Zabka said:
And people still underestimate the FAMAS. It's a better gun than the M16, with a tighter burst and more damage at distance.
Burst interval is 0.2 seconds on both guns so the tighter burst doesn't mean much, and "more damage at distance" is dubious considering there are plenty of charts that list them both as identical in terms of range.
Also, I don't know about MW2 having better weapon balance than CoD4. They've made sniper rifles more viable and shotguns all-around more useful, but at the cost of creating a sort of rock-paper-scissors dynamic with akimbo weapons where the short game is so mind-bendingly unbalanced that you have to more or less hope that your opponent isn't using an akimbo SMG (or akimbo G18s) if you want to win a close-range, head-on firefight. In CoD4, you weren't entirely out of the running if you were unfortunate enough to be caught with a G3 in a head-on firefight because there were no guns that had the sheer stopping power (no pun intended) and fire rate of an akimbo SMG/G18. The AK-74 shot what, 900 rounds per minute, whereas akimbo G18s hit 2200. It's entirely irrelevant that each bullet only does 30 damage when there's literally dozens of them coming at you.
By category, the AR selection hasn't gotten better (for the most part), it's just gotten Street Fighter-ized, by which I mean almost every gun now has an extremely similar variant, allowing players to be more specific. In CoD4, the M16 (to a degree), the M4, the G36C (map pending), the AK-47, and the M14 (if you could get past the brick wall learning curve) were all very good, which only leaves out the poorly-designed G3 and the clearly-a-joke MP44. Yes, they certainly improved the (possibly PC-only) phenomenon where virtually everyone ran around with an AK due to its proportionately insane damage, but it may just be a matter of time. The M4 and the ACR are virtually identical guns, both being low-recoil, medium rof, low damage guns, and the ACR will likely outstrip the M4 entirely as the former has virtually no advantages (it has slightly less recoil, but the ACR's recoil is so bizarrely low that it's difficult to tell). The TAR and the AK-47 are nigh identical, with, again, the AK having less recoil, as well a slightly faster rate of fire. The FAL is the only place where MW2 unequivocally improves on CoD4, as the G3/M14 hybrid is not only useful, but it's actually
good. Then of course there's the FAMAS and the M16, which are so similar that they will likely be the source of contention for a long time (although it all comes down to how long it takes people to suck it up and adjust to the M16's higher recoil considering its much shorter reload time and the irrelevancy of recoil on a three-round burst weapon). The SCAR is a weird one and seems to occupy the AK/TAR camp except with a much smaller clip and somewhat lower recoil; it's a bit of a black sheep.
My biggest balance qualm with MW2 is SMGs. In CoD4, you had five very different guns in the SMG category: The MP5 was an all-purpose gun, useful both silenced and unsilenced at almost any range; the AK-74 was a close-range bruiser resembling how a shotgun would play in any other game; the Skorpion was an unusual gun that had absurd range for some reason but a tiny-ass clip and relatively low damage; the Mini-Uzi was similar to the AK-74 but with a faster reload, more range, and receiving less of a kick in the groin when silenced; and the P90 was an extremely versatile weapon that gave skilled players a huge advantage in its unique ability to be used at any range with a silencer while having an above-average rate of fire (low for an SMG but still worlds above everything else). In CoD4, all five SMGs were viable and good (although some, like the AK-74, were a little more map-dependent), where as in MW2, many SMGs are made nearly useless by sidearms that serve the same purpose and don't occupy a primary weapon slot (MP5K, Vector) or are assault rifles in disguise that plain aren't very good at conventional SMG tasks (UMP). That doesn't mean these guns are worthless -- it's certainly still possible to wreck shit with the UMP (especially akimbo) -- but those guns in particular are simply too constrained to fringe, utility use; there's only one versatile SMG left (the P90) and that's because it's remained almost entirely unchanged from CoD4. I didn't mention the Mini-Uzi because the Mini-Uzi is actually just a P90 with a smaller clip and an insignificantly faster rate of fire (850 vs. 888), as well as some seriously jacked recoil.
...I wrote far more than I had intended to. In conclusion, assault rifles aren't more balanced, there's just a lot of very similar guns in the category; SMGs have been mostly thrown into the niche category due to the increased power of sidearms and the decreased usefulness of a high-damage, high-rof, high-recoil gun.