corkscrewblow said:Default is 2, which is way too fast imo.
corkscrewblow said:Default is 2, which is way too fast imo.
Rayme said:Okay, the viral ice-skating matches should be going away in the next hour or so.
Good times.
Lince said:so I was playing this game I thought it was my finest ever, I was unstoppable!! then I noticed I had been picked the host... that explains why some guys didn't appear to shoot at me when we encountered, of course they shot at me, but not in my screen. 31-0
He probably was the only one with green bar and everybody else with red/yellow bars. I had that kind of game once and after the match I got 3 XBOX PMs telling me I'm a lag switch faggot. Shitty match making system indeed.greenjerk said:how do you know you're the host?
_Xenon_ said:He probably was the only one with green bar and everybody else with red/yellow bars. I had that kind of game once and after the match I got 3 XBOX PMs telling me I'm a lag switch faggot. Shitty match making system indeed.
Really? I think it's a bit slow for me. I play at 3, thinking of bumping it to 4. But 3 feels good all around for long distance and up close.corkscrewblow said:Default is 2, which is way too fast imo.
Even if the opponent has a green ping and you are host you still get a 0ping advantage, it's even possible to see this on kill cams if you go up against a good or bad host. you both shoot at each other but they win, you watch the replay and see that you actually only fired once instead of 3 times.greenjerk said:how do you know you're the host?
Lince said:so I was playing this game I thought it was my finest ever, I was unstoppable!! then I noticed I had been picked the host... that explains why some guys didn't appear to shoot at me when we encountered, of course they shot at me, but not in my screen. 31-0
The fix is live for all versions, but 360 was the only one that I've seen the problem in.Strider2K99 said:Is this for all versions or just the 360 version?
Rayme said:Matchmaking works off of (perceived) skill, not rank. You can be level 70 but still suck pretty hard (for example: me), or the opposite.
jedimike said:[...] Any ping advantage nets them the kill over you even if you pushed your melee milliseconds before them.[...]
.nimrod said:they are even at an advantage when they're lagging cause you see them a bit later due to their connection. that coupled with marathon-lightweight-commando and you sometimes don't even see them :/
Meier said:Interesting -- very different set up than mine before I prestiged. Barrett with Bling Pro (HBS and Thermal), Stopping Power Pro (CB just didn't work for me) and Steady Aim Pro (huge). I used a Raffica with Holo and FMJ for my secondary.
Scavenger would be nice for the extra claymores but only rocking one add-on to my weapons isn't very exciting. I may change it up this go round though, we'll see. Raffica is far and away my fav secondary. Great aim and nice take down power plus very quick shooting. It exponentially improved my ability with the FAMAS too.
I forgot it took so long to get claymores...I feel so naked without them. TI is mostly useless IMO.
jedimike said:Yah, I downplayed the whole host advantage thing when I first started playing, but now it is very obvious that the host does have a real, and at times, unfair advantage. The real problem happens with the knife class people. Any ping advantage nets them the kill over you even if you pushed your melee milliseconds before them.
At those moments in the game, where you scream out "Bullshit! I had him."; you were probably a victim of host advantage or are at least a latency disadvantage.
Now when I'm playing, I'll keep searching for games until I get 4 bars. To be honest, I'm not a twitch player and being put at a ping disadvantage seriously cripples my game. When I'm host, I'm typically finishing 2:1 or higher and getting to 30 kills first on most games. When I'm not the host, but have 4 bars, I'll go probably 1.5:1 and will finish in positions 3-5. When I'm running at 3 bars and less, it's a 1:1 affair and I'll finish near the bottom. Luckily, I have a pretty fat pipe with low latency and get picked to be host a lot.
Now that's just the level of player I am. I've seen people with 3 bars wreck everyone. A top tier player can still have plenty of success without being host.
jedimike said:Another item that works poorly with latency issues are claymores. This is where the host actually has a disadvantage because the claymores will go off late. By the time the trigger to explode the claymore gets to the host, the person with high latency (3 bars or less) is already passed the danger zone.
What makes the K/D ratio "matter?"RubxQub said:I really really wish this game came with mode specific leaderboards instead of global ones. It's fucking up all the game modes because people just want kills...and it's hard to blame them...because racking up kills affects the only thing that matters...your K/D.
No one cares about score. I have an amazing score...but I don't give a shit about it.
No one cares about W/L. You D/ lose. You lose. You lose. I play to win...but when you're alone in this thinking, you just set yourself up to die more and more. K/D is the only thing that matters. That and accuracy.
clashfan said:How do I improve my sniping skills? It just seems there is no advantage to using a sniper rifle.
Defense I usually rush the stair side going towards A and sometimes wait a couple seconds and nade the side they come from which gets me a kill or two about 80% of the time. Most of the time though the majority of my team goes that way so I'll just go back towards B and watch the middle. On offense I rush towards A and climb the boxes to get on the roof (<3333 Marathon pro) and beat the defense there every time. From there either go towards their spawn and catch people off guard or clear A and plant.OMGLOL A LLAMA said:Yo for all of you who play HC Search, what are your strategies for skidrow? Either offense or defence, I seem to get owned. I'm pretty good for all of the other maps, but skidrow is a bitch to master :lol
Graf Nudu said:
ultim8p00 said:Also this game would be so much better if they just took out all the killstreaks. So goddamn annoying getting hit by random shit.
I don't know about harriers, but I used my missile many times on helicopters.Scarecrow said:Is it possible to use the precision air strike to hit someone else's air support? Like, using the missile to hit someone's hovering harrier?
At the same time, it's a pain to try to shoot at someone with 1 or 2 bars. They just jump around like some flipbook animation making it hard to aim at them.Diablohead said:Even if the opponent has a green ping and you are host you still get a 0ping advantage, it's even possible to see this on kill cams if you go up against a good or bad host. you both shoot at each other but they win, you watch the replay and see that you actually only fired once instead of 3 times.
It's shit like that which I hate the most in all games where no servers are used.
I don't know. I usually bring +400 to +1400 in TDM, but sometimes even with +2000, my team lose because some idiot with 1-20. When that happens, I can't help but think that "could you just camp some where instead of constantly running into enemies iron sight without thinking?!" I've lost plenty of TDM matches to teams of 1.0 K/Ds thanks to those suicide players.EazyB said:What makes the K/D ratio "matter?"
If one wanted to they could camp and end games with 7-2 every single match and have a high K/D but that says nothing about how good they are. The only thing that would make K/D matter is if they restricted it to only Deathmatch games and objective games didn't attribute to it.
As it stands, K/D may be a rough indicator of a player's skill but even then it has to be taken with grain of salt.
AltogetherAndrews said:It would help if there was some penalty to getting yourself killed. As it is, you can rank high on the scoreboard even if you're a damned liability to your team.
codecow said:I would love this, I hate guys who go 2-35 or whatever, it's lame. Especially when they're ranked decently let's say 25+. I even played in a match today where a 55 went 4-27 and I was just /shrug-ging how the hell do people play so bad and still want to play?
divisionbyzorro said:Sometimes you just have a bad game.
Ever had one of those games where every time you turn a corner you get shot from behind? You can easily go 1:3 in matches like that.
Or perhaps you're tooling around with a new weapon or loadout just to see what it's like; a SCAR user who tries the FAL is going to have some seriously bad games for a while.
One way to tell is, immediately when the game starts, press Select/Back to view the scoreboard. Here, you can see the connections. Whoever has 4 green bars while everyone else is connecting (and has less bars) is the host.Case said:How can you tell?
divisionbyzorro said:Or perhaps you're tooling around with a new weapon or loadout just to see what it's like; a SCAR user who tries the FAL is going to have some seriously bad games for a while.
jedimike said:Another item that works poorly with latency issues are claymores. This is where the host actually has a disadvantage because the claymores will go off late. By the time the trigger to explode the claymore gets to the host, the person with high latency (3 bars or less) is already passed the danger zone.
codecow said:I would love this, I hate guys who go 2-35 or whatever, it's lame. Especially when they're ranked decently let's say 25+. I even played in a match today where a 55 went 4-27 and I was just /shrug-ging how the hell do people play so bad and still want to play?
The fact that someone can play completely terrible (like everyone on my friends list) and still prestige multiple times and have fun with it is really the genius of the game. It's kind of like WoW in that even scrubs/baddies/terribads get welfare epics. So it is with CoD. If you suck, you can capture flags and still top the leaderboard on score.
Try the F2000 on underpass with a red dot sight. It's like playing as Stevie Wonder.codecow said:Interesting, I have been using the SCAR this prestige, just unlocked the FAL (never used it) and went 18-5 on GW Dom on Underpass. Once I figured out it wasn't a one shot kill and started really pumping rounds into folks I found I loved it.
There is no excuse for 3-30 in my book.
AltogetherAndrews said:It would help if there was some penalty to getting yourself killed. As it is, you can rank high on the scoreboard even if you're a damned liability to your team.
Another thing I would bitch about. I've seen plenty of examples of guys doing their shit business that has nothing to do with the match. Sure, they don't take the match seriously and giggling while constantly getting killed, but the rest who's trying to overcome 400 pt and ends up losing by 100 pt because of those team can't help but feel betrayed.AltogetherAndrews said:And they would have to make the sacrifice. There's nothing wrong with having a penalty for it. We all have bad games, and it mostly happens when one or more dudes from the other team are better than me and/or other people on my team. And since we also experience curiously good games, it all evens out. Unless you're not very good, in which case you would probably suffer a penalty for it until you become better.
I'm guessing he/she had Lightweight equipped? That's that bane of my poor Claymores that I so masterfully placesw33tclyde said:One thing I do have to complain about the claymores is duds. I swear I've set claymores up and I'll hear it trip but no boom and then a knife in my back. Anyone know if this is an intentional design choice or I'm just hearing things?
Insaniac said:690 kills with the SPAS-12 and counting. Eat your heart out 1887 akimbo!
I have entered a zone with the SPAS. I don't care what my k/d is anymore I have fun regardless as long as I'm using my SPAS.
The predator missile? Yes, you can use it to destroy all air support. I'm pretty sure it'll even take down pave lows, chopper gunners and AC-130s in one shot (which would otherwise require multiple rockets to be fired due to their chaff).Scarecrow said:What I was asking before was about that one missile killstreak (I forget what it's called, but I think it's for 7 kills), not about calling in other air support to attack enemy air support. I've got to try it out and see if I can land that missile on someone's chopper or plane.