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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Can someone explain to me how the fuck Sniping works? Im tired of watching kill cams of me dieing when they are aiming to the side of me and one shooting me.
Sorry to say but this game doesn't require a lot of skill. I'd say 50% skill, 25% quick reflexes, 25% dumb luck.

Last night was a "bipolar" experience for me. After a week hiatus I was going 25-3 regularly, launching a chop gunner every other match. I was doing so well I was killing fools by shooting grenades close range into their chests. After feeling good about myself I took a couple hr break, drank a beer and then saw my k/d take a dive. I was going 8-9 for a long stretch and finally decided to call it quits lol. Man this game can make u a stud one min and a dud the next. My heart doesn't deserve this kind of strain. I'm going on a another week long break..


Chumly said:
Can someone explain to me how the fuck Sniping works? Im tired of watching kill cams of me dieing when they are aiming to the side of me and one shooting me.

Well they are one hit kills most of the time with stopping powers. Also killcams are notoriously bad at conveying how you really died.


Sielys said:
Well they are one hit kills most of the time with stopping powers. Also killcams are notoriously bad at conveying how you really died.
How so? Do they not show what the other person is looking at?


Chumly said:
How so? Do they not show what the other person is looking at?
Its a simple matter of the game being a little forgiving as far as hit detection goes. Ive had more than a few kills where I know for a fact that I didnt even hit the guy.
I want to note one quick thing.. When u get killed while in the middle of operating a predator missile, ur camera goes "blind" (no highlights around the opponents) so then it becomes a guesswork of distinguishing who are the good/bad guys. I got lucky once, guiding my missile on a moving target and killed the guy and one other who spawned close by lol. Gotta appreciate these little touches..


.GqueB. said:
Its a simple matter of the game being a little forgiving as far as hit detection goes. Ive had more than a few kills where I know for a fact that I didnt even hit the guy.
Yea its a really frustrating way to die though.
tarius1210 said:
So with SitRep Pro the enemies footsteps are louder. Is it useful? I'm in the process of getting Pro but it's such a pain the arse. Not many people use claymores/C4 and destroying 120 of them is just damn ridiculous.

I destroy about 4-5 claymores on average in each Hardcore game I play.


So I've decided that burst weapons are fucking awesome. After my M16 rampaging the other day, I'm sticking with it till I get to my next prestige then FAMAS all night like baby.


I'm in too deep with this game. Loving it oh so much. Lvl 24 on my second night of playing, I'm finally getting decent kd ratios.

The controller change has made a world of difference going from the ps3 version. I definitely prefer it to the ps3, even with real triggers.

Its always cool to see my friends list full of people playing.

edit: do you guys usually zoom in all the time when checking your corners?


NullPointer said:
Heh. That too.

Some people seem far too concerned with their K/D ratios and pull this kind of wankery at the expense of the team and a good game.

Here are some tips:

* Stay Alive. No, seriously. Its a mindset switch I'm talking about here, not some magical pixie dust of indestructibility. Put more of your focus on staying alive and less on getting the kills. In a team deathmatch game it doesn't matter how many kills you get if you've died getting them all. Move between covered/concealed positions and don't just pull the trigger because you can. A good rule of thumb when fighting defensively is: don't open fire unless you can handle the counter-attack. Seek small advantages and fire when you have the upper hand. Of course this game is filled with tons of ways to die randomly, but if your mind is bent upon survival your game will improve overall.

* Get those kills. In a team deathmatch game your best bet for kills is to stick with other players. Not too close mind you, because you don't want to have your entire squad taken out by a tube, grenade or airstrike. Give each player enough distance so that you can maintain multiple fields of overlapping fire. Don't rush forward. Take a steady pace and cover angles that your squadmates aren't. The idea here is to get into skirmishes where you outnumber the enemy. At best your overwhelming firepower destroys the opposition, and at worst you can get the counter-kill on enemies that have taken your buddies down, effectively removing their kill streak. No kill streak means fewer Harriers -> Chopper Gunners -> Nukes.

* Don't run out in the fucking open. Just don't. Unless you've got some strategy that involves being bait, or if you want to give the enemy a false sense of superiority. if you feel you MUST do this, invest in smoke grenades or at least cause a distraction first.

* In objective games, learn to defend the objective. This isn't the same thing as camping, and you don't really want to be right on top of the objective for the best results. Give yourself a little distance from the defensive point, but that allows for line of sight over what you're guarding. Then hold the perimeter. Sticking in one spot for an extended period of time won't help much though - you have to keep moving. With this in mind its fully possible for just one player to hold a contested point. In a Domination match you should be either guarding a held point, establishing a perimeter around a point, or assaulting a point.

Good advice. I still catch myself running through open areas thinking "Hey this is where I die a lot" then BAM! down I go.

There are certain kill zones in maps, learn em, avoid running through em, and point AT em.

So easy to forget in the heat of the moment.


divisionbyzorro said:
Ohhhman...that would go well with "My Lil' Pwny"

I currently roll with this:


Wait do you play HC on PS3? I swear some guy with that tag chased me around quarry last night , I was back pedaling the whole way, I emptied a clip and two nade launhcer tubes at him (too close to explode) before he pummeled the life out of me. :lol :lol


NullPointer said:
* In objective games, learn to defend the objective. This isn't the same thing as camping, and you don't really want to be right on top of the objective for the best results. Give yourself a little distance from the defensive point, but that allows for line of sight over what you're guarding. Then hold the perimeter. Sticking in one spot for an extended period of time won't help much though - you have to keep moving. With this in mind its fully possible for just one player to hold a contested point. In a Domination match you should be either guarding a held point, establishing a perimeter around a point, or assaulting a point.
This is a really good point. To put it simply, people are stupid and irrational when it comes to camping and fighting campers. Ive been killed by someone that I could tell was camping and I just go back to the same spot and the idiot is still there.

When I hold up somewhere I always switch positions because people are filled with pride and a desire for vengeance so I know theyre coming back so I change position. I dont run across the whole map I keep it simple. If I killed him while standing near a truck I switch which side of the truck I was standing on. If I killed him while standing on one side of the door I just switch sides. And of course the guy comes in pointing the wrong way.

I hate Wasteland (HATE!!!) so I always hold up in that house near the helipad. All I do is switch which door Im hiding at after each kill and people keep pouring in. Thats the only map where I just dont move much around the map. Because people are foolish.
rodvik said:
Wait do you play HC on PS3? I swear some guy with that tag chased me around quarry last night , I was back pedaling the whole way, I emptied a clip and two nade launhcer tubes at him (too close to explode) before he pummeled the life out of me. :lol :lol
You know that there is more than one person with that tag playing on PS3, right?

... :lol


divisionbyzorro said:
Snipers: That's really up to your playstyle. I don't really like sniping and I've never taken the time to learn how to do it effectively. There are some who are really good with it though...

It just seems like I see players making kills from across the map with a AR, making the sniper rifle seem pretty useless. I'm new so it's just an impression.


You like me, you really really like me!
Just checked my time played on the score leaderboard. Holy shit. 7 days and 17 hours.

That's 185 hours of MW2 multi since release. Good lord. Look what you've done IW :-(


Cerrius said:
Just checked my time played on the score leaderboard. Holy shit. 7 days and 17 hours.

That's 185 hours of MW2 multi since release. Good lord. Look what you've done IW :-(

Yeah i just hit 8 days yesterday.....


Just had a guy literally spawn in the crosshairs of my Skill Cannon. I feel sorry for him. The spawn system really needs to be reworked.

I wish there were a perk that let you roll with two secondaries and no primary. Mainly I just miss shotguns being a primary weapon.


OldJadedGamer said:
I destroy about 4-5 claymores on average in each Hardcore game I play.

HC what? I dont see a lot in HQ or TDM. I played HC S&D today for a few hours and only saw like 5 the whole time...
you guys talking about emblems, best one is clearly the mario captain price on looks alone, plus the effort and preparation necessary to achieve it, plus how nobody in the game will just happen to come across it unless they know beforehand how to get it. The game even discourages you from setting your profile correctly for getting it!

Not telling how to get it for the sole purpose of seeing if/how many people know about it.


backflip10019 said:
You know that there is more than one person with that tag playing on PS3, right?

... :lol

Pppfft, nah PSN is a GAF house OUR house. Who would dare copy our tags? :D

Seriously it was a memorable incident would be funny it was him.
rodvik said:
Wait do you play HC on PS3? I swear some guy with that tag chased me around quarry last night , I was back pedaling the whole way, I emptied a clip and two nade launhcer tubes at him (too close to explode) before he pummeled the life out of me. :lol :lol

Nope, sorry. Either Ground War or Domination on XBox 360, with a little Demolition thrown in there as well.

I'd play Mosh Pit exclusively if they removed Sabotage though. Seriously - Sabotage is the most infuriating mode ever.


divisionbyzorro said:
Nope, sorry. Either Ground War or Domination on XBox 360, with a little Demolition thrown in there as well.

I'd play Mosh Pit exclusively if they removed Sabotage though. Seriously - Sabotage is the most infuriating mode ever.

Ayup, thanks :)
Ice Monkey said:
you guys talking about emblems, best one is clearly the mario captain price on looks alone, plus the effort and preparation necessary to achieve it, plus how nobody in the game will just happen to come across it unless they know beforehand how to get it. The game even discourages you from setting your profile correctly for getting it!

Not telling how to get it for the sole purpose of seeing if/how many people know about it.
Silly Junior, this is the internet. People can just Google the requirements up, and even if they don't, it doesn't take much effort to figure out you get the Price emblem by getting a ten killstreak without having any killstreaks equipped.


whitehawk said:
I prefer the running class.

Marathon + Lightweight + Commando + Care package.

Run fast as hell and I've gotten a 11kill streak before just by knifing people.
That is some bullshit, plain and simple. Hopefully they patch it and remove the ridiculous speed bonus you get with the care package.


That's me.

Eric WK

backflip10019 said:

This is what I'm rockin'. Probably won't change it for a while since they're both incredibly difficult to get without cheating for them.

I just got Heads Up! tonight. Wasn't expecting it at all, but it was in the middle area of Sub Base so it makes sense.


backflip10019 said:

This is what I'm rockin'. Probably won't change it for a while since they're both incredibly difficult to get without cheating.

I have both of those, I know how you get Heads Up, but whats the Emblem for?


Neo Member
Ken K in the Fresh!!! said:
Sorry to say but this game doesn't require a lot of skill. I'd say 50% skill, 25% quick reflexes, 25% dumb luck.

Last night was a "bipolar" experience for me. After a week hiatus I was going 25-3 regularly, launching a chop gunner every other match. I was doing so well I was killing fools by shooting grenades close range into their chests. After feeling good about myself I took a couple hr break, drank a beer and then saw my k/d take a dive. I was going 8-9 for a long stretch and finally decided to call it quits lol. Man this game can make u a stud one min and a dud the next. My heart doesn't deserve this kind of strain. I'm going on a another week long break..
That happens to everyone. For me, it just depends on who I'm playing. If the other team is filled with bad players, I do awesome, but when there are some real pros on the other team, then it's hard to rack up the kills.
.GqueB. said:
When I hold up somewhere I always switch positions because people are filled with pride and a desire for vengeance so I know theyre coming back so I change position. I dont run across the whole map I keep it simple. If I killed him while standing near a truck I switch which side of the truck I was standing on. If I killed him while standing on one side of the door I just switch sides. And of course the guy comes in pointing the wrong way.
Yes. An extension of this idea is to make your kill and relocate. The best place to relocate is usually the place that gives you a perfect firing line on your previous location. Thats where you can expect somebody to be, hunting you down for revenge, only to get shot in the back, again. One of the most powerful effects of a string of these kinds of kills is demoralization, and how even one unexpected turn can turn an entire enemy team into a confused mess, running this way and that, with no central goal. Easy pickings, in other words. :)


So I've twice now used a javelin and had it just randomly fly up even with a lock on. What gives? Should I use the Stinger instead?

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Does anyone else throw caution to the wind and go out of their way to kill someone who's acting douchey?

Ex: In the map with the aircraft cabins scattered in the middle, there's a little nook you can go prone and tuck under that just screams, "camp here!", which in itself doesn't bother me. However, in all of its genius Infinity Ward decided to lay a spawn point right in front of this little hole such that anyone unlucky enough to be reborn there is pretty much dead before they take a step. Well, some douchelord decided to do just that. After being spawnkilled twice there I briefly abandoned my usual anything-for-the-team play style and set about on a mission to stomp that motherfucker out. We lost, but I'm pretty sure I knocked a dent in his precious K/D ratio.

Anyone else do this?


You like me, you really really like me!
Meier said:
So I've twice now used a javelin and had it just randomly fly up even with a lock on. What gives? Should I use the Stinger instead?

Stick with the Stinger to take down air support.

Use Javelin for the lulz whenever you're bored.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Meier said:
So I've twice now used a javelin and had it just randomly fly up even with a lock on. What gives? Should I use the Stinger instead?
That's how it works. It fires straight up, and descends on the target a few seconds later. Some air support (AC-130, chopper gunner, pave low) need multiple rocket hits to be destroyed, so that's probably what happened in your case.

I prefer the javelin to the stinger, though. It's slightly wonkier for taking down air support, but the multi-kills it can get you make up for it.


Cosmo Clock 21 said:
Silly Junior, this is the internet. People can just Google the requirements up, and even if they don't, it doesn't take much effort to figure out you get the Price emblem by getting a ten killstreak without having any killstreaks equipped.
man, that's the emblem I've been trying to get for the longest time. it's a real challenge for someone who blows so hard at the game, like myself. i've come so close, twice getting nine in a row.
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