RickA238 said:All I know is that with FMJ on the FAMAS, paired with Stopping Power, I get a ton of single burst kills on each map I play. When beginning my most recent prestige, I rarely got single burst kills with the FAMAS and stopping power. I have tried playing without FMJ on the FAMAS more recently, experiencing the same effect.
The bottom line is that without FMJ, I get ~5 kills less each map, without even counting all the bullet penetration kills I get (I seem to get the most BP kills at least every other match). IMO it turns the FAMAS from a middling weapon to the best weapon in the game.
It comes down to your individual testimonial, if FMJ works for you, you should use it. Even without the added damage, I would still use FMJ because of all the BP kills I rack up. Furthermore, I don't trust the files that some hacker supposed hacked out the the game code. The files could just as easily have been fabricated. I trust my own experience of 4+ days played in MP.
With stopping power, a single burst from the FAMAS should kill at any range if all bullets hit. Without stopping power, a single burst from the FAMAS should kill at medium range if all bullets hit:
3 bullets * 40 damage at mid range = 120 damage
3 bullets * 30 damage at long range * 1.4 from stopping power = 126 damage
In other words, a single burst from the FAMAS with SP doesn't need any help to kill.