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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


This is probably a stupid question but...

Is the preferred way to shoot ... hip fire into aim down the sights? I remember something like this being 'the way' to play earlier COD games.

I am just trying to improve my aim. So I am thinking about going hip fire transitioned into ADS. Right now I tend to ADS and then try to line up my target. Takes way too long it seems.

Fleet of Foot said:
[*]I am addicted to shooting down helicopters. I love hearing "Enemy Harriers Incoming" because it's so easy to shoot them down. Same with the other choppers. Cold-blooded is where it's at. Like I said above, I'm not "good" at this game so it's rare for me to have a chopper of my own, but when it's so easy to shoot them down, it almost doesn't seem worth bothering to get them. I used to be the guy who just ran and hid but one day I decided to try and shoot one down and was surprised how easy it was. I absolutely love shooting a helicopter down immediately when it arrives on the scene. Love hearing "Enemy chopper coming" and then literally 10 seconds later it's exploding in the air.
I'm just glad more people don't take joy in this. My current kill streak rewards are the Turret, Attack Helicopter and Chopper gunner. I especially can't believe how long my Attack Helicopter is in the air. 45 seconds later... +50 "WTF". Just surprised playing against multi prestige players that they let these things take up airspace and kill their team.


RavenHawk said:
I agree on your (and others) ideas, but not this one. I remember how annoying it was when people would bail out of a match just before it started because they did not want to play against people with a higher k/d ratio.

You can do that with score as well, I do!
mbmonk said:
I am just trying to improve my aim. So I am thinking about going hip fire transitioned into ADS. Right now I tend to ADS and then try to line up my target. Takes way too long it seems.


Maybe bump up the sensitivity a notch. I've never started firing from the hip as I'm pulling up to aim. However, I've ditched ADS for most classes anyway.


DeuceAkimbo :lol

BTW: Still rejoicing over the fact that prestige challenges never reset.


mbmonk said:
This is probably a stupid question but...

Is the preferred way to shoot ... hip fire into aim down the sights? I remember something like this being 'the way' to play earlier COD games.

I am just trying to improve my aim. So I am thinking about going hip fire transitioned into ADS. Right now I tend to ADS and then try to line up my target. Takes way too long it seems.


Long range ads, short range hipfire. Ranges that are somewhere in the middle you need to use your best judgement, but if you try to ads that may give them enough of a jump on you to kill you before you even fire off a single shot

Just depends on the situation, what you're using, etc. I myself though have been kileld many times wastign time tryign to ads when I should have just hipfired and given myself a chance.


alterno69 said:
God i hate knife classes, ever heard the expression "Never bring a knife to a gun fight?" aparently it's wrong, and according to IW it should be "Never bring a gun to a knife fight"...
So true.


Had a game yesterday where I was 22-1.

I only had to get 5 kills with my gun. Love playing teams who don't know what Cold Blooded and a Stinger is.
X26 said:
Long range ads, short range hipfire. Ranges that are somewhere in the middle you need to use your best judgement, but if you try to ads that may give them enough of a jump on you to kill you before you even fire off a single shot
I never actually thought about this much. I always thought the guys that dropped me quicker either pulled the trigger faster or had stopping power or something. Didn't realize that someone could just pull the trigger on his AR from the hip and drop me. I'm a total ADS guy when I have a single SMG or rifle... I guess this is something to think about.
Last night Nelo Ice and I absolutely went to town on some lower ranked fools. I had about six straight matches of 20+ / <10 k/d. I felt like a cheater... but don't blame me, lol. Blame it on the matchmaking. :p


Neo Member
Lionheart1827 said:
-Add the ability to compare your leaderboad stats to other people in the pre game lobby(like in World At War)
-Add ability to Leave With Party(like in World at War)
-Add ability to join up with your party mid game (like World At War)
100% agree. My guess is that people with low k/d's were getting too much grief in the lobby so now you can only look at your friends stats. Has IW said anything about online stat tracking similar to Bungie.net? I like to go a little more in depth than just k/d, win/loss, and accuracy. Also, does anyone else find it weird you throw knives with your left hand?
Picked up a new 1080p front projector. Feels like I'm cheating playing on a 100" screen from 11 feet away. Sniping snipers with my M-16 at insane distances on Wastelands.:lol I know I'm seeing shit on this set up that someone sitting 10-12 feet away from a 42" set just can't pick up.
I do the same on Derailed. Snipers on top of the A flag. I ask myself "Did I just see something?: I then hit them from beyond the C flag with my M-16.
In this case Bigger is better.:D


ZeroRay said:
Had a game yesterday where I was 22-1.

I only had to get 5 kills with my gun. Love playing teams who don't know what Cold Blooded and a Stinger is.
Don't I have you on my friends list? My PSN ID is Suprstar.


Thanks for the help!

I think my problem is when my gun is pointed fairly far away from a target at medium and long distances I go ADS immediately and then try to line up the shot/aim. I feel like I should adjust my aim at the hip fire level ( to traverse the large angle in order to get my aim near the target) and then go ADS once I am fairly close with my hip fire aim. I assume that hip fire aiming traverses that angle faster than ADS, but I am just guessing. Haven't played the game for a couple of days.

So in order to get in the habit of hip fire aim for large distance, then go ADS I am going to practice exclusively hip fire tonight, just to get into the habit of adjusting my aim at that level and that should lead into the transition of ADS for the minor aim adjustments.

I did bump my sensitivity to "High" which is like 4 on the numbered scale. Not sure if it's really 'high' though. Seems a bit slow, but this is the first console shooter I have played extensively. And just getting used to the dual analog has been a challenge. Good thing this game has aggressive amounts of auto aim :lol


Something I've noticed:

When I first made my xbl account I set the gamerzone to pro. Recently I changed it to recreation, and since then it seems like I'm getting matched up with less prestige players, and into much easier lobbies. I check people cards, and they all seem to have rcreatino as well, although maybe thta's just the msot common zone people have listed. So is it all in my head, or does iw's matchmaking take your gamerzone into account?


X26 said:
Long range ads, short range hipfire. Ranges that are somewhere in the middle you need to use your best judgement, but if you try to ads that may give them enough of a jump on you to kill you before you even fire off a single shot

That is exactly the encounters I am losing because I can't get my aim on the other player fast enough.

EDIT: dumb spelling mistake.. I am sure there are more.


ZeroRay said:
Had a game yesterday where I was 22-1.

I only had to get 5 kills with my gun. Love playing teams who don't know what Cold Blooded and a Stinger is.

maybe, just maybe they haven't unlocked them yet?
mbmonk said:
Thanks for the help!

I think my problem is when my gun is pointed fairly far away from a target at medium and long distances I go ADS immediately and then try to line up the shot/aim. I feel like I should adjust my aim at the hip fire level ( to traverse the large angle in order to get my aim near the target) and then go ADS once I am fairly close with my hip fire aim. I assume that hip fire aiming traverses that angle faster than ADS, but I am just guessing. Haven't played the game for a couple of days.

So in order to get in the habit of hip fire aim for large distance, then go ADS I am going to practice exclusively hip fire tonight, just to get into the habit of adjusting my aim at that level and that should lead into the transition of ADS for the minor aim adjustments.

I did bump my sensitivity to "High" witch is like 4 on the numbered scale. Not sure if it's really 'high' though. Seems a bit slow, but this is the first console shooter I have played extensively. And just getting used to the dual analog has been a challenge. Good thing this game has aggressive amounts of auto aim :lol
Long distance - ADS, then line it up.
Medium distance - Hip fire into ADS.
Short distance - Knife, or hip fire entirely.

I've never thought of breaking it down, so overall I would suggest just playing whatever feels right. You want to hip fire if they're close and go into ADS during your first few shots to make sure you get the kill, instead of missing every bullet. Also, Steady Aim helps for those short distances.


cameltoe said:
maybe, just maybe they haven't unlocked them yet?

Perhaps, but I usually get matched up with mostly level 40's and higher these days.

But now I feel bad if that was the case since that was me not too long ago.


FromTheFuture said:
Long distance - ADS, then line it up.
Medium distance - Hip fire into ADS.
Short distance - Knife, or hip fire entirely.

Thats how I do it. I'am terrible at getting people at long distances unless its the ACR. My sixaxis R3 is old now so it doesn't click in sometimes so i dont rely on my knife lol.


FromTheFuture said:
Long distance - ADS, then line it up.
Medium distance - Hip fire into ADS.
Short distance - Knife, or hip fire entirely.

I've never thought of breaking it down, so overall I would suggest just playing whatever feels right. You want to hip fire if they're close and go into ADS during your first few shots to make sure you get the kill, instead of missing every bullet. Also, Steady Aim helps for those short distances.

Good points on going into ADS in the first few bullets at medium range. I will definitely run Steady Aim on these builds.

I feel like if I can improve my aiming at the hip fire level then I can really improve in the vast majority of encounters in MW2. Or that is what I am hoping anyways..


Neo Member
X26 said:
Something I've noticed:

When I first made my xbl account I set the gamerzone to pro. Recently I changed it to recreation, and since then it seems like I'm getting matched up with less prestige players, and into much easier lobbies. I check people cards, and they all seem to have rcreatino as well, although maybe thta's just the msot common zone people have listed. So is it all in my head, or does iw's matchmaking take your gamerzone into account?

I dunno bro. I think it's since it is just after the holidays. I know before xmas and whatnot it seemed like every game I jumped into was all prestige and actually good players. But now (especially this morning) I end up in games with tons of newer players who have no idea what they're doing. I was getting pretty angry when half my team was following me around to find good spots or to try to stick together. Kept giving away my position so I couldn't sneak behind enemy lines >.<. Silly noobs, I work better alone.
Yeah, I don't know if anyone has been having this problem, but lately I feel like my knife is suddenly useless. I used to knife everyone all the time, but it seems that recently I'm losing most knife coin-tosses where I might run into someone turning a corner. Generally the problem is that even when I visibly knife first, I'm still losing the fight. Second, it seems that I'm also losing knife fights to guns, even when I clearly have them. Also, nothing destroys my soul more than when the knife goes through a full stab animation cycle, and then the enemy nonchalantly shoots me. Maybe these are more of a lag problem, but for me it seems like it's happening moreso recently.

mbmonk said:
Good points on going into ADS in the first few bullets at medium range. I will definitely run Steady Aim on these builds.

I feel like if I can improve my aiming at the hip fire level then I can really improve in the vast majority of encounters in MW2. Or that is what I am hoping anyways..
Yeah, I think the problem you're having is that when someone is at a medium distance, you're taking the time to ADS (which ultimately takes time, which is why Sleight of Hand Pro becomes sort of useful). However, if you shoot a bullet or two from the hip with the crosshairs over them and then ADS, you're most likely going to get a few shots ahead of the curve from the hip fire, and then mow them down through ADS. Steady Aim helps this, but in shorter distances it helps a lot more since you will be able to hip fire entirely and get a kill.


Neo Member
RJNavarrete said:
Last night Nelo Ice and I absolutely went to town on some lower ranked fools. I had about six straight matches of 20+ / <10 k/d. I felt like a cheater... but don't blame me, lol. Blame it on the matchmaking. :p

^^^ I think this proves my above point :lol
mbmonk said:
Thanks for the help!

I think my problem is when my gun is pointed fairly far away from a target at medium and long distances I go ADS immediately and then try to line up the shot/aim. I feel like I should adjust my aim at the hip fire level ( to traverse the large angle in order to get my aim near the target) and then go ADS once I am fairly close with my hip fire aim. I assume that hip fire aiming traverses that angle faster than ADS, but I am just guessing. Haven't played the game for a couple of days.

So in order to get in the habit of hip fire aim for large distance, then go ADS I am going to practice exclusively hip fire tonight, just to get into the habit of adjusting my aim at that level and that should lead into the transition of ADS for the minor aim adjustments.

I did bump my sensitivity to "High" which is like 4 on the numbered scale. Not sure if it's really 'high' though. Seems a bit slow, but this is the first console shooter I have played extensively. And just getting used to the dual analog has been a challenge. Good thing this game has aggressive amounts of auto aim :lol

High is plenty. It won't help you as much in the ADS sights as it will when you're not. You can now turn the corner and make other large-scale adjustments faster. "Sluggish" Weapons like the FAMAS will be more lethal all around, but the M16 at long range may be too sensitive. Get used to very lightly pressing the controller to get the adjustments you want and not jerking the controller. Always have control of the controller if you're going to go higher than 2 in your sensitivity.
Your intuition is right, you need to have your aim almost right before you head to ADS. Fine tune with the ads. If you're taking more than half a second in your iron sights then you're doing it wrong.
The fact of the matter is that many people get the drop on you. Sometimes it's actually better to quickly get on your belly or duck under something than try to out-aim somebody that already has a full second on you. You never ever wanna try to shoot someone that you don't see unless you have no choice. If you have to spin around, don't bother. This game the guns are lethal enough that you can't be a superman like in halo. If you do find yourself getting flanked like that then it's not your aiming, it's your strategy.

And a lot of it just takes practice. You'll get better and better at using your controller/mouse but also at knowing where the center of your screen is at all times. You'll never know exactly, but that's what ADS is for. Reflexes (which to me was more about knowing the maps and removing hesitation caused by a lack of confidence) and using the proper gun for the situation comes in handy. ARs are the mid range king.

I suggest anyone that wants to practice their aiming to use the FAL, M16 or FAMAS. Get used to really putting that sight where you want it and pulling the trigger immediately. Get used to keeping your enemy at the appropriate kill-range (mid range).


Neo Member
FromTheFuture said:
Yeah, I don't know if anyone has been having this problem, but lately I feel like my knife is suddenly useless. I used to knife everyone all the time, but it seems that recently I'm losing most knife coin-tosses where I might run into someone turning a corner. Generally the problem is that even when I visibly knife first, I'm still losing the fight. Second, it seems that I'm also losing knife fights to guns, even when I clearly have them. Also, nothing destroys my soul more than when the knife goes through a full stab animation cycle, and then the enemy nonchalantly shoots me. Maybe these are more of a lag problem, but for me it seems like it's happening moreso recently.

It happens. We all have lag once in awhile. The worst though is when you've been doing really well knifing but run into a guy who walks around with a shotgun (or better yet akimbo shottys) and you know you hit knife 30 seconds before he even saw you, yet his shotgun kills you..... hmmmm.
CheapChampagne said:
It happens. We all have lag once in awhile. The worst though is when you've been doing really well knifing but run into a guy who walks around with a shotgun (or better yet akimbo shottys) and you know you hit knife 30 seconds before he even saw you, yet his shotgun kills you..... hmmmm.
Yeah. Maybe I've been getting placed into some terrible games. Where I used to knife for a good portion of my kills, I'm starting to refrain from it entirely due to the laggy nature of nearly every game I'm being put into. It seems to happen every single time recently.
Mr. B Natural said:
High is plenty.
High is usually perfect. Fast enough to use a thermal scope, slow enough to make fine adjustments.

I remember cranking up my COD4 sensitivity to 11 once and not only did it make me a little ill, but it was ridiculously inaccurate. I remember reading in a magazine once that using the fastest sensitivity you can will give you an edge. What garbage.
DeuceMojo said:
High is usually perfect. Fast enough to use a thermal scope, slow enough to make fine adjustments.

I remember cranking up my COD4 sensitivity to 11 once and not only did it make me a little ill, but it was ridiculously inaccurate. I remember reading in a magazine once that using the fastest sensitivity you can will give you an edge. What garbage.
Well, in theory, if you can utilize it correctly, it would give you an edge in that you can change your view more rapidly than others.


How the hell do you guys aim with high? Like at a distance I'm talking about... I can't even aim at a distance with medium so I just always stick with 1.


Mr. B Natural said:
Get used to very lightly pressing the controller to get the adjustments you want and not jerking the controller. Always have control of the controller if you're going to go higher than 2 in your sensitivity.

That is part of the problem. My natural reaction when I need to adjust to the right, is to press the analog stick all the way to the right. So I am trying to work on that.

Mr. B Natural said:
The fact of the matter is that many people get the drop on you. Sometimes it's actually better to quickly get on your belly or duck under something than try to out-aim somebody that already has a full second on you. If you do find yourself getting flanked like that then it's not your aiming, it's your strategy.

I am sure that is a quite a bit of this happening. I do have my controls set to tactical so dropping to the ground should be easy for me to do.

Mr. B Natural said:
You'll get better and better at using your controller/mouse but also at knowing where the center of your screen is at all times.

I tend to think I am pointing at someone and then when I go ADS I notice I am pointing at their legs instead of their torso for example. I am going to put a small white sticker on my TV in order to get a good feel for where it is.

Mr. B Natural said:
I suggest anyone that wants to practice their aiming to use the FAL, M16 or FAMAS. Get used to really putting that sight where you want it and pulling the trigger immediately. Get used to keeping your enemy at the appropriate kill-range (mid range).

I might go with the FAL to really force the precision aim. I was going to go SCAR just due to the number of up close encounters you run up on. But my K/D ratio isn't a big deal to me when I am working on improving.
corkscrewblow said:
How the hell do you guys aim with high? Like at a distance I'm talking about... I can't even aim at a distance with medium so I just always stick with 1.
I put myself on slow/medium, but found ADS/scoped sighting to be laughably slow. I moved it up to high and found it a good place to stay. I think it's only... 3 out of 10.

Maybe that's why I get the drop on mofos when I run into them in doorways and corners.
corkscrewblow said:
How the hell do you guys aim with high? Like at a distance I'm talking about... I can't even aim at a distance with medium so I just always stick with 1.

THat's a good question. I don't know because I was in the same state of mind for a while. But I had a friend that has his sensitivity up to 7 or something ridiculous and that gave me motive to try. At first I couldn't do it and it was frustrating but now I can. The way the game works, the better the gun is at long range, the more manageable it is to aim from a distance. In other words, I can't aim at you with a vector from a distance anymore but I still can get you in my sights within .75 seconds or so with my famas. The thing is that I shouldn't be bothering with the vector at long range anyway but getting you in my sights with my famas faster can help....so, there's little in terms of sacrifice when it comes to a high sensitivity vs low sensitivity when you get decent at the higher end.

I started at 2. Got used to it. Got very comfortable.
Moved to 3. Sucked. Got used to it. Got very comfortable.
Now I'm at 4. Sucked. Got used to it.
Might even try 5 soon.

Honestly, there is an advantage but it's minute. Unless you have a 1.75+ kdr and looking to jump up .05 I wouldn't worry about it. It sure as heck isn't going to change your skill category from average to good... or good to great.


mbmonk said:
That is part of the problem. My natural reaction when I need to adjust to the right, is to press the analog stick all the way to the right. So I am trying to work on that.[...]

you could also strafe to make minor adjustments
I suck at FPSes but I'm starting to get the hang of MW2 now. I was doing okay last night and had one "Holy Shit!" moment that really makes me wish there was like a video save feature ala Halo 3 or something. God damn it Infinity Ward. You had two years to work on this, what the fuck?


tarius1210 said:
Don't I have you on my friends list? My PSN ID is Suprstar.
Ahhh, that's you? You're on my list as well. ;)

ZeroRay said:
Yeah, I played a few games with you. You're the highest ranked player on my list.
He's the highest ranked on my list as well. :0


.nimrod said:
you could also strafe to make minor adjustments
I do that. Honestly I use that too much. Almost like a crutch I feel. That ends with me stepping out from cover just enough to get blasted :).

But I do use that at times, and it does work well.
grap3fruitman said:
I suck at FPSes but I'm starting to get the hang of MW2 now. I was doing okay last night and had one "Holy Shit!" moment that really makes me wish there was like a video save feature ala Halo 3 or something. God damn it Infinity Ward. You had two years to work on this, what the fuck?
How I wish this could be done. Even something where at the end of each match you can save the whole thing and then if you don't save by the time the next match starts it just overwrites and the process starts again.

I'm at best average at this game but it sure would be nice to be able to watch back my great matches to see what I did right!


Mr. B Natural said:
THat's a good question. I don't know because I was in the same state of mind for a while. But I had a friend that has his sensitivity up to 7 or something ridiculous and that gave me motive to try. At first I couldn't do it and it was frustrating but now I can. The way the game works, the better the gun is at long range, the more manageable it is to aim from a distance. In other words, I can't aim at you with a vector from a distance anymore but I still can get you in my sights within .75 seconds or so with my famas. The thing is that I shouldn't be bothering with the vector at long range anyway but getting you in my sights with my famas faster can help....so, there's little in terms of sacrifice when it comes to a high sensitivity vs low sensitivity when you get decent at the higher end.

I started at 2. Got used to it. Got very comfortable.
Moved to 3. Sucked. Got used to it. Got very comfortable.
Now I'm at 4. Sucked. Got used to it.
Might even try 5 soon.

Honestly, there is an advantage but it's minute. Unless you have a 1.75+ kdr and looking to jump up .05 I wouldn't worry about it. It sure as heck isn't going to change your skill category from average to good... or good to great.
I've been using 1 since day one and I have a 2.7 k/d right now so I don't think I need to change. I've tried using 2 and simply cannot aim at a distance so I was just curious on how people can use stuff like 4+ and still be accurate. I guess it's just preference like on PC.
grap3fruitman said:
I suck at FPSes but I'm starting to get the hang of MW2 now. I was doing okay last night and had one "Holy Shit!" moment that really makes me wish there was like a video save feature ala Halo 3 or something. God damn it Infinity Ward. You had two years to work on this, what the fuck?
Yeah, there are sooooo many times you wish you could see again. And set to music.


DeuceMojo said:
I put myself on slow/medium, but found ADS/scoped sighting to be laughably slow. I moved it up to high and found it a good place to stay. I think it's only... 3 out of 10.

Maybe that's why I get the drop on mofos when I run into them in doorways and corners.
You're playing on High sensitivity? You're playing on 4 then. ;)

corkscrewblow said:
I've been using 1 since day one and I have a 2.7 k/d right now so I don't think I need to change. I've tried using 2 and simply cannot aim at a distance so I was just curious on how people can use stuff like 4+ and still be accurate. I guess it's just preference like on PC.
That's an amazing K/D ratio but bless you for playing at 1 sensitivity! I tried playing on 2 (medium) and that felt slow to me. I'm playing at 3 right now and I feel a "just right" balance of quick turning and steady enough for long range.

Would love to learn to play at 4 (high) but I just feel too sloppy at long range at that sensitivity.


It's only 1.83 on 360 but on PS3 people are just way worse. Yesterday I was rank 20 no prestige just destroying teams filled with 8th+ prestiges.

Speaking of PS3 version... anyone notice weird fps drops randomly when playing on 1080p? I'm thinking of switching it to 720 to see if it happens on that too. 360 version ran at a steady 60fps all the time on 1080p :/
corkscrewblow said:
I've been using 1 since day one and I have a 2.7 k/d right now so I don't think I need to change. I've tried using 2 and simply cannot aim at a distance so I was just curious on how people can use stuff like 4+ and still be accurate. I guess it's just preference like on PC.

Well now I feel like an ass talking like the old wise man on the mountain. Do you ever find yourself wishing you can turn faster...especially during crazy gametypes like headquarters or demolition?


Alligator F*ck House
Been using the default sensitivity since day 1 COD4 and MW2. Current K/D is 3.25, dunno how the hell anyone plays on higher sensitivity.


corkscrewblow said:
It's only 1.83 on 360 but on PS3 people are just way worse. Yesterday I was rank 20 no prestige just destroying teams filled with 8th+ prestiges.

Speaking of PS3 version... anyone notice weird fps drops randomly when playing on 1080p? I'm thinking of switching it to 720 to see if it happens on that too. 360 version ran at a steady 60fps all the time on 1080p :/
I just leave my PS3 set to 720p and let my tv do the rest. I'd rather play it at its native resolution than force it to 1080p.


PS3 version struggles with smoke effects and explosions both in campaign and multiplayer no matter what resolution you play at. Eurogamer had a video comparison and the 360 version performed much better, doesn't change the game much though.
fps fanatic said:
I just leave my PS3 set to 720p and let my tv do the rest. I'd rather play it at its native resolution than force it to 1080p.
if only 720p was the game's native res :p (I know what you mean, just had to say it)
corkscrewblow said:
It's only 1.83 on 360 but on PS3 people are just way worse.

Yea, I've noticed this as well. My K/D ratio is around 2.7 on PS3 , and around 1.5 on 360. Though I've only been playing on PS3 lately, so I wonder if I would do better on 360 now with more experience.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
I use 7 sensitivity....maybe I should try a lower one sometime, but if anything I was thinking of going higher...
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