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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Just saw the videos :lol

What's exactly camping?, I mean if you are a sniper should you be running around the map like crazy or what?

Even if you are not, there are "supersoldiers" all around and you are fucked if you encounter them face to face.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
NYR said:
So yeah, swapped out akimbo 1887s for a magnum. Went 18-1.

I guess they were weighing me down. And I am very confident knifing while using akimbos has been nerfed. I knifed way better without them.
Hmm... I was wondering if your secondary weapon choice had anything to do with mobility a while back, so I played around with it a bit and didn't see a difference myself. In MW1, and as far as I can tell in MW2, only your primary has an effect on mobility. I carry a pistol with my SMG class anyway (the only one I really try to knife with), so it doesn't really matter to me either way, though.


vatstep said:
Hmm... I was wondering if your secondary weapon choice had anything to do with mobility a while back, so I played around with it a bit and didn't see a difference myself. In MW1, and as far as I can tell in MW2, only your primary has an effect on mobility. I carry a pistol with my SMG class anyway (the only one I really try to knife with), so it doesn't really matter to me either way, though.
I was using a mini Uzi though. Let me try it with an AK tonight, see if I go slower.
On domination, it feels like some maps have become entirely routine. Such as skidrow, when at point b, you can sit near that stairewell and fire down the hallway leading into B and you're almost guaranteed two + kills.


neoism said:
Also it's funny how I hated most of the maps when I first started!
Afghan 7/10
Derail 7/10
Estate 9/10
Favela 8/10
Highrise 8/10
Invasion fucking 11/10
Quarry 11/10
Rundown 6/10
Rust Still haven't played on it!:lol
Scrapyard 8/10
Skidrow 10/10
Sub Base Hated it at first, but Demolition has made me love it 9/10
Terminal 9/10
Underpass 5/10
Wasteland 11/10

Nice scores freckles (love the avatar)... It seems like rundown and underpass both get the most votes to skip now. I personally love rundown. It used to be that people hated wasteland, but more and more people are starting to call wasteland their favorite map.


jedimike said:
Nice scores freckles (love the avatar)... It seems like rundown and underpass both get the most votes to skip now. I personally love rundown. It used to be that people hated wasteland, but more and more people are starting to call wasteland their favorite map.

I think wasteland suffered initially from not being able to explore it properly as you were promptly pinged in the head by a sniper anytime you popped up. Cover, approaches, and the edges of the map are better understood now instead of everyone noobtubing for bunker control. :lol


SSM25 said:
Just saw the videos :lol

What's exactly camping?, I mean if you are a sniper should you be running around the map like crazy or what?

IMO, there's a slim line between camping and playing with caution. There are very few people that actually camp... where they hide in a corner or a room and wait for people to walk by.

I like to play with caution... I will fortify my defenses with claymores, and try to find ways to "patrol" high traffic areas without being detected.

For instance in underpass, in the big building with the two windows looking out, you can climb up onto a grate, lay prone, and put your sights on the doorway... that's camping. However, if I put claymores on each entrance and try to get some kills out the windows, that's being cautious. I think many players don't see the distinction and just consider everyone not out in the wide open as campers.


jedimike said:
IMO, there's a slim line between camping and playing with caution. There are very few people that actually camp... where they hide in a corner or a room and wait for people to walk by.

I like to play with caution... I will fortify my defenses with claymores, and try to find ways to "patrol" high traffic areas without being detected.

For instance in underpass, in the big building with the two windows looking out, you can climb up onto a grate, lay prone, and put your sights on the doorway... that's camping. However, if I put claymores on each entrance and try to get some kills out the windows, that's being cautious. I think many players don't see the distinction and just consider everyone not out in the wide open as campers.

I can say I'm extremely careful, but that's because I never ever win a firefight due to extremely slow internet connection (I live outside the USA).


jedimike said:
There are very few people that actually camp... where they hide in a corner or a room and wait for people to walk by.
Actually I find there are heaps of people who do that. I've gotten a lot of kills going back to the same point I got camped to find the (dumb) person still crouching in the same spot a minute later and sticking them with a semtex.
Fuck the
Brazil missions.
Just...fuck them. Having enemies on every side, above and below you, spending 10 minutes clearing out a section only to have some asshole in a window that you overlooked shoot you a new sphincter because there are so many other enemies in such a small space, is NOT fun.

That said,
Whiskey Hotel
is one of my favorite levels in any game. Is is ever stated if
the president got out?


Neo Member
I don't get all the complaints about campers, honestly camping is probably the hardest way to get killstreaks. I've tried it, and whenever I find a good spot to camp, I'll kill a few people, and they'll eventually just flashbang me and I'll die. I find I'm getting MUCH higher killstreaks flanking and running/gunning.


Anyone know how people are glitching the 10th prestige so fast on the X360 side of things?

I ran into a guy today with 1 day played time and he was lvl64 10th prestige.

Was pretty satisfying to buzzkill his chopper gunner and then get a nuke on him (he was bitching the entire time on the other team). :lol
I don't get all the complaints about campers, honestly camping is probably the hardest way to get killstreaks. I've tried it, and whenever I find a good spot to camp, I'll kill a few people, and they'll eventually just flashbang me and I'll die. I find I'm getting MUCH higher killstreaks flanking and running/gunning.

I guess you never played against a clan in domination on highrise or god-forbid, skidrow...



Pkm said:
His belief was since the 360 online community was bigger as well as it being more FPS-centric was his reasoning. He also has it in his mind that the PS3 community is not a majority of North Americans were he says the best FPS players play supposedly.
So from his point of view the PS3 community is basically a "B" league thats 1/4 the size of Live and is populated by MMO/RPG playing Asians/Euro.
This is his and his 360 buddies in his office opinion, but then again they only buy 2 games a year...FPS and Madden...but it still gets to me cause they say I play as they would say "Special Olympics of Online"
I'm interested in knowing how he thinks PC MW2 fits into this picture.


backflip10019 said:
Personally I think it has something to do with the controller. The PS3 controller somewhat inhibits your aim, which essentially makes players less skilled. At least that's what I feel anyway.



Just finished the campaign, can't believe how short it is really, though I guess that's not really the draw for many people. Overall, pretty fun but nothing to write home about.

Also, I only played a little of Modern Warfare 1, so I don't really know, but this game just feels faster than I remember the first game being. I'm not sure if it's just the frame rate or what, but playing this game reminds me of playing Timesplitters 2 except with one shot kills turned on or something.
I never thought I'd say this, but I want the old Martyrdom back. Was it annoying? Hell yeah, but in the big picture, it made CoD4 a better multiplayer experience than MW2 has been.
I don't mind Martyrdom as a deathstreak, but at this point it is utterly useless. Something about it in this game, it's near impossible to die by anyone's Martyrdom, making it a terrible... anything.
CrazedArabMan said:
24-0, ready for my last kill to get my first nuke, tons of guys closing in on my position, I throw a flash bang out, to stun them, as I get ready to open fire, a grenade launcher comes hurling at me and lands a good distance away and kills me. My day wasn't going great and I was so happy I only needed one more kill, then I get killed by one of the cheapest pieces of garbage this game offers. Once again IW has failed at balancing out the grenade launcher (or the whole game for that matter), almost every game I play, there is someone going around with a grenade launcher and scavenger with danger close. I would say it's worst than the CoD4 grenade launcher. They've gotten out of hand, and it's frustrating getting killed by someone who doesn't even have to see you to kill you.

In conclusion, IW, once again you fail at balancing out your game.

It's hilarious on Rundown, where you basically just have to run a few meters and shoot a grenade over the bridge. Almost gets you the first kill every time.


I can't play this game solo, or with just another friend. I need my usual squad of 4+ (talking shit of course). I play a lot of Domination as it avoids the whole "true camping". That camping is the TDM bullshit of laying on steps or hiding in a corner with a silenced weapon just shooting down a path that would be 10ft long and 5ft wide. My teammates (not my friends) love to say, "fuck these bitches, they're just camping A and B". No you fucking mooks (sp?), it's called defense. I have never come across such idiotic players in a game before. Not just that example, but "omg they're camping this wall with a gl". Well go the other way instead of single handedly giving the guy a chopper gunner.


Alright, I'm done with this game until a local search option is added. I can handle all the other problems with the game normally, but they all stand out so much more when I'm constantly put into red and yellow bar games. The game is damn near unplayable when probably 95% of the time I'm put into red games. It's gotten to the point that I'm glad when I get put into a yellow game as it's somewhat more playable than the red. The local search in World at War worked great, so I don't understand why IW decided not to include it in MW2.
Griffith said:
Alright, I'm done with this game until a local search option is added. I can handle all the other problems with the game normally, but they all stand out so much more when I'm constantly put into red and yellow bar games. The game is damn near unplayable when probably 95% of the time I'm put into red games. It's gotten to the point that I'm glad when I get put into a yellow game as it's somewhat more playable than the red. The local search in World at War worked great, so I don't understand why IW decided not to include it in MW2.

I hate to wait 10 minutes to get thrown into a game with swearing British 12-year olds and Frenchmen, who insist on only speaking French..


fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Some little prick stole 4 of my last stand kills in a FFA match and cost me the win.

i hate Last stand :(


DeuceMojo said:
Speaking of sights though, how is it the TAR gets its own awesome proprietary sight (the Mars sight or whatever) and meanwhile everyone else gets Iron, RDS, ACOG, Thermal and Holo only? Woulda been nice to see some slightly different customization on some of these weapons, like, oh I don't know, laser sights, Infrared flahlight/goggles combo, integrated (like the Mars), etc. Anyone else a little bummed about the complete lack of night fighting too?

The F2000 also has an awesome MARS sight. The L86 uses a SUSAT scope instead of ACOG which is pretty cool. The AK uses a different grenade launcher that you switch to faster for some reason. The M16 and M4 have unique grenade launchers, too, but they don't change anything.


johnFkennedy said:
I just got a turtle beach headset and holy shit what a difference! Hearing footsteps loud and clear and knowing which direction gunfire if coming from gives you a huge advantage. It almost feels like cheating.
I would do this if I felt the sounds were reliable in this game, but you just can't trust them too much. Not only does Ninja Pro fuck you up, but there's some other glitch that makes people completely silent, or you only get to hear the very last footsteps before they stab you.

Just yesterday, I was streaking on Skidrow and had to hide behind a crate to heal. I was watching my UAV closely and listening for the slightest sound before I moved out from behind the crate and lo and behold, there's a guy with a HBS standing right fucking next to me and carefully aiming up a headshot. I made sure to check - he was NOT using Ninja Pro and in the killcam he was not crouching or being especially stealthy. Just walked right up to me using the HBS and shot me. :(

I don't get all the complaints about campers, honestly camping is probably the hardest way to get killstreaks. I've tried it, and whenever I find a good spot to camp, I'll kill a few people, and they'll eventually just flashbang me and I'll die. I find I'm getting MUCH higher killstreaks flanking and running/gunning.
That's true. It doesn't mean that people don't do it, though. The complaint is that if I'm on 10 kills of a fully legit, non-camped streak and I carefully enter a room where some bitch is on top of some lamp or some other glitchy camp spot you're not supposed to be in... I won't get my Chopper Gunner back just because I get to see where he sat in the killcam, and I probably won't streak like that again that match.

winnarps said:
Anyone know how people are glitching the 10th prestige so fast on the X360 side of things?
Curious about this too. I've only seen one level 10 and he was absolutely terrible - ended up in the bottom of the FFA rankings. Sure, 10th prestige doesn't mean you're automatically a great aimer but you should at least have a 1.0 K/D without even trying at that point, just from map knowledge and such.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
SCAR was my 2nd choice behind the RPD when I started out, but that shit recoils so bad I fucking hate it. Just need to force myself to get 30 FMJ kills with it for mastery.

FAMAS/M16 all the way to the ACR for me now.

By the way, how shit is the ACOG? Does anyone use it? I find it basically ruins all my guns. Takes awhile to ADS, ruins scope on snipers, useless on assault rifles at short/medium range. Why would anyone use that shit?
CrazedArabMan said:
24-0, ready for my last kill to get my first nuke, tons of guys closing in on my position, I throw a flash bang out, to stun them, as I get ready to open fire, a grenade launcher comes hurling at me and lands a good distance away and kills me. My day wasn't going great and I was so happy I only needed one more kill, then I get killed by one of the cheapest pieces of garbage this game offers. Once again IW has failed at balancing out the grenade launcher (or the whole game for that matter), almost every game I play, there is someone going around with a grenade launcher and scavenger with danger close. I would say it's worst than the CoD4 grenade launcher. They've gotten out of hand, and it's frustrating getting killed by someone who doesn't even have to see you to kill you.

In conclusion, IW, once again you fail at balancing out your game.

More like u fail at getting a nuke.


kaizoku said:
By the way, how shit is the ACOG? Does anyone use it? I find it basically ruins all my guns. Takes awhile to ADS, ruins scope on snipers, useless on assault rifles at short/medium range. Why would anyone use that shit?

I use the ACOG on the M21 + scavenger pro on maps like Terminal, pure ownage (make sure to equip a nice shotty as secondary though).


aku:jiki said:
I would do this if I felt the sounds were reliable in this game, but you just can't trust them too much. Not only does Ninja Pro fuck you up, but there's some other glitch that makes people completely silent, or you only get to hear the very last footsteps before they stab you.

From my experience with the X41 gaming headphones (recommended to me a lot earlier on in this thread; using them for a month now), they help your game immensely. I rarely to run into people with Ninja Pro equipped. The majority run with Commando, Steady Aim, or Scrambler (lolbad). A lot of people dismiss player movement sounds as irrelevant/insignificant, but knowledge of where your enemies are, especially when people rarely pop UAVs, is extremely helpful. I highly recommend picking up gaming headphones if you're really into MW2.

A proper set of headphones help in a lot of areas:
  • Hearing enemy movement (behind walls, around corners, etc.) allows you to position yourself ahead of time to get an easy kill. This also helps a lot with...
  • ...FMJ kills. Hear someone around that wall? Empty a clip into where you think the enemy might be and you tend to get pretty "lucky" penetration kills. This also tends to piss people off if they watch their killcam.
  • Oncoming fire from enemies let's you know what direction to avoid or aim towards.
  • You can easily hear equipment usage: tactical insertions (sounds like someone's zipping up their coat), claymore plants, killstreak triggers (clicking noises from radios)
  • You can hear when people are reloading (this helps knife classes know when to charge if you've been dodging a lot of enemy fire).
  • Etc., etc., etc.

Headphones changed my playstyle a whole lot, too. I wouldn't say I'm more of a camper now, but I'm definitely a lot more cautious with my own movement. I tend to slow patrol between 2-3 specific points of the map, instead of really staying in one place all of the time. Camping a lot tends to get you killed because of people watching killcams.

aku:jiki said:
Curious about this too. I've only seen one level 10 and he was absolutely terrible - ended up in the bottom of the FFA rankings. Sure, 10th prestige doesn't mean you're automatically a great aimer but you should at least have a 1.0 K/D without even trying at that point, just from map knowledge and such.

The 10th prestige guy I was matched up against claimed he had a 1.9 K/D ratio, but I never bothered to check. He was the top of his team every match I played against him, but I felt like he was hardly that great of a player. He just camped in a lot of semi-obvious areas and took advantage of a lot of the newer players not knowing the map layouts. He got up to the top of the one Highrise building with a tac insertion and really leaned into my team until I started lobbing grenades up to flush him out.

After some research though, it looks like there are 'modded/glitched' private matches going on now that level you up through a whole prestige with one kill. People go into these, kill someone, quit out, prestige, and rejoin until they get to whatever prestige level they want.
backflip10019 said:
The fuck? How could you leave out the Striker? It has like 12 rounds before you need to reload and is semi-automatic. It's the only shotgun I use (until I get to 67 again...)

Agreed, Striker is my shotgun of choice as well

I have seen a lot of Akimbo Rangers as well lately. The funny thing is, I always see it on the ground as I run over them. So I conclude they are not too effective :lol

AA-12 licks balls IMO, I would rather use the Spas
Graf Nudu said:
I hate to wait 10 minutes to get thrown into a game with swearing British 12-year olds and Frenchmen, who insist on only speaking French..

Ev COURSE I am FRONSH, why else would I have zis OUTRAGEOUS accent?!?!
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