You like me, you really really like me!
divisionbyzorro said:Killstreaks aside, it is CS.
Nah. Not even close.
S&D is similar but doesn't play anything like CS.
divisionbyzorro said:Killstreaks aside, it is CS.
the blast shield has become my favorite equipment since the '87s got gimped everyones been noobtubin' like crazy. blast shield will take one direct hit. while you are reloading im putting a clip in to your torso-ish area, and keeping the bunker in wasteland all for myself...:lolDeuceMojo said:I've spent the last few levels reclaiming the tube (to blaze through the One Man Army and Danger Close challenges) and brother, it is boring relying on that thing. Although I can see the benefit now of keeping a RDS/noobtube rifle in the closet for those Wasteland matches.
He just means that certain killstreak rewards (pavelows, chopper gunner, AC130) shoot out flares, meaning you have to shoot at them more than once usually to take them down.Meier said:Explain.. like I said, I am new to using a javelin. If it locks on, do I just keep waiting and it will lock on further? Or do you mean multiple lock-ons as in lock-ons from separate people?
I don't thiink he meant the engine suddenly changes, but in terms of format, S+D is like any de_ game in CS.Cerrius said:Nah. Not even close.
S&D is similar but doesn't play anything like CS.
Even with Scavenger Pro on, I seem to only have 1 Javelin right off the bat. Does this ever upgrade with kills? Or are you basically left to pray your shot goes through?RubxQub said:He just means that certain killstreak rewards (pavelows, chopper gunner, AC130) shoot out flares, meaning you have to shoot at them more than once usually to take them down.
Meier said:Even with Scavenger Pro on, I seem to only have 1 Javelin right off the bat. Does this ever upgrade with kills? Or are you basically left to pray your shot goes through?
Meier said:Explain.. like I said, I am new to using a javelin. If it locks on, do I just keep waiting and it will lock on further? Or do you mean multiple lock-ons as in lock-ons from separate people?
Good to know. I'll have to try again tonight to take down a few supports that are up when I die.X26 said:always one shot max, and if you're the first to fire on sometihng with flares it'll never hit
for AA stinger is infinitely better than the javelin
Pete Rock said:What? I seriously have no idea how you reached this conclusion from the statements I made in regards to the circumstances outlined in that particular instance.
It's not about entitlement over any particular crate in my drop drop (the random nature guarantees nothing), it's about watching half of my team throw their situational awareness and instincts out the window in a vain effort for a freebie.
You're also wrong; I would have loved to see them attempt and subsequently fail to play as a team. Instead what I got was a bunch of jackals giving the advancing enemy free kills while ignoring the objective in the pursuit of securing something they didn't even remotely "earn".
The fact that I had to drop my own Harrier to secure the area should have given you a clue as to how useless these fucks were, but apparently it's easier to assume I'm overly sensitive and prone to whining fits and the people jacking my shit were really white knights saving the day. Where is the rolling eye emoticon when you need it... :lol
It is a safer assumption.UFRA said:You just automatically assume everyone's a douchebag trying to get your stuff.
Well, they both ARE search and destroy after all but in terms of gameplay, they play nothing alike. If the MW2 maps were smaller, maybe.Foliorum Viridum said:I don't thiink he meant the engine suddenly changes, but in terms of format, S+D is like any de_ game in CS.
NullPointer said:It is a safer assumption.
Right on, Brosef. I hope to God the world never gets sick of that 420 thing, what with it being the date of the Columbine shootings and Adolf Hitler's birthday. Bro man, what a chill day that is. One love!backflip10019 said:Oh shit, page 420. Joint Ops, High Command, ganja leaf bro.
GodofWine said:With EADs I figure that the person who called it can grab them so fast that he can usually decide to take them all or not. So, if im in the area, I'll give him a 1-2 package head start, and then start grabbing one.
If they want it, they can surely claim it before my slow-ass white bar fills.
DeuceMojo said:I've spent the last few levels reclaiming the tube (to blaze through the One Man Army and Danger Close challenges) and brother, it is boring relying on that thing. Although I can see the benefit now of keeping a RDS/noobtube rifle in the closet for those Wasteland matches.
I would call S&D the Siege of Call of Duty. For those patient enough to sit around and watch some other guys run around until the end of the match, this game's for you.
divisionbyzorro said:Killstreaks aside, it is CS.
RubxQub said:You're not missing anything. Tons of people in Hardcore just camp endlessly because they are too afraid to die.
I swear, TDM is the only mode where people don't play like total fuck-ups.
RavenFox said:You should. No damn radar unless you earn it and no damn killcam plus friendly fire. You become a much better player through hardcore.
tarius1210 said:Cold Blooded Pro on Overpass, Wasteland, Derail and maybe Afghan. Stopping Power Pro on everything else.
Hey GAF, can we set up some Private Matches on the PS3 against each other sometime?
Ha, I knew someone would call me out on this, but I was tired and didn't feel like editing my post. Semantics, is all.Digital Limit said:That's not true. Every killstreak reward dies after one hit.
Multiple lock-ons are required however, given flares subvert potential hits.
I rarely see jumping sniper head shots.divisionbyzorro said:Killstreaks aside, it is CS.
In my time with the multi I had plenty of deaths where the enemy jumped or headshot me while falling, not a sniper but being off the ground should make your aiming go nuts.practice02 said:I rarely see jumping sniper head shots.
DeuceMojo said:Another reason I hate Estate: it's a rework of Creek, and getting to be my least-favorite, most-played map. I vote to skip it every time.
Although the roof of the boathouse is an excellent place to target the front of the house. Estate has made me appreciate the thermal sight more than any other map.
X26 said:One guy tried to 360 one-shot me with a sniper. It was on estate and I was going up the hill toward the greenhouse and he jumped down while doing a 360, shot and missed, and I knifed him. Things like that make me wish the game had a theater mode.
Wat?Diablohead said:In my time with the multi I had plenty of deaths where the enemy jumped or headshot me while falling, not a sniper but being off the ground should make your aiming go nuts.
Same pace as me.backflip10019 said:So it took me exactly 5 days on the dot to get to second prestige. Not too shabby.
vatstep said:Ha, I knew someone would call me out on this, but I was tired and didn't feel like editing my post. Semantics, is all.
RubxQub said:Same pace as me.
What game modes do you play? When I said this people flipped out and accused me of sucking :lol
I said I had no life as well, though! RARRRRRRRR! :lolLionheart1827 said:Yes because you accused everyone of having no lives. :lol
OldJadedGamer said:There are no crutches in Hardcore like there is in regular TDM. No constant radar telling me where every one is at all times, no second chance to see where I got shot from with the kill cam, people don't spray and pray because you'll kill your teammates. It's the best version to play by far IMO. I can't stand playing regular TDM. I'm a big fan of playing a game where I shoot you and you die. None of this shooting a guy then he lunges at me with a knife killing me. WTF is that shit? In hardcore, I shoot that knife guy and guess what... he's dead. Oh, and also... no instant respawn crap. There is an actual penalty for dying.
I play regular TDM to up some of my other guns and the camping in that mode takes the cake all over Hardcore. In hardcore, it's not a good strategy at all to camp cause there is no radar to protect you and most times campers are the first to die. You work as a team more and it keeps you more on your toes cause you can't depend on the game to help you out and you actually have to play the game.
Pyke Presco said:This isnt strictly true. If you press start and bring up the field map, it still tells you all the info that a regular UAV does, such as teammate positions and where the enemy is when they start shooting(except it wont tell you position of enemy air support. For that you need a real UAV). When I hear a gunshot go off, no matter where on the map, a quick press of start, glance, and start again tells me exactly where that sniper is. I use this strategy in Core too, as soon as a UAV goes up press start, and you get actual positions everywhere on the map, not just the guys close to you with the rest as vague "over there somewhere" information.
Admittedly, you have to stop moving for a second and your view is obstructed, but for me its no different than if I were to check the score by pressing back instead. The intel gained is worth the second of vulnerability while I check the map.
Also, if you are playing core and get killed, while watching the killcam press start, it will show you the position of every player on the enemy team. Killcam helps you smoke out the entire enemy team, not just the one guy that killed you!
I play primarily Demolition, MTDM and Ground War with the occasional HQ and Domination when I'm playing with friends. Is that really a slow pace? Are people really prestiging faster than that?RubxQub said:Same pace as me.
What game modes do you play? When I said this people flipped out and accused me of sucking :lol
OldJadedGamer said:There are no crutches in Hardcore like there is in regular TDM. No constant radar telling me where every one is at all times, no second chance to see where I got shot from with the kill cam, people don't spray and pray because you'll kill your teammates. It's the best version to play by far IMO. I can't stand playing regular TDM. I'm a big fan of playing a game where I shoot you and you die. None of this shooting a guy then he lunges at me with a knife killing me. WTF is that shit? In hardcore, I shoot that knife guy and guess what... he's dead. Oh, and also... no instant respawn crap. There is an actual penalty for dying.
I play regular TDM to up some of my other guns and the camping in that mode takes the cake all over Hardcore. In hardcore, it's not a good strategy at all to camp cause there is no radar to protect you and most times campers are the first to die. You work as a team more and it keeps you more on your toes cause you can't depend on the game to help you out and you actually have to play the game.
backflip10019 said:I play primarily Demolition, MTDM and Ground War with the occasional HQ and Domination when I'm playing with friends. Is that really a slow pace? Are people really prestiging faster than that?
Scarecrow said:Soooooo close to 10 kills in a row. Then a guy sneaks up behind me
I thought it was pretty hilarious on a different match on that one train ice level when I tried to snipe. I got knifed in the back. Turns out the guy was standing over me for a good 5 seconds or so before he killed me, to the laughter of me and my friends who were watching :lol
whitehawk said:My god demolition is UNBALANCED.
Defending is a hell of a lot easier. If the game ends in a tie (which it usually does) then the defending team has a huge advantage. Something needs to be done.
I wasHanmik said:Damn I had my best round EVAR yesterday. Was playing Team Deathmatch on Afghan on my PS3..
Started out by running to the Bunker. Nailed 2 enemies with my Trusty UMP45 with Stopping power, Scavenger+ and Steady Aim. Turned around and nailed 1 incoming enemy from behind. Ran down to the middle of the map and killed 2 more incoming enemies. Now I had my Sentry Gun. Crouched down in the bushes and nailed one more. Ran back to the bunker and placed the Sentry Gun I just picked up from my crate.
BANG BANG 2 more kills, call in my Harrier. 2 Kills right away. But a teammate has already called in a Pavelow. So I rush to the back of the map, on my way the teammates pavelow gets shot down, so now my Pavelow and my harrier are both ranking up kills. I kill 3 incoming enemies, and look at my kill/death ratio. 19-0... nice.. Both my harrier and Pavelow are gone now. So I run to the downed airplane in the middle of the map and start killing enemies hiding in the hole in the middle. kills in less than 30 seconds... Damn my score is now 24-0.. my personal best killstreak EVAR..! And then...
PSN logs me off... YES I´m fucking serious.. I get kicked off PSN.. I get thrown off the game.. I quickly log onto PSN again and rejoin the match.. on the other team.. I get 2 kills and die once..and the game ends.. I lose 2300-7500.. BUT it was fucking me who did all the killing.. ARGHHHHHHH...
And off course none of my statistics and emblems show up.. nothing..
So Thank you PSN.. thank you.. (switch the word thank with fuck)...
DeuceMojo said:I've spent the last few levels reclaiming the tube (to blaze through the One Man Army and Danger Close challenges) and brother, it is boring relying on that thing. Although I can see the benefit now of keeping a RDS/noobtube rifle in the closet for those Wasteland matches.