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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Just got a 360 with this game as an add on. Coming from PS3, the controls are weird. The camera feels slower and the sticks aren't loose enough so it's hard for me to be precise with my shots. Heh, guess I'm just used to the Dualshock 3 so much. :lol

Oh and playing an HD game using composite cables is so wrong. The games look like your watching TV with bad reception through those old rabbit ears.

*eagerly awaiting my hdmi cable*

NJ Shlice

backflip10019 said:
Yes, you absolutely do need stopping power on the ACR. I have trouble using it even with SP because it's so damn weak.

I don't understand GAF's love of it. Why bother pumping what seems like 10 rounds into someone which doesn't always kill them when I can drop someone with one burst from my FAMAS?

If your aim is good you don't need to waste so many bullets. My premier class is:

ACR w/ Holographics & Silencer
Akimbo M93s (Raffica)

Bling Pro
Steady Aim.

Killstreaks - Harrier - Chopper Gunner - Nuke.

The goal here is to get 6 kills (Harrier)
ACR is at least 4 kills, and five if you don't waste your bullets. When someone get's close the M93s come out.

All you need to do is get to 6 kills and that's it. Harrier gets you your gunner, Here comes nuke.

And worst case scenario if your ACR runs out fast you will pick up a gun from someone you killed close range with the M93s.


NJ x Falkor said:
The goal here is to get 6 kills (Harrier)
Uh, that's your goal... Mine is to get to 8 for an Emergency Airdrop and the ACR just doesn't have enough bullets for that. Not everybody plays every match for nukes, dude.

NJ Shlice

aku:jiki said:
Uh, that's your goal... Mine is to get to 8 for an Emergency Airdrop and the ACR just doesn't have enough bullets for that. Not everybody plays every match for nukes, dude.


ACR will not go the distance. M16 is better for those longer stretches and if you're the camping type.

That's why I like the M93's as my secondary. They come out fast and have great range and strength to make up for the kills I can't get with the ACR because of its short clip.


is has been said already, but the riot shield should have been a 1 hit kill, the actual two hits make it useless. it's fun to use it but afer a while you get bored.

NJ Shlice

aku:jiki said:
. Not everybody plays every match for nukes, dude.

I dont play every game for nukes. But when I'm going for a nuke that is the setup that I use.

If i'm just having fun my killstreaks are Predator-Harrier-AC130.

And I really only use 3 setups:

WA2000 - Thermal, Silencer
M93s - Akimbo, Silencer
Bling Pro, Stopping Power, Steady Aim

RPD - FMJ, Grip
M1014 - FMJ, Grip
Bling Pro, Stopping Power, Steady Aim

ACR - Holo, Silencer
M93s - Akimbo, Silencer
Bling Pro, Stopping Power, Steady Aim

NJ Shlice

Wren said:
Quick Question: When you prestige do you get to keep your upgraded perks or do those reset too?

You don't get to keep shit. Nothing.

All you keep is your titles and emblems.

I think you should at least get to keep your total weapon kills/headshots IMO.


NJ x Falkor said:
You don't get to keep shit. Nothing.

All you keep is your titles and emblems.

I think you should at least get to keep your total weapon kills/headshots IMO.
What keeps me from presitiging in general is that weapon challenges are resest. Nevermind 40 P90 FMJ kills; 500 P90 headshots?!
aku:jiki said:
As someone who's been using FAMAS almost exclusively for the first 40 levels of this prestige round and just now unlocked the ACR again, I feel the same. I'm out of ammo after like 5 kills with the ACR even when I shoot conservatively, while the FAMAS is easily packed to get 10 more kills at that point.

I do enjoy being able to spray and kill at like a mile away with the ACR though. FAMAS is not as good at that.

It's so rock solid you can use it like a sniper if you wanted. That stability is it's main attraction I think, you might need to use slightly more bullets to drop a target, but you're wasting less actual ammo on the wall behind where he's standing.

aku:jiki said:
Also, I've come to the conclusion that the stun grenade is absolutely bloody useless. You get the same effect from a flash, except you block their view too. All the stun does is make it a bit slower for them to aim, but since they're camping the fuck out of the room and already have the sights on the door anyway it does absolutely nothing. :mad:

Stun grenades makes them move slower while flashbangs don't, and they don't need to be looking toward it to be effected by it. Toss one and quickly follow it up with a frag/semtex/C4 and you can clear out a large number of enemies (if they're zerging an objective in a mode like Domination). It's also team safe, better to slow an ally than blind and deafen them near an enemy. Might as well save the enemy the trouble and shoot them in the head yourself.

I found a kind of weird but fun build this morning:

Barretta .50 Cal /w ACOG & Heartbeat Sensor
Ranger w/Akimbo & FMJ

Bling Pro
Ninja Pro
Cold-Blooded Pro

Love the advantage in damage the Barretta gives me in CQC against anything but an SMG or a shotgun user readied for someone to come by, and the ACOG gives me the ability to use it there without losing it's ability as a sniper rifle (I find I don't need a full scope on maps these sizes and I have a hard time dealing with the loss of vision anyway). The Heartbeat sensor helps me ID targets trying to be sneaky without the proper perks and work out flanking positions. The Shotguns are for dealing with other shotgun users/SMG users, with FMJ insuring as many pellets as possible reach my target. Akimbo Rangers offer me a lotta badda-boom for my money, but since it's essentially a one trick pony (cause who isn't going to use both barrels), I wanted to make sure I had insurance. Perks are pretty obvious. The flashbangs give me a slight edge against targets (and hell, I'm using a sniper rifle at close-to-mid range combat, I need all the help I can get :p), especially hardened targets. Semtex I always take, love my sticky bombs. Give it a try some time, you can even pick up one shot, one kills with it and people don't seem to know what to make of a guy rushing them with a sniper rifle in hand. :lol


Neo Member
NJ x Falkor said:
And I really only use 3 setups:

WA2000 - Thermal, Silencer
M93s - Akimbo, Silencer
Bling Pro, Stopping Power, Steady Aim

Supposedly Stopping Power has no effect on the WA2000, unless youre using SP for the Rafficas, I recommend cold blooded.

NJ Shlice

Fugu said:
What keeps me from presitiging in general is that weapon challenges are resest. Nevermind 40 P90 FMJ kills; 500 P90 headshots?!

Yeah i know. I prestiged because you can't unlock all the weapon titles and emblems if you don't prestige.

So I figure i'll get all the titles/emblems for a couple weapons that i use most, then prestige again.


These are my tips for those of you who are struggling to go positive (XB360) even after putting a lot of time into the game (like many of the people on my friends list):

If I am in a winning game and do very well, I have noticed that I tend to get matched in the next game with the best players from the previous one. Watch this, if you end up on the worse team (or a team with a lot of zeros) exit the lobby.

If you join a game in progress and you see the other team is owning it, leave immediately and take the loss.

If you start a TDM game and you're getting wrecked, just leave.

Turn up the sensitivity on your controller settings. If you have trouble aiming at the higher sensitivity, pick up one of the controller extenders (FPS Freeks mentioned earlier in the thread). I gradually increased my sensitivity from 2 (default) to 4 and then when I got the FPS Freeks thing I bumped it up to 7.

Strafe while you're lining up a shot on someone, or alternatively drop to prone although since I don't use the tactical layout I rarely do this.

If you're not hitting your killstreaks consider switching down to something you might be able to get, like a 3-4-5 or a 4-5-7. Ideas: UAV-Care-Sentry, UAV-Care-Predator, Care-Predator-Harrier.

NJ Shlice

Supposedly Stopping Power has no effect on the WA2000, unless youre using SP for the Rafficas, I recommend cold blooded.

I'd have to disagree with that. With SP one bullet from the WA2000 anywhere in the top 3rd of the body is a one shot kill.

I've tried it without SP and I noticed the difference.

NJ Shlice

codecow said:
These are my tips for those of you who are struggling to go positive (XB360) even after putting a lot of time into the game (like many of the people on my friends list):

If you're not hitting your killstreaks consider switching down to something you might be able to get, like a 3-4-5 or a 4-5-7. Ideas: UAV-Care-Sentry, UAV-Care-Predator, Care-Predator-Harrier.

Those are good ideas.

If you're not doing good at the game:

1. Spawn
2. Crouch
3. Move slowly
4. Treat every kill like it's the most important.

I played Halo exclusively for the past 8 years and it was very hard to pick up a game like this and be good at it. I just wanted to out-gun everyone. You have to learn to take the game slow, get positional advantage, peak around corners, shoot through holes and windows. Act like every kill is for your kill streak and you will do just fine.


ZeroRay said:
Coming from PS3, the controls are weird. The camera feels slower and the sticks aren't loose enough so it's hard for me to be precise with my shots. Heh, guess I'm just used to the Dualshock 3 so much. :lol

Same here. Got to lvl 67 on PS3 before switching to 360, (a bit like prestiging, just without the, err, "prestige"). Feels like a different game, and I can't decide where to set the sensitivity for the sticks. Only 6 hours in though, I'm sure I'll adjust eventually.

I also found myself instinctively hovering over the dpad before the start of a round, ready to switch to my Gears of War shotgun. My brain feels a 360 pad and it thinks it's playing Gears :) Never did get my 10,000 kills achievement, got over 11,000 though :(


NJ x Falkor said:
If you're not doing good at the game:

1. Spawn
2. Crouch
3. Move slowly
4. Treat every kill like it's the most important.

I played Halo exclusively for the past 8 years and it was very hard to pick up a game like this and be good at it. I just wanted to out-gun everyone. You have to learn to take the game slow, get positional advantage, peak around corners, shoot through holes and windows. Act like every kill is for your kill streak and you will do just fine.

longest definition of "camping" I've ever read :lol


Supposedly Stopping Power has no effect on the WA2000, unless youre using SP for the Rafficas, I recommend cold blooded.
Not entirely true.

Stopping power just doesn't have much of an effect on the damage due to some bad multiplication. Simply put, stopping power will only make it easier for you to kill already injured people or people with painkiller on (although it's still not even close to a one-hit kill with painkiller, due to the fact that painkiller divides damage by three).

Keep in mind that all sniper rifles do 70 base damage, 50 silenced, and in softcore, everyone has 100 health (I believe they have 30 in hardcore).
Without stopping power, no silencer:
Headshot - 70 x 1.5 = 105
Neck shot - 70 x 1.5 = 105
Body shot - 70 x 1.5 = 105
Everywhere else - 70 = 70

With stopping power, no silencer:
Headshot - 70 x 1.5 x 1.4 = 147
Neck shot - 70 x 1.5 x 1.4 = 147
Body shot - 70 x 1.5 x 1.4 = 147
Everywhere else - 70 x 1.4 = 98

As you can see, it gives you just under the required damage for a one-shot kill in the limbs. Anything else at that point (such as a grenade impact or a bullet through a thin enough surface) will kill. That makes stopping power only advantageous for killing people in the arms/legs through walls or if they have less than 30 but more than 2 HP remaining (which is an admittedly large range). The difference is more pronounced with a silencer.

Without stopping power, silencer:
Headshot - 50 x 1.5 = 75
Neck shot - 50 x 1.5 = 75
Body shot - 50 x 1.5 = 75
Everywhere else - 50 = 50

With stopping power, silencer:
Headshot - 50 x 1.5 x 1.4 = 105
Neck shot - 50 x 1.5 x 1.4 = 105
Body shot - 50 x 1.5 x 1.4 = 105
Everywhere else - 50 x 1.4 = 70

Stopping power makes a silenced WA do the same damage as an unsilenced WA without stopping power. All things considered, using a silenced WA without stopping power likely isn't a good idea unless you plan on being very difficult to spot.


NJ x Falkor said:
haha True

yes, let's face it, if you want those fancy harriers and chopper gunners you're going to camp at some point in the game (most players do it all the time anyway), and your precious K/D? camp! nuke? camp! the only players who can achieve long killstreaks without camping are the marathon+lightweight+commando+tactical knife guys. The rest, myself included, move "carefully and slowly" through the map (camp here and get a kill, move to another safe position, camp and get another kill...)


Sielys said:
Stealth bomber is amazing, I dunno what you're all talking about. Easily the best airstrike. only one pass, but it goes across the length of the entire map - in the direction you pointed it in -, and has infinite payload with enormous AoE. It's existentially a big line of death painted across the entire map.
True. But it sucks on city maps (Invasion, Karachi, Skidrow). Too many damn buildings.


Lince said:
yes, let's face it, if you want those fancy harriers and chopper gunners you're going to camp at some point in the game (most players do it all the time anyway), and your precious K/D? camp! nuke? camp! the only players who can achieve long killstreaks without camping are the marathon+lightweight+commando+tactical knife guys. The rest, myself included, move "carefully and slowly" through the map (camp here and get a kill, move to another safe position, camp and get another kill...)
I have maintained a 2.1:1 ratio by using scavenger/stopping power/steady aim exclusively and constantly running around the map with a silenced SMG (almost always the P90 but sometimes the Mini-Uzi too) or an AR (ACR w/ ACOG, AK w/ Holo or FMJ, M16, FAL). I'm not sure I understand the "it's impossible without camping" sentiment considering I'd probably play worse if I didn't move so much.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Lince said:
longest definition of "camping" I've ever read :lol

Not really. When playing team deathmatch, seeing teammates just running out in the open with not a care in the world pisses me off. You run out in the open and get shot in the face, usually over and over again.

Being good at the game is not necessarily about camping, but you do need to play smart and take your time. Try to see where enemies are, where they are patrolling. Take them out before they take you out.


Fugu said:
I have maintained a 2.1:1 ratio by using scavenger/stopping power/steady aim exclusively and constantly running around the map with a silenced SMG (almost always the P90 but sometimes the Mini-Uzi too) or an AR (ACR w/ ACOG, AK w/ Holo or FMJ, M16, FAL). I'm not sure I understand the "it's impossible without camping" sentiment considering I'd probably play worse if I didn't move so much.

oh come on, of course it's possible, you might be more skilled than the average player or got a better ping/connection. SMG + host / good connection to host = instakills. But the average player like me... I could only get long killstreaks without camping using danger close pro + RPGs + tubes, sad but true. Game is fun no matter how you play it anyway, hope IW fixes some of the issues and balance things a bit further.
Has anyone encountered a weird glitch where you use a predator missile, the laptop comes out but it doesnt actually switch to the aim screen? Pretty much I kept on trying to use my predator but it kept on stopping right when the laptop opened, so I could literally run around with my laptop out. It was really strange and its only happened to me twice so far. The only way to use the predator is to die. Once you respawn it works.


ElyrionX said:
You've never shot down any air support? What's your level?
58.5 :lol I just hide when air support is up.

I did just switch to a jav and shoot at the Ac-130 with a lock but he didn't die. :(


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
rezuth said:
I would not count sharing 0.1% of the code with Quake 3 engine as being a modified Quake 3 engine.

If that's what you want to believe...

I trust my sources at iD/Carmack more, and they say it's higher than that.


A few days ago I was playing Domination in Rundown and none of the teams were able to get the flag at "B" (on the wodden bridge). The score was 49 - 50 and all of a sudden it ended saying "Time Limit Reached". Is this a bug? How the hell was the time limit reached when there is no time limit in Domination? Everyone was confused when it happened.
Ugh, my biggest gripe with the MM system right now is that unless I'm playing a MTDM, I'm ALWAYS matched up against a team of at least 4 or 5 people. Meanwhile my team of randoms all go negative while I struggle to remain positive. Can't IW do something about the MM system to make it more like Halo's (where teams of 5 are matched with
other teams of 5)? The system they have now makes absolutely zero sense.


I had been using carepackage-pred-harrier combo, but since I've gotten a little better, decided to try pred-harrier-pavelow. First match, started 18-0, my longest streak ever! Also first time I've seen a team get 7500 on derail.


Lince said:
longest definition of "camping" I've ever read :lol

Well, there's two types of campers. There's the people who are trying to gain a geographical advantage...and the ones who spend the game looking over a staircase spraying at people who come up. I yell at the latter.


backflip10019 said:
Ugh, my biggest gripe with the MM system right now is that unless I'm playing a MTDM, I'm ALWAYS matched up against a team of at least 4 or 5 people. Meanwhile my team of randoms all go negative while I struggle to remain positive. Can't IW do something about the MM system to make it more like Halo's (where teams of 5 are matched with
other teams of 5)? The system they have now makes absolutely zero sense.
It's pretty ridiculous, which is why I usually only play Mercenary Team Deathmatch.


tarius1210 said:
A few days ago I was playing Domination in Rundown and none of the teams were able to get the flag at "B" (on the wodden bridge). The score was 49 - 50 and all of a sudden it ended saying "Time Limit Reached". Is this a bug? How the hell was the time limit reached when there is no time limit in Domination? Everyone was confused when it happened.
Same thing happened to a friend and I in a domination game the other day. Our team capped out closest point out of spawn and then the other team ignored theirs and everybody ended up going for the middle flag and nobody ended up getting it and the match ended about 3 minutes after starting saying the time limit was reached.

My guess was that it's put in there to prevent people trying to boost in domination by not capping any points and just playing forever.
Fugu said:
Not entirely true.

Stopping power just doesn't have much of an effect on the damage due to some bad multiplication. Simply put, stopping power will only make it easier for you to kill already injured people or people with painkiller on (although it's still not even close to a one-hit kill with painkiller, due to the fact that painkiller divides damage by three).

Keep in mind that all sniper rifles do 70 base damage, 50 silenced, and in softcore, everyone has 100 health (I believe they have 30 in hardcore).
Without stopping power, no silencer:
Headshot - 70 x 1.5 = 105
Neck shot - 70 x 1.5 = 105
Body shot - 70 x 1.5 = 105
Everywhere else - 70 = 70

With stopping power, no silencer:
Headshot - 70 x 1.5 x 1.4 = 147
Neck shot - 70 x 1.5 x 1.4 = 147
Body shot - 70 x 1.5 x 1.4 = 147
Everywhere else - 70 x 1.4 = 98

As you can see, it gives you just under the required damage for a one-shot kill in the limbs. Anything else at that point (such as a grenade impact or a bullet through a thin enough surface) will kill. That makes stopping power only advantageous for killing people in the arms/legs through walls or if they have less than 30 but more than 2 HP remaining (which is an admittedly large range). The difference is more pronounced with a silencer.

Without stopping power, silencer:
Headshot - 50 x 1.5 = 75
Neck shot - 50 x 1.5 = 75
Body shot - 50 x 1.5 = 75
Everywhere else - 50 = 50

With stopping power, silencer:
Headshot - 50 x 1.5 x 1.4 = 105
Neck shot - 50 x 1.5 x 1.4 = 105
Body shot - 50 x 1.5 x 1.4 = 105
Everywhere else - 50 x 1.4 = 70

Stopping power makes a silenced WA do the same damage as an unsilenced WA without stopping power. All things considered, using a silenced WA without stopping power likely isn't a good idea unless you plan on being very difficult to spot.

And that's why a sniper gun with a silencer and Cold Blooded instead of Stopping Power is useless. :(


Fugu said:
Not entirely true.

Stopping power just doesn't have much of an effect on the damage due to some bad multiplication. Simply put, stopping power will only make it easier for you to kill already injured people or people with painkiller on (although it's still not even close to a one-hit kill with painkiller, due to the fact that painkiller divides damage by three).

Keep in mind that all sniper rifles do 70 base damage, 50 silenced, and in softcore, everyone has 100 health (I believe they have 30 in hardcore).
Without stopping power, no silencer:
Headshot - 70 x 1.5 = 105
Neck shot - 70 x 1.5 = 105
Body shot - 70 x 1.5 = 105
Everywhere else - 70 = 70

With stopping power, no silencer:
Headshot - 70 x 1.5 x 1.4 = 147
Neck shot - 70 x 1.5 x 1.4 = 147
Body shot - 70 x 1.5 x 1.4 = 147
Everywhere else - 70 x 1.4 = 98

As you can see, it gives you just under the required damage for a one-shot kill in the limbs. Anything else at that point (such as a grenade impact or a bullet through a thin enough surface) will kill. That makes stopping power only advantageous for killing people in the arms/legs through walls or if they have less than 30 but more than 2 HP remaining (which is an admittedly large range). The difference is more pronounced with a silencer.

Without stopping power, silencer:
Headshot - 50 x 1.5 = 75
Neck shot - 50 x 1.5 = 75
Body shot - 50 x 1.5 = 75
Everywhere else - 50 = 50

With stopping power, silencer:
Headshot - 50 x 1.5 x 1.4 = 105
Neck shot - 50 x 1.5 x 1.4 = 105
Body shot - 50 x 1.5 x 1.4 = 105
Everywhere else - 50 x 1.4 = 70

Stopping power makes a silenced WA do the same damage as an unsilenced WA without stopping power. All things considered, using a silenced WA without stopping power likely isn't a good idea unless you plan on being very difficult to spot.

I like this, but I can not get any 'one shot one kill' with the .50 cal without SP. I did not start getting them until I used that perk.


Comics, serious business!
Well, I completed the Stealth Bomber Challenge with style. We were on Karachi and I called my bad boy in and killed the entire team... all 6 dead :lol I went 40-11. Good times :D


Had a funny kill last night on Afghan.

Had my W2000 and was waiting for a charge from A towards B so I put my claymore down to the left of me and then had the cover of some sandbags from that little shack behind B.

A guy comes at me and wounds me before I can get off a shot so I toss a flashbang and duck down and go prone. I know he's gotta be coming and he probably saw my claymore so I start to look up and I see the guy come jumping over the sandbags (he filled my entire screen!) and instinctively mash R3 and get a glorious knife kill in his crotch.


TheSeks said:
If that's what you want to believe...

I trust my sources at iD/Carmack more, and they say it's higher than that.
I'm going to trust Infinity Ward on this one. Unless you of course would show me something that proves otherwise.


backflip10019 said:
Ugh, my biggest gripe with the MM system right now is that unless I'm playing a MTDM, I'm ALWAYS matched up against a team of at least 4 or 5 people. Meanwhile my team of randoms all go negative while I struggle to remain positive. Can't IW do something about the MM system to make it more like Halo's (where teams of 5 are matched with
other teams of 5)? The system they have now makes absolutely zero sense.

I've been crying/whining/bitching/moaning for more merc modes because of this. Current matchmaking just caters to bro parties, setting them up with easy matches against low level randoms. And of course, the griefing, especially on domination


Oh, I just had the funniest luck ever in a CTF match. The majority of both teams were actually going for the flag, but both were pushing each other back successfully through the entire match. Toward the end, I scored an emergency airdrop and managed to get all crates for myself. Two AC-130's. :lol

I started one and ended the main round with a killing spree, then we went into overtime and I decided to wait just a little bit...then I launched the second one and killed everyone but one guy, who managed to get the flag. Their reactions in the lobby were fucking priceless! :lol


aku:jiki said:
As someone who's been using FAMAS almost exclusively for the first 40 levels of this prestige round and just now unlocked the ACR again, I feel the same. I'm out of ammo after like 5 kills with the ACR even when I shoot conservatively, while the FAMAS is easily packed to get 10 more kills at that point.

I do enjoy being able to spray and kill at like a mile away with the ACR though. FAMAS is not as good at that.
ACR is fine without stopping power. The idea is to not go head-to-head with people. I use it with a stealth build with scavenger so ammo is never a problem and they're dead before they even know where I am.

Also, I've come to the conclusion that the stun grenade is absolutely bloody useless. You get the same effect from a flash, except you block their view too. All the stun does is make it a bit slower for them to aim, but since they're camping the fuck out of the room and already have the sights on the door anyway it does absolutely nothing. :mad:
Stun grenades are plenty useful. The trick is to toss one into one entrance and then storm an adjacent entrance. While you're stunned you turn so slowly that you won't even get a chance to aim at the other guy.

What I hate most about both special grenades though is the way they handle cover. I've seen killcams where someone should've gotten stunned or flashed but did't because they were standing in front of cover that's only up to their knees.


DMeisterJ said:
I like this, but I can not get any 'one shot one kill' with the .50 cal without SP. I did not start getting them until I used that perk.
You must shoot people in the crotch a lot then, because the .50 cal is the only gun with a 1.1x multiplier on the lower torso, which is not enough to make a non-stopping power hit a one hit kill, but is enough with stopping power.


NJ x Falkor said:
Those are good ideas.

If you're not doing good at the game:

1. Spawn
2. Crouch
3. Move slowly
4. Treat every kill like it's the most important.

I played Halo exclusively for the past 8 years and it was very hard to pick up a game like this and be good at it. I just wanted to out-gun everyone. You have to learn to take the game slow, get positional advantage, peak around corners, shoot through holes and windows. Act like every kill is for your kill streak and you will do just fine.

Yeah, I mean map knowledge is huge obviously so I was mostly trying to address non-hours based comments.

You can outgun everyone if you're fast aiming at 1-1. Many of the best youtubers are exactly this, they'll win 1-1 nearly every time because they aim so fast. I'd say at close range 1-1 I go about 0.40, so for me a more effective strategy is to try and hold down a small area where I know people pass.
codecow said:
If I am in a winning game and do very well, I have noticed that I tend to get matched in the next game with the best players from the previous one. Watch this, if you end up on the worse team (or a team with a lot of zeros) exit the lobby.

If you join a game in progress and you see the other team is owning it, leave immediately and take the loss.

If you start a TDM game and you're getting wrecked, just leave.
This is horrible advice.
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