Princess Carl
aku:jiki said:One Man Army. Meaning you hang back and fire lucky noobtubes at corners enemies are trying to sneak around, then duck down and refill your tubes and do it again.
and life is good
aku:jiki said:One Man Army. Meaning you hang back and fire lucky noobtubes at corners enemies are trying to sneak around, then duck down and refill your tubes and do it again.
Lionheart1827 said:Its funny you mention the higher K/D rates. For the record, I could give two shits about it and I dont see why people care so much about it. But there is a guy I know that would get lit up if he was on the the opposite team as me.![]()
My K/D right now on 360 is 1.6 I think. My buddy is at like 2.5. But there is a glaring difference with him and I. He camps, every single round, I dont. His leaderboard score rank is in the 150k and I'm around 30k and hes played about the same amount of time as he. I always call his ass out whenever he brags about his K/D and tell him, "yeah good job sitting in a corner noob."
My Kcodecow said:K/D and to some extent accuracy are the only measures of what may be individual skill that there are. That is why people care about it. In fact, I haven't played a game where I didn't care about it.
Certainly MW2 tries to de-emphasize it, you can't even find the stat without poking around in the leaderboards or doing the division yourself.
aku:jiki said:One Man Army. Meaning you hang back and fire lucky noobtubes at corners enemies are trying to sneak around, then duck down and refill your tubes and do it again.
Lionheart1827 said:Its funny you mention the higher K/D rates. For the record, I could give two shits about it and I dont see why people care so much about it. But there is a guy I know that would get lit up if he was on the the opposite team as me.![]()
My K/D right now on 360 is 1.6 I think. My buddy is at like 2.5. But there is a glaring difference with him and I. He camps, every single round, I dont. His leaderboard score rank is in the 150k and I'm around 30k and hes played about the same amount of time as he. I always call his ass out whenever he brags about his K/D and tell him, "yeah good job sitting in a corner noob."
divisionbyzorro said:If you put OMA in all of your main builds, you'll find that you have a lot of newfound flexibility.
divisionbyzorro said:It has plenty of good uses outside of the Toob build as well:
- Quickly switch to Anti-Air in case of emergency (sadly you can't switch back since you'll have a Stinger in your secondary slot).
- Switch to a stealth build when a UAV is up; switch back when it's gone.
- Switch to a build with Hardline when you're at 5 kills to get Harriers at 6 (or, you know, whatever other KS you're looking for).
- Drop a tactical insertion and then switch to a kit without TI to use a TI and a claymore.
If you put OMA in all of your main builds, you'll find that you have a lot of newfound flexibility.
codecow said:K/D and to some extent accuracy are the only measures of what may be individual skill that there are. That is why people care about it. In fact, I haven't played a game where I didn't care about it.
Certainly MW2 tries to de-emphasize it, you can't even find the stat without poking around in the leaderboards or doing the division yourself.
divisionbyzorro said:It has plenty of good uses outside of the Toob build as well:
- Quickly switch to Anti-Air in case of emergency (sadly you can't switch back since you'll have a Stinger in your secondary slot).
- Switch to a stealth build when a UAV is up; switch back when it's gone.
- Switch to a build with Hardline when you're at 5 kills to get Harriers at 6 (or, you know, whatever other KS you're looking for).
- Drop a tactical insertion and then switch to a kit without TI to use a TI and a claymore.
If you put OMA in all of your main builds, you'll find that you have a lot of newfound flexibility.
Yeah, another kit slot for OMA is why I Pristige'd. I'm planning a rotation of OMA N. Toob, OMA Hardline and OMA CB Kits.Ben2749 said:Wow, that alone is making me thinking about Prestiging in order to have more class slots. Previously, I had no interest in Prestiging, but now I'm not so sure.
scoobs said:2.09 KD ratioPC of course. I've avoided OMA for so long because I didn't think it would be that useful... now I'm curious.
C'mon, don't rush takes a while to change to a new outfit and get the look just right :loldivisionbyzorro said:OMA is obnoxious until you get it Pro. The delay on regular OMA is long enough to almost not be worth it. Once it's Pro, it's great :lol
scoobs... from DPAD?scoobs said:2.09 KD ratioPC of course. I've avoided OMA for so long because I didn't think it would be that useful... now I'm curious.
NYR said:1.18 K/D Ratio
0.85 Win %
18.9 Accuracy %
You definitely post lower numbers in Hardcore, because it's not always obvious when you've killed the other person, and they die so likely your stream of bullets is much more than you needed to actually net the kill.ExtraKr1spy said:lvle 65(no prestige yet)
2.43 k/d ratio-was 2.5 last week until I tried to do the F2000(this gun should be one of the ones unlocked initially-fucking awful) challenges
1.4X W/L ratio-lost a lot of ground war in early levels trying to level up to get cold blooded.
14% accuracy-I play hardcore so I dont really shoot many bullets but Idk why its that low.
Scrapyard is the one map that I know has a long fly in.aku:jiki said:Did I just get unlucky today or did they do something to Chopper Gunner? I've called in a few today, and every single one has had the downs syndrome pilot. Not only that, but it does this enormously long fly-in now, where I get an almost completely horizontal angle and can't start shooting people for a good 10 seconds. But they can shoot me down during that time.
Anyone else having troublesome CG's today?
Guys, hit me up with a party invite or something when you play.fps fanatic said:Ahhh, that's you? You're on my list as well.
He's the highest ranked on my list as well. :0
It happened to me once on Scrapyard, but also twice on Afghan. I noticed the other guy who called in a CG also had an enormous fly-in on Afghan. Now that you mention it, though, that was probably my first CG on Scrapyard (I cannot stay alive on that map...). It might have been a while since I called in one on Afghan too - is there a fly-in on that?tarius1210 said:Scrapyard is the one map that I know has a long fly in.
aku:jiki said:It happened to me once on Scrapyard, but also twice on Afghan. I noticed the other guy who called in a CG also had an enormous fly-in on Afghan. Now that you mention it, though, that was probably my first CG on Scrapyard (I cannot stay alive on that map...).
The fly-in just cost me the nuke on Afghan just now, it just took way too long for me to start shooting someone and by that time they were on their second Stinger and I was down.![]()
corkscrewblow said:scoobs... from DPAD?
impactscoobs said:Yes... who are you?
That happens to everything that is already in progress.Pete Rock said:Anyone seen weird behavior with Predator missiles during host migration? I've had this happen at least half a dozen times after dumping 4 hours of play time into this game - hit my 5 kills, instantly pull out my laptop and as the screen is almost completely opened - host change occurs. As soon as the migration is finished, I am instantly greeted with a view of a camera that is oriented 90 degrees out the side of the missile as it streaks uncontrollably toward the ground. The skybox looks hilariously shitty from this perspective, but other than that it's kind of a waste and rather annoying :lol
BC2 cannot come soon enough
divisionbyzorro said:Awesome! A callsign generator!
Awesome clantag/username combo :lolCerrius said:sweet. I'm currently rocking...
CG is overpowered, no doubt, but them getting to shoot down my reward before I even get line of sight isn't really fair either...divisionbyzorro said:I think it's their way of trying to balance out the power of the CG in the more open maps.
aku:jiki said:One Man Army. Meaning you hang back and fire lucky noobtubes at corners enemies are trying to sneak around, then duck down and refill your tubes and do it again.
I think it's more of while you're holding the flag, you're earning fractions of a point. For example, say for every flag, you get 1/3 of a point every few seconds. If you're already at 199 and 2/3, while the other team just hit 199, you'd get 200 before they do. Pure speculation, but it makes the most sense. It seems to go this way through the whole game, as I've observed it.divisionbyzorro said:Huh.
In Domination, the score is 197-195. We have Alpha. They have Bravo/Charlie.
197 - 195
198 - 197
199 - 199
And then we win 200 - 199.
So in a 199-199 tie, the tiebreaker is not the team with the most flags currently captured. It's the team who had the lead before the score tied. Weird.
RJNavarrete said:Speaking of Scrapyard... has the ladder always gone all the day down to the floor? Pretty sure I used to have to jump to get on it... (the ladder in the building burning-truck-side)
Wicked Mint said:Win % is misleading for those who play a lot of Free For All.
0.97 K/D
0.43% W/L
19.61% Accuracy
Prestige 1; level 70
Fleet of Foot said:Last night I had the most ridiculous spawn ever.
I was in the bunker in Wastelands. Dude outside the bunker shoots and kills me. Fair enough.
I respawn and instantly die again before I can even move. I'm thinking, "Hmm it looked like I was standing in the same spot when I died the second time."
So I watch the killcam. I cannot believe my eyes. I see the dude killing the person with the big "YOU" over his head. I see that person (me) die and then instantly a person respawns in the exact same spot with the "YOU" over his head. The dude killing me never even had time to move his crosshairs before having to start shooting me again! He killed me twice in literally 2 seconds.
Someone told me this, but I got 2nd place and it tallied me for a loss. Unless COD is fucking with my W/L again.DarknessTear said:top 3 = win
It's so ridiculous that anything other than 1st counts as a loss. In every other playlist you have a 50% chance of winning, obviously not counting skill. FFA you have a 12.5% chance.Wicked Mint said:Win % is misleading for those who play a lot of Free For All.
ChefRamsay said:It's so ridiculous that anything other than 1st counts as a loss. In every other playlist you have a 50% chance of winning, obviously not counting skill. FFA you have a 12.5% chance.
1st, 2nd and 3rd should count as wins. They count towards the FFA Victor challenge, so using logic, they should count as wins as well.