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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

Zeitgeister said:
Been trying to get Sitrep pro for a while now, but that is next to impossible to get outside of hardcore mode. In hardcore however, everyone spams explosives, so you can move up that number real quick compared to other modes.

OMA pro is just regular sniper or assualt class. You'll have it no time.

Last stand pro is hard to get too, until you use it with cold-blooded on quarry. It's fun to have three guys walk past you and shoot two of them before the third finally kills you. Last stand pro is awesome though (use equipment). Because most people will walk in to knife you and that's when you reveal your cooked grenade or semtex to take to his friends. Or throwing knife in his face.

Feels good man (note: only for those with k/d ratio under 1)

For Last Stand Pro: Put it on a Riot Shield class with C4. Camp right by a domination flag (Bravo on Invasion is fantastic for this). When you inevitably get shot, spam the detonator and laugh. Not only will you steal their kill by suiciding on the C4, but you'll take them out as well.


Had my best string of MTDM games yesterday due to a in a "bad" room (no one all that close to the first lvl70, not very good, and I'm pretty sure I had host). Highlight was going 41-7 on quarry. Startign feeling like a tool after awhile, so I just starting using vector+ rapid fire/marathon/lightweight/steady aim and still just crazy scores, andcaleld it a ngiht soonafter. Won't happen again probably, but it was fun while it lasted.
divisionbyzorro said:
You know, for all the talk that blade runners get around here, I'm starting to feel that gun running is more effective. I tried this build out last night:

UMP + Silencer
PP2000 + Silencer

You can still do crazy knife kills without the tactical knife, and the silencers help keep you quiet on everybody's radar. Use the UMP until it's dry, then use the PP2000 until its dry, and if you're still alive, just knife everybody from there on out. It's a hell of a lot of fun.

I've used a similar class and it owns. My only suggestion is to swap out commando for steady aim since this is a gun runner class. Steady aim and lightweight let you run circles around your opponent while still being pretty accurate with your shots and having to aim down your sights only slows you down.
johnFkennedy said:
I've used a similar class and it owns. My only suggestion is to swap out commando for steady aim since this is a gun runner class. Steady aim and lightweight let you run circles around your opponent while still being pretty accurate with your shots and having to aim down your sights only slows you down.

But with your speed, if you're close enough to shoot without ADS, you should be able to melee with the added range from Commando. Lightweight Pro makes going ADS workable.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Zeitgeister said:
Been trying to get Sitrep pro for a while now, but that is next to impossible to get outside of hardcore mode. In hardcore however, everyone spams explosives, so you can move up that number real quick compared to other modes.

Even then it's a chore.

750 equipment kills, really?!

One Man Army pro is easy to get. Just OMA your Grenade Launcher class. OMA->Launch Launch->OMA->LAUNCH LAUNCH.

Sitrep and Last Stand (Oh how I fucking hate this perk, same thing in CoD4) are the last two I really need to "pro" and they're fucking annoying to get. *sigh*

I don't even want to bother with getting their emblems. Just fucking insane.

Also playing as a corpse is hard. You either have to wait and hope someone is taking that route, or someone doesn't catch on. Spamming the weapon swap button is a HUGE alert (at least it is for when I'm playing dead) to shoot me. Laying still, letting them pass (there are idiots that don't look down, seriously) and shooting them is a better option.
Graf Nudu said:
Um, what happens when it's like 6300-7400 for the other team and you choose the nuke? Does it count when the other team shoots the final guy for the 7500 points? Are you still able to do so, at all?
I don't know I haven't done it in team death match.


Yes!! I got my mario emblem. I hid in the rafters of some farmhouse in that one map w/ scavanger, shotgun, and claymors. Now I can finally get back to using killstreaks (but only up to, like, 7 with my skill).


TheSeks said:
Also playing as a corpse is hard. You either have to wait and hope someone is taking that route, or someone doesn't catch on. Spamming the weapon swap button is a HUGE alert (at least it is for when I'm playing dead) to shoot me. Laying still, letting them pass (there are idiots that don't look down, seriously) and shooting them is a better option.

So true. There are also idiots that don't look anywhere it seems. :lol

I just hate it when I am playing S&D and I'm spectating a guy on my team, and I CLEARLY see an enemy in the screen (I'm not talking about a spec in a window, I mean, a guy running across a field...in the open...) and the guy doesn't see him. WTF is wrong with people?

Then there's these guys who have their sensitivity up to 10,000,000, and they turn and look around so quickly, they miss the guy standing right in front of them.

It has happened countless times.

/rant lol


TheSeks said:
750 equipment kills, really?!
What? SitRep Pro is 120 equipment. SitRep VII is 750. :lol

TheSeks said:
Also playing as a corpse is hard. You either have to wait and hope someone is taking that route, or someone doesn't catch on. Spamming the weapon swap button is a HUGE alert (at least it is for when I'm playing dead) to shoot me. Laying still, letting them pass (there are idiots that don't look down, seriously) and shooting them is a better option.
The people who shoot you when you spam Y are people who would shoot you if you were laying still too. These are the ones that actually look down.

You don't lie around and play dead the whole match - a guy lying prone in the middle of nowhere won't trick anyone. You use it in opportune places where there's already a bunch of corpses laying around - even more specifically, a contested flag in Domination is absolutely perfect. They're all too busy shooting the guys standing up to see you lying down and spamming Y, and they're not getting a freebie red name or any other indication. What will happen is they'll shoot all your teammates that were battling and ignore you. One might walk up and take a look (as mentioned above, one idiot even fired shots at me and still fell for it) but then they think they're done and move away. That's when you stand up and take out all three with your Striker. Seriously works like half the time at least.

(Don't move except for spamming Y. They'll kill you right away. :lol)

WTF is wrong with people?
Well, if it's a map like Wasteland and the enemy you saw was in the horizon, you could be fair dude... Not everyone can afford a 48" HDTV setup with surround sound.


aku:jiki said:
What? SitRep Pro is 120 equipment. SitRep VII is 750. :lol
Perk challenges go to VI, otherwise you're correct. I'm just 35+ claymores away from it. It's been a long annoying journey! :D

zorro: You've been called a stupid troll on gamefaqs now :lol They saw your new post with all those links.
aku:jiki said:
Well, if it's a map like Wasteland and the enemy you saw was in the horizon, you could be fair dude... Not everyone can afford a 48" HDTV setup with surround sound.
And, to be fair, although some people are seemingly blind, it is easier to spot people when you're not playing and simply observing. Countless times my girlfriend has screamed "OVER THERE" when I'm playing, since I was concentrating on something else and didn't catch them running across a certain part of the map. I have a 32" HDTV, which is brilliant for catching small things, but sometimes I can spot a sniper from across a map, but miss someone running right by me simply because I'm focusing on another area a lot.
Foliorum Viridum said:
And, to be fair, although some people are seemingly blind, it is easier to spot people when you're not playing and simply observing. Countless times my girlfriend has screamed "OVER THERE" when I'm playing, since I was concentrating on something else and didn't catch them running across a certain part of the map. I have a 32" HDTV, which is brilliant for catching small things, but sometimes I can spot a sniper from across a map, but miss someone running right by me simply because I'm focusing on another area a lot.


So unbelievably mad right now! Had a 25 killstreak, called for a nuke and the game disconnected during the countdown! That's not what made me mad however, it's the message I got a few minutes later.

"Haha, nice try. I always pull out my ethernet cable when I hear tactical nuke incoming or see someone on a 23 kill streak. :)"

What. The. Fuck.

Enraged, shot back a response "You don't deserve to play this game" (great comeback, rite?)

To which was replied:

"Neither do priks like you who camp for seven kills call in a harrier and spray the entire map with your appache chaingun."

"User had ignored you"

(For the record, I wasn't goddamn camping)

So, in conclusion, fucking mad right now.
Minamu said:
zorro: You've been called a stupid troll on gamefaqs now :lol They saw your new post with all those links.


What's so funny is that the original post totally wasn't meant to do that and is incredibly and obviously false. I sourced the article as being from "Generic Gaming Magazine," for goodness sakes. And I referenced non-existent @fourzerotwo tweets!

Apparently if you write cohesive paragraphs that sound official, forum goers automatically believe it. Go figure.
Sielys said:
So unbelievably mad right now! Had a 25 killstreak, called for a nuke and the game disconnected during the countdown! That's not what made me mad however, it's the message I got a few minutes later.

"Haha, nice try. I always pull out my ethernet cable when I hear tactical nuke incoming or see someone on a 23 kill streak. :)"

What. The. Fuck.

Enraged, shot back a response "You don't deserve to play this game" (great comeback, rite?)

To which was replied:

"Neither do priks like you who camp for seven kills call in a harrier and spray the entire map with your appache chaingun."

"User had ignored you"

(For the record, I wasn't goddamn camping)

So, in conclusion, fucking mad right now.

Is this Xbox Live? Report his ass. Not sure that really does much good, but do it anyway.
I only wish this game would make two main (major) changes.

1. When I fire 3 Famas rounds into your chest, you should not then kill me with your knife.

2. Objective based games (demolition, CTF, etc.) should not count towards your K/D ratio. Either don't count them at all or have a separate K/D screen for them. Then people might actually try capturing Bravo with me instead of standing around the corner ten feet away.


BolognaSoup said:
I only wish this game would make two main (major) changes.

1. When I fire 3 Famas rounds into your chest, you should not then kill me with your knife.

2. Objective based games (demolition, CTF, etc.) should not count towards your K/D ratio. Either don't count them at all or have a separate K/D screen for them. Then people might actually try capturing Bravo with me instead of standing around the corner ten feet away.

there should have been a seperate leaderboard for each mode at the least, and poitns in objective matches should be distributed far differentl seeing as how you get far more points playing like it's deathmatch
Sielys said:
So unbelievably mad right now! Had a 25 killstreak, called for a nuke and the game disconnected during the countdown! That's not what made me mad however, it's the message I got a few minutes later.

"Haha, nice try. I always pull out my ethernet cable when I hear tactical nuke incoming or see someone on a 23 kill streak. :)"

What. The. Fuck.

Enraged, shot back a response "You don't deserve to play this game" (great comeback, rite?)

To which was replied:

"Neither do priks like you who camp for seven kills call in a harrier and spray the entire map with your appache chaingun."

"User had ignored you"

(For the record, I wasn't goddamn camping)

So, in conclusion, fucking mad right now.
should have just sent him a friend request and joined every one of his games until you got to nuke his ass that true internet justice. now that he ignored you just keep sending him friend requests .
practice02 said:
should have just sent him a friend request and joined every one of his games until you got to nuke his ass that true internet justice. now that he ignored you just keep sending him friend requests .
Then he becomes another prick online.

When I get a twatish message, I just ignore it. Don't feed the trolls. :) As a result, a lot of my online gaming is quite pleasant.
Zeitgeister said:
Been trying to get Sitrep pro for a while now, but that is next to impossible to get outside of hardcore mode. In hardcore however, everyone spams explosives, so you can move up that number real quick compared to other modes.

OMA pro is just regular sniper or assualt class. You'll have it no time.

Last stand pro is hard to get too, until you use it with cold-blooded on quarry. It's fun to have three guys walk past you and shoot two of them before the third finally kills you. Last stand pro is awesome though (use equipment). Because most people will walk in to knife you and that's when you reveal your cooked grenade or semtex to take to his friends. Or throwing knife in his face.

Feels good man (note: only for those with k/d ratio under 1)

Thanks for the advice, I'll try being a sniper in hardcore and just snipe out the devices... haha.

I hardly play hardcore because I find it irritating, I've become so dependant on my maps and it's distracting that you get notified that you killed someone differently. I guess it's more realistic, but the first time that I played was on Wasteland and i died like 20 times and got 1 kill the entire time with virtually EVERYONE sitting around the edges of the map sniping and I just couldn't find anyone :lol (god that makes me sound like a shit cunt)


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
aku:jiki said:
What? SitRep Pro is 120 equipment. SitRep VII is 750. :lol

The people who shoot you when you spam Y are people who would shoot you if you were laying still too. These are the ones that actually look down.

You don't lie around and play dead the whole match - a guy lying prone in the middle of nowhere won't trick anyone. You use it in opportune places where there's already a bunch of corpses laying around - even more specifically, a contested flag in Domination is absolutely perfect. They're all too busy shooting the guys standing up to see you lying down and spamming Y, and they're not getting a freebie red name or any other indication. What will happen is they'll shoot all your teammates that were battling and ignore you. One might walk up and take a look (as mentioned above, one idiot even fired shots at me and still fell for it) but then they think they're done and move away. That's when you stand up and take out all three with your Striker. Seriously works like half the time at least.

(Don't move except for spamming Y. They'll kill you right away. :lol)

Well, if it's a map like Wasteland and the enemy you saw was in the horizon, you could be fair dude... Not everyone can afford a 48" HDTV setup with surround sound.

Spamming Y/Triangle gets me killed 10/10 of the time I play dead. 9/10 of the time I stay still with no weapon swaps? I can kill someone.

And yes, staying in a pile of bodies works... except for people chucking grenades/launching into the pile. It's a death trap. :lol

And Sitrep is 750 for the emblem. You have to do the VI challenges for the perk challenges to get their emblem. It's bullshit. Cold Blooded would've been more useful to put that on because a) Softcore is A FUCKING AIRPORT, MAN! b) Equipment is NEVER used in HQ. So Sitrep is like... beyond useless there. *sigh*
TheSeks said:
And Sitrep is 750 for the emblem. You have to do the VI challenges for the perk challenges to get their emblem. It's bullshit. Cold Blooded would've been more useful to put that on because a) Softcore is A FUCKING AIRPORT, MAN! b) Equipment is NEVER used in HQ. So Sitrep is like... beyond useless there. *sigh*

You know what I hate about Sitrep? The way it highlights grenades and Semtex.

Yes. I know it's stuck to my face. Leave me alone.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
divisionbyzorro said:
You know what I hate about Sitrep? The way it highlights grenades and Semtex.

Yes. I know it's stuck to my face. Leave me alone.

I have never had Semtex stick to my face. That would be hilarious, though.

Semtex NEVER sticks for me, it pisses me off. My reticle is on the dude, it's highlighted red/green but it won't stick worth a damn. SHIIIIIIIT.

And getting "Friends with Benefits" (sticking a dude on your team in HQ and killing an enemy with that stuck dude) would probably get me a shitton of hate messages for trying to get it if I did HQ to get that emblem. Thank god I'm content with "My Lil Pwn'y" and "Hello! It's Personal!" (I need to find out how to unlock "Hello! My name is...")


Question...I was playing...got signed out of PSN (some error code)...figured I'd freeze up and be kicked from my match...but I kept playing, and then I hid in a corner, signed back into to PSN, and went on my merry way.

How'd I do that?


GodofWine said:
Question...I was playing...got signed out of PSN (some error code)...figured I'd freeze up and be kicked from my match...but I kept playing, and then I hid in a corner, signed back into to PSN, and went on my merry way.

How'd I do that?

I don't know, I did that the other night too.

I was in the 'pre-game lobby' as the intermission timer counted down. I was signed out of PSN.

I could still hear my friends talking and I could talk to them. I signed back in, and continued on successfully as the game launched as if nothing happened.
All right, what the FUCK. I don't know if anyone else is having this fucking problem. Every goddamn motherfucking time I play a game, I get assigned a loss regardless if I've won the match or not! This is fucking ridiculous. If I lag out, it counts as a loss. Even when I fucking win, my win ratio goes down. This is some absurd bullshit. My win ratio is being fucking dragged to hell. Not to mention every fucking time i do good in a game, it disconnects and the stats don't apply to K/D, just tallies me up another fucking loss. What is with the bullshit in this fucking game?!?



Sielys said:
Had a 25 killstreak

(For the record, I wasn't goddamn camping)

boosting? 6 v 1 maybe? just kidding, 25 killstreak running out in the open wow... I think the most time I lasted alive running & gunning was less than 1 minute and had just 4-5 kills :lol

edit: I know... a lucky harrier gets you a chopper, chopper + idiots not trying to shoot it down = nuke, with hardline equipped you just need an "impressive" 6 (six) killstreak for ending the game with a bang... ridiculous.
FromTheFuture said:
All right, what the FUCK. I don't know if anyone else is having this fucking problem. Every goddamn motherfucking time I play a game, I get assigned a loss regardless if I've won the match or not! This is fucking ridiculous. If I lag out, it counts as a loss. Even when I fucking win, my win ratio goes down. This is some absurd bullshit. My win ratio is being fucking dragged to hell. Not to mention every fucking time i do good in a game, it disconnects and the stats don't apply to K/D, just tallies me up another fucking loss. What is with the bullshit in this fucking game?!?

I don't understand how you can get mad over such a silly little number.
Foliorum Viridum said:
I don't understand how you can get mad over such a silly little number.
Honestly I don't care about win ratio that much at all. It's a useless number much like score and accuracy. However, it does piss me off that every game I play is just a loss. It's just another topping on the pile of bugs that is MW2, and it's getting extremely irritating.


FromTheFuture said:
Honestly I don't care about win ratio that much at all. It's a useless number much like score and accuracy. However, it does piss me off that every game I play is just a loss. It's just another topping on the pile of bugs that is MW2, and it's getting extremely irritating.

It's a shame you think that way. Ive been in your situation where i constantly lose for some reason, but the fact of the matter is that if you play team matches you are getting out played and the only thing you can do is restrategize or join a new game.
Fraull said:
It's a shame you think that way. Ive been in your situation where i constantly lose for some reason, but the fact of the matter is that if you play team matches you are getting out played and the only thing you can do is restrategize or join a new game.
No. I'm literally winning and having my ratio drop. This is why I'm annoyed.

And I think W/L doesn't matter because

1. If you leave a game, it's a loss.
2. You can't control how bad the randoms on your team are, assuming you don't have a group to play with.

That said, my W/L is 4.25, dropped from 4.5, even though I'm winning most games.
Fraull said:
It's a shame you think that way. Ive been in your situation where i constantly lose for some reason, but the fact of the matter is that if you play team matches you are getting out played and the only thing you can do is restrategize or join a new game.

... I don't think you actually read his post.


Can anyone check how many people that are listed in the leaderboards for the Xbox 360 version of Modern Warfare 2? In case someone doesnt know how to do this, go Barracs, choose leaderboards, go to the top of one of the lists there (for example the "Score" list) and press up up on the left analog stick to get to the bottom of the leaderboard list (pressing up on the d-pad wont work to get to the bottom of the leadboards, at least it doesnt work on the PS3 version).

Maybe everyone knows about this, but at first i didnt knew that it was possible to push up on the left analog stick to get to the bottom of the leaderboards. I only tried to push up on the d-pad :)


*equips Holographic on his UMP45*

I have to say I have noticed I do better with Holo then RD...I thought it was my imagination and the fact that it's a bit circle. Meh!

I guess that's why it's a latter unlock to RD challenges...
TheSeks said:
I have never had Semtex stick to my face. That would be hilarious, though.

Semtex NEVER sticks for me, it pisses me off. My reticle is on the dude, it's highlighted red/green but it won't stick worth a damn. SHIIIIIIIT.

And getting "Friends with Benefits" (sticking a dude on your team in HQ and killing an enemy with that stuck dude) would probably get me a shitton of hate messages for trying to get it if I did HQ to get that emblem. Thank god I'm content with "My Lil Pwn'y" and "Hello! It's Personal!" (I need to find out how to unlock "Hello! My name is...")

I run 'My Lil Pwn'y' constantly because it sounds like I had to do something super hard to get it, and it came up after I completely owned a game, but I have no idea what the actual requirment is... lol
CorporalDork said:
I run 'My Lil Pwn'y' constantly because it sounds like I had to do something super hard to get it, and it came up after I completely owned a game, but I have no idea what the actual requirment is... lol
It's only 10 kills with a silenced weapon after your first prestige. It's an awesome title though.


I'm currently using;


The way I got King Gorilla was using Tactical Knife on Estate...I remember my heart stopped when I got it...as I was not expecting the music to kick in and it was 4am and I had my headphones on.


divisionbyzorro said:
I've heard it speculated that the Holo sight gives you more aim assist...this seems to confirm that it does give some sort of assistance and not just a different looking sight.
It definitely feels that way using a 3 burst gun (tho that vid says otherwise for famas). It just feels like i get all bullets to hit a target way more often using holo over RD using any burst gun.


FromTheFuture said:
No. I'm literally winning and having my ratio drop. This is why I'm annoyed.

And I think W/L doesn't matter because

1. If you leave a game, it's a loss.
2. You can't control how bad the randoms on your team are, assuming you don't have a group to play with.
Plus, count all the times you load into a game and get thrown on the side losing 180-60 in domination. Or FFA when the #1 guy has 1450 points. Or TDM when you spawn into the scope of a guy with a 24 killstreak who then sets off a nuke. What's the point, IW? What's the point?

And don't get me started on matchmaking when playing lonewolf. TDM against a party of 2nd and 3rd prestiges? Here's a few lvl 30s, a 50 and a 17 to help you out. Their average KDR is 0.32, good luck!
ChefRamsay said:
Plus, count all the times you load into a game and get thrown on the side losing 180-60 in domination. Or FFA when the #1 guy has 1450 points. Or TDM when you spawn into the scope of a guy with a 24 killstreak who then sets off a nuke. What's the point, IW? What's the point?

And don't get me started on matchmaking when playing lonewolf. TDM against a party of 2nd and 3rd prestiges? Here's a few lvl 30s, a 50 and a 17 to help you out. Their average KDR is 0.32, good luck!
Yep, all of that too. There's a million reasons why I think W/L is also one of the arbitrary stats recorded. I'm also pretty sure that a disconnect records as a loss as well!

So that makes essentially 3/4 of the leaderboards generally useless, and the last, kills, is sorted by total number of kills only, rather than allowing for sorting by K/D. That also makes it somewhat more useless.

On another note, I was just playing Search and Destroy, and I got put into a S&D Ground War. Is there a new glitch out that involves setting up Ground War matches similar to the Private Match glitch like before? I have to admit, it was pretty fun. It reminded me a lot of playing a public CS server, where having 9v9 is often the case. I ended up doing really well, along the lines of 18-3 and got a crapload of points thanks to it as well! Just curious if anyone knows or has played in one recently.
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