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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


I just tried playing this game on Team Deathmatch and damn was I floored by how people play this game.

I almost always play team hardcore which means by default you need to be a bit more careful. Take it slow, peak around corners, survey certain areas for people peaking out windows etc etc. So naturally I maintained this sorta play in Team Deathmatch.

People are so bizarre in this mode. Im doing my normal tactics and people are running toward me with dual shotguns on wasteland. So I see these idiots coming a mile away and my reaction is almost always "...o......k?" and I just gun them down.

In many of these games, I have 15 or so kills and maybe 4 or 5 deaths which I think is decent (for me because I tend to suck at fps). But everyone else has 22 kills or so but also have 15-20 deaths saying they "raped". Is this normal?
After the patch, I haven't seen the amount of 1887's as I used to. Everyone else experiencing the same? I know they were supposed to be nerfed, but it seemed like the consensus was that if equipped with FMJ, they were the same as before. I guess people aren't willing to go that route.

On the other hand, boosters are a lot more common since Christmas. It's a pain in the ass to fight the other team plus keep them from screwing up the game.


.GqueB. said:
I just tried playing this game on Team Deathmatch and damn was I floored by how people play this game.

I almost always play team hardcore which means by default you need to be a bit more careful. Take it slow, peak around corners, survey certain areas for people peaking out windows etc etc. So naturally I maintained this sorta play in Team Deathmatch.

People are so bizarre in this mode. Im doing my normal tactics and people are running toward me with dual shotguns on wasteland. So I see these idiots coming a mile away and my reaction is almost always "...o......k?" and I just gun them down.

In many of these games, I have 15 or so kills and maybe 4 or 5 deaths which I think is decent (for me because I tend to suck at fps). But everyone else has 22 kills or so but also have 15-20 deaths saying they "raped". Is this normal?

I hate people who brag about their 20 kills when they died 28-30 times, I mean they didn't help at all. I'll rather have a 15-5 player on my team easily.


SSM25 said:
I hate people who brag about their 20 kills when they died 28-30 times, I mean they didn't help at all. I'll rather have a 15-5 player on my team easily.

Yeah, it is pretty much a joke that those guys are on the top of the scoreboard.
bdouble said:
Yeah you will spend more time in the lobby than playing. :lol
Heh. That too.

Some people seem far too concerned with their K/D ratios and pull this kind of wankery at the expense of the team and a good game.

Here are some tips:

* Stay Alive. No, seriously. Its a mindset switch I'm talking about here, not some magical pixie dust of indestructibility. Put more of your focus on staying alive and less on getting the kills. In a team deathmatch game it doesn't matter how many kills you get if you've died getting them all. Move between covered/concealed positions and don't just pull the trigger because you can. A good rule of thumb when fighting defensively is: don't open fire unless you can handle the counter-attack. Seek small advantages and fire when you have the upper hand. Of course this game is filled with tons of ways to die randomly, but if your mind is bent upon survival your game will improve overall.

* Get those kills. In a team deathmatch game your best bet for kills is to stick with other players. Not too close mind you, because you don't want to have your entire squad taken out by a tube, grenade or airstrike. Give each player enough distance so that you can maintain multiple fields of overlapping fire. Don't rush forward. Take a steady pace and cover angles that your squadmates aren't. The idea here is to get into skirmishes where you outnumber the enemy. At best your overwhelming firepower destroys the opposition, and at worst you can get the counter-kill on enemies that have taken your buddies down, effectively removing their kill streak. No kill streak means fewer Harriers -> Chopper Gunners -> Nukes.

* Don't run out in the fucking open. Just don't. Unless you've got some strategy that involves being bait, or if you want to give the enemy a false sense of superiority. if you feel you MUST do this, invest in smoke grenades or at least cause a distraction first.

* In objective games, learn to defend the objective. This isn't the same thing as camping, and you don't really want to be right on top of the objective for the best results. Give yourself a little distance from the defensive point, but that allows for line of sight over what you're guarding. Then hold the perimeter. Sticking in one spot for an extended period of time won't help much though - you have to keep moving. With this in mind its fully possible for just one player to hold a contested point. In a Domination match you should be either guarding a held point, establishing a perimeter around a point, or assaulting a point.


I have a question about the Cold Blooded perk. It says something like "invisible to air support". Does that mean when someone mans a gunship/chopper you aren't highlighted with a red square or does it mean that auto-shoot Harriers/Pavelows won't target you?


FabCam said:
I have a question about the Cold Blooded perk. It says something like "invisible to air support". Does that mean when someone mans a gunship/chopper you aren't highlighted with a red square or does it mean that auto-shoot Harriers/Pavelows won't target you?

Yes, you're not "highlighted" for killstreak aircraft. You also don't show up as bright white on thermal scopes.

You can get killed still obviously and I've picked off guys with a predator that had cold-blooded on. Just a lot less obvious. AI controlled stuff won't get you unless you're unlucky enough to be next to someone who gets nailed.


I have to ask again:

Is there a perk that makes an enemy's name appear GREEN over their head...cause it happened to me again today, twice..see a teammate, walk by, get killed...Killcam say I strolled by an enemy (who thought I was blind) who shot me in the back of the head.

Plus...if you want to play better in TDM, avoid the one 'deathzone' on the map, I.e, the skidrow hallway, just stay away from those places.


SSM25 said:
I hate people who brag about their 20 kills when they died 28-30 times, I mean they didn't help at all. I'll rather have a 15-5 player on my team easily.

LOL, yeah i love how ill go 13-1 and someone esle goes 25-30 and they say I suck.....i then point out the error in thier thinking lol


GodofWine said:
I have to ask again:

Is there a perk that makes an enemy's name appear GREEN over their head...cause it happened to me again today, twice..see a teammate, walk by, get killed...Killcam say I strolled by an enemy (who thought I was blind) who shot me in the back of the head.

Plus...if you want to play better in TDM, avoid the one 'deathzone' on the map, I.e, the skidrow hallway, just stay away from those places.

With Cold blooded pro there's no red name on your head for your enemies to see, maybe that happened.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
I haven't moaned as much about the spawning or match making in this game as I don't mind them too much, but last night it added me to the losing team that was 13 seconds away from being nuked :lol I just saw the timer and thought fuck it. Didn't wanna leave like a douche and bother with finding a new lobby so I just stood there waiting for my death. Didn't move an inch from spawning.

Then with like 4 seconds to go an enemy runs past me from behind so without moving I shot him in the back as he ran away :D
SSM25 said:
With Cold blooded pro there's no red name on your head for your enemies to see, maybe that happened.
Thats what that is!!
So many times there will be a guy in front of one of my team mates and Ill see their green name and assume its the guy in front cause the name looks like its over his head and then I get 2 in the chest for my mistake.


Just had my worst lag experience ever. I knifed a guy heard the slicing sound, finished the animation then about a second and a half later I died from a knifing.

Was also just playing a game of headquarters that started at 6v6 but 3 of our guys left so it was 6v3. There really needs to be some auto-team balancing.


Lince said:
yes, let's face it, if you want those fancy harriers and chopper gunners you're going to camp at some point in the game (most players do it all the time anyway), and your precious K/D? camp! nuke? camp! the only players who can achieve long killstreaks without camping are the marathon+lightweight+commando+tactical knife guys. The rest, myself included, move "carefully and slowly" through the map (camp here and get a kill, move to another safe position, camp and get another kill...)
I prefer the running class.

Marathon + Lightweight + Commando + Care package.

Run fast as hell and I've gotten a 11kill streak before just by knifing people. Too bad predator was my highest killstreak :(


Yeef said:
Just had my worst lag experience ever. I knifed a guy heard the slicing sound, finished the animation then about a second and a half later I died from a knifing.

Was also just playing a game of headquarters that started at 6v6 but 3 of our guys left so it was 6v3. There really needs to be some auto-team balancing.

That is the worst ever? Shit I had a game where I was being moved around without my controller being touched. When I was killed finally, the killer was stuck in the run animation but not the full animation so it looked like they were just dancing in front of me. It took almost a full 3 minutes for the game to be killed off and find a new host. That also failed and dumped us to the match screen again.


tagged by Blackace
Just got this game. Got to the part where
I'm on a mission with just me and Price.
How much of the game is left? Story makes less sense than the first but is packed with much more action. Also, multiplayer unlocks are awesome, can't wait to get unlocking shit online. Is there a master list anywhere with all the Callsigns/Emblems and how to unlock them?


enzo_gt said:
Just got this game. Got to the part where
I'm on a mission with just me and Price.
How much of the game is left? Story makes less sense than the first but is packed with much more action. Also, multiplayer unlocks are awesome, can't wait to get unlocking shit online. Is there a master list anywhere with all the Callsigns/Emblems and how to unlock them?

The Price level where it's
icey and snowy
or the one where you're trying to
infiltrate a cave in a deserty area


I ended up getting the gold Blademaster callsign last night. ;) Must have pissed some people off just straight up stabbing. But Magnum with tact-knife plus Marathon pro, Lightweight pro, and Commando pro is kinda fun!

The respawning is still a pain in the ass though. People who just shot appearing five feet behind you and taking you out. :(


enzo_gt said:

Hmm, I think that's about 3/4 or so. Game starts to kick some ass after this level but story gets even more bizarre.

Can someone explain to me the story? I completed it a few days back but have no idea why what happened, did happen. :lol


I'm still having a blast with this game... I think people overblow a lot of the issues.

Sure, we've all been hosed by a bad spawns, but it happens rarely. In my experience, maybe one out of 25 spawns is a bad spawn and it usually only happens on small maps like rust and scrapyard. People need to have some realistic expectations. Think of all the math involved... they calculate player locations, speeds, equipment (claymores, etc.) all in fractions of a second to respawn you in the most optimal position. It's not going to be perfect... unless your playing search and destroy.

Boosters really piss me off, but they always quit when I play. I'll do everything imagineable, including rallying everyone not boosting, to hunt their asses down. If it didn't cost me $10 to switch gamertags, I'd temporarily change my name to "Booster Hunter." I'll even send them messages telling them to leave, cause they ain't getting any fucking nukes in my game. Even though boosters are my biggest pet peeve, I run across them rarely.... maybe 1 in 30-40 FFA matches.

All in all, $60 well spent.
jedimike said:
All in all, $60 well spent.
Right there with ya. I can spend all day bitching about various issues with MW2, but then I pop the disk in and the next thing you know its 4am and my eyes are bloodshot. :)

For every bad spawn, cheap kill, glitch, dropped host or lag problem there are equally awesome moments: Stabbing that sniper in the back, seeing a Harrier or Chopper fall to pieces from your stinger, getting that through-the-wall headshot, that well placed air-strike etc. And when you and your team are actually communicating and in-the-zone there's nothing out there that has this crazy intensity to it.


You like me, you really really like me!
Just tried a new class out. It's a claymore camping class with Scrambler as bait.

People just kept running in the room I was camping in and getting blown up :lol

UMP45 + Silencer
Claymore + Stun grenades

One Man Army Pro
Danger Close Pro
Scrambler Pro

Use OMA to have unlimited claymores + ammo, danger close for maximum claymore killing potential and scrambler to bait them in. Good fun :D


Cerrius said:
Just tried a new class out. It's a claymore camping class with Scrambler as bait.

People just kept running in the room I was camping in and getting blown up :lol

UMP45 + Silencer
Claymore + Stun grenades

One Man Army Pro
Danger Close Pro
Scrambler Pro

Use OMA to have unlimited claymores + ammo, danger close for maximum claymore killing potential and scrambler to bait them in. Good fun :D
lol, I gotta try this :lol


FabCam said:
Hmm, I think that's about 3/4 or so. Game starts to kick some ass after this level but story gets even more bizarre.

Can someone explain to me the story? I completed it a few days back but have no idea why what happened, did happen. :lol

I don't think it makes sense to anyone.


Got my grim reaper emblem. You have to get 6 kills with one stealth bomber strike (or a total of 6 or above kills with stealth bombers over the course of 1 match). It was on Underpass.

I killstreaked pred missile > harrier > stealth bomber. Used my pred missile to get 2 kills then got normal kills up to my stealth bomber then died. Re-started and got another pred missile to help me back to another stealth bomber. I still had 2 harrier strikes in the bank but never used them as it seems you can only bring your last killstreak reward. So basically I brought in 1 bomber that killed 3 people, then 2 minutes later brought in my second and got 4 kills. Well chuffed.

Ended the game on a 31-9.

Class for this:
ACR with holo sight
Scavenger Pro
Hardline Pro
SitRep Pro


Spydy said:
Got my grim reaper emblem.
There's an emblem as well as a title? :O I got my Grim Reaper title on Afghan but it totally glitched. I got it after I killed two guys with a Predator missile even though the challenge says you need to kill 5 enemies o_O I might have done that in total during that match but never ever with just one missile.


got2bekidding said:
So it doesn't have to be 6 with one pass?


Absolutely not. As long as it's 6 or more in one match with any amount of stealth bombers. Same for predator missiles if your after the Tiger emblem.

edit: Scratch that. I'm getting confused with the grim reaper challenge. The emblem I'm talking about is the 'ghost' emblem above.
Spydy said:
Absolutely not. As long as it's 6 or more in one match with any amount of stealth bombers. Same for predator missiles if your after the Tiger emblem.

edit: Scratch that. I'm getting confused with the grim reaper challenge. The emblem I'm talking about is the 'ghost' emblem above.
Oh ok. Yeah, I got the predator one from hitting 5 at the same time, and I figured the other worked the same way. Awesome that it doesn't. Hopefully care package Bombers count as well.


Comics, serious business!
Finally got Cold Blooded Pro. I'm conflicted... Cold Blooded Pro or Stopping Power Pro? (for my main mid-range class) Hmm...


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
RSTEIN said:
Finally got Cold Blooded Pro. I'm conflicted... Cold Blooded Pro or Stopping Power Pro? (for my main mid-range class) Hmm...

Cold Blooded. Lay on ground. Knife bitches as they pass by.
RSTEIN said:
Finally got Cold Blooded Pro. I'm conflicted... Cold Blooded Pro or Stopping Power Pro? (for my main mid-range class) Hmm...

It depends on your play style, do you end up in more one on one firefights, or are you always sneaking around the edge of the map? Two perks for two different purposes.


NullPointer said:
This is horrible advice.

Glad you liked it?

I have gone from playing absolutely terrible when I first got the game to finishing upper 3rd in points and often #1 in k/d ratio in most games using that strategy.


MaizeRage25 said:
Agreed. People that leave games early because they are losing really bother me.

Well let's see here.

What I'm talking about is smart play. If you're playing a clan or something which is actually working together and you're part of a PUG of scrubs then you're probably not going to get a very good score.

Since the game gives you the information you need to figure out if you're going to do well against a particular set of players, for example let's say you normally score 1000 in TDM and in the lobby you get assigned to a team that looks like:

dude A - 1240
dude B - 800
dude C - 640
dude D - 120
you - 0


dude E - 4560
dude F - 3570

You're probably going to lose. And not only lose, but get smoked doing it and lose really really badly.

Some people would look at this as a challenge and a learning experience, while I would look at it as having a high probability of having a negative result to my K/D.

I always open my mouth in amazement and wonder when I am on the second team I listed above, we win by a large margin, and then we all get assigned to basically the same teams for the next match and nobody on the other side quits. They're either incredibly patient or they just don't care about getting owned.

I don't like being owned, so if I can stack the cards in my favor I most certainly will.
codecow said:
Well let's see here.

What I'm talking about is smart play. If you're playing a clan or something which is actually working together and you're part of a PUG of scrubs then you're probably not going to get a very good score.

Since the game gives you the information you need to figure out if you're going to do well against a particular set of players, for example let's say you normally score 1000 in TDM and in the lobby you get assigned to a team that looks like:

dude A - 1240
dude B - 800
dude C - 640
dude D - 120
you - 0


dude E - 4560
dude F - 3570

You're probably going to lose. And not only lose, but get smoked doing it and lose really really badly.

Some people would look at this as a challenge and a learning experience, while I would look at it as having a high probability of having a negative result to my K/D.

I always open my mouth in amazement and wonder when I am on the second team I listed above, we win by a large margin, and then we all get assigned to basically the same teams for the next match and nobody on the other side quits. They're either incredibly patient or they just don't care about getting owned.

I don't like being owned, so if I can stack the cards in my favor I most certainly will.
I always thought that the scores you see for players in the lobby is the sum total across all the games they've played in that lobby - and if so, a high score doesn't necessarily denote a great player, as it could also mean they've just been in that lobby for more matches than you.

Avoiding good players is kindof a crappy strategy overall, especially if you intend to improve your lot in the game, and even more in the name of maintaining some K/D ratio. What exactly is the point of your precious K/D if you bail out at the first sign of a challenge?
Spydy said:

Absolutely not. As long as it's 6 or more in one match with any amount of stealth bombers. Same for predator missiles if your after the Tiger emblem.

edit: Scratch that. I'm getting confused with the grim reaper challenge. The emblem I'm talking about is the 'ghost' emblem above.

Ohhhman...that would go well with "My Lil' Pwny"

I currently roll with this:



I just started playing multiplayer and it just seems to me there is really no benefit to using a sniper weapon or using a shootgun. Is this true or am I not understanding how to use those weapons?


NullPointer said:
I always thought that the scores you see for players in the lobby is the sum total across all the games they've played in that lobby - and if so, a high score doesn't necessarily denote a great player, as it could also mean they've just been in that lobby for more matches than you.

No way, if this was the case you'd quickly have huge scores in the tens of thousands. It is just the score from the previous match.

NullPointer said:
Avoiding good players is kindof a crappy strategy overall, especially if you intend to improve your lot in the game, and even more in the name of maintaining some K/D ratio. What exactly is the point of your precious K/D if you bail out at the first sign of a challenge?

You end up playing against them anyway when you join a new lobby where everyone is at zero. I'd way rather play in that situation (assuming I'm not matched up against a clan) because then there is no "streaking" in the matchmaking, it seems to use rank which I haven't found to have a large effect except for guys on their 3+ prestige.


I love having such a good game, that you don't want to play anymore. My 5th game, on terminal, 56-20.( Best I've done.) SCAR FOR FUCKING LIFE SON!
I also think I should just lower my kill-streaks. I have predator missile, pave-low, and chopper gunner, and I never get to the pave-low.
My classes

scar with red-dot
one man army

Scar with thermal
I usually use for sniping

Scar with FMJ, I basically got in in the 56-20 game. Also the basic sight for the SCAR is the bet sight in the game!

4th is ACR, I thought I would looove this gun, but it's a little weak!

5th is the WA2000, which is an awesome sniper, look wise, but it's shitt really, it always takes two shots, I always have FMJ and STOPPINGP on so WTF is with that!

I'm soooo loving this game. I've got 2 days and 10 hours so far. I only had 4 days on 4 and it took me 2 years!
I hope I can fall in love with another gun as I did with the scar. I used the FAL for awhile because it was most like my favorite gun in 4( the G3), but I really don't ever play HC in this game, that's all I played in 4. Demolition is the best mode ever! I wish they had a HC mode for it!


Neo Member
what is better P90 or mini uzi?

i dont have the mini uzi yet but my fave build is

P90 - akimbo

marathon pro
lightweight pro
commando pro

i basically run around the maps searching for campers and try to flank them. god there are so many campers in this game =))


Spydy said:
Class for this:
ACR with holo sight
Scavenger Pro
Hardline Pro
SitRep Pro

So with SitRep Pro the enemies footsteps are louder. Is it useful? I'm in the process of getting Pro but it's such a pain the arse. Not many people use claymores/C4 and destroying 120 of them is just damn ridiculous.
clashfan said:
I just started playing multiplayer and it just seems to me there is really no benefit to using a sniper weapon or using a shotgun. Is this true or am I not understanding how to use those weapons?

Snipers: That's really up to your playstyle. I don't really like sniping and I've never taken the time to learn how to do it effectively. There are some who are really good with it though.

You're totally wrong about shotguns. They're one hit kills at close range and absolutely deadly in tight corridors. Even the default shotgun, the SPAS-12, is incredible (you'd be surprised how amazing the range on that gun is). With steady aim you can hipfire those things and do incredible damage with them. In the hands of someone who knows how to use it, the Striker can clear an entire room in seconds. The AA-12 is great for surprising campers. The Rangers work well in tight corners. The 1887s are surprisingly great primary weapon substitutes. The only shotgun I don't like is the M1014, but that's just my personal opinion.
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