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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


M_A_C said:
The voice chat is hideous compared to the 360 version also.
Sounds like you speak for everyone eh? No you don't.
Always fud going around.

SpeedingUptoStop said:
Yea, fuck Last Stand. You only die once, asshole.

Your damn right..Riggssss


You like me, you really really like me!
RubxQub said:
I am so fucking fed up with this fucking game.

I swear to fucking christ, Infinity Ward has figured out every single fucking way to make this game completely fucking stupid and awful. I haven't thrown a god damn controller in over 10 years, and I just fucking threw my god damn controller into the kitchen as hard as I fucking could over all the god damn fucked up bullshit that IW has allowed to happen in this game.

Spawn, insta die.
Spawn, run over there, noob tube.
Spawn, run and hide, speed knifer.
Spawn, predator missile on my head.
Hit a guy into Last Stand, kills me.
Dude with commando invincibility knifes me through my bullets.

Every single fucking awful way that you coudl possibly die in this game, I experienced in less than 3 minutes, and it's so god damned bullshit.

IW needs to fix this fucking game right fucking now.

My apologies for the rant...but holy fuck...I threw a god damned controller over how god damned stupid this game is.

:lol This needs a dramatic reading.


RubxQub said:
I am so fucking fed up with this fucking game.

I swear to fucking christ, Infinity Ward has figured out every single fucking way to make this game completely fucking stupid and awful. I haven't thrown a god damn controller in over 10 years, and I just fucking threw my god damn controller into the kitchen as hard as I fucking could over all the god damn fucked up bullshit that IW has allowed to happen in this game.

Spawn, insta die.
Spawn, run over there, noob tube.
Spawn, run and hide, speed knifer.
Spawn, predator missile on my head.
Hit a guy into Last Stand, kills me.
Dude with commando invincibility knifes me through my bullets.

Every single fucking awful way that you coudl possibly die in this game, I experienced in less than 3 minutes, and it's so god damned bullshit.

IW needs to fix this fucking game right fucking now.

My apologies for the rant...but holy fuck...I threw a god damned controller over how god damned stupid this game is.

lol, while I'm not as mad as you are, you pretty much sum this game up. It's a mess, I'd like to see a mode that has the killstreaks preset like COD4.

I said it waaaay earlier in this thread, MW2 is more about the most annoying class you can make than who is better at winning a gun fight, pretty dumb.


You can call the game whatever you want, but its as addictive as crack.

Unbalanced weapons,perks,spawns you name it. there's something about it just makes me keep going. I mean, why the fuck you reward(or give advantage) to players who are doing great in a competitive game? shouldn't be the other way around?
This game seems to play out either of two ways. It's never a balanced experience.

1. You catch people off guard 9 times out of 10.
2. You find it impossible to get the upper hand. Get killed from behind. Knifed from 15 feet way. Grenaded from across the map. And always lose those 1 on 1 firefights.

I swear, there are some times when you just cannot turn your deathstreak around. I've grown out of the controller throwing phase (halo1 broke 3 of my controllers). I got really close to seeking out a baby and bashing its face it last night over the amount of bullshit I had to deal with. I was pretty mad.


Frillen said:
For some reason I think IW thinks I'm an American, because I ALWAYS get into matches with Americans only (I'm from Europe BTW), which means I have to deal with two yellow bars and a 1 second bullet lag 99% of the time
I hate this, but I do get satisfaction from getting MVPs on red bars when everyone else is green.

Not including the option for local search is just garbage though.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
It really is like that. Sometimes I just feel like I'm running around just to draw enemies out of their hiding spots (hence why my clan tag is DCOY) :lol I've literally ran an entire mile in one match just trying to find people before I get sniped by a guy peeking out a half inch above a mountain ledge that resides 60 miles away from my position. Makes haily-mary-noobtubin' feel necessary.


I'm just n00b tubing all the way to my 2nd rank 70. Why not? The online part of the game is pure shit. Either you die of knifer/tuber/camper/lag abuser/hoster or you win with it, and I doubt they will bother to fix it as long as the game is heading to 10m mark steadily.


RubxQub said:
I am so fucking fed up with this fucking game.

I swear to fucking christ, Infinity Ward has figured out every single fucking way to make this game completely fucking stupid and awful. I haven't thrown a god damn controller in over 10 years, and I just fucking threw my god damn controller into the kitchen as hard as I fucking could over all the god damn fucked up bullshit that IW has allowed to happen in this game.

Spawn, insta die.
Spawn, run over there, noob tube.
Spawn, run and hide, speed knifer.
Spawn, predator missile on my head.
Hit a guy into Last Stand, kills me.
Dude with commando invincibility knifes me through my bullets.

Every single fucking awful way that you coudl possibly die in this game, I experienced in less than 3 minutes, and it's so god damned bullshit.

IW needs to fix this fucking game right fucking now.

My apologies for the rant...but holy fuck...I threw a god damned controller over how god damned stupid this game is.
Man, I feel the same way. The best thing to do is just quit that match and start over. I'm noticing this bullshit more as time goes on. Eventually I think the more casual players will be weeded out and mostly hardcore campers will be left in team deathmatch because of how the maps are designed. I can't say I blame the campers too much though because stuff like FAMAS/M16 are extremely strong. Domination still seems to have lots of run and gun stuff going on, but tons of people still refuse to capture points because of how strong the firepower in this game is and they're worried about their K/D. It's really sad how they've created such a clusterfuck with these killstreaks and OMA/Danger Close/Noobtube nonsense setups. The game is still fun for me, but if some of this stuff isn't nerfed I don't know how much longer I will play.


RubxQub said:
I am so fucking fed up with this fucking game.

I swear to fucking christ, Infinity Ward has figured out every single fucking way to make this game completely fucking stupid and awful. I haven't thrown a god damn controller in over 10 years, and I just fucking threw my god damn controller into the kitchen as hard as I fucking could over all the god damn fucked up bullshit that IW has allowed to happen in this game.

Spawn, insta die.
Spawn, run over there, noob tube.
Spawn, run and hide, speed knifer.
Spawn, predator missile on my head.
Hit a guy into Last Stand, kills me.
Dude with commando invincibility knifes me through my bullets.

Every single fucking awful way that you coudl possibly die in this game, I experienced in less than 3 minutes, and it's so god damned bullshit.

IW needs to fix this fucking game right fucking now.

My apologies for the rant...but holy fuck...I threw a god damned controller over how god damned stupid this game is.

Everybody has a bad game dude, looks to me like you are running around and forcing shit too much.

A few points:

If the noob toob missed you would have killed the guy, as he has a long re-load period and possibly even out of ammo as he only had 2 toob grenades. He hit you didn't. There is a certain degree of skill involved with the toob as it doesn't explode until mid range and it needs a certain degree of accuracy to hit. I have to option to use a toob, but I don't as personally I find them a pain in the ass and prohibitive to use.

Speed knifers cannot shoot whilst running, you could and your bullets would have been quicker if you had hit. He hit you missed, if he got you in the back, he would have done even if he wasn't running as you would not know he was there. Its mostly impossible to cover all your angles in this game which is how it should be.

Predators show up on your radar for a while before they hit. Get inside, or use cold blooded if you don't want to get involved with this side of the game.

Always fire a couple of extra rounds in anticipation of last stand and 9 times out of 10 they will not get you.

Consider having a shotty as a secondary and when in close quarters environments switch to it. You can mostly drop dudes in one coming at you including the Commando guys. If commando guys are getting you in the open areas then thats your fault.

To be fair most of your complaining is just that, complaining about getting killed and there's too many guys thinking that everything else is to blame for the reason they died instead of their own judgements.

Remember the people using perks you don't like have had to sacrifice the use of other perks to use them. Its up to them how they roll and the same goes for you.


For every unlucky, rage-inducing streak you get, someone else has a hell of a day. And you quickly forget that lucky heady into a window, a double nadekill by just throwing it and your pavelow getting 6 kills that feels like a good time, but is a bad time for the receiving end.

Noobtubes are a fucking disgrace though. They were bad in Tactical Ops, in any of the Ghost Recon or Advanced Warfighter games and also in CoD 4. I can't fathom why developers are so hellbent on adding a precise explosive to an already strong gun. And adding a perk that makes it all stronger.


The biggest bullshit in this game, IMO, is Thermal. It's EZ-Mode for Snipers and has no disadvantages. It's an attachment that needs a perk to counter it. Not only that, but the perk necessary to counter it doesn't even counter it. Most of the time, snipers can see someone with cold-blooded from a mile away. Trying to sneak up on a sniper? Oh, well even though you're perfectly hidden in a bush, I can see your white outline for an easy kill. It's so BS and there's no counter to it except killing the other person first. I can't think of anything else in the game that's EZ-Mode with zero counters.

Also, fuck this game for spawning cold-blooded people next to non-cold-blooded people. How many times do I have to die from killstreaks with my anti-killstreak class just because I get spawned next to somebody who doesn't have cold-blooded.

Also, fuck this game for having zero protection against aircraft until level 30 or so. What the hell was IW thinking? Okay fine, if you don't want us to shoot down the killstreaks, at LEAST give us cold-blooded or a cold-blooded default class.
Dina said:
For every unlucky, rage-inducing streak you get, someone else has a hell of a day. And you quickly forget that lucky heady into a window, a double nadekill by just throwing it and your pavelow getting 6 kills that feels like a good time, but is a bad time for the receiving end.

Noobtubes are a fucking disgrace though. They were bad in Tactical Ops, in any of the Ghost Recon or Advanced Warfighter games and also in CoD 4. I can't fathom why developers are so hellbent on adding a precise explosive to an already strong gun. And adding a perk that makes it all stronger.

This is the reason I love noob tubes, it pisses people off.

I find it funny because I have never seen people hellbent on hunting you down after repeatedly getting noob tubed. :lol

The only other thing that comes close to people being hellbent on your destruction is using SP with FAMAS.

I used to complain about the BS in this game, now I really don't care.

I don't take it seriously anymore and if people get pissed off because I noob tube their ass, so be it.


kitch9 said:
If the noob toob missed you would have killed the guy, as he has a long re-load period and possibly even out of ammo as he only had 2 toob grenades. He hit you didn't. There is a certain degree of skill involved with the toob as it doesn't explode until mid range and it needs a certain degree of accuracy to hit. I have to option to use a toob, but I don't as personally I find them a pain in the ass and prohibitive to use.
Wrong. Just aim the noob tube at anything vertical and it will explode at any range. What you do when noobtubing is walking around aiming at walls, pillars, etc, to make sure you're ready to hit a wall if someone shows up.

kitch9 said:
if he got you in the back, he would have done even if he wasn't running as you would not know he was there.
What kind of logic is this? I actually check my back. The problem is that knife-runners in this game are too fast for the resources in it. For example, by the time your console has received the signal to play footstep sounds to warn you, he's already stabbed you like 3 seconds ago. If he's got a care packager marker on top of that? Fuck that.

kitch9 said:
Predators show up on your radar for a while before they hit. Get inside,
Uh huh. And how does he do that on Wasteland? None of the houses have roofs! And he might have just spawned way too far away from the bunker to reach it in time. In that case, he has no choice but to be killed by the Predator. What if he doesn't have Marathon and just spawned outside on any map right when a Pred is launched? He dies.

It's pretty clearly a very unfair and imbalanced reward.

kitch9 said:
Always fire a couple of extra rounds in anticipation of last stand and 9 times out of 10 they will not get you.
No, that's not how it works. They get to be invincible for a while after dying and before entering last stand. "Firing a few extra bullets" does nothing. You have to wait for them to land on the ground, then shoot them again.

kitch9 said:
You can mostly drop dudes in one coming at you including the Commando guys. If commando guys are getting you in the open areas then thats your fault.
Again, not how it works. Commando gets a period of invincibility just like Last Stand does, and they don't "drop in one" or even 8 shells during that little period.

kitch9 said:
To be fair most of your complaining is just that, complaining about getting killed and there's too many guys thinking that everything else is to blame for the reason they died instead of their own judgements.
And you need to learn more about the game before making annoying posts, dude.

Nelo Ice

i just got my 1st hate mail for going 30-10 in tdm :lol
we went a 2nd game and i didnt do so good but if it counts for anything i accounted for the majority of the hate mail guys deaths :lol and when we got back to lobby i put on his clan tag and he quit

also the game after i went back to owning and got the game winning kill with a predator missle that headshotted 1 guy and killed 2 others :lol


aku:jiki said:
Wrong. Just aim the noob tube at anything vertical and it will explode at any range. What you do when noobtubing is walking around aiming at walls, pillars, etc, to make sure you're ready to hit a wall if someone shows up.

What kind of logic is this? I actually check my back. The problem is that knife-runners in this game are too fast for the resources in it. For example, by the time your console has received the signal to play footstep sounds to warn you, he's already stabbed you like 3 seconds ago. If he's got a care packager marker on top of that? Fuck that.

Uh huh. And how does he do that on Wasteland? None of the houses have roofs! And he might have just spawned way too far away from the bunker to reach it in time. In that case, he has no choice but to be killed by the Predator. What if he doesn't have Marathon and just spawned outside on any map right when a Pred is launched? He dies.

It's pretty clearly a very unfair and imbalanced reward.

No, that's not how it works. They get to be invincible for a while after dying and before entering last stand. "Firing a few extra bullets" does nothing. You have to wait for them to land on the ground, then shoot them again.

Again, not how it works. Commando gets a period of invincibility just like Last Stand does, and they don't "drop in one" or even 8 shells during that little period.

And you need to learn more about the game before making annoying posts, dude.

I'm level 58 and I've gone through the girly crybaby phase and come out the other end realising I'm a girly crybaby.

I fucking died so what........ I fucking die in other games, in fact for every game ever made there are people fucking crying about dying in said fucking game.....

Its an endless cycle.

I guarantee when Bad Company 2 comes out there will be people crying about dying (and campers.) too.

Nelo Ice said:
i just got my 1st hate mail for going 30-10 in tdm :lol
we went a 2nd game and i didnt do so good but if it counts for anything i accounted for the majority of the hate mail guys deaths :lol and when we got back to lobby i put on his clan tag and he quit

also the game after i went back to owning and got the game winning kill with a predator missle that headshotted 1 guy and killed 2 others :lol

For every bad game, you have the potential to have a good game like this. I bet you don't cry when this happens to you, you'll say it was your L33T skillz like everybody else.
Nelo Ice said:
i just got my 1st hate mail for going 30-10 in tdm :lol
we went a 2nd game and i didnt do so good but if it counts for anything i accounted for the majority of the hate mail guys deaths :lol and when we got back to lobby i put on his clan tag and he quit

also the game after i went back to owning and got the game winning kill with a predator missle that headshotted 1 guy and killed 2 others :lol

Lol, only had one hate mail so far, I got an 11 kill streak and was shelling everyone with the AC130, he reckoned I was a veteran of camping school.


I had the most annoying games of Domination yesterday, the other team simply refused to take more than one flag, they capped the flag at their spawn and camped there for the rest of the match, trying to perserve their precious KD.
Whatever happened to playing to win?? Seriously what the fuck is the fun in playing a game if you're not playing to win?
Those games are like boxing against a baby, sure you'll win, but you feel like shit at the end.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
damn guys, I had a rant earlier about being matched with superhuman players that I don't want to even try to compete with, recognising my own limits as an FPS player, but some of these are lame excuses.

the game is balanced more or less just fine I reckon. Like people always say, there are downsides to every single approach you can take, including the ones which get you killed. Not to mention those tactics annoying you? Those are available to you as well.

The only annoying thing with the game are bitch humans playing annoying tactics. yes its silly to get pissed off at people playing certain ways (some might say clever ways), but that's part of the game. killing and dying is part of the game.

I've had games where I run around like a lunatic knifing people, and I feel like a douche sometimes cos I know how annoying it is, but its fun and its not like I'm invincible. I consider it my suicide class so I only choose it when I'm getting slaughtered with other approaches. I'll run around, sneak behind teams and knife them until I die, I'm not choosing some super winning tactics, I'm going in fully prepared to die over and over again. sometimes works, sometimes not, then I'll switch my game again.

noob toobers usually only have 2 shots and so on.


Dont you love breaking up 2 douchebags who are re spawning next to each other trying to get a nuke?

These two useless fucks in FFA were spwaning next to eachother in Favela, i didnt catch onto it until one of them detonated an EMP, noticed one guy kept killing the other, and went off to find them. They were hiding behind two little crates so i lobbed a nade at them, killed them both then got the arsehole who respawned again :)

Went on to win the match too which i was very proud off. Gave them lots of abuse after the match too :D

Nelo Ice

Roxas said:
Dont you love breaking up 2 douchebags who are re spawning next to each other trying to get a nuke?

These two useless fucks in FFA were spwaning next to eachother in Favela, i didnt catch onto it until one of them detonated an EMP, noticed one guy kept killing the other, and went off to find them. They were hiding behind two little crates so i lobbed a nade at them, killed them both then got the arsehole who respawned again :)

Went on to win the match too which i was very proud off. Gave them lots of abuse after the match too :D

im surprised ive never seen nuke boosters this whole time
im done with this game. fucking shitty spawns, noob tubes, runners, you name it. AC130's on search and destroy? for fucks sake

i bought banjoo kazooie and i don't feel like throwing my
controller across the room any more


Nelo Ice said:
im surprised ive never seen nuke boosters this whole time

Im starting to see it more and more regularly now :(

For example yesterday i was playing FFA and 4 out of the 8 players were nuke boosting...

I dont get it, what kind of bitch would just sit there and allow a guy to kill him over and over :\ where's the fun in that

Nelo Ice

Roxas said:
Im starting to see it more and more regularly now :(

For example yesterday i was playing FFA and 4 out of the 8 players were nuke boosting...

I dont get it, what kind of bitch would just sit there and allow a guy to kill him over and over :\ where's the fun in that

its fun trying to a nuke legitimately especially when ur hearts racing as u near the 25th kill :D


has anybody in here ever been in a game with a "carepackage run - exploiter"..? on the PS3.

I have a "friend" who keeps saying that the game is ruined for him because of those guys.. I have seen a video of it, but it only seems like you get a very minor seped boost by the carpackage. This cannot be an advantage..? he also claims that you knife faster with the carepackage in your hand.. is that true?
And he also says that the 1887 with Bling + FMJ + Akimbo is just as powerfull as before the patch.. is this true..? I have not seen many people running around with this setup since the patch.. is the range better on the 1887 with FMJ equipped..? he claims so, and uses wiki as an reference.


can anyone confirm this on the Playstation 3..?


Neo Member
Is it just me or the console version rewards for exp than the PC version?
I play this on PC, while watching my friend playing it on PS3, hes getting way too much exp after each game.
Hanmik said:
has anybody in here ever been in a game with a "carepackage run - exploiter"..? on the PS3.

I have a "friend" who keeps saying that the game is ruined for him because of those guys.. I have seen a video of it, but it only seems like you get a very minor seped boost by the carpackage. This cannot be an advantage..? he also claims that you knife faster with the carepackage in your hand.. is that true?
And he also says that the 1887 with Bling + FMJ + Akimbo is just as powerfull as before the patch.. is this true..? I have not seen many people running around with this setup since the patch.. is the range better on the 1887 with FMJ equipped..? he claims so, and uses wiki as an reference.


can anyone confirm this on the Playstation 3..?

The CP exploit is not a minor speed boost, it is significant.

With Marathon & Lightweight as your perks, it just adds more to your overall already superman speed.

You run so fast with the knife build + CP exploit that when you run head-on at enemies, they freeze like a deer caught in headlights.

I can also confirm the akimbo + FMJ on 1887s have the same range as before, just now you can't run forever because Bling is used instead of Marathon.


kitch9 said:
I'm level 58 and I've gone through the girly crybaby phase and come out the other end realising I'm a girly crybaby.

I fucking died so what........ I fucking die in other games, in fact for every game ever made there are people fucking crying about dying in said fucking game.....
What's your problem, man? Why are you incapable of understanding that a game can actually be poorly designed? Sorry, but I really hate people like you, constantly making excuses for a game or a dev and blaming everything on the gamer. Where do you even get this idea?

It is possible for a death to be bullshit and nobody in this thread is being a crybaby. Everything posted are all very valid concerns. You're the one being immature with this silly "the game can't possibly be broken because games cannot be broken and all games are perfectly designed gifts from god, you just suck at it" bullshit.

kaizoku said:
the game is balanced more or less just fine I reckon. Like people always say, there are downsides to every single approach you can take, including the ones which get you killed. Not to mention those tactics annoying you? Those are available to you as well.
You mean...unless you're european and can never win a knife fight ever.

kaizoku said:
noob toobers usually only have 2 shots and so on.
Unless they have One Man Army or Scavenger.

The game is unbalanced and a glitchy mess. Just face it, guys.
To review what I said yesterday, the more I play it, the more I realize Im not having fun with it. For every game where everyone is playing legit, and I can do well putting my fpSHOOTER skills to use, there are ten games filled with Akimbo Rangers and 1887, Interventions with thermal/acog, Super Speed Knife Witch builds, people running around like they are in a Kris Kross video (jump jump for you young pups), Nuke boosters, and other people doing various things to cheese their balls off. I hate that Im starting to dislike it as its what all my friends are completely locked into, but like everyone above, I haven't so much as dropped a controller in years, but I sure tossed one the other night.

Going back to World at War (which I initially didnt care for) again last night, my my my, what a lovely change of pace. Dogs WERE super annoying. Now.... dont mind them at all! Gun, dead. Gun, dead. Die, eh, whatever, everyone gets one. Weeee. Way better than having a Harrier, Pavelow, and Chopper Gunner in the air and dying even with cold blooded 10 times in 20 seconds. Tanks WERE super SUPER annoying. As Ochocinco would say, child please. Moves 5 mph and shoots an inaccurate shot every 5-6 seconds. And just being able to respawn and live long enough for your eyes to tell your brain where you even are....... Just being able to, you know, play a game again where your primary way of adding to your killstreak was the gun in your hands!

MW2 has made WaW a better game for me!


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Yeah...so I'm awake now after my NyQuil induced coma last night.

Again my apologies for my psycho rant last night, it's just that lately everything that can go wrong has been for some reason.

Honestly I think my entire bitch session can be pointed to one thing: Peer to Peer connections vs Dedicted Servers tied with IW's amazing netcode.

The way lag is handled in this game is nuts. You float around the map. You see people warping around and you can't shoot them.

I used to play CS non-stop just like I have been with this game, and people who lagged had the disadvantage, always. They'd be standing frozen somewhere and you could just blam the shit out of them. I don't know why it's so different in this game (I don't even remember this in Halo), but lag is handled in some crazy ass ways.

...yes, the host often migrates when it's bad, but not always, and not soon enough in some cases.

The one guy who was being kind of lame above was partially right in that when I get mad in this game, I become more aggresive and more often than not just run into death headfirst. There was a little of this going on as well, so I'm not totally innocent.

...it just feels like this game is totally broken sometimes, and sometimes it's broken in my favor and sometimes it isn't. Either way, I'll try and keep my cool so I don't have to hurl anymore equipment or swear every other word :lol


I've become so fucking good at this game it's not even funny. I have a K/D ratio of atleast 2.0, but usually more like 4.0-6.0 in every game these days. Even after not playing for two whole weeks during christmas I was able to step right in and dominate. My best killstreak is now up to 41.
My overall K/D is still only at 1.50 though, damn I sucked at first.

Aug+grip, sleight of hand pro and stopping power pro. DON'T USE IT.


RubxQub said:
...yes, the host often migrates when it's bad, but not always, and not soon enough in some cases.

... and then you get a connection error
... and then the game lobby gets closed

it's even worse if you were having a good game.

i've never thrown my controller out of frustration, but i've been close a bunch of times.


corkscrewblow said:
PS3 matchmaking is terrible compared to 360 :/
I just played my first few games on here and 2/3 of them the other team had 3 players for majority of the game. What the hell

I have both as well and feel the matchmaking is exactly the same...


The thing with this game is this....

It kinda sucks 100% until you are good at it...which sounds totally obvious...but its like once you understand all the 'cheapness' in the game, and the exploits, and the douche-baggery of pretty much everyone playing (tubes / ninjas / knife only player / killstreaks), then you learn how to not die from it...and eventually relearn how to kill.

its like this.
1) learn to shoot people normally
2) get killed by a-holes and a-hole tactics
3) learn how to counter these tactics by more or less avoiding them
4) learn how to shoot people while avoiding death

Once you start to play in a manner that 'avoids death' first, and hands out death second, then you play much better.

If I see a chopper gunner or AC130 etc in the air, Im getting cover. Why people run around outside without CB during a powerful airstrike is beyond me.
bud said:
... and then you get a connection error
... and then the game lobby gets closed

it's even worse if you were having a good game.

i've never thrown my controller out of frustration, but i've been close a bunch of times.

... and even worse than that if you're not American and you've finally found a green game, only to have it mess up and boot you out.


SmokeMaxX said:
Also, fuck this game for having zero protection against aircraft until level 30 or so. What the hell was IW thinking? Okay fine, if you don't want us to shoot down the killstreaks, at LEAST give us cold-blooded or a cold-blooded default class.

As soon as I got CB this prestige I made an AA class with CB and the entry level (1 shell) launcher with Scavenger. Despite switching to it and firing on all air (after locking on) I have yet to down anything. Stinger is required.
:lol :lol at all the whining.

The way I see it, this game is far from unbalanced. It's more like...RPS25:


No matter what build you choose or what style of gameplay you have, there is always someone who can and will thwart you. In fact, there's always a ton of somebodies who will thwart you.

And as I said before, it all comes back to the killstreaks. I played my OMA-Tube build last night for a few matches. I didn't have a great ratio (about my lifetime average of 1.2ish), but I definitely buzzkilled a few guys who had to be raging because some asshole with a grenade launcher hit them through a window across the map. I buzzkilled a guy at 10-0. He ended with a great ratio, but I bet his entire match was ruined by me. Hehe.

But isn't this a side effect of exactly why we love this game? There are hundreds of valid ways to create a build, and they all play differently. I don't see people raging in RPGs because some asshole with a sword killed them before they could charge up their fire spells.

Okay...nevermind, they do. But at least they don't blame the game for being unbalanced!

Okay, nevermind, they do that too. I guess people are all the same.

If you hate the game, stop playing it and stop subjecting us to your whining about it. 'Nuff said.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
aku:jiki said:
What's your problem, man? Why are you incapable of understanding that a game can actually be poorly designed? Sorry, but I really hate people like you, constantly making excuses for a game or a dev and blaming everything on the gamer. Where do you even get this idea?

It is possible for a death to be bullshit and nobody in this thread is being a crybaby. Everything posted are all very valid concerns. You're the one being immature with this silly "the game can't possibly be broken because games cannot be broken and all games are perfectly designed gifts from god, you just suck at it" bullshit.

You mean...unless you're european and can never win a knife fight ever.

Unless they have One Man Army or Scavenger.

The game is unbalanced and a glitchy mess. Just face it, guys.

I did say USUALLY only have 2. People with OMA have to reload and thats downtime where they are vulnerable. Its notl ike those noob tubes are the best weapons in the game anyway, they're good but very hit and miss.

I'm European and I win knife fights regularly. Sometimes the other guy us just quicker in the draw. Sometimes latency plays a part in you missing or whatever, sure its annoying but you probably benefit from it just as often.

I've moaned more than most at this game, but I've played a broken multiplayer game for months and this certainly isn't it. (gears of war 2)

The things you complained about aren't all bugs are they. they're just weapons at your disposal, some use them better than others, some use them at a cost to other areas of their game.

the care package knife glitchers are broken, but after failing to outstab them I had to switch to shotguns for the first time and I found myself liking it. I adapted.

If I know someone is noobtoobing, I adjust my game, maybe try sniping. approach every corner carefully, use flashbangs or stun grenades to disable them and take them out. etc


So which one of you are sleep walking and talking about Call of duty in sleep. Just heard a lady call in on the radio station about this problem she is having with her husband.:lol


kaizoku said:
I did say USUALLY only have 2. People with OMA have to reload and thats downtime where they are vulnerable. Its notl ike those noob tubes are the best weapons in the game anyway, they're good but very hit and miss.
You have no idea what you're talking about. They're not hit and miss at all - that's the whole point. If I have Danger Close on and noobtube, I can just rain down tubes on their flag and score the easiest free kills ever with my massive blast radius. They can't even see me because the draw distance hasn't drawn me for them yet! How is that balanced in the slightest?

I can see a claymore with SitRep and just shoot the ceiling in that room for a kill. I can run for their flag at the beginning of a match and noobtube it for a multi-kill...and what choice do they have there? They're supposed to capture the flag! I can figure out where their spawn is, stand a few houses away and create a tiny fraction of a line of sight and just pump tubes down that little alley and get kills without them possibly getting a chance to shoot me. And so on. It is not balanced and it is not fair, and it is not very counterable at all. Sure, you can watch the killcam and find me when I'm doing this, but you need to die for that to happen and you're not supposed to have to. A balanced game allows you to counter any strategy without having to die or change your options or whatever.

You need to try playing some 20-30 games with a OMA tube setup before you talk about it. You'll see how much of a win-button that kit is for yourself.

kaizoku said:
Sometimes latency plays a part in you missing or whatever, sure its annoying but you probably benefit from it just as often.
It shouldn't happen at all because in a game that makes sense, I would be playing only with europeans.

kaizoku said:
the care package knife glitchers are broken, but after failing to outstab them I had to switch to shotguns for the first time and I found myself liking it. I adapted.
Oh yeah? How did you adapt to the momentary invincibility that Commando brings? Does your shotgun now shoot through that window? If so, hook me up with that shotgun, cause my copy of the game doesn't have any weapons that can.

Hint: neither does yours. Learn more about the game before you try to preach.


RubxQub said:
Yeah...so I'm awake now after my NyQuil induced coma last night.

Again my apologies for my psycho rant last night, it's just that lately everything that can go wrong has been for some reason.

Honestly I think my entire bitch session can be pointed to one thing: Peer to Peer connections vs Dedicted Servers tied with IW's amazing netcode.

The way lag is handled in this game is nuts. You float around the map. You see people warping around and you can't shoot them.

I used to play CS non-stop just like I have been with this game, and people who lagged had the disadvantage, always. They'd be standing frozen somewhere and you could just blam the shit out of them. I don't know why it's so different in this game (I don't even remember this in Halo), but lag is handled in some crazy ass ways.

...yes, the host often migrates when it's bad, but not always, and not soon enough in some cases.

The one guy who was being kind of lame above was partially right in that when I get mad in this game, I become more aggresive and more often than not just run into death headfirst. There was a little of this going on as well, so I'm not totally innocent.

...it just feels like this game is totally broken sometimes, and sometimes it's broken in my favor and sometimes it isn't. Either way, I'll try and keep my cool so I don't have to hurl anymore equipment or swear every other word :lol
Just remember, controllers aren't cheap. :D You probably just need to take a break from the game. I've felt like throwing my controller plenty of times, but then I remember I'm not working and don't have the money for another one.

It's actually been a couple of days since I've played MW2. I played the MAG beta for a bit, popped in the Orange Box and played some Half Life 2. Felt pretty good.

But the game's been calling to me, I think I'm gonna hop online tonight. Hopefully I won't rage!
aku:jiki said:
Whining and bitching, bitching and whining.

I've never understood people like you. If you think the game is so bad, then why do you keep playing it? As far as I know, nobody is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to play Modern Warfare 2 (if so, I apologize). There's still a huge community playing Call of Duty 4, a game which you apparently feel is superior - go play that game instead. There are plenty of other games out there; I don't see why you would torture yourself by playing a game you hate so much.
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