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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

This thread has become even more negative lately, it's insane. Sure - I get annoyed by little things in matches, but they take up, what, a few minutes per every hour I play? When I walk away from the game I'm full of adrenaline and happy. For every minute the average GAF player gets annoyed in the game, they spend twenty more bitching in this thread. :lol

It just seems odd to me, is all I'm saying. When I've felt that an online game is broken, I've stopped playing it. By the sounds of it, if I was being frustrated as much as most of you guys, I would've shelved the game hours ago. I understand there's addictive aspects to the game, but even so, that shouldn't overshadow the clear anger it's causing.

Edit: And now the guy above me has said the exact same thing. -_-


aku:jiki said:
Oh yeah? How did you adapt to the momentary invincibility that Commando brings? Does your shotgun now shoot through that window? If so, hook me up with that shotgun, cause my copy of the game doesn't have any weapons that can.

Hint: neither does yours. Learn more about the game before you try to preach.
You have more chance countering knifers with a shotgun than any other gun. It can't bypass the invincibility frames but for every bullet you fired successfully with your AR the guy would be dead if you were using a Shotgun. That's all he meant. It's not a perfect counter but it's the best we have until a patch is released.


aku:jiki said:
What's your problem, man? Why are you incapable of understanding that a game can actually be poorly designed? Sorry, but I really hate people like you, constantly making excuses for a game or a dev and blaming everything on the gamer. Where do you even get this idea?

It is possible for a death to be bullshit and nobody in this thread is being a crybaby. Everything posted are all very valid concerns. You're the one being immature with this silly "the game can't possibly be broken because games cannot be broken and all games are perfectly designed gifts from god, you just suck at it" bullshit.

You mean...unless you're european and can never win a knife fight ever.

Unless they have One Man Army or Scavenger.

The game is unbalanced and a glitchy mess. Just face it, guys.

What do the people do who enjoy the game and don't think it needs much changing? All I'm seeing from you is a bunch of whines as to why you died.

They should disable the text chat on the PC too as that just gets used to cry on. (Camper, Hacker and Toober get typed over and over.) I got called a hacker constantly for a round the other day, cos I knew a guy was coming as I heard him through my headphones.

I spend a lot of time picking my kits and perks, because of how they're set up you find you'll end up missing one thing when you pick another.

If you are finding a set-up overpowered in your opinion then why don't you damn well just use it if you think it will improve your game?

I've used the knife class and its fun when you get a good run, but you'll get times when everybody will mow you down and you'll die constantly as its all or nothing, there's no hiding with it.

Every weapon has its pro's and con's and you can't have one perk without missing out on another, just pick the perks and weapons that do the best in your opinion and see how you get on........ You'll find its not as good as you thought it was going to be.

Yes the game has flaws, but show me one that doesn't and I'll call you a lier.
Griffith said:
Unfortunately there's no way to fix it because for some stupid reason IW decided not to add a local search option like World at War had, so for non Americans the game is damn near unplayable at times.
I realized this when a fellow said:

"Some of us are in India, you bastard."

Then, after the room laughed at his being annoyed:

"Shut up, you vagina cock."

Awesome. We then realized that Indians have the worst international shit-talking abilities. :lol


Wow, I've never seen so much bitching and whining in any thread.

The game can be frustrating some times, but I really don't see how it is broken by any means.

I've used knife classes. They were fun for a while, but I perform better with assault rifles.

I've picked up plenty of 1887 akimbo from dead enemies (which I killed myself, so they're not that invincible), and couldn't see why they are oh so deadly and broken and whatever.

I've shot plenty of air support down, with and without cold blood on.

Overall, after almost 40 hours of playing time, I can say I'm performing much, much better than when I started. For the last few days I managed to score >20 and >5 deaths in plenty of matches. I raised my killstreak from 10 to something like 16, I was pretty darn happy when I called in my first chopper.

Sure there's lag from time to time, sure some things make me rage, but people bitching in here take this game too fucking seriously.

BTW, what's this knife invincibility frame people talk about. Never noticed it.
As far as bitching about the game goes, I think people are pissed that it's not the same "everyone has an assault rifle and moves slowly" game as COD4. The fact that anyone who wants to can now move at high speed around the map and attack at close range has changed strategies considerably. Some can't deal. My effectiveness in this game is greatly improved not only from COD4, but from the start of my playing MW2.

This is the better game.
FerranMG said:
BTW, what's this knife invincibility frame people talk about. Never noticed it.

It's very similar to the Last Stand invincibility frames. If you click the melee button within the Commando melee range, the game immediately calculates whether or not your melee was successful. If it was, you become invincible during the time that it takes for you to lunge at your opponent.

DeuceMojo said:
As far as bitching about the game goes, I think people are pissed that it's not the same "everyone has an assault rifle and moves slowly" game as COD4. The fact that anyone who wants to can now move at high speed around the map and attack at close range has changed strategies considerably. Some can't deal. My effectiveness in this game is greatly improved not only from COD4, but from the start of my playing MW2.

This is the better game.

This is truth.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
like I said before, fine the knife class might get you when you feel it shouldnt, but its not an invincible class. If anything its a kamikaze class designed with a quick death in mind so thats a flaw is it not?

I've had moments using commando where I lunge for a stab, miss for some insane reason and end up immobilized for a few seconds where a competent player will kill me. Probably lag, but its just another example that knife+commando is not infallible.

Its not like people are devising ways to ensure they beat everyone. knife runner being the highest score or death ratio in a game isn't exactly common is it? truth is the best players will rise to the top, lame tactics or not.

the only reason these things piss you off is cos you get killed from it.


aku:jiki said:
I can run for their flag at the beginning of a match and noobtube it for a multi-kill...and what choice do they have there? They're supposed to capture the flag! I can figure out where their spawn is, stand a few houses away and create a tiny fraction of a line of sight and just pump tubes down that little alley and get kills without them possibly getting a chance to shoot me.


If you play at 5-7am PST during the week in Ground War Dom matches it seems like most of the players are on their 1+ prestige. A trend I am noticing a lot with better players is that they do not immediately cap the near node. Why not? Well, many times it gets bombarded at the start of a match and you'll die.

Where do you find these guys? Running to the enemy near node so they can spray or shoot noob tubes onto it.

On weekend games (with more noobs) on a map like Scrapyard you can almost always get a first blood multikill by noob tubing the enemy near node at the start of the match.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
codecow said:

If you play at 5-7am PST during the week in Ground War Dom matches it seems like most of the players are on their 1+ prestige. A trend I am noticing a lot with better players is that they do not immediately cap the near node. Why not? Well, many times it gets bombarded at the start of a match and you'll die.

Where do you find these guys? Running to the enemy near node so they can spray or shoot noob tubes onto it.

On weekend games (with more noobs) on a map like Scrapyard you can almost always get a first blood multikill by noob tubing the enemy near node at the start of the match.

I've noticed this tactic as well so I am careful with claiming the nearest flag, however if most of your team do it you can claim it before anyone gets there.

alternatively you can set up an ambush.

its tactics. adjusting your game and anticipating your enemies moves ffs. how is that something thats broken in the game?

p.s. when using a shotgun I've never been caught by a knifing enemy unless I KNOW I've reacted too slowly or he's come from behind or my flanks.


I bitch and complain all the time while playing, my friends don't even take me serious anymore.

But, I still play, almost everyday, and am having lots of fun inbetween the bitching and complaining....
I've been lurking this thread a lot, never posting. But I figure I'll throw in my thoughts on the game. These are from a very non-hardcore player.

  • I've just hit level 48 and gotten the ACR. Everything I read is true - the gun is awesome. It seems like its main strength is its complete lack of recoil, even when shooting long distances. I'll be sticking with this for a while.
  • I've never killed anyone with a grenade launcher. Only tried a couple times. It is very annoying to get killed by them, though.
  • My K/D is 1.08 which I know doesn't garner much respect but I'm okay with it. Anything above 1 would be okay with me. The longer I play, the harder it's going to be for me to increase it. I wish there wasn't so much emphasis on it because anytime I die 3 or 4 times in a row, I'll think "well this game's shot" even if my team is way up.
  • I feel like when (if) I hit 70 I will prestige immediately. I don't know why. Just seems like there's little point in staying at 70 and going through it again will be fun, especially since I'm such a better player than I was two months ago.
  • The spawning is getting ridiculous. It is true, you do sometimes spawn literally in someone's crosshairs.
  • I am addicted to shooting down helicopters. I love hearing "Enemy Harriers Incoming" because it's so easy to shoot them down. Same with the other choppers. Cold-blooded is where it's at. Like I said above, I'm not "good" at this game so it's rare for me to have a chopper of my own, but when it's so easy to shoot them down, it almost doesn't seem worth bothering to get them. I used to be the guy who just ran and hid but one day I decided to try and shoot one down and was surprised how easy it was. I absolutely love shooting a helicopter down immediately when it arrives on the scene. Love hearing "Enemy chopper coming" and then literally 10 seconds later it's exploding in the air.
codecow said:

If you play at 5-7am PST during the week in Ground War Dom matches it seems like most of the players are on their 1+ prestige. A trend I am noticing a lot with better players is that they do not immediately cap the near node. Why not? Well, many times it gets bombarded at the start of a match and you'll die.

Where do you find these guys? Running to the enemy near node so they can spray or shoot noob tubes onto it.

On weekend games (with more noobs) on a map like Scrapyard you can almost always get a first blood multikill by noob tubing the enemy near node at the start of the match.

It's very rock-paper-scissors. You can either all cap the near node and grab some quick points, or you can rush the middle node to try to get an advantage on the contested node, or you rush the far node to try to catch them off guard.

I play the map, personally. On Skidrow I always like to hold B/C, because I think the Alpha spawn is awful (I'll always rush C regardless of where I start). On Estate I also like B/C because they're pretty easy to hold and most scrubs are content to hold Alpha and snipe out of it - which is a great way to lose a game of domination.

OT: I'm watching a live stream of someone play through Majora's Mask. He's on the Stone Tower Temple. Ahhhh...such wonderful memories :)


Fleet of Foot said:
I've been lurking this thread a lot, never posting. But I figure I'll throw in my thoughts on the game. These are from a very non-hardcore player.

  • I've just hit level 48 and gotten the ACR. Everything I read is true - the gun is awesome. It seems like its main strength is its complete lack of recoil, even when shooting long distances. I'll be sticking with this for a while.
  • I've never killed anyone with a grenade launcher. Only tried a couple times. It is very annoying to get killed by them, though.
  • My K/D is 1.08 which I know doesn't garner much respect but I'm okay with it. Anything above 1 would be okay with me. The longer I play, the harder it's going to be for me to increase it. I wish there wasn't so much emphasis on it because anytime I die 3 or 4 times in a row, I'll think "well this game's shot" even if my team is way up.
  • I feel like when (if) I hit 70 I will prestige immediately. I don't know why. Just seems like there's little point in staying at 70 and going through it again will be fun, especially since I'm such a better player than I was two months ago.
  • The spawning is getting ridiculous. It is true, you do sometimes spawn literally in someone's crosshairs.
  • I am addicted to shooting down helicopters. I love hearing "Enemy Harriers Incoming" because it's so easy to shoot them down. Same with the other choppers. Cold-blooded is where it's at. Like I said above, I'm not "good" at this game so it's rare for me to have a chopper of my own, but when it's so easy to shoot them down, it almost doesn't seem worth bothering to get them. I used to be the guy who just ran and hid but one day I decided to try and shoot one down and was surprised how easy it was. I absolutely love shooting a helicopter down immediately when it arrives on the scene. Love hearing "Enemy chopper coming" and then literally 10 seconds later it's exploding in the air.

this is not true if you do not have CB or stingers.....the stock launcher take 2 to down a harrier and you only get one. Do not say use scavenger because you do not have it from go...

all problems with this game steam from its netcode, its so inconsistant. I can tell instantly...if there is any delay accessing the scoreboard, delay when trying to reload, throwing a nade....its gonna be a bad game.....even with 4 bars. Host advantage is nuts in this game.


God i hate knife classes, ever heard the expression "Never bring a knife to a gun fight?" aparently it's wrong, and according to IW it should be "Never bring a gun to a knife fight"...
cameltoe said:
this is not true if you do not have CB or stingers.....the stock launcher take 2 to down a harrier and you only get one. Do not say use scavenger because you do not have it from go...

I use a Stinger.

And very rarely is the 2-rocket limit a problem because like I said, I don't usually live that long.

Look, I'm never gonna get a nuke. My highest streak is 9! :lol

Let me get my small joy from taking down helicopters.


divisionbyzorro said:
I've never understood people like you. If you think the game is so bad, then why do you keep playing it?
I've made as many posts laughing about the fun I've had as I've made posts complaining about bullshit. I got more annoyed during the last 2 pages because of these guys who refuse to admit that the game has flaws and instead say that I suck at it or whatever. That's just irritating.

Also, I'm unemployed, can't afford to buy a bunch of new games and am addicted. And the game is fun as hell when you don't get bullshit-killed.

codecow said:
On weekend games (with more noobs) on a map like Scrapyard you can almost always get a first blood multikill by noob tubing the enemy near node at the start of the match.
You can always do this and it can be regular Domination. There is always one guy on the nearest flag.

The only time it doesn't work is on Wasteland. Know what I did to counter that yesterday? Shot a tube literally across the whole map towards C and got first blood. How was the guy supposed to expect or avoid that?

kaizokue said:
like I said before, fine the knife class might get you when you feel it shouldnt, but its not an invincible class. If anything its a kamikaze class designed with a quick death in mind so thats a flaw is it not?
I'm not hating on knife classes and never said anything of the sort. I play it myself.

I'm talking about the invincibility in Commando, specifically. It means that if you see a guy coming around a corner and start shooting, he will kill you even though you did get the drop on him and start firing before he could react, but his Commando will make him teleport and stab you. All the while you pump bullets that SHOULD kill him, but they do no damage because he's in the Commando lunge. There is no possible way for you to kill him - you can't even put a badass sniper bullet between his eyes to kill him in that situation, no matter how much faster and skilled than him you are. That's pure bullshit.

divisionbyzorro said:
It's very similar to the Last Stand invincibility frames. If you click the melee button within the Commando melee range, the game immediately calculates whether or not your melee was successful. If it was, you become invincible during the time that it takes for you to lunge at your opponent.
To put it another way, Commando decides that the guy carrying it is the victor of the battle before there can even be a battle because the other guy doesn't get a chance to fight back unless he has Commando. That's pretty much the definition of a broken perk.

What do the people do who enjoy the game and don't think it needs much changing? All I'm seeing from you is a bunch of whines as to why you died.
Not to sound like the biggest asshole here, but honestly? Playing worse than me. With their 11 kills and 18 deaths, it doesn't really matter if they get bullshit-killed. When I'm at 23-0 and going for nuke, it's just not cool that some guy gets to be invincible and auto-kill me with no effort.

Yes the game has flaws, but show me one that doesn't and I'll call you a lier.
You need to stop being condescending. I am not a fucking idiot.


kaizoku said:
I've noticed this tactic as well so I am careful with claiming the nearest flag, however if most of your team do it you can claim it before anyone gets there.

alternatively you can set up an ambush.

its tactics. adjusting your game and anticipating your enemies moves ffs. how is that something thats broken in the game?

p.s. when using a shotgun I've never been caught by a knifing enemy unless I KNOW I've reacted too slowly or he's come from behind or my flanks.

This was the same on COD4, you NEVER immediately went for the CP on DOM, ever. You'd get (regular) grenade spammed.


Fleet of Foot said:
I use a Stinger.

And very rarely is the 2-rocket limit a problem because like I said, I don't usually live that long.

Look, I'm never gonna get a nuke. My highest streak is 9! :lol

Let me get my small joy from taking down helicopters.

enjoy the game my man...that's what it's all about.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
for what its worth I mostly play domination and I mostly go for the flag first because I've never been killed in that way, but I'm aware it might happen, it never has.

I don't buy all this commando invincibility stuff. anytime I've been killed by it I know I was caught out, simple as that. For all tactics there are usually sufficient counter strategies. If you refuse to adjust and keep getting caught, that was your decision.

There are times where I've shot a guy blank in the face with a shotgun and he hasn't died, and there are times where I'll lose my rag, but I blame the player or the shitty host, not the game.

Game is fine. I loved gears of war and I recognise a broken game when I see one. This isn't.

maybe your connection isn't great?
kaizoku said:
for what its worth I mostly play domination and I mostly go for the flag first because I've never been killed in that way, but I'm aware it might happen, it never has.

I don't buy all this commando invincibility stuff. anytime I've been killed by it I know I was caught out, simple as that. For all tactics there are usually sufficient counter strategies. If you refuse to adjust and keep getting caught, that was your decision.

There are times where I've shot a guy blank in the face with a shotgun and he hasn't died, and there are times where I'll lose my rag, but I blame the player or the shitty host, not the game.

Game is fine. I loved gears of war and I recognise a broken game when I see one. This isn't.

maybe your connection isn't great?
The commando invincibilty does exist, whether you believe it or not. What happens is that you could pump enough bullets into a person to kill them normally, but for the split second that he is lunging into you, your bullets simply do nothing. Factor it in with lag and you've barely shot at all, which is the reason for all the rage. If this situation has ever occurred to you, you will most likely find that the enemy has Commando. Naturally, the rage is more overblown, as while it doesn't happen 50 times per game, for the few times it does happen, it is extremely frustrating.


kaizoku said:
I don't buy all this commando invincibility stuff. anytime I've been killed by it I know I was caught out, simple as that. For all tactics there are usually sufficient counter strategies. If you refuse to adjust and keep getting caught, that was your decision.
Are you kidding me with this stupid shit? Whatever man.


Aurora said:
You have more chance countering knifers with a shotgun than any other gun. It can't bypass the invincibility frames but for every bullet you fired successfully with your AR the guy would be dead if you were using a Shotgun. That's all he meant. It's not a perfect counter but it's the best we have until a patch is released.
This is true. I know from much in game testing.
Without the invincibility frames, commando would be useless. It already is useless against decent players because they have heart beat sensors, headphones on and ninja/sitrep pro instead and they will shoot you before the commando noob knows what the hell is going on well before knifing is even an option.

Sure a commando lunge still gets me every once in a while, but it's people like that that get me easy kills 90% of the time.

With the invincibility frames, commando (and last stand) ranks up there with the rest of the perks on the third slot. The exception maybe being steady aim, which is a pretty awful perk this time around. The game is balanced for people that figured out how to counter perks and killstreaks, not for people that haven't quite yet and the game is better for it. It's a game that starts out kinda meh and gets better as you figure it out...not the other way around.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
aku:jiki said:
Are you kidding me with this stupid shit? Whatever man.

wtf is this childish rage induced whining all about? take your bad moods out on someone else man.

if an enemy gets close enough to me that he has started his stabbing motion before I've pulled the damn trigger, I'm dead. Simple as that. I'm not gonna expect the guy to die just cos I pressed shoot a a tiny amount before he plunges his knife in my neck.

I do believe that there are a few frames of invincibility, hell its to be expected. you sacrifice a lot to make a knifing class. But its not enough to make a drastic difference. Its not the difference between deserved and undeserved death 5 times out of 10.

I've been killed after I've pressed stab before, I've been killed a tiny fraction away from stabbing someone, I've managed to stab someone and come away with plenty of red on my screen. Its narrow margins and it goes both ways. Don't get the beef other than its a really annoying tactic.
alterno69 said:
God i hate knife classes, ever heard the expression "Never bring a knife to a gun fight?" aparently it's wrong, and according to IW it should be "Never bring a gun to a knife fight"...
Hahah, I've been saying that online the past few weeks...

"Apparently I fucked up since silly me, I brought a gun to a knife fight."

Although I do LOVE finding those guys and backing up while firing my G18s. You can almost imagine the surprised look on the guy's face as his character falls dead, swinging his knife. I'm a little better than 50/50 with those guys.


I think some of the frustration experienced can be alleviated if you play with friends, especially if your friends are pretty good players and can hold their own and/or communicate informatively. The frustration is compounded when the certain weapons/perks are being exploited on people that are either new to the game or just not so good in the game. Those folks are just fodder for a massive looming killstreak.

Unfortunately for me, a vast majority of my friends are under 1.00 K/D. Only two of my friends are above (~1.75 and ~1.45) and I only seem to be able to sign on and hang with them on the weekend. In any event, though my other friends are all under 1.00 K/D (about 6-7 friends), it's all fun - win or lose. If we're getting smoked, we simply regroup and find a new match after we lose. For me personally, I wouldn't be playing this game if not for my friends online.


divisionbyzorro said:
It's very rock-paper-scissors. You can either all cap the near node and grab some quick points, or you can rush the middle node to try to get an advantage on the contested node, or you rush the far node to try to catch them off guard.

I play the map, personally. On Skidrow I always like to hold B/C, because I think the Alpha spawn is awful (I'll always rush C regardless of where I start). On Estate I also like B/C because they're pretty easy to hold and most scrubs are content to hold Alpha and snipe out of it - which is a great way to lose a game of domination.

Yeah it depends on the map and players.

This morning the group I was with were all very experienced. As an example on Skidrow I started on the C node, a lot of times I will go to the window that looks to A and noob tube at A, but since today I was playing UMP on small maps I decided to rush C. While capping it I was periodically pitching stuns and my semtex down the hall towards B, and got a kill from that (dude trying to rush C at the start from the opposite side of the map).

B was literally unclaimed for about 5 minutes because nobody wanted to die trying to cap it. We got some lucky sentry guns in care packages, I got one, and another dude on my team (who died) got one. I stole his and put both of them around B and then we did B/C and won. I agree with your analysis of holding B/C = win.

I guess what I was saying is that after playing a bunch of matches with these guys (who all know the maps very well) most of my cheap kill spots were negated and getting hammered by fire. Most people were ~1.0 k/d. I was right there too, and on maps where I can normally go buck wild with air there was almost no air in any of the games.

I guess, in summary, I prefer playing against scrubs on the weekends.
DeuceMojo said:
I realized this when a fellow said:

"Some of us are in India, you bastard."

Then, after the room laughed at his being annoyed:

"Shut up, you vagina cock."

Awesome. We then realized that Indians have the worst international shit-talking abilities. :lol
I hate getting in a game with poeple from other countries jus because of the lag. My butthole will pucker cus I know I'm going to get raped.


Nelo Ice said:
im surprised ive never seen nuke boosters this whole time

I really find this hard to believe.

When I go into FFA I'd say more than half the matches feature boosters. I find them by hearing that little reload sound when the fucks respawn into a tactical insertion. Using my spectacular 5.1 system I sit, and wait to hear the sound again and I follow it. When I find them often times I stare at them and say "you stupid fucks" before throwing a grenade at the boosters or noob tubing them to hell.

Then I feel a little bit better, only to get pissed off again when I find a new match and it's the same thing over and over.
I think the issues between the attackers versus the defenders of this game is that the attackers, such as myself, are having a difficult time adjusting to this game because this isn't the game that at least I was expecting. This just feels like Modern Warfare Arcade edition. I feel they definitely geared it to be more casual, which in that regard was a huge success. Modern Warfare was a bit more Counter Strike, this is a bit more Unreal Tournament.

I can definitely see the fun here, even had some, I just need to get better at the style of play that this one demands if you are expecting any level of success.


mr_boo said:
I think some of the frustration experienced can be alleviated if you play with friends, especially if your friends are pretty good players and can hold their own and/or communicate informatively.

Totally agree. I've learned to not even care much about some of the ridiculous stuff that happens anymore.

I don't care about my k/d, accuracy, score, etc. When I wanna have some fun, I say fuck it and put on my smg/marathon/lightweight/commando class.
TheApatheticOne said:
I think the issues between the attackers versus the defenders of this game is that the attackers, such as myself, are having a difficult time adjusting to this game because this isn't the game that at least I was expecting. This just feels like Modern Warfare Arcade edition. I feel they definitely geared it to be more casual, which in that regard was a huge success. Modern Warfare was a bit more Counter Strike, this is a bit more Unreal Tournament.

I can definitely see the fun here, even had some, I just need to get better at the style of play that this one demands if you are expecting any level of success.
Trollin'. also go play hardcore
practice02 said:
Trollin'. also go play hardcore

Huh? If that's trollin', that surely wasn't my intent. Kinda confused at that actually.

I have MW2, and have previously said I like some things about it, and love some things, but there somethings here that I have discussed that Im critical of, and I use this discussion forum to discuss those criticisms. Im not sure how one can't see how MW2 is more arcadey than the first.


Smokey said:
I really find this hard to believe.

When I go into FFA I'd say more than half the matches feature boosters. I find them by hearing that little reload sound when the fucks respawn into a tactical insertion. Using my spectacular 5.1 system I sit, and wait to hear the sound again and I follow it. When I find them often times I stare at them and say "you stupid fucks" before throwing a grenade at the boosters or noob tubing them to hell.

Then I feel a little bit better, only to get pissed off again when I find a new match and it's the same thing over and over.

If you really want to hunt them equip Sitrep.

I was watching a youtube vid of some dude's TDM rampage with teh spas and he found two boosters on favela back in the corner. he killed both and they both respawned immediately and were killed again.

I've never seen boosters in game either FWIW but i don't play a ton of FFA
So I'm approaching my 4th prestige very soon, and I think I've gotten sufficient playtime to give a quick 2 cents on what I think should be fixed.

-Stun/Flash should put your non trigger hand in front of your face partially obscuring the view and you SHOULD NOT be able to aim down sight. Why do my enemies seem to put their hand in front of their face but if they kill me, I see them looking down the sight like nothing? This I think would make it a bit more fair.
-You should not have the ability to knife with Akimbo weapons out. As far as I know, my dick doesnt have an opposible thumb.
-Reset and/or ban all of the cheaters at the top of the leaderboards. Its so blatantly obvious.
-Add the ability to compare your leaderboad stats to other people in the pre game lobby(like in World At War)
-Add ability to Leave With Party(like in World at War)
-Add ability to join up with your party mid game (like World At War)

I think I'm forgetting some things but those are on my mind at the moment.


I have a very simple tip for everyone getting douched one time or another during a game: MW2 isn't always rock-paper-scissors. Sometimes it's just rock-rock. Whatever they are using, use that too.

For example, my one guilty pleasure is OMA + Noobtube + Danger Close on Favela. It's ridiculous. There are so many corners in this map, yet so many windows you can look out to see 4 or 5 corners at any given time. As soon as you pop around the corner, you're dead. I feel so dirty after, but it really is fun. Blame IW, not me :lol

Anyways, want to know how to kill me?

Don't try to snipe me. This is a medium range map - I'll kill you before you steady your scope.
Don't try to stealth me. I have infinite claymores waiting at the only 1 or 2 entrances you must take to get to me.
Don't try to nade me (unless you properly cook your grenade). 90% of people who throw grenades don't time the cook properly. It should explode right as it passes through the window. Any longer and I'm only seeing strawberry jelly, sorry.

NOOBTUBE ME BACK. I guarantee you will kill me. I've trapped myself in a little corridor or room. Congratulations, you've just ended my killstreak.
Lionheart1827 said:
-Add the ability to compare your leaderboad stats to other people in the pre game lobby(like in World At War)
-Add ability to Leave With Party(like in World at War)
-Add ability to join up with your party mid game (like World At War)

I'll also add

-Local game search (like World at War)
-Online stat tracking (like World at War)
-In-game squads (like World at War)
divisionbyzorro said:
I'll also add

-Local game search (like World at War)
-Online stat tracking (like World at War)
-In-game squads (like World at War)

Yeah in game squads! Thats what I was trying to remember when I was talking about joinin your party mid game. That was such a cool feature, never had to back out to get one person.

Oh yeah, I'd like to also put in there, bring the fucking party chat back. There is NO reason why ground war should have it and not TDM.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
ChefRamsay said:
I have a very simple tip for everyone getting douched one time or another during a game: MW2 isn't always rock-paper-scissors. Sometimes it's just rock-rock. Whatever they are using, use that too.

For example, my one guilty pleasure is OMA + Noobtube + Danger Close on Favela. It's ridiculous. There are so many corners in this map, yet so many windows you can look out to see 4 or 5 corners at any given time. As soon as you pop around the corner, you're dead. I feel so dirty after, but it really is fun. Blame IW, not me :lol

Anyways, want to know how to kill me?

Don't try to snipe me. This is a medium range map - I'll kill you before you steady your scope.
Don't try to stealth me. I have infinite claymores waiting at the only 1 or 2 entrances you must take to get to me.
Don't try to nade me (unless you properly cook your grenade). 90% of people who throw grenades don't time the cook properly. It should explode right as it passes through the window. Any longer and I'm only seeing strawberry jelly, sorry.

NOOBTUBE ME BACK. I guarantee you will kill me. I've trapped myself in a little corridor or room. Congratulations, you've just ended my killstreak.

things I would try without noobtubing:

if stealthing - flash, blow up claymores, chuck grenade in, flash some more, charge! you can only have 2 claymores active at the same time right?

wait until you've fired 2 grenades them shoot at the wall/window with FMJ bullets.

alternatively, don't go near where you are!

snipe from a distant rooftop. or do similar and hole myself up in a room somewhere with a noobtube. loads of options


so why is it that when the game starts and locks up and everyone gets booted to the lobby because of a connection error everybody gets a loss despite the "game" ending 0-0?
Provided the MAG experiment works, do you think COD would ever follow the 256 player model, and if so, do you think it would be a gigantic clusterfuck as 256 players ran at full speed with knives around little maps?
DeuceMojo said:
Provided the MAG experiment works, do you think COD would ever follow the 256 player model, and if so, do you think it would be a gigantic clusterfuck as 256 players ran at full speed with knives around little maps?

I think it's unlikely. Wasn't it Resistance 2 that had 64-player multiplayer? I could see CoD going up to something about that size, but no bigger.
DeuceMojo said:
Provided the MAG experiment works, do you think COD would ever follow the 256 player model, and if so, do you think it would be a gigantic clusterfuck as 256 players ran at full speed with knives around little maps?

AC 130 with 128 enemies under it... Really ? Really ?
DeuceMojo said:
Provided the MAG experiment works, do you think COD would ever follow the 256 player model, and if so, do you think it would be a gigantic clusterfuck as 256 players ran at full speed with knives around little maps?
i can't imagine MAG working for long (in terms of number of people actually seriously playing it.).... though the idea is nice... But CoD should never go there.


Lionheart1827 said:
-Add the ability to compare your leaderboard stats to other people in the pre-game lobby(like in World At War)

I agree on your (and others) ideas, but not this one. I remember how annoying it was when people would bail out of a match just before it started because they did not want to play against people with a higher k/d ratio.


divisionbyzorro said:
I think it's unlikely. Wasn't it Resistance 2 that had 64-player multiplayer? I could see CoD going up to something about that size, but no bigger.

Even bumping CoD to 32 would require bigger maps. Ground War feels a little hectic at times, 18 is definitely the limit for the average map size. Maybe there are a few maps that could support up to 24 like derail or something.

I don't think the series would see any benefit from increasing the player count though, unless they overhaul the gameplay. 6v6 is definitely the sweet spot for a lot of these maps.

edit: Actually, what I meant to say was, 6v6 seems to be the sweet spot for the MW gameplay in general.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
DarkJC said:
Even bumping CoD to 32 would require bigger maps. Ground War feels a little hectic at times, 18 is definitely the limit for the average map size. Maybe there are a few maps that could support up to 24 like derail or something.

I don't think the series would see any benefit from increasing the player count though, unless they overhaul the gameplay. 6v6 is definitely the sweet spot for a lot of these maps.

edit: Actually, what I meant to say was, 6v6 seems to be the sweet spot for the MW gameplay in general.

yeah, I've taken to playing modes with less players now, more fun. feels like more of a battle than ground war which often feels like all out mayhem more than anything else.
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