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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Guys just bought PS3 version! Hope their are spots on GAF clan or something. I will get it later this week and am so excited :)

The night before new years, I was playing against my friend's cousins(split-multi), who are pretty good for their age. I think they are in their early teen years. Anyhow playing that night made go and get it so I will be joining COD vets soon.


scrambler is the anti-perk. i hope the people i play against never figure out that THAT'S why I always know where they are and when thy're coming.
mr_boo said:
Been using OMA rather than Scavenger and I've been really digging it with Grenade Launcher attachment and Danger Close. OMA provides a lot of flexibility - for example, being able to dynamically change to Silent Kit when the enemy just launched an UAV/Harrier/etc. Furthermore, OMA fits my play style better - I'd rather regroup in a corner than rush up to a dead body to refill my grenades. Some may not know this, but you can loopback to the same OMA Kit to essentially refill your ammo stock.

I have the exact same KD ratio there - yeah, I think if I had known the map layouts and I knew which guns to roll with in the beginning my KD ratio would be higher. But oh well, I try to remember that a Win is more important than my KD ratio.

Sooo.. with OMA.. if I have a class with C4 our on an S&D target and I switch to a class with Claymores or Frags are does my C4 stay out?
One of the reasons I hate estate:

If you are spawned on the bottom of the hill, all of your dumbass teammates go right and are easily picked off by snipers already in position when the game starts. Good job idiots. :lol


NarcissisticJay said:
Sooo.. with OMA.. if I have a class with C4 our on an S&D target and I switch to a class with Claymores or Frags are does my C4 stay out?

Not sure about C4, but I know I can lay down 2 claymores, switch to a C4 class and have my claymores remain. I'm not sure if you can detonate the c4 if you switch to a grenade class, I guess double tapping square might work (ps3)

Also quick question, been reading about some of the guns in the game, and what's the difference between battle rifles and assault rifles?


Sometimes i do not understand the mentality of players in MW2. For example, im about to shoot down a Harrier/Pavelow/Whatever with my missile, and some dude decides to kill me before i launch.

I would understand if the guy who killed me was his killstreak in the air, but for anyone else, why not just wait an extra second until i shoot the thing down THEN kill me?

Happens all the time.


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Roxas said:
Sometimes i do not understand the mentality of players in MW2. For example, im about to shoot down a Harrier/Pavelow/Whatever with my missile, and some dude decides to kill me before i launch.

I would understand if the guy who killed me was his killstreak in the air, but for anyone else, why not just wait an extra second until i shoot the thing down THEN kill me?

Happens all the time.
Huh? :lol


Roxas said:
Sometimes i do not understand the mentality of players in MW2. For example, im about to shoot down a Harrier/Pavelow/Whatever with my missile, and some dude decides to kill me before i launch.

I would understand if the guy who killed me was his killstreak in the air, but for anyone else, why not just wait an extra second until i shoot the thing down THEN kill me?

Happens all the time.

Are you talking about in a FFA match or a team deathmatch?

FFA, I would understand, but not with a deathmatch
Roxas said:
Sometimes i do not understand the mentality of players in MW2. For example, im about to shoot down a Harrier/Pavelow/Whatever with my missile, and some dude decides to kill me before i launch.

I would understand if the guy who killed me was his killstreak in the air, but for anyone else, why not just wait an extra second until i shoot the thing down THEN kill me?

Happens all the time.

I'm going to assume that you're playing Free-For-All
because the alternative is to assume you're an idiot.


Meier said:
He must be talking about in FFA or something.. only way it makes sense. And then what if it's the dude killing you's KS?

Well yeah i understand that. Its the other guys that end up getting killed a few more times by the KS that im talking about...
I played a shitton of this game over the weekend, and unlocked a bunch of goodies.

* The stinger is my new love. Destroying any and all air support seconds after they arrive just never gets old. Wish it had a dry fire mode though, for those rare occasions where I run out of ammo for my primary.

* Thermal Sight turns Wasteland into a playable level. The sway on it is a bitch though, and in combination with full metal jacket I can't get those ultra long-range FAMAS shots without using prayer and luck.

* Ninja and Cold Blooded have saved my ass more times than I can count, and have gotten me more kills than I deserve :) Also makes me more effective with the Stinger. Love it. Love it. Love it.

* 20 more kills through walls and I'll have a maxed out FAMAS. Man, this weapon has served me well since I unlocked it. What a fucking weapon.

* And claymores. Oh claymores. Just as fun as I'd hoped, although it sucks when enemies just run right past them and stab you in the back.


Bumblebeetuna said:
86-28 in a Demolition match on Favela this morning :D By far my best Demo game in terms of kills, only got about 24k XP though. Half of the enemy team was walking around with riot shields so we had to Semtex/M203 it up and they actually complained about both afterwards in the lobby :lol Called 2 EMP's... those things seem pretty worthless unless the enemy has a couple air rewards flying around.
I got 60-19 today on the same map on HC Headquarters. I was even using a standard Mini-Uzi for the first time & was lucky enough to get 3 attack helis & one chopper gunner :lol Maybe not the best ratio I've ever had but it was certainly the highest amount of kills for one game for me. I've finally come out of the 1.04 kd ratio swamp & am now back at 1.06 woot :lol


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Roxas said:
Yes i mean FFA.
In that case you're thinking too highly of others.

You're totally right in regards to FFA, but most people just see a defenseless dude and immediately take the shot, not thinking of the greater good.

Hell, if I was one kill away from a KS, I'd have a hard time not just greasing the dude to make sure I got it.

Killstreaks totally eff with your mind :lol
One other bit: I think IW should make it so that if a teammate takes your support drop, you still get any of it's kills added to your tally. Teammates would still have incentive to use the things to turn the tide of battle, but you wouldn't be pissed off that somebody on your own team cock-blocked you to your own crate.


divisionbyzorro said:
I should. My backlog is huge: L4D2, Halo Wars, Pure (picked up for free recently), and plenty of Firefight in Halo 3.

But I probably won't.

somnific said:
i keep telling myself to do this, but i keep coming back to mw2. it has its claws in me deep.

Yeah, I feel the same. I'm still having a great time with MW2, especially because most of my friends are playing it too.

But damn, my backlog isn't getting any smaller :( . Only 4 games left though. Need to at least clear out one game before Mass Effect 2 drops.
NullPointer said:
One other bit: I think IW should make it so that if a teammate takes your support drop, you still get any of it's kills added to your tally. Teammates would still have incentive to use the things to turn the tide of battle, but you wouldn't be pissed off that somebody on your own team cock-blocked you to your own crate.

Unless you get killed going for it, there's no way that a teammate can take your crates. I suppose with an EAD they could get one while you get three, but it's pretty difficult.

I have no problems taking a UAV or Jammer from a friendly EAD. I won't take anything else, though.


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I bought Demon's Souls to distract me between MW2 sessions.

If I go into a game that's full of snipers, speed knifers and shotty spammers, I take some time off into the world of Demon's Souls so I can yell at and loathe NPCs instead of PCs :lol

MW2 to me completely falls apart when a majority of players on the other team use annoying ass tactics. They don't even do that amazing, but they prevent you from doing amazing, either, by interrupting any KS you might have had building towards. You can't really prevent people playing with lame tactics from killing you all the time unless you change up your own tactics dramatically and play in a way that (for me) isn't fun.

I'd love a stripped down mode where there are no perks and they fix the visibility issue with cover. This game would be the new Counter-Strike.


NullPointer said:
* The stinger is my new love. Destroying any and all air support seconds after they arrive just never gets old. Wish it had a dry fire mode though, for those rare occasions where I run out of ammo for my primary.

I think im done with anti-air as my default secondary weapon. Its like carrying a massive flagpole on your back which everyone can see. Ill switch class if I need to shoot down enemy air support
divisionbyzorro said:
I have no problems taking a UAV or Jammer from a friendly EAD. I won't take anything else, though.
You're more sporting than most.

I lose my crates for the regular reasons: get killed as its gettin dropped, and respawning a good distance away, of I just get caught up in a skirmish that gets my attention and draws me a little way from my crate.

Not much sucks worse than having one of your own guys rushing to your AC-130 or Chopper Gunner and beating you to it.

guise said:
I think im done with anti-air as my default secondary weapon. Its like carrying a massive flagpole on your back which everyone can see. Ill switch class if I need to shoot down enemy air support
Yeah, I had that on my sniper class for one round before it hit me how stupid that was. D'oh!

Pete Rock

NullPointer said:
Teammates would still have incentive to use the things to turn the tide of battle, but you wouldn't be pissed off that somebody on your own team cock-blocked you to your own crate.
The real problem I have with these people is the player who called in the EAD can pick up all 4 crates and launch sentries/air support by the time one of these free-riding jackasses picks up a single one, yet they will all run at the crates and go prone and pray to god they don't get naded or picked off by the baited enemy team in the mean time.

The other day, I threw an Emergency AD in the back of Scrapyard by A when we had A+B and a lead of +30; I get one crate (Harrier) and die from a random Semtex, only to respawn and see 4 of my teammates lying prone by my crates trying to steal them all while multiple enemies run between the two closest plane fuselage sections lighting everything up.

I had to put my harrier on a territory we already owned just to clear off the enemy hyenas trying to pick off the jackals on my team trying to pick off my shitty drop... when they could have just posted up in the windows and gotten +5 killstreaks of their own by playing smart and covering my bait... fucking idiots :lol I've never been so ashamed of my team before, aside from the one time I found a nuke booster hiding in the back of Sub-base... just pathetic.

I have no problems sharing my crates, but when you prioritize stealing free shit over playing smart than I'm going to rage every time :D


NullPointer said:
One other bit: I think IW should make it so that if a teammate takes your support drop, you still get any of it's kills added to your tally. Teammates would still have incentive to use the things to turn the tide of battle, but you wouldn't be pissed off that somebody on your own team cock-blocked you to your own crate.

Airdrops from the Care Package or EAD don't count towards your killstreak anyways though...
UFRA said:
Airdrops from the Care Package or EAD don't count towards your killstreak anyways though...
True. But I want those kills anyway. Not because I'm a stats whore, but I did have to do some work to get those crates.


Pete Rock said:
The real problem I have with these people is the player who called in the EAD can pick up all 4 crates and launch sentries/air support by the time one of these free-riding jackasses picks up a single one, yet they will all run at the crates and go prone and pray to god they don't get naded or picked off by the baited enemy team in the mean time.

The other day, I threw an Emergency AD in the back of Scrapyard by A when we had A+B and a lead of +30; I get one crate (Harrier) and die from a random Semtex, only to respawn and see 4 of my teammates lying prone by my crates trying to steal them all while multiple enemies run between the two closest plane fuselage sections lighting everything up.

I had to put my harrier on a territory we already owned just to clear off the enemy hyenas trying to pick off the jackals on my team trying to pick off my shitty drop... when they could have just posted up in the windows and gotten +5 killstreaks of their own by playing smart and covering my bait... fucking idiots :lol I've never been so ashamed of my team before, aside from the one time I found a nuke booster hiding in the back of Sub-base... just pathetic.

I have no problems sharing my crates, but when you prioritize stealing free shit over playing smart than I'm going to rage every time :D

Or, they were nice and trying to save your airdrops from the enemy. You'd have been more pissed if they tried to cover you, got killed, and then the enemy came and stole the remaining 3 packages.

Same thing happened to me yesterday on that map too. I got a predator missile, and there was an attack heli, UAV, and harrier left. I was killed after I got the predator, and my team tried to kill some of the enemy who was rushing like crazy over to the drop. It was Sabotage, so I sat for 7 seconds as I saw "_____ stole your package!" or whatever, 3 times.



NarcissisticJay said:
Sooo.. with OMA.. if I have a class with C4 our on an S&D target and I switch to a class with Claymores or Frags are does my C4 stay out?
TBH, I don't know - I don't mess with C4s. Sure this is easily testable though. Sorry.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
UFRA said:
Or, they were nice and trying to save your airdrops from the enemy. You'd have been more pissed if they tried to cover you, got killed, and then the enemy came and stole the remaining 3 packages.

Same thing happened to me yesterday on that map too. I got a predator missile, and there was an attack heli, UAV, and harrier left. I was killed after I got the predator, and my team tried to kill some of the enemy who was rushing like crazy over to the drop. It was Sabotage, so I sat for 7 seconds as I saw "_____ stole your package!" or whatever, 3 times.


Yep, don't cry when someone on your team takes your crates, dudes. Better that Sentry/Helicopter goes to a shitty teammate than to a good enemy.

It's mindblowing how some people feel entitled to their Care Package/Drop meanwhile. I mean yeah, you worked for it. But if you didn't go out of your way to make sure you could safely get it why would you whine and cry because a teammate got it instead of an enemy?
UFRA said:
Or, they were nice and trying to save your airdrops from the enemy. You'd have been more pissed if they tried to cover you, got killed, and then the enemy came and stole the remaining 3 packages.
Absolutely. That's why I think that having any kills from using the crate go to your tally (if its used by a teammate) is a nice way to keep the frustration down. Enemies that steal your crates would still work like they do now.


I don't know when or why anyone considers Ninja to be a good perk. I wouldn't even put it in the top three for its category.

First and foremost, the vast majority of players don't locate by footsteps. On top of being extremely impractical due to the fact that eleven (or seventeen, or five, or whatever) other people are making them, they don't give much of an indication of where someone is to begin with. And those who do locate by footsteps probably already use Sitrep, which kind of makes Ninja useless. In fact, having Ninja is actually a disadvantage if your opponent has Sitrep and is smart, because the (relatively) quiet footsteps will tip them off that an enemy with Ninja is coming.
Also, I hate to sound like an old man, but in Rogue Spear, if we wanted to stop making footstep noises, we'd crouch. That option is still very much available to you in MW2: The only thing Ninja helps you do is run around like a moron and not make noise while you do it. Perk be damned, if you're running, no matter where you're running, you're probably going to be spotted eventually.

In my opinion, virtually everyone should be using Steady Aim. Steady Aim effectively doubles the range at which you don't have to aim down the sights, and a player not aiming down the sights has an advantage in a direct firefight, where time not spent shooting is time wasted (The obvious footnote to this is that if you're too far away that your spread exceeds the size of your target, you're going to lose that advantage rapidly). You also have drastically more control over your movement while you're not ADS; granted, that doesn't make as nearly a big a difference as the time you save by not looking down the sights (this is more true with guns like UMP that do far more damage than they probably should). This also makes you effective against care package knifers, because it means you don't have to waste your (increasingly valuable) time looking down the sights.
A lot of Steady Aim hate comes from people who ADS when they don't have to. And it makes sense, considering it's hard to find the practical advantage in the perk if you're always looking down the sights; but the fact is, you *shouldn't* be always looking down the sights with Steady Aim. The real advantage of the perk is its ability to save you precious time.

What these "stealth perks" (cold-blooded, ninja, scrambler) come down to is how effectively they keep you out of direct firefights, as someone with stopping power and steady aim isn't going to have much trouble killing you unless you have a substantial head start. Since Ninja doesn't actively increase your awareness of other players nor does it actively decrease other players' awareness of you (at least not any better than crouching, which doesn't require a perk and accomplishes the same thing), it's probably just going to cause you to die more.

The largest advantage I can see Ninja having against competent players is while the enemy has UAV. If you're moving around quickly (ironically probably the only correct way to exploit Ninja), then using the inherently out-of-date nature of the UAV to circle around people could prove consistent and effective, assuming you're very quick at it and not in, say, a field.

Also, nobody uses HBS, if HBS gives your position away, you're moving too slow, etc.
A little late on the third perk discussion (I was in class), but I make use of 4 of them (not last stand).

Commando is probably my favorite, because it suits my overly aggressive playstyle. I love playing runner classes, as well as rushing classes (note, two very different things), and it can also come in handy for general assault classes. On some maps, its next to useless, such as Wasteland. But in places like Favela, where you can be shot from 8 different directions, jumping off the building into an alley without getting hurt can mean the difference between life and death. Also, it is essential for knife runner builds, between the extra lunge range and the batman style shit you can pull off, and it helps for when you try to do parkour style jumps (again, a Favela trademark) and fuck them up. The extra knife range for assault style players is also important, especially if you are not using a silenced weapon. Sure, I could use my gun at ten feet and get the kill, but then his teammates are more likely to discover me. Sometimes it's better to go for the knife kill, even if you are pushing your luck with the distance.

Ninja is a godsend for stealth builds and or defensive/camping playstyles. I always have ninja on my Nuke-Hunter build (as well as a silenced weapon) to protect against those pesky HBS when I'm busy using my chopper gunner, and if you want to go ghost, there is no other option. The silent footsteps and HBS immunity makes you practically invisible to the avergae player, especially with cold blooded in combination. Its an excellent alternative for runner builds, but I prefer commando due to the unbelievable verticality of many levels. In more flat areas, like Wasteland or Sub Base (where most of the drops wont kill you) I find ninja to be an excellent choice.

Sitrep is far more conditional than the other two. It really shines in hardcore. Keep in mind that if a claymore is planted outside, and you are outside basically anywhere on the map, you will see it. Sitrep "awareness lines", from what I can tell, seem to be dependent on doorways. So, if you are in a building, you can generally only see other claymores in the building or that your building has a sightline to. But the minute you step out that doorway, it will light up from across the map (eg in Quarry, I have exited the large red warehouse by the large door and been able to see claymores by the blue building with the forklift at the window by the sniper ledge, or those over in the mobile SAM shed). I dont know if thats exactly how it works, but it seems to be something along those lines. In hardcore, where everybody and their mother sets a claymore on each door of the building their camping in, this is basically free radar at all times. The added bonus of louder footsteps is just icing on the cake. This is my default green perk when playing HCTDM because it provides so much info about the enemies location. Regular, things tend to be much more fast paced with less camping/"strategic positioning" and it loses a bit of its effectiveness, but the footstep side of the perk is still excellent (though it doesnt cancel out ninja from what I can tell).

Finally, steady aim is probably my least used of the four "useful" (imo) green perks. It's pretty much exclusively dedicated to my sniper class, or my Runner will sometimes use it if I've decided to switch the knife for a SPAS or G18s. However, keep in mind that it also increases mobility in a firefight, since you are not forced to ADS to hit your target when using an SMG or similarly sized reticles. Like Rubx said, generally you start shooting and then pull up into sights to finish the kill. But if you have one enemy right up close and another 40 feet away who both have eyes on you, you sometimes need to get just that first kill and then duck into a doorway before number 2 takes you out. This is where steady aim shines, and it is far less useful than the other perks just because of how seldomly that sort of situation arises, at least for me. Usually if theres two enemies, I've noticed them both and am prepared for it. Its just when surprises hit that you need to be a little more mobile (or a little more lucky, whatever works).

Last stand...well, I hated it in 4 and still hate it now. If the enemy is smart, he'll leave you to bleed out in ten seconds rather than chase the kill around a corner where he knows you're waiting. Sure, I've died a few times to guys in last stand, and it drives me crazy in hardcore when I drop a guy and dont expect him to shoot back, but generally speaking I just dont find it that useful for me and my playstyle.

Finally (and just for you Rubx) though you love ninja because you use headphones and can hear the footsteps, keep in mind that the vasy majority of players dont take advantage or dont pay attention to the excellent sound design in the game. Many times when hot-swapping with friends, who still have surround systems where I can clearly hear the footsteps, they will pay no attention. Very few players, when they have a UAV in the air, will crouch down to minimize noise when approaching an enemy position, as they think its unimportant. I agree with you completely that the sound of footsteps is a dead giveaway to the players who pay attention to it, but unless you run up against a clan or a really attentive player, you generally dont have to worry. I consider ninja to be the second most essential green perk in HC b/c of HBS overload, but in regular I am far better off with Commando or steady aim to help me kill things than Ninja to help me avoid being killed.

/long post
alterno69 said:
So how does the EAD works? I love care packages in my killstreaks, are EAD better?

EAD = 4 crates. So it's 4 times better.

It also has a lower percent chance of ammo drops on each crate, with a much higher probability of AC130/Apache. However, it does have a 0% chance of dropping an EMP.

All that said, I have gotten a 3xAmmo/UAV drop before. I was very angry.


I hit lvl 70 last night. COMMANDER bitches.

Disappointed with the AK47 kind of. Not sure what I was expecting, though I was probably just hyped about hitting 70 and getting teh last gun. Recoil on it is ridiculous, even more than I remember in CoD4. Maybe it gets way better with some attachments?

I'll give it time.

Anyway, I probably won't prestige. I never did in CoD4 and most likely won't again.

My go-to weapons:









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divisionbyzorro said:
EAD = 4 crates. So it's 4 times better.
Crate placement is also more random from the point of the marker, as well as the aircraft dropping the care package making a big ass entrance, drawing lots of attention to the location.

EAD is such a weird KS for me.
Lionheart1827 said:
One of the reasons I hate estate:

If you are spawned on the bottom of the hill, all of your dumbass teammates go right and are easily picked off by snipers already in position when the game starts. Good job idiots. :lol
Another reason I hate Estate: it's a rework of Creek, and getting to be my least-favorite, most-played map. I vote to skip it every time.

Although the roof of the boathouse is an excellent place to target the front of the house. Estate has made me appreciate the thermal sight more than any other map.

Meier said:
Does Steady Aim make any difference when tubing? I keep it equipped because it feels like it should but I suppose it probably doesn't. I guess I could use Ninja instead although honestly I don't know that it would make much difference since Terminal is just run and gunning anyway typically.
I think no. Tubing is the art of estimating just how much arc you should put on that thing. BTW, props for running it. People bitch about tubing so much and they just don't realize how hard it is using the true one-shot-one-kill philosophy. :lol Seriously though, lobbing a grenade through one of those bunker windows from the cliff in Afghan is really really f'ing hard.


Steady Aim doesn't affect the tube, or anything else with fixed aim (rocket launchers). If I'm not mistaken, it also doesn't affect akimbo rangers for some reason.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Fugu said:
I don't know when or why anyone considers Ninja to be a good perk. I wouldn't even put it in the top three for its category.

Also, nobody uses HBS, if HBS gives your position away, you're moving too slow, etc.


Everyone and their mother uses the HBS in the PS3 version.

Dead Silence/Ninja is a love/hate perk for some people. For some it can be really useful to sneak up on people. It's more useful in Search and Destory if you don't have a total audiophile that can hear you coming from a mile away.

You can drop from a window, make your splat sort-of silent and knife a dude. It's what I did in Bloq of CoD4 with DS on before. :lol
rjcc said:
scrambler is the anti-perk. i hope the people i play against never figure out that THAT'S why I always know where they are and when thy're coming.

It works pretty good in Hardcore though since there are so many claymores on the ground and Scrambler Pro delays them going off. But at the same time, it still makes a ticking noise and players who pay attention to the sound a lot will notice this, turn around and shoot you.

It isn't the best new perk but it's not the worst.
RubxQub said:
Crate placement is also more random from the point of the marker, as well as the aircraft dropping the care package making a big ass entrance, drawing lots of attention to the location.

EAD is such a weird KS for me.

Here's the trick to tossing the EAD marker: the plane that drops the packages flies in the direction you were facing when you tossed the grenade. The first crate will drop on your marker and the next three will fall in a straight line in the direction you were facing.

So, let's say you're in Skidrow, in the back alley that butts directly against Domination Charlie. Stand with your back to a wall, looking down the alley, and toss the grenade at your feet, just slightly forward. The plane will fly over and neatly drop all four packages in a straight line down the alley.


TheSeks said:

Everyone and their mother uses the HBS in the PS3 version.

Dead Silence/Ninja is a love/hate perk for some people. For some it can be really useful to sneak up on people. It's more useful in Search and Destory if you don't have a total audiophile that can hear you coming from a mile away.

You can drop from a window, make your splat sort-of silent and knife a dude. It's what I did in Bloq of CoD4 with DS on before. :lol
I write from the perspective of the PC version which is a bit of a different game. The fact that you are simply more mobile on the PC makes the scan delay and the fact that the HBS only scans a short distance rather unpopular.

You've got to wonder what kind of sniper/camper doesn't have some sort of contingency to prevent people from sneaking up behind him (Like claymores, or turning around every once in awhile) in the first place; if your only intent is to kill unprepared/bad players, why not just shoot the bastard?

EDIT: Holy grammar


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divisionbyzorro said:
Here's the trick to tossing the EAD marker: the plane that drops the packages flies in the direction you were facing when you tossed the grenade. The first crate will drop on your marker and the next three will fall in a straight line in the direction you were facing.

So, let's say you're in Skidrow, in the back alley that butts directly against Domination Charlie. Stand with your back to a wall, looking down the alley, and toss the grenade at your feet, just slightly forward. The plane will fly over and neatly drop all four packages in a straight line down the alley.
Awesome to know.

I don't use EAD at all (used it for maybe 5 games and didn't like it), but I may give it another whirl. I really don't like how easy it is to not get all 4 packages, but that's what balances it, so I can't be mad.
rjcc said:
scrambler is the anti-perk. i hope the people i play against never figure out that THAT'S why I always know where they are and when thy're coming.

It boggles my mind how people still run around with scrambler on. I can't remember the last time someone with it killed me
RubxQub said:
Awesome to know.

I don't use EAD at all (used it for maybe 5 games and didn't like it), but I may give it another whirl. I really don't like how easy it is to not get all 4 packages, but that's what balances it, so I can't be mad.

I find EAD to be a great KS bookend; Predator->Harrier->EAD is actually a fantastic set of streaks to roll with. Play hard to get the Predator, chain it into a Harrier, which will almost always earn you at least one kill. Then just play hard until you die. Once you're back in the safety of your spawn, drop the EAD (assuming your team isn't currently being spawn camped). So much fun.


guise said:
I think im done with anti-air as my default secondary weapon. Its like carrying a massive flagpole on your back which everyone can see. Ill switch class if I need to shoot down enemy air support

Yeah, I've picked off a few players that I wouldn't have otherwise known they were there.

This happen to anyone else???? I'll be hunkered down somewhere, thinking I'm completely in cover and then get blasted by someone and kill cam shows I'm perfectly silhouetted against a bright rock, tree, wall, etc that is WAAAY behind me or something I can't see.

Drives me nuts thinking I'm well hidden but in fact I'm not.
pistolpete2940 said:
It boggles my mind how people still run around with scrambler on. I can't remember the last time someone with it killed me

To be fair, one person said a couple pages back he used it for camping with claymores, I can imagine it would be excellent for my "defensive positioning" in the nose of the plane on terminal with a claymore at elbow and another at rear of plane. It would bait even more people into my claymores.

But yeah, for general use? Not so much.

greenjerk said:
Yeah, I've picked off a few players that I wouldn't have otherwise known they were there.

This happen to anyone else???? I'll be hunkered down somewhere, thinking I'm completely in cover and then get blasted by someone and kill cam shows I'm perfectly silhouetted against a bright rock, tree, wall, etc that is WAAAY behind me or something I can't see.

Drives me nuts thinking I'm well hidden but in fact I'm not.
I also hate the terrible draw distance on the console versions of the game. Maps like rundown you can hide in the bushes and try to snipe out of them. When you get killed and watch the killcam, turn out on their screen your standing in the open because foliage has maybe a 50 foot draw distance (especially noticeable when looking at the bushes in front of the broken grey building right above the marshy area). That one always throws me for a loop.


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divisionbyzorro said:
I find EAD to be a great KS bookend; Predator->Harrier->EAD is actually a fantastic set of streaks to roll with. Play hard to get the Predator, chain it into a Harrier, which will almost always earn you at least one kill. Then just play hard until you die. Once you're back in the safety of your spawn, drop the EAD (assuming your team isn't currently being spawn camped). So much fun.
I generally roll with Predator -> Harrier -> Pavelow.

I like the Pavelow over the Chopper Gunner/AC130 mainly because it still has a defense mechanism that prevents it from being shot down easily, and I get to run around and kill people still (most of which are easier to kill now that they are either looking up at the sky or tucked away in a bunker/building somewhere.

Not to mention that getting 2 kills with the harrier is easier than 4 kills, so you'll see it more often. (is there anything better than guessing where you think the enemy should be based on your own team's location? I swear I get off so hard when I don't know where anyone is, but still net multiple kills on the initial bombing run part of the Harrier Strike).

I'll run through that chain at least once a game unless we're getting completely dominated, often times twice.


RubxQub said:
Awesome to know.

I don't use EAD at all (used it for maybe 5 games and didn't like it), but I may give it another whirl. I really don't like how easy it is to not get all 4 packages, but that's what balances it, so I can't be mad.

Yea I've never gotten all 4. Once I called it in on skidrow, died, and all 4 got taken by other people. Then I watched as they launched my stealth bomber, pave low, and airstrike :(

Pete Rock

UFRA said:
You'd have been more pissed if they tried to cover you, got killed, and then the enemy came and stole the remaining 3 packages.
What? I seriously have no idea how you reached this conclusion from the statements I made in regards to the circumstances outlined in that particular instance.

It's not about entitlement over any particular crate in my drop drop (the random nature guarantees nothing), it's about watching half of my team throw their situational awareness and instincts out the window in a vain effort for a freebie.

You're also wrong; I would have loved to see them attempt and subsequently fail to play as a team. Instead what I got was a bunch of jackals giving the advancing enemy free kills while ignoring the objective in the pursuit of securing something they didn't even remotely "earn".

The fact that I had to drop my own Harrier to secure the area should have given you a clue as to how useless these fucks were, but apparently it's easier to assume I'm overly sensitive and prone to whining fits and the people jacking my shit were really white knights saving the day. Where is the rolling eye emoticon when you need it... :lol
X26 said:
Yea I've never gotten all 4. Once I called it in on skidrow, died, and all 4 got taken by other people. Then I watched as they launched my stealth bomber, pave low, and airstrike :(

Hey, you're that much closer to the "Share Package" title :lol
Wow I am SO FUCKING SICK of being teamed up with only noobs. One game of Domination that I played earlier today I was the only one positive on my team (ended up going 20-10) and NOT A SINGLE OTHER PERSON ON MY TEAM had a K/D of OVER .5. And these weren't Christmas noobs. These were people in their 2nd, 3rd and one in 4th prestige. And of course we lose the game 200-100. Yes, the other team had A and B the entire time and we only managed to hold our own starting point. I mean, what the fuck? Can't I get matched up with a proper team?

And this wasn't just a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence. This has been happening to me all day. And then whenever I get put into games, they're always in the middle or the end, the enemy already having a Chopper Gunner in the sky. Seriously, I'm so sick of this shit. Fix your shit, Infinity Ward. And deal with those campers and supersoldiers too, while you're at it.
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