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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

RubxQub said:
I really really wish this game came with mode specific leaderboards instead of global ones. It's fucking up all the game modes because people just want kills...and it's hard to blame them...because racking up kills affects the only thing that matters...your K/D.

No one cares about score. I have an amazing score...but I don't give a shit about it.
No one cares about W/L. You D/C...you lose. You quit...you lose. You lose...you lose. I play to win...but when you're alone in this thinking, you just set yourself up to die more and more.

...so K/D is the only thing that matters. That and accuracy.

It's ruining all the other game modes.

I have no idea what CoD4 was like, but I've done nothing but curse out IW for making this game the way they have.

...and yet I keep playing because I'm an asshole that's addicted to this shitty game.

TDM is the only mode that feels properly balanced.
....who cares?
SSM25 said:
that explains how I destroyed a chopper gunner out of nowhere...........
Yep, Harriers shoot down any type of helicopter. So don't call out your Attack Helicopter / Pave Low / Chopper Gunner while a Harrier is out, or you'll be kicking yourself for wasting it.


Yeef said:
Try the F2000 on underpass with a red dot sight. It's like playing as Stevie Wonder.
Lol so true. I completed the mastery challenges for it and can honestly say it's the worst gun in the game by far. I remember playing a match on underpass using the mars sight too. It's like looking through a cardboard tube with a dirty screen over your eyes.


RubxQub said:
No one cares about score. I have an amazing score...but I don't give a shit about it.
No one cares about W/L. You D/C...you lose. You quit...you lose. You lose...you lose. I play to win...but when you're alone in this thinking, you just set yourself up to die more and more.

...so K/D is the only thing that matters. That and accuracy.

I do not agree. I have a very steady company of friends and we're playing for the wins.

Nobody gives a damn about K/D. We're playing Mosh Pit exclusively.

We always have The Man With Stinger who's responsible for Above. And we almost always win.

My current W/L is 3.2, while my K/D is somewhere like 1.2.

I love this game. I like to win the objectives. And I really love when other tem quit. They're loosers with big L.

Nelo Ice

nice i just joined my cousin mid game in team deathmatch with the score around 4000-3500 and i ended up going 17-3 and got the game winning kill :lol
I've got to be the biggest idiot ever. We were playing Demo on Afghan (four friends and I), and we were owning. We killed the first round, and it was our turn to defend. I was sniping (50cal, thermal + FMJ) and got to a nice spot. I got my harriers and didn't think much of it, as I was camping in a very exposed spot, so I thought they'd take me out soon. Nope. I ngot my chopper gunner. I went to town on the opposition, and thanks to the spawn rape that demo allows, I got the "kill entire enemy team in ten seconds" challenge. I got up to 22 and my heart was racing. I finally managed three kills the old fashioned way and the enemy team finally took me out. I respawned and hear "tactical nuke ready for deployment." My first nuke!!!

My teammates decided they wanted more kills/points so we let the enemy win the round and id drop the nuke late in the final round. So the next round comes and there's about 45 seconds left. I'm at 39-8 and decidde to call in my nuke in the next five seconds. Next thing I know, everyone is dancing around and the game times out and sends us back to the lobby. :'( fucking wow. :'( :'( :'(

Gonna be a long while before I get another chance at it. :/
RJNavarrete said:
I've got to be the biggest idiot ever. We were playing Demo on Afghan (four friends and I), and we were owning. We killed the first round, and it was our turn to defend. I was sniping (50cal, thermal + FMJ) and got to a nice spot. I got my harriers and didn't think much of it, as I was camping in a very exposed spot, so I thought they'd take me out soon. Nope. I ngot my chopper gunner. I went to town on the opposition, and thanks to the spawn rape that demo allows, I got the "kill entire enemy team in ten seconds" challenge. I got up to 22 and my heart was racing. I finally managed three kills the old fashioned way and the enemy team finally took me out. I respawned and hear "tactical nuke ready for deployment." My first nuke!!!

My teammates decided they wanted more kills/points so we let the enemy win the round and id drop the nuke late in the final round. So the next round comes and there's about 45 seconds left. I'm at 39-8 and decidde to call in my nuke in the next five seconds. Next thing I know, everyone is dancing around and the game times out and sends us back to the lobby. :'( fucking wow. :'( :'( :'(

Gonna be a long while before I get another chance at it. :/

:lol :lol :lol

*points finger*


Meus Renaissance said:
Is it me or has the ACR been underpowered (even with Stopping Power) in comparison to before?
I felt the same today when I finally unlocked it again, but that's probably just us imagining things...but I swear I was taking down fools like twice as fast with a silenced M4 two days ago.


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aku:jiki said:
I felt the same today when I finally unlocked it again, but that's probably just us imagining things...but I swear I was taking down fools like twice as fast with a silenced M4 two days ago.
The M4 does shoot much faster than the ACR for equal damage, so I'd say you're right.

Before I prestiged again yesterday, I spent some time using the AK and for a long while I went back to using a silenced M4 with iron sights.

The AK really is devastating in CQC situations. I don't think I lost a single time in a firefight between me and a dude within 50 yards. The insane recoil on the thing make it near impossible to use over a distance, though. I was in Estate at the side of the house looking towards the B sniping spot and saw a dude in the window. Took aim and squeezed off a few shots. One X. I did it again, but put more time between each shot. Still one X. The guy had all the time in the world to run away and live another day. I probably get 25% of my kills in "longshot" scenarios, so the AK won't cut it for me.

The M4 reminded me very quickly how poor the iron sights are on that gun. Massive circle encompassing another circle with a line in the middle. Too much of your view is blocked by the circles, not to mention the gun. I think the M4 is my perfect gun in terms of stats, but needing to take Bling so I can put both a silencer and a sight on it means I can't take Scavenger...which means I'm out of ammo after 4-5 kills.

So once again I'm back to my trusty 'ole SCAR. Weapon of the century. Beautiful iron sights. One thin circle and a line...and the sight is raised high above the gun for maximum visibility. Wonderful. Oh, and did I mention that it's highly accurate and powerful? Once you get used to dealing with it's limited clip size (reload often, don't think you can kill more than a couple people with a single clip), then really the only setback is that it forces you to take scavenger so you have enough rounds to survive as long as you do. I pretty much can't have builds without scavenger now, as too often I run out of ammo before I'm dead and am stuck picking up some hosers gun that I killed.

My gun preference would have to be: SCAR > M4 > ACR > AK > TAR for the automatic ARs.


RubxQub said:
The M4 does shoot much faster than the ACR for equal damage, so I'd say you're right.
Fuck the ACR then! If I slap a silencer on basically anything, I get the same laser precision as with the ACR.

Loved the damage on a silenced TAR, but the iron sights on it are retarded! It shoots 1-2 millimeters above the actual sight. :mad:
This weekend was a terrible weekend for lag. Was everyone downloading smut or something? :lol

Anyway, in a match, we came across a 6 man team all using ACR's and heartbeat sensors and they also must have had the same killstreak rewards of UAV, counter UAV and Harrier strikes. They totally raped us, but just before we lost the match, I told everyone to put on Ninja and go silent. We all stayed in the match, went silent and their plan went right out of the window. They rage quitted. Felt good.
Ugh - another 3 hours yesterday and still no nukes. My closest yesterday was a 22 streak on Overpass with Hardline. My CG didn't finish the job and I ran out of bullets on my SCAR - even with Scavenger Pro!

I need to get buddies together to help me. If I could get a couple buddies with UAV/Jammer up all the time, it'd probably make life a lot easier.

Or maybe if I just keep whining :lol

On the bright side, I did get FAMAS mastery yesterday.


divisionbyzorro said:
Ugh - another 3 hours yesterday and still no nukes. My closest yesterday was a 22 streak on Overpass with Hardline. My CG didn't finish the job and I ran out of bullets on my SCAR - even with Scavenger Pro!

I need to get buddies together to help me. If I could get a couple buddies with UAV/Jammer up all the time, it'd probably make life a lot easier.

Or maybe if I just keep whining :lol

Yeah you gotta do it with friends. I have not gotten a nuke but yesterday I got 5 guys together for the first time, we played for like 2-3 hours and 2 guys got their first nuke. Amazing the difference it makes.
divisionbyzorro said:
Ugh - another 3 hours yesterday and still no nukes. My closest yesterday was a 22 streak on Overpass with Hardline. My CG didn't finish the job and I ran out of bullets on my SCAR - even with Scavenger Pro!

I need to get buddies together to help me. If I could get a couple buddies with UAV/Jammer up all the time, it'd probably make life a lot easier.

Or maybe if I just keep whining :lol

I've yet to get a nuke, and I have it in my killstreak list, hoping I'll get it naturally.

I nearly had it on Skidrow, camping in the corner building overlooking the alley, the forklift and the steel containers. Got the chopper gunner but only got about 2 kills with it as Skidrow is a bad map for it. Eventually got to 23 kills and the game lagged and lagged and lagged and someone came up the stairs and knifed me. Pisses me off that some people are still able to play fine during laggy games.


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I had the nuke in my KS list for a little bit and got one...but in general I don't want to shoot for nukes.

Nukes are definitely a personal high, but in the grand scheme of things, nukes add maybe 5-8 kills to your list and then end the game. Nukes don't happen nearly enough to offset taking a more killtastic setup of killstreaks.

I go Pred -> Harrier -> Pavelow because I can run that chain a couple times during a game and rack up a substantial number of kills much more consistently.

Not knocking anyone who goes for nukes, but personally, I'm all about consistency. There is no game where I'm sending up multiple Pavelows and Harriers and going anything less than 2:1. Going for nukes, I miss out on more dependable killing potential in favor of a personal goal. The goal is good, but my end goal isn't to get a nuke, it's to get a K/D over 1.75 and an accuracy over 20% (personally).
RubxQub said:
I had the nuke in my KS list for a little bit and got one...but in general I don't want to shoot for nukes.

I go Pred -> Harrier -> Pavelow because I can run that chain a couple times during a game and rack up a substantial number of kills much more consistently.

I just have it in my head that I'm going to collect all of the killstreak reward emblems. I don't even like nukes; I don't find them satisfying. I just want the emblems :lol

I totally agree that low to mid KS setups are much more effective. My favorite is Pred->Harrier->EAD, although UAV->Jammer->Sentry is also pretty good for objective modes. It's amazing how much harder it is to get 7 unassisted kills versus 5.

EDIT: I found this interesting yesterday. I got the game winning kill with the bombing run portion of my Harrier strike, and completed the challenge for getting a game winning kill with a Precision Airstrike.


divisionbyzorro said:
I don't even like nukes; I don't find them satisfying.
Humility is cool and all, but don't lie! You love that yellow pop-up as much as the rest of us. :lol

But, yeah, I'm dropping the nuke setup as soon as I reach 10. Now that I have 2, I think I'll hold off on until prestiging until I get 8 more and just be done with nukes. I have the same thing going for EMP's, as I got 2 of those last night too.

After that, I'll run with something that's more fun. I'm still a huge fan of Pred/Harrier/Em.Airdrop. It's easy enough to get to not be enormously frustrating, but it's not so easy (for me anyway) that I get it every time I spawn, so I still get a bit of a challenge out of it. :D

taylor910 said:
Yeah you gotta do it with friends. I have not gotten a nuke but yesterday I got 5 guys together for the first time, we played for like 2-3 hours and 2 guys got their first nuke. Amazing the difference it makes.
Aside from popping UAV's because a nuker can't have those in his streak setup, I really don't see how a team is going to help someone get a nuke. They can watch your back, sure, but they can't aim for you!


Seriously, to repeat what was said up the chain a little..WTF happend to the ACR this weekend...might as well just be shooting cotton balls at people...I actually would draw aim, and fire at a guy and stop shooting cause I thought he'd be dead from the 10 shells I pumped into him...nope. :/

and to my random teammates:


2. When I look at the map, and see I have teammates surrounding my position, and I SWEAR I can relax and look to shoot someone from a quiet spot (...camp?) and then suddenly someone knifes me in the back....WTF team?
aku:jiki said:
Aside from popping UAV's because a nuker can't have those in his streak setup, I really don't see how a team is going to help someone get a nuke. They can watch your back, sure, but they can't aim for you!

1) They can put up UAVs
2) They can shout out enemy positions
3) They can watch your back
4) They can flush out enemies who are hiding in buildings when your Apache is up


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GodofWine said:
Seriously, to repeat what was said up the chain a little..WTF happend to the ACR this weekend...might as well just be shooting cotton balls at people...I actually would draw aim, and fire at a guy and stop shooting cause I thought he'd be dead from the 10 shells I pumped into him...nope. :/

and to my random teammates:


2. When I look at the map, and see I have teammates surrounding my position, and I SWEAR I can relax and look to shoot someone from a quiet spot (...camp?) and then suddenly someone knifes me in the back....WTF team?
Agree on all points.

The ACR used to be my gun of choice next to the SCAR, but lately I can't quite seem to remember what I was so geeked about. It just feels like it's lost some kick. Maybe it's just in my mind, but I can't really use it anymore.

...and the whole "expecting the team to cover your ass" is something I still fall for every now and then, but I pretty much assume I'm on my own 95% of the time. I swear to God I have no idea what other people are doing... I was playing Quarry and we captured the room with the missile launcher (the one that you get to by going up the metal winding stairs outside, and I was covering the non-sniping window (that looks towards the other buildings window and can see the little building with the forklift window), while another guy was watching the metal stair door while another guy was watching the main entrance area towards the big ass ramp so he could cover both doors over there essentially. Flawless setup. I'm doing my business at the window...and I get shot in the back of the head, with all my teammates up.

I watch the kill cam and the guy entered the room and somehow didn't see the guy looking right at him, turned up the stairs to me and shot me down...meanwhile my teammate didn't react, shoot, call him out...nothing.

So frustrating.



Tip of someone's head should not = them being able to clearly see and shoot over the cover.

Fix the god damned perspective. Just sync the camera to just below their shoulders instead of the tippy top of their head and everything is fine. Give me a clear target to shoot at so it both makes sense and is a fair fight, while still be advantageous to the person behind cover.


And fix Last Stand. If I shoot a guy a billion times, those bullets should be enough to kill him...not drop him into last stand. If you're shooting the guy he's invincible while he's falling into Last Stand...which is absolutely broken. If I'm pumping him full of lead he dies...that's the end of the story. It doesn't make sense that he gets a chance to kill me back. I win. I shot him a thousand times in the chest/head...he's dead. Take away the invincibility frames.


RubxQub said:
Take away the invincibility frames.
And do the same for Commando already, god damn it. :(

I don't even understand how they came up with that one. Some guy is not surprising you at all and you can clearly see him coming and are aiming and shooting, but he gets to be invincible just because? How does that make any sort of fucking sense? The lunge makes sense because it's meant for backstabbing, but where does the invincibility come in? You don't ever need that to be able to backstab.


GodofWine said:
2. When I look at the map, and see I have teammates surrounding my position, and I SWEAR I can relax and look to shoot someone from a quiet spot (...camp?) and then suddenly someone knifes me in the back....WTF team?
I hate that. Now, if it was a runner that knifed you, it's possible he got in there quick enough that noone noticed him. That is why I like that class.
But I hate dying and watching a killcam that shows the guy run up some stairs or something and run past two of my team only to shoot me and they were looking right at him the whole time. And then sure enough, they show up as killed a couple seconds later by the same guy...
Useless randoms....
Rant time, all good natured though, still love/hate the game.

Played this weekend after about a two week layoff. The odd thing was I put in World at War again after I haven't played in months.... and found that due to MW2, I enjoyed it much more this time around. It's nice to play a FPS without 1/4 of the room doing the grenade/super speed knife witch builds, 1/4 camping to get their killstreaks & K/D ratios up, 1/4 'John Woo'ing it up with akimbo shottys, and 1/4 playing legit.

Dogs.... no problem. Every weapon kills them, you can usually see/hear them coming, and you dont have to set up half your profile to take them down. Tanks, used to DESPISE tanks. Now..... dont mind them at all! They move at 5 MPH and can only fire off a shot every 5 seconds, and they are easier to get around. You dont need to set up half your profile to take them down. MUCH better than constantly having a harrier, a pavelow and a AC130 in the air at all times. It was nice to respawn and not instantly die, or go into 'death blender' mode like in MW2 where you die 10 times in a row and you have 0 control of whats happening. Overall, I just enjoyed the pacing more, the slower pace, almost no one trying to legitimize their candidacy for Mayor of Cheeseville, and found myself having a great time with it. Games filled with no one trying to get their 5-7-9 or 7-9-11 off.

I enjoy MW2 for the most part, but I constantly find myself getting very frustrated with it and not having fun. I run cold-blooded, have silencers on my guns, take cover, dont run out in the middle, my aim is pretty rock solid and typically very quick on the trigger, but it seems it doesnt matter. Im playing this more like Counter Strike when I should veer more towards Unreal Tournament. Once I adjust to that, I hope I start to do better as this is what my friends are playing pretty much exclusively.

While I know this is completely not going to happen, these would be my suggestions to make this a better game for myself.
- Like the helicopters in MW1, shave 2 off the maximum number of things in the air. Way to choatic for my taste.
- Divide the killstreaks into categories like the perks are. Dont have killstreaks lead into other killstreaks.
- Eliminate lightweight and akimbo.
- Eliminate the ability to fire while jumping. Slow down how fast one can fall to the ground. Maybe have it where tapping 'b' will lower your self slower than it is now, holding 'b' will make you drop straight to the ground, but implement a brief 'stun' period to eliminate the 'dolphin diving'.
- Somehow eliminate the 'aim assist' snag that allows snipers to sweep across, snag, trigger, headshot over and over. Does it take skill to do? Yeah, I cant do it. But if I could, I would like to think it would get boring. (Based off yesterday, apparently it doesn't. AT ALL). While it does take skill, once you've mastered it as much as some of you have, isnt is just dull to do? Like Anderson Silva taking on preschoolers to get his happy on?
- EDIT: Also, the cover visibility issue. Fix it..... Fix it.

All right, thats all I have. Back to the game! :lol
TheApatheticOne said:
Like the helicopters in MW1, shave 2 off the maximum number of things in the air. Way too chaotic for my taste.
I feel like the number of times that the airspace gets super crowded are rare enough to where this isn't a problem. That said, I feel like opposing air support should always automatically target each other rather than infantry. How awesome would it be to see Harriers dogfighting?

TheApatheticOne said:
Divide the killstreaks into categories like the perks are. Dont have killstreaks lead into other killstreaks.
When I was thinking about how to improve upon MW1 for MW2, my thought was to let people customize their killstreaks, but I imagined that they would still be locked to a low, medium, and high bonus. Everybody still does 3-5-7, but you can choose what happens at 3, 5, and 7. And personally, I think letting killstreaks build to other killstreaks makes plenty of sense.

TheApatheticOne said:
Eliminate lightweight and akimbo.

TheApatheticOne said:
Eliminate the ability to fire while jumping. Slow down how fast one can fall to the ground. Maybe have it where tapping 'b' will lower your self slower than it is now, holding 'b' will make you drop straight to the ground, but implement a brief 'stun' period to eliminate the 'dolphin diving'.
I'd agree.

TheApatheticOne said:
Somehow eliminate the 'aim assist' snag that allows snipers to sweep across, snag, trigger, headshot over and over. Does it take skill to do? Yeah, I cant do it. But if I could, I would like to think it would get boring. (Based off yesterday, apparently it doesn't. AT ALL). While it does take skill, once you've mastered it as much as some of you have, isnt is just dull to do? Like Anderson Silva taking on preschoolers to get his happy on?
This is baked in as part of the game. I doubt they'll remove it. There would be a huge community backlash if they did.

TheApatheticOne said:
Also, the cover visibility issue. Fix it..... Fix it.
I'd agree.


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You know what the big problem with killstreaks are?

What's the benefit to killing a killstreak if you're running around with Cold-Blooded? You get a massive ass flag-pole on your back the whole game, and you lose a more useful secondary like a shotgun for CQC situations.

People without Cold-Blooded run around and get smoked...but who cares? Do you want the win or do you want to boost your K/D ratio?

As someone who rolls with CB, I pretty much ignore everything in sky unless it's a predator missile.

IW fucked up because I care about my personal stats instead of the objective...and that's broken. How can you blame someone for wanting to improve the only indicator of personal skill instead of looking at your W/L? I have friends that are only mediocre at this game (less than 1.00 K/D) but their W/L is substantially higher than mine. Does this mean they don't care about that stat and just play to win? Not in this case. In this case the rest of us carry them to a victory.

I know I'm bitching 24/7 in this thread, but I can't wrap my mind around what IW was thinking when they made this game.

If they didn't have a global K/D chart, I'd play to win...not have the best numbers.

...sure...this is my problem for not "just having fun" and caring about my stats...but any game I'm investing heavily in, I want people to know I don't blow, and I want to be able to point to something that says "look...I'm good at this game."

Right now I play a hybrid, where I care about kills, but I also work for objectives. But at the end of the day, if it's my stats or the objective in contest...I'm going with my stats.


RubxQub said:
Agree on all points.

The ACR used to be my gun of choice next to the SCAR, but lately I can't quite seem to remember what I was so geeked about. It just feels like it's lost some kick. Maybe it's just in my mind, but I can't really use it anymore.

...and the whole "expecting the team to cover your ass" is something I still fall for every now and then, but I pretty much assume I'm on my own 95% of the time. I swear to God I have no idea what other people are doing... I was playing Quarry and we captured the room with the missile launcher (the one that you get to by going up the metal winding stairs outside, and I was covering the non-sniping window (that looks towards the other buildings window and can see the little building with the forklift window), while another guy was watching the metal stair door while another guy was watching the main entrance area towards the big ass ramp so he could cover both doors over there essentially. Flawless setup. I'm doing my business at the window...and I get shot in the back of the head, with all my teammates up.

I watch the kill cam and the guy entered the room and somehow didn't see the guy looking right at him, turned up the stairs to me and shot me down...meanwhile my teammate didn't react, shoot, call him out...nothing.

So frustrating.



Tip of someone's head should not = them being able to clearly see and shoot over the cover.

Fix the god damned perspective. Just sync the camera to just below their shoulders instead of the tippy top of their head and everything is fine. Give me a clear target to shoot at so it both makes sense and is a fair fight, while still be advantageous to the person behind cover.


And fix Last Stand. If I shoot a guy a billion times, those bullets should be enough to kill him...not drop him into last stand. If you're shooting the guy he's invincible while he's falling into Last Stand...which is absolutely broken. If I'm pumping him full of lead he dies...that's the end of the story. It doesn't make sense that he gets a chance to kill me back. I win. I shot him a thousand times in the chest/head...he's dead. Take away the invincibility frames.

I never ever had someone kill me in Last Stand that i can remember:lol Unless you're reloading, or just slow that seriously cant be a problem.
RubxQub said:
Right now I play a hybrid, where I care about kills, but I also work for objectives. But at the end of the day, if it's my stats or the objective in contest...I'm going with my stats.

Yesterday I was playing with a bunch of pubbies in a domination match, and we were down by about 160-110 on Karachi. I said "screw this," switched to my runner class, and starting rushing the objective points. I think another guy on my team ended up doing the same thing about the same time.

I finished 26-28. We won 200-198. Easily my favorite moment in this game so far.


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Raiden said:
I never ever had someone kill me in Last Stand that i can remember:lol Unless you're reloading, or just slow that seriously cant be a problem.
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume I've played this game much much more than you have. Almost at 8D played and over 22K kills. Can't say I appreciate your veiled "I'm better than you are" post.

Does it happen often? No.
Does it happen ever? Yes.

I'm shooting a guy, and he drops into Last Stand. AS HE'S DROPPING INTO LAST STAND, I continue dumping bullets into him and he doesn't die, being able to get off a shot or two before he goes.

Assuming I'm low and he connects with that very last shot he gets, I'm just as dead as he is.

My problem isn't Last Stand in general, it's that the person get's invincibility frames transitioning between standing and sitting.
divisionbyzorro said:
Yesterday I was playing with a bunch of pubbies in a domination match, and we were down by about 160-110 on Karachi. I said "screw this," switched to my runner class, and starting rushing the objective points. I think another guy on my team ended up doing the same thing about the same time.

I finished 26-28. We won 200-198. Easily my favorite moment in this game so far.

I've had amazing moments in game modes where we've won a domination game 200 to 195, all because we were able to hold off some crazy attackers, or because I was able to sneak through the defenses and cap a point without people realizing I was there. All well and good.

I'm just saying that if I played for objectives 100% instead of 50/50 with my stats, my stats would look much much worse.


You like me, you really really like me!
I've said it before and I'll say it again. There's something to be said about the simplicity in gameplay of earlier CoD games like CoD2, CoD4, etc. etc.

IW should look into creating a barebones playlist for those that are fed up with killstreaks and perks.
Cerrius said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again. There's something to be said about the simplicity in gameplay of earlier CoD games like CoD2, CoD4, etc. etc.

IW should look into creating a barebones playlist for those that are fed up with killstreaks and perks.

I don't think that a perk-less playlist will ever show up. The entire game is based around perks. A playlist with no killstreaks, however, could theoretically show up.

Personally, I would love to see something similar to Halo 3's "Action Sack" playlist show up (that's the only playlist I ever play in Halo 3 as it stands now). Take some of these glitches that we've seen and build some silly game modes out of them and drop them into a 0 XP playlist (9v9 hi-speed Team Deathmatch in Rust!). Maybe even unlock the Global Thermonuclear War gametype. Make up some new crazy game modes as well - how about a mode where nobody gets their own killstreaks, but care packages are constantly being dropped in random places across the map? Take all those crazy ideas that you know they tossed around during design planning and put them into a just-for-fun playlist.


Anth0ny said:
MW2 with no killstreaks would be awesome.

I miss the simplicity of rifles-only COD1.

That would be a great addition. No Perks or Killstreaks, even cut out the weapon mods. Maybe just have Silencers.
OK, just topped 1,000 kills w/ the G18, so I've got the G18 title and emblem. I've got a little over 100 headshots.

I'm about lvl 63 or 64 now. At about 100 headshots.

I'm torn between

A) Grinding out 2,500 kills, 250 headshots for some fairly meaningless title and emblem, or

B) Prestiging again and putting this off until some other time.

That's why this game is so freakin' addictive. What other game gives you this kind of gruelling choice? :lol


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DeuceMojo said:
OK, just topped 1,000 kills w/ the G18, so I've got the G18 title and emblem. I've got a little over 100 headshots.

I'm about lvl 63 or 64 now. At about 100 headshots.

I'm torn between

A) Grinding out 2,500 kills, 250 headshots for some fairly meaningless title and emblem, or

B) Prestiging again and putting this off until some other time.

That's why this game is so freakin' addictive. What other game gives you this kind of gruelling choice? :lol
Well, at least the prestige challenge progress transfers over after you prestige...and those are the more...prestigious...emblems/titles anyways!

I say press the prestige button, baby!
I will never ever get that "win X amount of Sabotage matches" in Basic Training reward.

Seriously, every match lasts at least the 20 minutes and my team always ends up losing anyway. Except yesterday I took 5 guys down and planted the bomb in sudden death, hurrah! Also got my first (!!!) draw today and my game clock is ticking at 3,5 days


RubxQub said:
Well, at least the prestige challenge progress transfers over after you prestige...and those are the more...prestigious...emblems/titles anyways!

I say press the prestige button, baby!

But you're 1000 kills into the 2500 mark.


aku:jiki said:
Aside from popping UAV's because a nuker can't have those in his streak setup, I really don't see how a team is going to help someone get a nuke. They can watch your back, sure, but they can't aim for you!

So would you say your win% and k/d stays fairly consistent regardless of whether or not you play by yourself or with a team of friends?


divisionbyzorro said:
I don't think that a perk-less playlist will ever show up. The entire game is based around perks. A playlist with no killstreaks, however, could theoretically show up.

Personally, I would love to see something similar to Halo 3's "Action Sack" playlist show up (that's the only playlist I ever play in Halo 3 as it stands now). Take some of these glitches that we've seen and build some silly game modes out of them and drop them into a 0 XP playlist (9v9 hi-speed Team Deathmatch in Rust!). Maybe even unlock the Global Thermonuclear War gametype. Make up some new crazy game modes as well - how about a mode where nobody gets their own killstreaks, but care packages are constantly being dropped in random places across the map? Take all those crazy ideas that you know they tossed around during design planning and put them into a just-for-fun playlist.

That actually sound like a good idea. Make the "objective" a random care package that gets dropped at various times and locations so that people would actually seek out the objective to get a potential killstreak reward.


divisionbyzorro said:
All green challenges are prestige challenges, and don't reset when you prestige.

Are you saying that the cumulative total does not reset after you prestige again? Meaning if I prestige with 2499 kills on my FAMAS, when I start all over again I only need 1 kill to finish that challenge?
RavenHawk said:
Are you saying that the cumulative total does not reset after you prestige again? Meaning if I prestige with 2499 kills on my FAMAS, when I start all over again I only need 1 kill to finish that challenge?

It is my understanding (and I'm only on my first prestige) that all green challenges do not reset when you prestige. That's why some of them are so ridiculous.

So, yes.


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Correct, the green colored prestige challenges do not reset when you prestige.
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