I finished playing it but if need anyone for the missions then I'll help you out.Lince said:so I decided after last night party that today I'd stay home and finally complete the sp campaign (Veteran mode)... well, it has some scarce good moments but all in all it's garbage... specially the Brazil levels and the idiotic storyline / storytelling that puts you in random places for no apparent reason, CoD4 was so much better than this if just for the Pripyat level... on a technical level I guess the game is ok but needs some polish, for a sub-HD game it doesn't run well on the PS3 at all, smoke effects make the Cell/RSX struggle like there's no tomorrow, I've seen better in true HD games without performance penalty.
On a positive note I liked the "museum" stuff you unlock after beating the game and the special-ops missions, they're pretty much the best part of the game and I'll keep playing them for a while. And I'm done with the multiplayer after 250+ hours, tried everything perks, weapons, killstreaks, nukes, play styles... until I got burnt out, addicting? yes, GOTY? no.
edit: Viper you still playing spec-ops?
I've never used Hardline... maybe I will just to get the UAVs over with.kamikazemartian]Trying to do the same now. UMP and Hardline, Hardline and UMP, hooray! Ugh
RSTEIN said:How to be good at Terminal:
- create a Noob Tube/OMA/Danger Close class (preferably ACR with launcher)
Domino Theory said:SCAR w/ Red Dot
M1 (trying to get Grip)
Scavenger Pro
Cold-Blooded Pro
Steady Aim Pro
ACR w/ Holographic (loving ACR's static iron-sights)
SPAS-12 w/ Grip
Scavenger Pro
Stopping Power Pro
Steady Aim Pro
1 hit kill to the back would be fine as they got around you but more often then that I had people run down stairs or into doorways where I am and before my brain can think what's up and do something other then shoot, I get stabbed in the face. It's just annoying and a few of the matches I was playing this morning had someone I guess using the perks to run fast, take no drop damage and extended melee range, was just legging it about and killing a few people before he died himself.Billy Mitchell said:The knife should be like the riot shield in that it takes 2 strikes to kill a full health person. There is no reason why somebody should be able to run around with knife only and wipe out an entire team. Its silly. *albeit fun though
salva said:im a 3rd prestige now and fuuck, i really need a stinger. my stupid ass team never shoots down air support
yeah thats a good class but i use the FAMAS now. first class with the noob tube =£UFRA said:When in doubt just use one of the pre-sets.
I'm level 70, 0 Prestige, and although I'd like to make my own custom runner class, when I need to be speedy and get a head start on the enemy, I just use the "First Recon" pre-set that is available from the start. Works well enough for me.
Edit: I mean, have a 6th custom class to make my own runner, but I don't want to since my other classes are more important and frequently used.
I guess my friends list isn't mucked up with dishonest twats?aku:jiki said:What's your point? I have a guy in my list with a 10.x KD, most are around 2.0. I guess your friends suck at this game, I don't know?
Manp said:thanks for the tips...
i have had the game since launch day and i still haven't unlocked the ACR :lol that's how much time i spend playing... my playtime is around 1 day, not so hardcore :lol
Jagernaut said:I've also had the game since launch and just unlocked the ACR last night. That rifle is really accurate, I love it already. It will replace the SCAR as my main assault rifle. For LMG I like the Aug and for SMG I like the UMP. I've tried sniping but don't really like it.
Manp said:your bit about accuracy made me remember one thing i noticed the other day. i've started using a silencer on the SCAR to unlock the last challenge and since then the number of head shots i'm able to pull out had drastically increased...
am i seeing thing or are the two thing correlated?
I miss it too. If IW does some kind of weapon pack(doubt it would happen though) that better be in it.Cerrius said:I hate the MP5K so much. I've tried to make it work, I really have, but it just plain sucks.
It's completely outclassed by the UMP.
Why did you take out the MP5 IW? :-(
I miss it so much.
XxBigP123xX said:I miss it too. If IW does some kind of weapon pack(doubt it would happen though) that better be in it.
XxBigP123xX said:I miss it too. If IW does some kind of weapon pack(doubt it would happen though) that better be in it.
For sure. The mechanics of how you aim and shoot in MW are clearly designed to work with a pad. They feel tacky with a mouse.Proc said:As a primary pc gamer, I've come around on the 360 version of this game.
When you load up with a new weapon upgrade, it just feels way more substantial than it does on pc. I like that.
I love mw2 for moshpit, great games. I try to avoid tdm as much as possible.
Cerrius said:I hate the MP5K so much. I've tried to make it work, I really have, but it just plain sucks.
It's completely outclassed by the UMP.
Why did you take out the MP5 IW? :-(
I miss it so much.
Domino Theory said:My three main classes are listed below. Any suggested changes to either of them are welcome:
SCAR w/ Red Dot
M1 (trying to get Grip)
Scavenger Pro
Cold-Blooded Pro
Steady Aim Pro
ACR w/ Holographic (loving ACR's static iron-sights)
SPAS-12 w/ Grip
Scavenger Pro
Stopping Power Pro
Steady Aim Pro
UMP w/ Silencer (SO GOOD)
TMP (trying to get Silencer)
Throwing Knife (replenishing your TK with Scavenger is heavenly)
Scavenger Pro
Cold-Blooded Pro
Ninja Pro
But what upsets me is that almost EVERY match I play now has either Danger Close classes or Supersoldier classes running around. I swear I don't remember the last time I was in a firefight with someone who just had a plain Assault Rifle. There's way too many fucking gimmicks in this game's MP (Riot Shield class, Danger Close class, Supersoldier class, ugh).
The AC130 has 2 flares, so you have to shoot it 3 times with the Stinger to destroy it.Tiger uppercut said:now that you mention AC-130's and stingers, is there an easy way to take out a AC 130 with a stinger? It feels like I'm constantly being flared anytime I try.
:loljedimike said:along the same lines, but a bit funnier at the end when the victim responds in the game.![]()
Tiger uppercut said:now that you mention AC-130's and stingers, is there an easy way to take out a AC 130 with a stinger? It feels like I'm constantly being flared anytime I try.
I tend not to bother shooting AC-130's down. By the time I've fired of enough shots it's gone already. I tend to die less/get more kills by just hiding indoors, since AC-130's have almost no penetration capabilities.Tiger uppercut said:now that you mention AC-130's and stingers, is there an easy way to take out a AC 130 with a stinger? It feels like I'm constantly being flared anytime I try.
Nice music.Ogs said:Finally got myself a nuke through knifing (and killstreaks)![]()
And with that, im going back to my trusty ACR.
i_am_ben said:I've noticed some people here have Red dot sights equipped on their weapons rather than Holographic sights. I thought holographic sights were slightly better? Is there some drawback to the holographic sight I'm not aware of?
ElyrionX said:I hope you're not one of those idiots who don't ever use the Stinger.
It's ridiculous how you can have an entire team of 9 players get repeatedly slaughtered by the chopper gunner/harrier/AC130/whatever and still no one whips out the Stinger to help shoot those things down. I mean, I'm only one man and it takes three Stingers to down an AC-130 and that means it's going to take a while if I do it all by myself.
Ogs said:Finally got myself a nuke through knifing (and killstreaks)![]()
And with that, im going back to my trusty ACR.
I think his playstyle is at least much better for domination than all the camping and shit. At least this guy with the knife is taking the enemy team out, stopping them from taking the control points. I don't mind having an assassin like that on our team, while the rest of us focus on taking points. It's the killstreak campers that ruin the objective modes - man it sucks when a domination match is all silent and calm because literally everybody's camping.Arjen said:God i hate people like you, playing Domination this way.
It's not this?aku:jiki said:BTW, I was killed by a guy who had an emblem that's not on any list anywhere! I've checked all the emblems lists and it's not on there. It was a bunch of cogwheels jammed together - a big red cogwheel with smaller blue wheels. Anyone have any idea what that was? (On 360, btw. Was thinking it was a dev-team/publisher emblem but the guy was terrible at the game. :lol)
Ogs said:Finally got myself a nuke through knifing (and killstreaks)![]()
And with that, im going back to my trusty ACR.
Of course not. No one ever leaves the spot they spawn at on HC.Spydy said:You would never get away with shit like that in Hardcore TDM.