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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

i_am_ben said:
i witnessed one of the most disheartening things ever in MW2 earlier today. Some kid (complete with squeaky voice) on my team was screaming into his microphone cos he'd finally gotten a nuke after a week of trying. It kinda hurt my ears but I couldn't be angry at him because I could tell how happy and pumped he was.

As the nuke was counting down....... The host (whom i believe did so deliberately) left and the game was unable to find a knew one. What a prick.

I was team killed during a HC TDM game with 1 kill left for the nuke.
Brazil said:
I want to stop using the UMP45, but I can't find a weapon best suited for me :(

Anyone has any suggestions?
I went from UMP45 to G18. Put anything you want in the primary slot... P90, Mini Uzi. The G18, especially akimbo, is a killer at close range and highly highly effective at medium range.
BolognaSoup said:
Awesome job Infinity Ward. You might as well throw in a chainsaw attachment for all the guns. I hope you're embarrassed by this mess.

CARRY THE [bitching] FLAG!!

j/k, couldn't resist though. :lol


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mbmonk said:
Are you sure you aren't bragging? :lol

Just messing with you. I ran that same load out quite a bit. My problem with any 1 load out is I get bored of it, and then look for something new.

I was addicted to the Scar and now it's not even on one of my custom classes. Mostly because I am working on challenges with other weapons, not because the Scar is an inferior weapon. That gun is a beast :)
I'm tooting my own horn a little bit (I need to remind myself why I like this game from time to time), but it's also because I'm not at all afraid to pump an entire clip into a wall if I know a guy is in there somewhere. If I see that X, I try and focus fire into that wall to potentially kill him.

I'm sure that really messes with my accuracy rating, but on top of that, it means I need more ammo!

Semtex placement is just something I'm proud of because when you thread one through one of the bunker windows in Afgan or get it up inside the cockpit in Terminal, or through a window in any map...it just feels so good to see the "+100" pop up, or even better... "STICK" or "+300" :lol

I tried using the blast shield as someone recommended, and man oh man, I feel so completely naked without my Semtex.
DeuceMojo said:
I went from UMP45 to G18. Put anything you want in the primary slot... P90, Mini Uzi. The G18, especially akimbo, is a killer at close range and highly highly effective at medium range.
True that. I'm afraid of G18s in skillful hands. I personally have a hard time handling their recoil over any range longer than shotgun range.

...but my god...those things are the fucking devil :lol


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I'd honestly be incredibly impressed if anyone was able to get a nuke in a HCTDM game. I usually end those games with 10-15 kills total, and that's being at the top of the list.

25 kills without a single death seems crazy to me...McLovin...! MCLOVIN!!!

*death stare*


After switching to the FAMAS, I can't believe I managed to get 1,000 kills with the M4A1 my first go-round. I tried to use it the other day to get up to my noob tube requirement and was aiming down the sites and swore I'd kill this guy but I just couldn't do anything long-range with it. I was so disappointed.

Tac Knife + runner is definitely incredibly frustrating... there really is no way to kill them with an AR it seems like. The worst part is you not even seeing your bullets fire though on your kill cam.. the guy must get some additional sadistic glee out of the fact his prey supposedly didnt even react.
RubxQub said:
I'd honestly be incredibly impressed if anyone was able to get a nuke in a HCTDM game. I usually end those games with 10-15 kills total, and that's being at the top of the list.

25 kills without a single death seems crazy to me...McLovin...! MCLOVIN!!!

*death stare*

Fuck it. Photographic evidence it will be, next time. Although I'm sure the team kill wont happen again. Unless it was one of you fuckers.


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MarkMclovin said:
Fuck it. Photographic evidence it will be, next time. Although I'm sure the team kill wont happen again. Unless it was one of you fuckers.
Just messing with you man :lol

GAF Confession:

My old man brought one of these marksman medals for exceptional M-14 use home from the Army. He never cared much for the GI stuff so it was just sitting in a shoebox or whatever along with a few other medals. Between stuffing it in my shorts to smuggle it out of the house and pinning it to my t-shirt, it's no real surprise I lost it within a couple of days. I am positive it is still somewhere in the Chevy Chase district of Washington, DC. Sorry, Dad, hope you didn't need that.

This is probably why I'm obsessed with getting them within the game.


DeuceMojo said:

GAF Confession:

My old man brought one of these marksman medals for exceptional M-14 use home from the Army. He never cared much for the GI stuff so it was just sitting in a shoebox or whatever along with a few other medals. Between stuffing it in my shorts to smuggle it out of the house and pinning it to my t-shirt, it's no real surprise I lost it within a couple of days. I am positive it is still somewhere in the Chevy Chase district of Washington, DC. Sorry, Dad, hope you didn't need that.

This is probably why I'm obsessed with getting them within the game.


Don't just buy... WIN!!!!
I think Im gonna put the game on the backburner for a bit, Ive sunk so many hours into it and gotten so frustrated I need to step away.

I mean I love the game play and how it feels, the maps, perks, etc.. the game is marvelous in so many ways, but in all its greatness it offers so much frustration.

First and foremost, Infinity Ward had so much money and time to make MW2, yet it seems like so much was just thrown on in the game with out thinking out balance and quality. You just figure with being one of if not the most popular franchise this gen. the game would be near perfection.

It has become overly frustrating with the over-use of shotguns and speed/knife classes in the gameplay. I can admit, Ive given into the knife class, its godly on some maps and Ive grown tired of being on the losing end of some assassin. I havent yet gave into the akimbo shotgun class, thats only because its the true build that I feel is destorying the game.

As for the inner workings that have really made me sick of the game...the spawning system and a party system that makes every night a series of backing out of games and sending repeated invites. I must spend 25% of my night watching my party be broken up, sending invites, waiting etc..
To top that off the spawning system consistenly drops in harms way sometimes creating a death loop. And to top this off many maps have so many unused portions due to this (looking at you subbase, the main offender) I honestly think I broek a record last night by respawning in front of the same 2 guys 6 times...6 times!

I could go on and on about all the things that made/make me go "WTF!!" 1000 times a night, but I wont.
I just think the game has alot of amazing qualities that are brought down with many things that need to be patched/nerfed into oblivion.
RubxQub said:
*SCAR-H Love*

I haven't used the SCAR-H since my first prestige, however yesterday I decided to use it again (Recently prestiged. Little else to use) and I remembered how great it is. I started having 32-1 and 43-3 games. It's such a good gun that I doubt I'll use anything else on this prestige.



My emblem's currently the Stealth Bomber, but the callsign gen didn't have that.
Pkm said:
I think Im gonna put the game on the backburner for a bit, Ive sunk so many hours into it and gotten so frustrated I need to step away.

I mean I love the game play and how it feels, the maps, perks, etc.. the game is marvelous in so many ways, but in all its greatness it offers so much frustration.

First and foremost, Infinity Ward had so much money and time to make MW2, yet it seems like so much was just thrown on in the game with out thinking out balance and quality. You just figure with being one of if not the most popular franchise this gen. the game would be near perfection.

It has become overly frustrating with the over-use of shotguns and speed/knife classes in the gameplay. I can admit, Ive given into the knife class, its godly on some maps and Ive grown tired of being on the losing end of some assassin. I havent yet gave into the akimbo shotgun class, thats only because its the true build that I feel is destorying the game.

As for the inner workings that have really made me sick of the game...the spawning system and a party system that makes every night a series of backing out of games and sending repeated invites. I must spend 25% of my night watching my party be broken up, sending invites, waiting etc..
To top that off the spawning system consistenly drops in harms way sometimes creating a death loop. And to top this off many maps have so many unused portions due to this (looking at you subbase, the main offender) I honestly think I broek a record last night by respawning in front of the same 2 guys 6 times...6 times!

I could go on and on about all the things that made/make me go "WTF!!" 1000 times a night, but I wont.
I just think the game has alot of amazing qualities that are brought down with many things that need to be patched/nerfed into oblivion.

I feel ya buddy, I fell the same way as you on a very regular basis, and then I unlock something else, or get a new callsign, and I forget how I felt before.

Its like this game was designed by Satan himself


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Strider2K99 said:
When you use Tac Knife with say the USP, does the knife kill count for knife veteran, USP marksman, or both?

Knife kills, I think. But I suck with the Tactical Knife to exactly know for sure so don't quote me on that.

RubxQub said:
I'd honestly be incredibly impressed if anyone was able to get a nuke in a HCTDM game. I usually end those games with 10-15 kills total, and that's being at the top of the list.

Been done in HC HQ (in fact I've been in five of them). I think HC TDM isn't a bit of a stretch to do with some players and a good camping/seeing everything spot.

Riot Shield + Badly placed sentry = Sponge Challenge nearly done. Hoorah!

I doubt anyone besides me has the "Think Fast: Flash" challenge done online as I'm the only one with a lightbulb emblem around on the PS3 HQ variants. :lol
KittyKittyBangBang said:
I feel ya buddy, I fell the same way as you on a very regular basis, and then I unlock something else, or get a new callsign, and I forget how I felt before.

Its like this game was designed by Satan himself

I think Im past that stuff now, Im on my 3rd prestige and problably have 90% of the
call-signs and emblems. My biggest reason to sink so much time into this game is...
1. Friends playing it
2. Friends and me playing it since there isnt shit else to play.

But from a nightly friends list of 15 guys who met up for the first 3 weeks, the numbers have dwindle to 3-4 since so many people have grown disgusted and shelved it or sold it.

I think MAG will pull me from CoD almost totally, but Im sure once or twice a week Ill pop CoD back in so I can shut my brain off for a while and zip around a map knifing and shottying.
Pkm said:
I think MAG will pull me from CoD almost totally, but Im sure once or twice a week Ill pop CoD back in so I can shut my brain off for a while and zip around a map knifing and shottying.

MAG is the first PS3 game in a while that's making me really wish I personally owned a PS3. *sigh*


KittyKittyBangBang said:
I feel ya buddy, I fell the same way as you on a very regular basis, and then I unlock something else, or get a new callsign, and I forget how I felt before.

Its like this game was designed by Satan himself

Feel exactly the same way.

Re: MAG, i played the beta and just didn't care for it. At all. I was really disappointed. I'm just holding out for AvP.

NJ Shlice

If you have an iPhone go get the app MW2 Titles & Emblems. (Not the piece of crap MW2 app that is in the top 50 right now.)
It's the only app that allows you to check off which emblems and titles you have and need. It also shows you exactly what you have to do to get the emblem. Not just "Complete Group Hug Challenge"
It tells you "Complete Group Hug Challenge: Kill multiple enemies with a semtex grenade stuck to one of them." It also shows you what title you will unlock when you complete that challenge. I emailed the guy who made the app with some suggestions and he told me there is an update coming in a week or two with some great new features:
"Here are the other features coming in the next version (hopefully sometime next week):
* Unlocking a title will automatically unlock any corresponding emblems (and vice versa)
* Shows number you have unlocked versus locked with a percentage, something like 285/570 (50%)
* You can enter your current rank and prestige level
* Based on your rank and prestige it will automatically move titles and emblems you would have unlocked at that level
* Optionally you can turn on a filter that only shows titles and emblems you can possibly unlock at your current level"
The app runs smoothly. It's $1.99 and well worth it. Here's his site with soem screens: www.willagaroon.com
He's also working on a weapons app with more detailed statistics on all the attachments for the weapon (damage suppression with silencer, etc.)
I know this sounds like an infomercial, LOL, but this app is sick. I use it all day.


NJ x Falkor said:
He's also working on a weapons app with more detailed statistics on all the attachments for the weapon (damage suppression with silencer, etc.)
I know this sounds like an infomercial, LOL, but this app is sick. I use it all day.

Tell him to make the emblem app free for 24 hours, drum up some business.
DeuceMojo said:

CARRY THE [bitching] FLAG!!

j/k, couldn't resist though. :lol

Good point. The Jackets are even a bigger mess than the Superman knife lunging through bullets mess! It just reminds me of Gears of War's roadie-running through assault rifle bullets to shotgun people before they patched to slow that person down when getting shot.


Can someone explain to me how a silenced sniper shot to the head and I mean right close like 2 feet away close...whilst I'm behind the enemy is not a OHK?

Why is it 2 hit? What the fuck kind of shit is that? Sniping has been nerfed in this game...

I don't mind 2 shots to the body being 2 HK...but to the head? No fucking way...that shit should be 1 HK...


huacst21 said:
Try it with CB and see if I'm wrong.
I think what's more likely is that other people are shooting at it and it's releasing the flares, but I'm curious enough to test it in a local match.
Ok, last night I think was without a doubt the worst night of MW2 I ever had. Most of the time I crush, but it seemed like every game (even though I was usually even or slightly positive) I was getting constantly spawn killed, missing a knife, FMJ not shooting through anything, etc. I dont know what was wrong last night but my buddies were experiencing it, too. I know the spawning has been a little worse since the last update, but yesterday it was unbelievably bad. Favela is one of my monster kill levels, but somehow I finished 9-20, which was so bad. Although most of the night like I said, I was even or slightly positive, it just seemed like my kills were "lucky" kills rather than legit kills. I'm hoping I was just having an off night.


Lionheart1827 said:
Ok, last night I think was without a doubt the worst night of MW2 I ever had. Most of the time I crush, but it seemed like every game (even though I was usually even or slightly positive) I was getting constantly spawn killed, missing a knife, FMJ not shooting through anything, etc. I dont know what was wrong last night but my buddies were experiencing it, too. I know the spawning has been a little worse since the last update, but yesterday it was unbelievably bad. Favela is one of my monster kill levels, but somehow I finished 9-20, which was so bad. Although most of the night like I said, I was even or slightly positive, it just seemed like my kills were "lucky" kills rather than legit kills. I'm hoping I was just having an off night.
I had this sort of night yesterday too. I was weird, I was missing knifes and knife throws from point blank range. Guys were also hopping around the screen like there was massive amounts of lag, but when I checked I at 4 bars (as were most other people). Not matter what game I went into it was the same.

Seriously, played on Wasteland. Got killed by some random guy at a random position, respawn like 5 meters in front of him, get killed again, respawn again on the same position, get killed again by the same guy.

WTF is this? I'm really close to sell this shit..
ha1f said:
I had this sort of night yesterday too. I was weird, I was missing knifes and knife throws from point blank range. Guys were also hopping around the screen like there was massive amounts of lag, but when I checked I at 4 bars (as were most other people). Not matter what game I went into it was the same.

I guess I got your mojo - I had back-to-back nukes :lol
huacst21 said:
Lock on with a stinger until it drops flares. Make sure the flares are on the bottom of your screen while aiming the stinger and then fire.

Does this happen with only the AC-130 or with the pavelow/gunner as well? If so holy crap.


Yeef said:
I think what's more likely is that other people are shooting at it and it's releasing the flares, but I'm curious enough to test it in a local match.
Just tested it in offline split screen. Tried it with Pavelow, Chopper Gunner and AC130 with each of the three launchers that lock on. Held every lock-on for a 10 count and it didn't work with any combination of launcher and air support.


Graf Nudu said:

Seriously, played on Wasteland. Got killed by some random guy at a random position, respawn like 5 meters in front of him, get killed again, respawn again on the same position, get killed again by the same guy.

WTF is this? I'm really close to sell this shit..

Played with 4 guys last night. We Got thrown into a demolition game down 1. We all spawn at the same time and there are 3 guys standing there waiting for us. Pave low in the air, then harrier, care packages falling all over the place.

And we keep getting spawned in their crosshairs. Probably the only thing about this game that actually pisses me off is the spawning.
Yeef said:
Just tested it in offline split screen. Tried it with Pavelow, Chopper Gunner and AC130 with each of the three launchers that lock on. Held every lock-on for a 10 count and it didn't work with any combination of launcher and air support.
Figures, knew it was too good to be true.


divisionbyzorro said:
I guess I got your mojo - I had back-to-back nukes :lol
Speaking of nukes, last night I get put into a TDM match. As I'm deciding what class to pick I hear the sound you hear when the nuke's about to go off.

I hurried up and backed out but it still counted as a loss. In a matter of seconds...seconds... I chalked up another loss. :( Why the game puts you into a match that's about to end like that I'll never know...


Yeef said:
Just tested it in offline split screen. Tried it with Pavelow, Chopper Gunner and AC130 with each of the three launchers that lock on. Held every lock-on for a 10 count and it didn't work with any combination of launcher and air support.

divisionbyzorro said:
Call in the MW2 Mythbusters!!



Yeef said:
Just tested it in offline split screen. Tried it with Pavelow, Chopper Gunner and AC130 with each of the three launchers that lock on. Held every lock-on for a 10 count and it didn't work with any combination of launcher and air support.

Got my hopes up too, fuck.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Yea I tried the lock-on thing the first few weeks, didn't work :(.

A damn shame too since it used to get pretty intense in BF2. Especially when you were the pilot of blackhawk with a full crew :lol.
So I just prestiged for the first time. Getting an extra custom class is nice. Does this happen everytime you prestige? Anybody list what you get on any of the 400+ pages of this monster thread?


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Choke on the Magic said:
So I just prestiged for the first time. Getting an extra custom class is nice. Does this happen everytime you prestige? Anybody list what you get on any of the 400+ pages of this monster thread?
Odd number prestiges get you extra custom slots.

1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.


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Choke on the Magic said:
Sweet 10 potential custom classes! What are the even numbers just emblems I'm guessing?
You only get access to tons of new titles and emblems with the first prestige. Every prestige after that just gets you 1 title and 1 emblem, specific to that prestige. Emblem is just the symbol for the rank, and the title is some title that includes the number in some kind of funny way.

The Prestige
Round 2
Three Times a Charm
4 the Record
Five Sided Fistagon
6 feet under
Lucky Seven
Hard Eight
9 Lives
Prestige 10
Top Bottom