical, with, again, the AK having less recoil, as well a slightly faster rate of fire. The FAL is the only place where MW2 unequivocally improves on CoD4, as the G3/M14 hybrid is not only useful, but it's actually good. Then of course there's the FAMAS and the M16, which are so similar that they will likely be the source of contention for a long time (although it all comes down to how long it takes people to suck it up and adjust to the M16's higher recoil considering its much shorter reload time and the irrelevancy of recoil on a three-round burst weapon). The SCAR is a weird one and seems to occupy the AK/TAR camp except with a much smaller clip and somewhat lower recoil; it's a bit of a black sheep.

My biggest balance qualm with MW2 is SMGs. In CoD4, you had five very different guns in the SMG category: The MP5 was an all-purpose gun, useful both silenced and unsilenced at almost any range; the AK-74 was a close-range bruiser resembling how a shotgun would play in any other game; the Skorpion was an unusual gun that had absurd range for some reason but a tiny-ass clip and relatively low damage; the Mini-Uzi was similar to the AK-74 but with a faster reload, more range, and receiving less of a kick in the groin when silenced; and the P90 was an extremely versatile weapon that gave skilled players a huge advantage in its unique ability to be used at any range with a silencer while having an above-average rate of fire (low for an SMG but still worlds above everything else). In CoD4, all five SMGs were viable and good (although some, like the AK-74, were a little more map-dependent), where as in MW2, many SMGs are made nearly useless by sidearms that serve the same purpose and don't occupy a primary weapon slot (MP5K, Vector) or are assault rifles in disguise that plain aren't very good at conventional SMG tasks (UMP). That doesn't mean these guns are worthless -- it's certainly still possible to wreck shit with the UMP (especially akimbo) -- but those guns in particular are simply too constrained to fringe, utility use; there's only one versatile SMG left (the P90) and that's because it's remained almost entirely unchanged from CoD4. I didn't mention the Mini-Uzi because the Mini-Uzi is actually just a P90 with a smaller clip and an insignificantly faster rate of fire (850 vs. 888), as well as some seriously jacked recoil.

...I wrote far more than I had intended to. In conclusion, assault rifles aren't more balanced, there's just a lot of very similar guns in the category; SMGs have been mostly thrown into the niche category due to the increased power of sidearms and the decreased usefulness of a high-damage, high-rof, high-recoil gun.
TheQueen'sOwn said:
Am I doing myself a disservice only using the FAMAS?
Should I switch to another gun?

If you are looking at leveling up quicker than yes, by completing challenges, you get a good amount of EXP that helps you level up quicker. I use a gun until its mastered and then move on to the next one for more challenges.


Neo Member
divisionbyzorro said:
*sigh* I keep chasing that nuke emblem, and I'm no closer than when I started - I still only have one.

Fuck that nuke symbol. It's appeal as a unique hard to get icon is marred by the fact that (I presume) over half the people sporting it boosted to get it.

Browse the available icons and pic a nice "tough to get/hard to boost for" icon if having something rare and exclusive is your thing.

I see the nuke symbol everywhere now and just roll my eyes at all the kids who think they're so cool for rocking a "hard to get" icon.


TheQueen'sOwn said:
Am I doing myself a disservice only using the FAMAS?
Should I switch to another gun?

I believe the only downside by sticking to one gun is that you don't level-up as quickly as you would by using multiple guns

EDIT: Really need to start reading my posts before submitting:lol


backflip10019 said:
Wow, I just got extremely lucky and completed the "kill a person by dropping a crate on them" challenge. I was on Highrise on the bottom level and threw my marker down next to me. Just as the chopper was over head, I get knifed from behind. And the next thing I know, "CHALLENGE COMPLETE!"

So awesome.
Awesome, I still need that to happen sometime. Maybe it'll have a greater chance of happening if I actually equip the care package... :lol

Had a good one today. I was trying out thermal (never use it) on the TAR (yeah, bad idea) on Wasteland and crept up on the bunker where I knew there were enemies. Went into scope and let off a really sloppy burst straight into a guy's crotch.

Next thing I know, I complete the All Pro challenge with that burst. Two headshots in one crotch burst, WTF? :lol


my new killstreak record is now 40 (it was 31 before) :D
murdered a lot of Spanish cunts on Terminal.

viva España


Fugu said:
Burst interval is 0.2 seconds on both guns so the tighter burst doesn't mean much, and "more damage at distance" is dubious considering there are plenty of charts that list them both as identical in terms of range.
I'm going off the latest version of this chart, which I've found to be fairly accurate compared to my own experience. I'd love to see any others you have handy.


HooCares said:
Fuck that nuke symbol. It's appeal as a unique hard to get icon is marred by the fact that (I presume) over half the people sporting it boosted to get it.

Speaking of symbols; How do you get the animated ones? I'd love to get animated Predator Missile one.


Fugu said:
...you weren't entirely out of the running if you were unfortunate enough to be caught with a G3 in a head-on firefight because there were no guns that had the sheer stopping power (no pun intended) and fire rate of an akimbo SMG/G18...which only leaves out the poorly-designed G3 and the clearly-a-joke MP44.
In COD4, G3 w Stopping Power (Stopping Power was my generally preferred Perk 2) was my main build. I'm not sure why you would considered the G3 gimped - from what I recall 2-shots would take someone down. Coupled with the already high damage output and the lack of recoil (I wished the FAL mirrored the G3's recoil moreso) the G3 made for one of hell of an AR. The single fire shot is easy to compensate with sheer trigger quickness - some guy once complained that I was using a MOD. In COD4, I would only use the M16 + Stopping Power for closer quarter maps like Vacant and Showdown.


It's funny how fast mw2 got boring. COD4 I played for we'll over 2 years. Mw2 got boring after 2 weeks, the bugs, glitches, exploits, and overall bad gameplay of the multiplayer ruined it.

So much potential but awful spawning, and poorly designed maps made this game a much inferior product to cod 4.

Hopefully next time Infinity Ward has a beta to weed out all the problems, they should have done this with mw2 to avoid shipping out this broken unfinished game.
i wish they would do a hardcore free for all playlist. i'd play that a lot. also a playlist where there are no perks or killstreak awards, just straight up deathmatch, with one attachment.
rocksteady1983 said:
i wish they would do a hardcore free for all playlist. i'd play that a lot. also a playlist where there are no perks or killstreak awards, just straight up deathmatch, with one attachment.
I was thinking the same thing. Just straight up deathmatch as it was meant to be played, without the bullshit. I wish that IW would kind of create a Halo 3 MLG-like playlist, where the game was just dumbed down a bit to the basics. Killstreaks are fun and all, but they get annoying after a while.
rocksteady1983 said:
i wish they would do a hardcore free for all playlist. i'd play that a lot. also a playlist where there are no perks or killstreak awards, just straight up deathmatch, with one attachment.

or hell, no attachements. Everyone with iron sights, no akimbo, no HBS, noob toobs, etc
Fugu said:
Also, I don't know about MW2 having better weapon balance than CoD4. They've made sniper rifles more viable and shotguns all-around more useful, but at the cost of creating a sort of rock-paper-scissors dynamic with akimbo weapons where the short game is so mind-bendingly unbalanced that you have to more or less hope that your opponent isn't using an akimbo SMG (or akimbo G18s) if you want to win a close-range, head-on firefight. In CoD4, you weren't entirely out of the running if you were unfortunate enough to be caught with a G3 in a head-on firefight because there were no guns that had the sheer stopping power (no pun intended) and fire rate of an akimbo SMG/G18. The AK-74 shot what, 900 rounds per minute, whereas akimbo G18s hit 2200. It's entirely irrelevant that each bullet only does 30 damage when there's literally dozens of them coming at you.

By category, the AR selection hasn't gotten better (for the most part), it's just gotten Street Fighter-ized, by which I mean almost every gun now has an extremely similar variant, allowing players to be more specific. In CoD4, the M16 (to a degree), the M4, the G36C (map pending), the AK-47, and the M14 (if you could get past the brick wall learning curve) were all very good, which only leaves out the poorly-designed G3 and the clearly-a-joke MP44. Yes, they certainly improved the (possibly PC-only) phenomenon where virtually everyone ran around with an AK due to its proportionately insane damage, but it may just be a matter of time. The M4 and the ACR are virtually identical guns, both being low-recoil, medium rof, low damage guns, and the ACR will likely outstrip the M4 entirely as the former has virtually no advantages (it has slightly less recoil, but the ACR's recoil is so bizarrely low that it's difficult to tell). The TAR and the AK-47 are nigh identical, with, again, the AK having less recoil, as well a slightly faster rate of fire. The FAL is the only place where MW2 unequivocally improves on CoD4, as the G3/M14 hybrid is not only useful, but it's actually good. Then of course there's the FAMAS and the M16, which are so similar that they will likely be the source of contention for a long time (although it all comes down to how long it takes people to suck it up and adjust to the M16's higher recoil considering its much shorter reload time and the irrelevancy of recoil on a three-round burst weapon). The SCAR is a weird one and seems to occupy the AK/TAR camp except with a much smaller clip and somewhat lower recoil; it's a bit of a black sheep.

My biggest balance qualm with MW2 is SMGs. In CoD4, you had five very different guns in the SMG category: The MP5 was an all-purpose gun, useful both silenced and unsilenced at almost any range; the AK-74 was a close-range bruiser resembling how a shotgun would play in any other game; the Skorpion was an unusual gun that had absurd range for some reason but a tiny-ass clip and relatively low damage; the Mini-Uzi was similar to the AK-74 but with a faster reload, more range, and receiving less of a kick in the groin when silenced; and the P90 was an extremely versatile weapon that gave skilled players a huge advantage in its unique ability to be used at any range with a silencer while having an above-average rate of fire (low for an SMG but still worlds above everything else). In CoD4, all five SMGs were viable and good (although some, like the AK-74, were a little more map-dependent), where as in MW2, many SMGs are made nearly useless by sidearms that serve the same purpose and don't occupy a primary weapon slot (MP5K, Vector) or are assault rifles in disguise that plain aren't very good at conventional SMG tasks (UMP). That doesn't mean these guns are worthless -- it's certainly still possible to wreck shit with the UMP (especially akimbo) -- but those guns in particular are simply too constrained to fringe, utility use; there's only one versatile SMG left (the P90) and that's because it's remained almost entirely unchanged from CoD4. I didn't mention the Mini-Uzi because the Mini-Uzi is actually just a P90 with a smaller clip and an insignificantly faster rate of fire (850 vs. 888), as well as some seriously jacked recoil.

...I wrote far more than I had intended to. In conclusion, assault rifles aren't more balanced, there's just a lot of very similar guns in the category; SMGs have been mostly thrown into the niche category due to the increased power of sidearms and the decreased usefulness of a high-damage, high-rof, high-recoil gun.

I most definitely hear what you are saying about the assault rifles - yeah, there really are only three or maybe four 'ideas' with multiple variants on each (M16, FAMAS; TAR-21, AK-47; etc.), but this doesn't really hurt the game because the three or four different rifle ideas all allow for slightly different playstyles - similar to Cod 4, yes. In addition, the Assault / Sniper Balance is good - the only major change is the addition of Thermal Scopes for both classes, which are counterable by Cold Blooded (which should really be a Lvl. 1 perk).

The big change, as you pointed out, is in the short range category. Before, there were SMGs and the knife (which I'm still not very much a fan of one hit killing - how the fuck do you survive a .50 calibre bullet to die from a knife attack to the leg?). Now the SMGs are back, with the addition of akimbo as well. But, I think the big change comes with all the other shit that got added for short range as well. The knife got commando (and lightweight and marathon). Pistols almost disappeared, replaced by automatic counterparts. And the shotguns came out in full force, with all the associated bullshit, as a secondary weapon everyone could carry. In 4, if you had an Assault Rifle at close range, you probably lost, though that wasn't certain - good shooting and you could still make it through. Now? You are basically fucked, be it from 1887s or G18s or MP5ks. Either you embrace the bullshit by fighting fire with fire, or you die.


Zabka said:
I'm going off the latest version of this chart, which I've found to be fairly accurate compared to my own experience. I'd love to see any others you have handy.
My reference is this: http://denkirson.xanga.com/715966769/modern-warfare-2/

mr_boo said:
In COD4, G3 w Stopping Power (Stopping Power was my generally preferred Perk 2) was my main build. I'm not sure why you would considered the G3 gimped - from what I recall 2-shots would take someone down. Coupled with the already high damage output and the lack of recoil (I wished the FAL mirrored the G3's recoil moreso) the G3 made for one of hell of an AR. The single fire shot is easy to compensate with sheer trigger quickness - some guy once complained that I was using a MOD. In COD4, I would only use the M16 + Stopping Power for closer quarter maps like Vacant and Showdown.
The G3 did less damage than the M14. As well, the M16 did the same damage, had the same range, and was three-round burst. On top of that, the AK did the same damage, had the same range, and was automatic. I could go on.

EDIT: Verified some facts

Why am I obsessed with legitimately earning the nuke emblem? It's making me want to stop playing the game completely.

I guess I need to stop deliberately going for the nuke and just start playing the game. If I keep that KS setup, it'll (theoretically) come eventually.
ACR sucks, even with stopping power people with UMP's are bringing me down...makes no sense why you just wouldn't use the M16 or FAMAS to me.
xxjuicesxx said:
ACR sucks, even with stopping power people with UMP's are bringing me down...makes no sense why you just wouldn't use the M16 or FAMAS to me.

ACR does not suck. It's the most accurate automatic assault rifle. FAMAS being the most accurate burst fire assault rifle.


DeuceMojo said:
I was using akimbo/rapid fire on my MP5, along with Steady Aim and Stopping Power and it just murdered people. I had to nerf it and exchange rapid fire for FMJ to get past the challenge, and it hurts me deeply how many firefights I lose now.
Dude please. Some of you post like your tactical kings. Try your guns on me and the team play with sometime. psshh 'get past the challenge' give me a break. What challenge? You must be playing against some dolts to get away with that shit.
Just funny reading this thread at times but yet I harbor no ill feelings towards you.
Zabka said:
And people still underestimate the FAMAS. It's a better gun than the M16, with a tighter burst and more damage at distance.
Famas is love with a thermal and silencer.
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