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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

Nelo Ice

damn just completely destroyed the other team in 4 or 5 straight ground war dom games

averaged at least 40+ kills a game and less than 20 deaths(except for 1 game where i had 24 or somethin) and before anyone bitches yes i was capping and defending points i already have my nuke emblem

not my fault that ppl couldnt kill me and the spawning system kept putting them by their only points that i was trying to cap
it was also nice of the other team to keep coming the same path even though i was there waiting for them :lol
Nelo Ice said:
damn just completely destroyed the other team in 4 or 5 straight ground war dom games

averaged at least 40+ kills a game and less than 20 deaths(except for 1 game where i had 24 or somethin) and before anyone bitches yes i was capping and defending points i already have my nuke emblem

not my fault that ppl couldnt kill me and the spawning system kept putting them by their only points that i was trying to cap
it was also nice of the other team to keep coming the same path even though i was there waiting for them :lol

It's not hard to spawn camp on domination.

For example on skidrow, if you're opfor, half your team goes to cap C while the other half goes to cap A. If you do it right from the beginning and capture A & C, the enemy will spawn in the rooms next to the hallway of death of where B is at.

Place sentry guns on both ends of the hallway and watch the other team rage quit.


Officially had the sickest and most unhealthy gaming sessions of my life. I have played SOCOM 2 for more than twelve hours back when I was a an eighth grader on winter break, but this most certainly tops it. Not in hours, but in quality.

I was a Level 41 when I first started the session with the "POD." (Me, my best friends Rob, and Mike) I had a shitty 0.98 K/D, a measly 0.86 Win ratio, and only a 12 game winning steak until now. (compared to the POD's previous COD4 winstreak high of 21)

At the end of our six hour interlude in the Mosh Pit playlist, I was a Level 51, 1.08 KDR, 1.06 WR, and a 23 game winning streak that we had to postpone because we were too tired to continue.

Normally, we stay on for an hour or two and sign off and go to bed or go out afterwards, but tonight we just kept on winning and like Alan's father said "You never leave the table when you're on a heater."

Sorry if I am sounding a little insane right now I'm hopped up on NyQuil, Anti-biotics, and I haven't slept in about two days due to a nasty flu.

BTW I understand why the ACR is such a beloved gun by GAF. One game I went 37-1 with it and a silenced PP-2000. My killstreaks were really silly, a UAV, Predator Missle, and a Pavelow.
Got my absolute worst placement just now. Loading Ground War...oh cool it's Highrise, I like that map. Didn't even get to pick my class and I got the Defeated screen. Naturally my least favorite map, Wasteland was up next.


Cosmo Clock 21 said:
Did you just unlock it? That's how the Javelin works.
Nah, I just never take down air support... 0 kills with any of the launchers. Think I am level 62 now too. :lol I thought maybe it could miss due to the excuse of chaffs being used or something.

I made a class with a jav and cold blooded just to see what it was like but I've only taken a UAV down so far. :(


Mully said:
Officially had the sickest and most unhealthy gaming sessions of my life. I have played SOCOM 2 for more than twelve hours back when I was a an eighth grader on winter break, but this most certainly tops it. Not in hours, but in quality.

I was a Level 41 when I first started the session with the "POD." (Me, my best friends Rob, and Mike) I had a shitty 0.98 K/D, a measly 0.86 Win ratio, and only a 12 game winning steak until now. (compared to the POD's previous COD4 winstreak high of 21)

At the end of our six hour interlude in the Mosh Pit playlist, I was a Level 51, 1.08 KDR, 1.06 WR, and a 23 game winning streak that we had to postpone because we were too tired to continue.

Normally, we stay on for an hour or two and sign off and go to bed or go out afterwards, but tonight we just kept on winning and like Alan's father said "You never leave the table when you're on a heater."

Sorry if I am sounding a little insane right now I'm hopped up on NyQuil, Anti-biotics, and I haven't slept in about two days due to a nasty flu.

BTW I understand why the ACR is such a beloved gun by GAF. One game I went 37-1 with it and a silenced PP-2000. My killstreaks were really silly, a UAV, Predator Missle, and a Pavelow.

ACR with Silencer
Spas-12 with Grip

Scavenger Pro
Cold Blooded Pro
Ninja Pro

Completely silent (You don't show up on any radars or when targetted.), you can keep your finger on the trigger without worrying about ammo and its like firing a laser pen. Keep movement to a minimum, once you are still people find you difficult to spot.

Be prepared to be called a camper, but thats how you roll with the silent class.

Use the Spaz to drop people inside in one, but remember you go loud.
MarkMclovin said:
How about when someone reflex knifes you and yet in the replay, your NOT EVEN IN THE FUCKING SCREEN!

Unrelated but I fucking hate it when you knife somebody and it lunges and even makes that squelch sound, but the person doesn't die and they stab you in the back. Boo!


Man, I need to start using Scavenger with my ACR too so I can stop worrying. Today, I was streaking beautifully and ran out of bullets in a spot where I couldn't reveal myself and run for one of my corpse's guns. Ended up trying for it and got killed by the people who were angry with me streak-killing them. But I just can't give up Marathon! I especially need to retain my ability to outrun Predators - I'm really sick of those. :(

Speaking of streaking, I almost got my first nuke today in a beautiful Chopper Gunner massacre...that was ended by the CG camera flipping out. The chopper insisted on circling right above the enemies and I had to struggle to get downward angles to hit people and the camera started circling wildly and the chopper itself started moving around wildly. Eventually it stopped and went to a dead part of the map and descended and totally killed my angle on the opposing team. What was going on? Was that me doing something wrong somehow? I've had that happen a few times in CGs and I don't know if I'm causing it by aiming in the wrong spot and confusing the chopper or something.

Edit: Oh, here's something to patch: there's a MASSIVE (in comparison anyway) delay for knifing after climbing a ladder. This just hands free kills to campers all day long. Please fix it so I can stab as soon as I have my weapon up!


aku:jiki said:
Man, I need to start using Scavenger with my ACR too so I can stop worrying. Today, I was streaking beautifully and ran out of bullets in a spot where I couldn't reveal myself and run for one of my corpse's guns. Ended up trying for it and got killed by the people who were angry with me streak-killing them. But I just can't give up Marathon! I especially need to retain my ability to outrun Predators - I'm really sick of those. :(

Speaking of streaking, I almost got my first nuke today in a beautiful Chopper Gunner massacre...that was ended by the CG camera flipping out. The chopper insisted on circling right above the enemies and I had to struggle to get downward angles to hit people and the camera started circling wildly and the chopper itself started moving around wildly. Eventually it stopped and went to a dead part of the map and descended and totally killed my angle on the opposing team. What was going on? Was that me doing something wrong somehow? I've had that happen a few times in CGs and I don't know if I'm causing it by aiming in the wrong spot and confusing the chopper or something.

Thats why I use cold blooded pro, you have to be very unfortunate to get hit by any air support.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
The AA-12 has officially replaced the Striker for my favorite shotgun.

You put a grip on that thing and you just eliminate everyone that's within range (which isn't as shabby as you might expect...but not broken by any means). It definitely has to reload more than the Striker, but I think the increased fire rate has meant the difference between an almost kill and a kill.

I also can't put away my silenced SCAR. That gun just works for me in ways that sometimes the ACR doesn't, primarily in CQC situations. There are too many times where I feel like I should win the straight 1:1 duel, as I start shooting first, but the ACRs lower damage (yet faster fire rate) doesn't seem to drop people as fast as the SCAR.

The SCARs superb iron sights (ACRs are also good, but not as) also allow me to take Scavenger Pro which fixes it's horrid ammo problem, as well as restocking my Semtex regularly.

I can't tell if I'd rather go with Stopping Power or Cold-Blooded...but I've rolled with Cold Blooded for nearly my entire MW2 career, so I spose I shouldn't mess with what works.

My K/D and accuracy are still slowly on the move upwards which is nice, even when playing more objective oriented games like Domination.

Sitting at a 1.38 and 19.60% respectively. What's frustrating, though, is how many amazing games I need to have in a row just to move my K/D up a single hundredth of a point. I'm nearing 21K total kills, so denting my stats at this point is insanely rough. I'd say I'm more of a 1.75 - 2.00 if they redid my stats starting now and moving forward...but I'll eventually get my stats looking that way as long as I can keep performing like this. Not having played CoD4 or WaW really put me on the disadvantage when I first started this game, and my initial stats showed it.


Also, I'm surprised that no one bitches about the fucking awful implementation of cover IW has done in this game. The tip of someone's head sticking out over a piece of cover = full view of the battlefield and the ability to shoot over that cover.

This shit needs to be talked about more so IW can fix that shit. It's being horribly abused all over the place now.


on a unrelated note i'm sick of youtube vids that have 30 seconds of intro and "cool" text and transition effects (the crate glitch vid was mostly intro crap).


greenjerk said:
on a unrelated note i'm sick of youtube vids that have 30 seconds of intro and "cool" text and transition effects (the crate glitch vid was mostly intro crap).
"Why the fuck is half the clip some stupid intro to shit no one cares about? "
Latest youtube comment. You? :) I agree though. It was just 5 seconds of footage, pretty pointless.
Dumb question:

Does the silencer reduce recoil? It feels like it does but I don't know if that's just me being silly. If there was anything I could do to reduce recoil on the UMP I would be a happy man.


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divisionbyzorro said:
Dumb question:

Does the silencer reduce recoil? It feels like it does but I don't know if that's just me being silly. If there was anything I could do to reduce recoil on the UMP I would be a happy man.
I don't think it reduces recoil (I haven't noticed it at least), but what the silencer does do is remove muzzle flash, which makes it easier to aim.

Shooting any high fire rate weapon without a silencer is pretty hard (with iron sights at least, but even a little harder with added sights), as the muzzle flash is so intense. The UMP's fire rate isn't that high, but even on a gun like the SCAR I've had a much easier time aiming with a silencer on versus off, simply because of the muzzle flash removal.


RubxQub said:
I'm nearing 21K total kills
Wow! What level are you and what is your play time? I am at like 3600 kills I think. My K/D ratio is around 1.17... slowly but surely moving up. I'd say I typically average 2/1-3/1 on a TDM although I like Dom a lot and that's usually more like 1/2 because I just use a running class I've set up. Usually end up getting the most points captured Accolade.


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Meier said:
Wow! What level are you and what is your play time? I am at like 3600 kills I think. My K/D ratio is around 1.17... slowly but surely moving up. I'd say I typically average 2/1-3/1 on a TDM although I like Dom a lot and that's usually more like 1/2 because I just use a running class I've set up. Usually end up getting the most points captured Accolade.
Level 58 (I think?) on my second prestige. I haven't checked my playtime recently, but I wouldn't doubt that it's probably sitting close to 7+ days :lol

Lately I've been playing TDM Express with a group of my friends and we've been mopping up people like crazy, even if everyone isn't really the best, at least communication is tight and you know you can trust everyone on your team. Really makes a difference.

...this game definitely has dragged me into some very unhealthily long playing sessions, though.


RubxQub said:
Level 58 (I think?) on my second prestige. I haven't checked my playtime recently, but I wouldn't doubt that it's probably sitting close to 7+ days :lol
Yeah, my GF hates it.. I've put more hours into this online than all other games combined and I definitely was cooped up this weekend. Never was much of an online gamer (consoles) before this but I am up to 2.5 days now. I'm looking forward to getting Prestige for the extra class slot.


RubxQub said:
The SCARs superb iron sights (ACRs are also good, but not as) also allow me to take Scavenger Pro which fixes it's horrid ammo problem, as well as restocking my Semtex regularly.
Been using OMA rather than Scavenger and I've been really digging it with Grenade Launcher attachment and Danger Close. OMA provides a lot of flexibility - for example, being able to dynamically change to Silent Kit when the enemy just launched an UAV/Harrier/etc. Furthermore, OMA fits my play style better - I'd rather regroup in a corner than rush up to a dead body to refill my grenades. Some may not know this, but you can loopback to the same OMA Kit to essentially refill your ammo stock.

RubxQub said:
Sitting at a 1.38 and 19.60% respectively. What's frustrating, though, is how many amazing games I need to have in a row just to move my K/D up a single hundredth of a point. I'm nearing 21K total kills, so denting my stats at this point is insanely rough. I'd say I'm more of a 1.75 - 2.00 if they redid my stats starting now and moving forward...but I'll eventually get my stats looking that way as long as I can keep performing like this. Not having played CoD4 or WaW really put me on the disadvantage when I first started this game, and my initial stats showed it.
I have the exact same KD ratio there - yeah, I think if I had known the map layouts and I knew which guns to roll with in the beginning my KD ratio would be higher. But oh well, I try to remember that a Win is more important than my KD ratio.
Meier said:
Yeah, my GF hates it.. I've put more hours into this online than all other games combined and I definitely was cooped up this weekend. Never was much of an online gamer (consoles) before this but I am up to 2.5 days now. I'm looking forward to getting Prestige for the extra class slot.
I must be lucky, because my girlfriend really enjoys watching me. She actively asks me to play it. :lol

My playtime now is over 3 days and I'm lvl 65. I can taste 70 now. :D


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Meier said:
Yeah, my GF hates it.. I've put more hours into this online than all other games combined and I definitely was cooped up this weekend. Never was much of an online gamer (consoles) before this but I am up to 2.5 days now. I'm looking forward to getting Prestige for the extra class slot.
It's funny actually.

I only use one build for every map and mode, with the exception of having a hardcore mode build which basically just replaces my SCAR with an unsilenced/sighted M4. In hardcore I don't need to really worry about being silent, and it's much more about fire rate at that point to make sure I get the kill.

...so I'd be perfectly fine with just 2 slots. :lol


Man this was a great COD weekend for me, i played an average of 4 hours a day from friday till yesterday, managed to get my K/D ratio from like .80 something to 1.23 and went from level 25 or so to a level 39, no prestige yet.

My loadout

SCAR+Granade Launcher+FMJ

Bling Pro
Hardline Pro
Ninja Pro

I got my best killstreak yet in a match and finished 19-0 in high rise. I still have a hard time on maps like Derail and Wasteland mostly cause i don't like sniping and i tend to move a lot and try to flank the opossing team a lot wich means i tend to wander on my own most of the time.

I'm hooked, i'd be playing right now if i didn't have to work lol.
AHHHHH, im so close to 1.00 K/D ratio its ridiculous, most people I see at lvl 43 have like .7 or worse, so Im happy with my .98

starting to like sniping at bit more. I still prefer a AR, but on levels like Estate and Overpass I can just mow people down sniping, I still dont know what the best SR is though, I have just been using the Barret .50 caliber because it seem to do the job.


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Can someone explain to me why you'd use anything BUT Ninja Pro for your 3rd perk slot?

Last Stand: How many times do you really kill anyone while you're in last stand that makes it worth it? The only usefulness of this perk is that in hardcore mode it essentially gives you two lives.

SitRep: How often do you really run into people's equipment that this perk is useful? I've never been killed or affected by other people's equipement enough to think "I NEED TO PUT AN END TO THESE!"

Scramber: How many times have you been hunted and discovered BECAUSE you're using this perk? I know I personally tight up when I see my radar getting fuzzy and can pinpoint where the people are 99% of the time due to moving around and figuring out where the fuzziness is strong versus weak. Horrible perk.

Commando: The only other potentially useful perks for speed classes, but I'd still argue Ninja is better.


I just feel like the Perk 3 slot is the least useful.

Bling, OMA, Scavenger, Marathon, Sleight of Hand...these are all incredibly useful perks that I miss when I don't have the others.

Stopping Power, Hardline, Danger Close, Cold-Blooded, Lightweight...these are also incredibly useful and I miss when I don't have the others.


I finally seem to be decent at this (2 days play time..it was bound to happen).

Im creeping into the low .9's K:D, (from mid .8's...Im a beast :D ).

ACR is pretty awesome...but I finally know where to NOT go on maps..people love running into those 'kill zones' ... avoid them..kill the fools.


backflip10019 said:
Well if that isn't the most random setup, I don't know what is.

Lol i know, i will replace hardline with something else probably as i don't need those kill streaks really, now that i manage to stay alive and have better streaks :lol
RubxQub said:
Can someone explain to me why you'd use anything BUT Ninja Pro for your 3rd perk slot?

Last Stand: How many times do you really kill anyone while you're in last stand that makes it worth it? The only usefulness of this perk is that in hardcore mode it essentially gives you two lives.

SitRep: How often do you really run into people's equipment that this perk is useful? I've never been killed or affected by other people's equipement enough to think "I NEED TO PUT AN END TO THESE!"

Scramber: How many times have you been hunted and discovered BECAUSE you're using this perk? I know I personally tight up when I see my radar getting fuzzy and can pinpoint where the people are 99% of the time due to moving around and figuring out where the fuzziness is strong versus weak. Horrible perk.

Commando: The only other potentially useful perks for speed classes, but I'd still argue Ninja is better.


I just feel like the Perk 3 slot is the least useful.

Bling, OMA, Scavenger, Marathon, Sleight of Hand...these are all incredibly useful perks that I miss when I don't have the others.

Stopping Power, Hardline, Danger Close, Cold-Blooded, Lightweight...these are also incredibly useful and I miss when I don't have the others.
What about Steady Aim? I find that more useful than Ninja.


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buy teh haloz said:
What about Steady Aim? I find that more useful than Ninja.
Ah, missed steady aim...but even that perk doesn't make sense unless you're a sniper.

Why aren't you using your iron sights? The only time I don't use my sights is when I'm using a shotgun. For any kind of single-bullet weapon, without the sights you're just gimping yourself...and you can start shooting before you pull up your sights in the first place so it's not like there is any kind of penalty for using your sights eventually in the fight aside from the gimped mobility...but at the sacrifice of accuracy. This tactic isn't really viable or reliable for anyone standing more than 5 feet away from you.

If I'm needing to use Steady Aim in CQC situations so often, I'd question why I keep getting into those situations in the first place and how often I walk away the victor.


RubxQub said:
It's funny actually.

I only use one build for every map and mode, with the exception of having a hardcore mode build which basically just replaces my SCAR with an unsilenced/sighted M4. In hardcore I don't need to really worry about being silent, and it's much more about fire rate at that point to make sure I get the kill.

...so I'd be perfectly fine with just 2 slots. :lol
I have 4 I actively use.

Shootin (Primary)
M4A1 with HBS/Holographic sight
Last Stand

Tubin (Terminal and sometimes Wasteland)
SCAR-H with Nade
Danger Close
Steady Aim

Snipin (Secondary & High Rise Dom)
Barrett with HBS/Thermal
Steady Aim

Runnin (Domination)

I had a Riot Shield class as well which I have now turned into an Air Support one.


not characteristic of ants at all
Commando Pro on an assault class (no stealth) is vastly superior to Ninja Pro in my opinion. Don't have to worry about fall damage. Extended options in close quarters. It just seems backwards to have a stealth perk on a non-stealth class.


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K2Valor said:
Commando Pro on an assault class (no stealth) is vastly superior to Ninja Pro in my opinion. Don't have to worry about fall damage. Extended options in close quarters. It just seems backwards to have a stealth perk on a non-stealth class.
I can't tell you how many times I've killed fools because I heard them coming. I'd be so much worse at this game if everyone took Ninja Pro (so I thank you folks who don't), but anyone whose footsteps I can hear is pretty much always dead, as I know you're coming (and you don't know I'm there) and can position myself advantageously before you even know a fight is about to occur.

Commando Pro lets you jump around from high places, sure...but if you're jumping from very high places a lot, I have to wonder why. Couldn't you shoot the guy below you if he was there from your previous position? Would it take THAT much longer to jump down using a serious of jumps instead of just one? Do you really knife people enough as an assault class that you wouldn't have without Commando?

I just feel like if you're knifing as an assault class, the guy is 9/10 close enough that you don't need the perk.

Too situational for my tastes.
RubxQub said:
Ah, missed steady aim...but even that perk doesn't make sense unless you're a sniper.

Why aren't you using your iron sights? The only time I don't use my sights is when I'm using a shotgun. For any kind of single-bullet weapon, without the sights you're just gimping yourself...and you can start shooting before you pull up your sights in the first place so it's not like there is any kind of penalty for using your sights eventually in the fight aside from the gimped mobility...but at the sacrifice of accuracy. This tactic isn't really viable or reliable for anyone standing more than 5 feet away from you.

If I'm needing to use Steady Aim in CQC situations so often, I'd question why I keep getting into those situations in the first place and how often I walk away the victor.
It's saved my life many a time. I just don't really think the heartbeat sensor is used enough to make Ninja worth it, unless you're going for a 100% stealth build.
RubxQub said:
Ah, missed steady aim...but even that perk doesn't make sense unless you're a sniper.

Why aren't you using your iron sights? The only time I don't use my sights is when I'm using a shotgun. For any kind of single-bullet weapon, without the sights you're just gimping yourself...and you can start shooting before you pull up your sights in the first place so it's not like there is any kind of penalty for using your sights eventually in the fight aside from the gimped mobility...but at the sacrifice of accuracy. This tactic isn't really viable or reliable for anyone standing more than 5 feet away from you.

If I'm needing to use Steady Aim in CQC situations so often, I'd question why I keep getting into those situations in the first place and how often I walk away the victor.

If you use akimbo weapons for your secondary (G18s, Rafficas, Rangers, etc), Steady Aim is a must.


RubxQub said:
Can someone explain to me why you'd use anything BUT Ninja Pro for your 3rd perk slot?

Last Stand: How many times do you really kill anyone while you're in last stand that makes it worth it? The only usefulness of this perk is that in hardcore mode it essentially gives you two lives.
I have managed to get 30+ kills now in fairly short order with Last Stand. With Hardline, it has helped earn me many KS rewards.


not characteristic of ants at all
RubxQub said:
I can't tell you how many times I've killed fools because I heard them coming. I'd be so much worse at this game if everyone took Ninja Pro (so I thank you folks who don't), but anyone whose footsteps I can hear is pretty much always dead, as I know you're coming (and you don't know I'm there) and can position myself advantageously before you even know a fight is about to occur.
Which is half the reason when I'm in buildings (and turning corners, clearing rooms) I am crouched as it minimizes the sound my footsteps make. Ah well, I personally think Ninja Pro is only useful in combination with cold-blooded and a silencer. Then you are truly invisible.


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divisionbyzorro said:
If you use akimbo weapons for your secondary (G18s, Rafficas, Rangers, etc), Steady Aim is a must.
I've used akimbo P90s, G18s and Rangers/1887's without a problem using Ninja.

I know I come across as overly dismissive for the other perks, but I just don't see how they are as useful as being completely silent.

My love of Ninja Pro has very little to do with HBS and has very much to do with near silent footsteps.

As someone who games exclusively with a headset, I can only say that footsteps are so so so important (thank you Counter-Strike), that if I can mask mine, I'm doing it.


Minamu said:
"Why the fuck is half the clip some stupid intro to shit no one cares about? "
Latest youtube comment. You? :) I agree though. It was just 5 seconds of footage, pretty pointless.

:lol No, it wasn't me.
It's indicative of good game design when I'm debating whether to use Steady Aim, Ninja, or Commando when I'm using akimbo weapons. Though the G18s are without equal when it comes to close quarters combat.

OK, has anyone used Marathon to the point where their thumb is going numb? :lol


Just had a funny FFA match. I switched my killstreaks around because UAV/CP/Em.Aidrop was boring me to tears (it just didn't feel worth fighting for), and instead went for Harrier/EA/EMP. That was actually a fun combo! :D

Anyway, some guy was rocking the match and streaked up a harrier and then a Chopper Gunner. He was probably feeling pretty awesome and thought he had the win for sure, but I was streaking up my own Harrier and then an EA at the same time and proceeded to first shoot down both his air support as soon as possible and then call in my drop.

I scored 2 attack helicopters, 1 harrier and 1 stealth bomber and I already had my first harrier, so I just let all of them rip at once. :lol :lol

Went from 16 kills and 2nd place to #1 in like a minute, and I even had helicopters on queue! One came in right when the first left. Wanted the title for game winning killcam with a heli so I just set up camp in some grass and let the game get me my last 5 kills. :lol

RubxQub said:
SitRep: How often do you really run into people's equipment that this perk is useful? I've never been killed or affected by other people's equipement enough to think "I NEED TO PUT AN END TO THESE!"
You're looking at it from the wrong perspective, man. It's not about avoiding shit; it's about finding it! SitRep basically lets you know when it's time to pay attention, because there's someone around if there's a live mine still there. And he's probably camping that area if there's a mine - through extensive SitRep use I've learned that people very, very rarely place random or even strategic mines.

It's also very useful when you're moving in somewhere and you see a mine, and your team is entering from the other exit and kill a guy. If the mine on your side disappears, he's probably alone in there and you know you're safe to move, and so on.

The louder footsteps in Pro are also pretty damn awesome. It's jarring and TOO loud at first, but once you get used to it you will never miss someone sneaking without Ninja again. But, yeah, due to how people play, you kinda have to go with Ninja after all... Way, way too many HBS campers out there. :(

RubxQub said:
Commando Pro lets you jump around from high places, sure...but if you're jumping from very high places a lot, I have to wonder why. Couldn't you shoot the guy below you if he was there from your previous position? Would it take THAT much longer to jump down using a serious of jumps instead of just one? Do you really knife people enough as an assault class that you wouldn't have without Commando?
You need to make yourself a speed class and start playing it and you'll see, dude. The answer is, yes, you want to jump down 4 stories and stab a guy who just ran around a corner and out of view when you're playing for speed. (You really should make a speed class, it's fun as hell!)
Meier said:
Nah, I just never take down air support... 0 kills with any of the launchers. Think I am level 62 now too. :lol I thought maybe it could miss due to the excuse of chaffs being used or something.

I made a class with a jav and cold blooded just to see what it was like but I've only taken a UAV down so far. :(
Stingers are a lot better for shooting down enemy air support. The Javelin is better for location targetting. Takes too long to wait for the missile to come back down and it has a longer reload time over the Stinger.


Does anyone know if/when IW will allow us to see our stats online? And if they intend to ever clean up the XBL leaderboards? Surely there is an option to institute minimum shots, matches etc. being required for inclusion.


divisionbyzorro said:
If you use akimbo weapons for your secondary (G18s, Rafficas, Rangers, etc), Steady Aim is a must.

There is no reason to need steady aim with dual rangers...you can't miss with those little beauties :D


After playing a shitload of MW2 over the past 2 weeks, I think I'm done with the game for a while. I still love the game, but I really need to clear out my backlog of games.

I kinda forced myself to only play MW2 the past 2wks because of all the Christmas n00bs online. It was crazy busy on XBL.

Anybody else doing the same?


Does Steady Aim make any difference when tubing? I keep it equipped because it feels like it should but I suppose it probably doesn't. I guess I could use Ninja instead although honestly I don't know that it would make much difference since Terminal is just run and gunning anyway typically.
LosDaddie said:
After playing a shitload of MW2 over the past 2 weeks, I think I'm done with the game for a while. I still love the game, but I really need to clear out my backlog of games.

I kinda forced myself to only play MW2 the past 2wks because of all the Christmas n00bs online. It was crazy busy on XBL.

Anybody else doing the same?

I should. My backlog is huge: L4D2, Halo Wars, Pure (picked up for free recently), and plenty of Firefight in Halo 3.

But I probably won't.


LosDaddie said:
After playing a shitload of MW2 over the past 2 weeks, I think I'm done with the game for a while. I still love the game, but I really need to clear out my backlog of games.

I kinda forced myself to only play MW2 the past 2wks because of all the Christmas n00bs online. It was crazy busy on XBL.

Anybody else doing the same?

i keep telling myself to do this, but i keep coming back to mw2. it has its claws in me deep.

Meier said:
Does Steady Aim make any difference when tubing? I keep it equipped because it feels like it should but I suppose it probably doesn't. I guess I could use Ninja instead although honestly I don't know that it would make much difference since Terminal is just run and gunning anyway typically.

i don't know whether steady aim makes a difference, i don't think the cross hairs has looked any different. however, ninja pro always makes a difference, no matter what map you're on.
86-28 in a Demolition match on Favela this morning :D By far my best Demo game in terms of kills, only got about 24k XP though. Half of the enemy team was walking around with riot shields so we had to Semtex/M203 it up and they actually complained about both afterwards in the lobby :lol Called 2 EMP's... those things seem pretty worthless unless the enemy has a couple air rewards flying around.
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