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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


I actually LOLed last night playing this. I was playing free for all on airport and kept bumping into a dude with the riot shield. We both killed each other a few times and he started to become a bit of a "rival". Anyway, I find him again and he starts his crouch walk towards me. I threw out my stun grenades in an attempt to slow him down then run round the side/back for stabby-stabby time. That failed, so all I had left was a claymore. I dropped that as I was walking backwards. At that point we both just stopped - stalemate, I couldn't shoot him, he couldn't get to me, we were just like, "ummmm, what now??". It was a real Metal Gear silly soldier situation :)


razu said:
I actually LOLed last night playing this. I was playing free for all on airport and kept bumping into a dude with the riot shield. We both killed each other a few times and he started to become a bit of a "rival". Anyway, I find him again and he starts his crouch walk towards me. I threw out my stun grenades in an attempt to slow him down then run round the side/back for stabby-stabby time. That failed, so all I had left was a claymore. I dropped that as I was walking backwards. At that point we both just stopped - stalemate, I couldn't shoot him, he couldn't get to me, we were just like, "ummmm, what now??". It was a real Metal Gear silly soldier situation :)
Heh I had a pretty funny moment last night...was playing Domination in Estate and I had the care package smoke grenade in my hand when someone in front saw me and started shooting. Luckily there was a tree in between us so for like a couple seconds we both were strafing in and out of each other's line of sight, giving me enough time to switch to my weapon and pop out to kill him lol


razu said:
I actually LOLed last night playing this. I was playing free for all on airport and kept bumping into a dude with the riot shield. We both killed each other a few times and he started to become a bit of a "rival". Anyway, I find him again and he starts his crouch walk towards me. I threw out my stun grenades in an attempt to slow him down then run round the side/back for stabby-stabby time. That failed, so all I had left was a claymore. I dropped that as I was walking backwards. At that point we both just stopped - stalemate, I couldn't shoot him, he couldn't get to me, we were just like, "ummmm, what now??". It was a real Metal Gear silly soldier situation :)
Riot shield guys are the reason I never leave home without my semtex.:D


razu said:
I actually LOLed last night playing this. I was playing free for all on airport and kept bumping into a dude with the riot shield. We both killed each other a few times and he started to become a bit of a "rival". Anyway, I find him again and he starts his crouch walk towards me. I threw out my stun grenades in an attempt to slow him down then run round the side/back for stabby-stabby time. That failed, so all I had left was a claymore. I dropped that as I was walking backwards. At that point we both just stopped - stalemate, I couldn't shoot him, he couldn't get to me, we were just like, "ummmm, what now??". It was a real Metal Gear silly soldier situation :)
who the hell uses riot shield for ffa anyway


So lastnight I found out that some players of MW2 just can't handle a girl playing and killing them.

My gf is a decent sniper (she can quick scope and no scope the latter only occasionally). She went 30-2 in a FFA on Favela...during the match there was a ton of host migration like 4 or something and it was always after my gf killed someone. When the match was over someone who remained in the match even accused her of using an aimbot in the lobby...saying it's not possible to QS like that...:lol

I haven't laughed as hard as I did lastnight...it was literally KILL-HOST MIGRATION-KILL- HOST MIGRATION.
F#A#Oo said:
So lastnight I found out that some players of MW2 just can't handle a girl playing and killing them.

My gf is a decent sniper (she can quick scope and no scope the latter only occasionally). She went 30-2 in a FFA on Favela...during the match there was a ton of host migration like 4 or something and it was always after my gf killed someone. When the match was over someone who remained in the match even accused her of using an aimbot in the lobby...saying it's not possible to QS like that...:lol

I haven't laughed as hard as I did lastnight...it was literally KILL-HOST MIGRATION-KILL- HOST MIGRATION.

Happens all the time, douches just cant understand that there are people that are better than them, some that are WAY better than them, too. Like I've said many times in this thread before, 3 people I play with when they die its never due to legit killing, its either due to lagswitch, cheating, noob playing, camping(which is actually all they do every round), etc. They complain and say the game is cheating them, yet I'm getting 20+ kills and single digit deaths and they dont understand. :lol The only legit complaint is the spawn system from them, because it has screwed me over many times, especially in the past week. Its really bad and also the 1887s still have way too much range.

People are just sore losers.


NJ x Falkor said:
If you have an iPhone go get the app MW2 Titles & Emblems. (Not the piece of crap MW2 app that is in the top 50 right now.)
It's the only app that allows you to check off which emblems and titles you have and need. It also shows you exactly what you have to do to get the emblem. Not just "Complete Group Hug Challenge"
It tells you "Complete Group Hug Challenge: Kill multiple enemies with a semtex grenade stuck to one of them." It also shows you what title you will unlock when you complete that challenge. I emailed the guy who made the app with some suggestions and he told me there is an update coming in a week or two with some great new features:
"Here are the other features coming in the next version (hopefully sometime next week):
* Unlocking a title will automatically unlock any corresponding emblems (and vice versa)
* Shows number you have unlocked versus locked with a percentage, something like 285/570 (50%)
* You can enter your current rank and prestige level
* Based on your rank and prestige it will automatically move titles and emblems you would have unlocked at that level
* Optionally you can turn on a filter that only shows titles and emblems you can possibly unlock at your current level"
The app runs smoothly. It's $1.99 and well worth it. Here's his site with soem screens: www.willagaroon.com
He's also working on a weapons app with more detailed statistics on all the attachments for the weapon (damage suppression with silencer, etc.)
I know this sounds like an infomercial, LOL, but this app is sick. I use it all day.

does it shows stats? Thats the most important thing, and does it works with the 360 version?


I found something to help with the Harrier/Stinger lock on glitch.

When your first missile glitches it's gone forever, sorry. BUT when you're aiming your second missile, try jumping right as you fire.

This seems to work 50% of the time for me. The other option is getting directly beneath the Harrier, so the missile has no chance to miss. But a lot of times this isn't possible, so try the jump trick - it's better than nothing :p


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shuri said:
does it shows stats? Thats the most important thing, and does it works with the 360 version?
I don't think it could (assuming you mean personal stats like kills, score, deaths, challenge progress, etc). Not sure if IW has exposed that information through any kind of API for public consumption.

Downloaded the Emblem/Title app and it's nifty. Basically when looking at all the things I don't have, it tells me that I really just need to use other types of gear and different game modes. Pretty much have everything that I could get with the stuff I use day in and day out.


Not sure what was going on yesterday, but I was housing fools in 80% of the games we were playing...and when I saying housing, I mean HOUSING...like 27:1...23:4...28:3... crazy shit like that, consistently. I want to say I must have been host or something, because it just felt like everyone else was reacting slowly or something. I could just not freaking die.

I don't think I magically got insanely better. I post numbers like that all the time...but not nearly as consistently as I did last night.

Finally got to play with SometimesImEpic, as well. Him with a couple of my other friends and we pretty much didn't lose all night.

This is the period where I love the game :D I was singing and jolly the entire time.


Nelo Ice said:
the weirdest thing just happened

was playing a game of tdm and we were 3 kills from winning then all of a sudden the game lags out(not host migration) and im sitting there under the map then when the game starts up again i see enemies forfeiting pop up and im the only one left on either team then i get disconnected from live
I had this happen last night in a Ground War game. We were down like 7200 to 5700 but I got the Win, MVP, Most Kills, etc. It was awesome. :lol


This game is so streaky for me. Hands down had my worst night last night, 5 games played, 1 game positive k/d, 1 win.

Just seems like when its good its good, and when its bad there is no turning it around.


Slow down

Pretty much the best advice for any time you're playing on tilt. Stop running, and start camping every random box and car for targets.
Victrix said:
Slow down

Pretty much the best advice for any time you're playing on tilt. Stop running, and start camping every random box and car for targets.
This is honestly the best advice that you can give. Whenever I consciously make the effort to slow myself down, I play much better.


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backflip10019 said:
This is honestly the best advice that you can give. Whenever I consciously make the effort to slow myself down, I play much better.
I need to get you and Epic and Speeding in on a game so we can nGAF some fools. Just looking at our K/Ds, I think we'd pretty much dominate the competition in TDM modes for sure, and I'd almost definitely have some friends on that we could get in as well that post similar numbers.

As a joke we sometimes roll with the clan tag [DIX!] because it makes us laugh and usually makes the other team have awful insults they try and throw at us, as if we didn't understand that our clantag is silly or something :lol


Comics, serious business!
News from the battlefield:

1) Karachi and me love each other. I just sit atop the spot in the middle of the map (take the ladder at flag C or the other ladder near flag B) and plaster the entire level with noob tubes. I go around 38-4 or 25-6 typically and I once went 18-0. The spot is by far the cheapest in the game. It's virtually impossible to kill me once I'm up there.

Same thing with Terminal. The middle spot overooking the plane, flag B, and flag C is deadly. Altough you're more vulnerable there than in Karachi.

2) Hilarious thing happened on Highrise. Match starts and the entire opposing team runs to flag B. I've never seen this before. So I creep up the side and throw a semtex blindly at flag B. Then I see "STUCK!" and a huge grin appears on my face. I take that guy out plus FOUR of his buddies! Probably the most awesome moment for me so far.

Speaking of Highrise, one guy I was playing against last night was just destryong me and my team. He would go to the helicopter pad and go prone but then slide UNDER the grated floor type structure that the helicoper is actually resting on. There's just enough room to squeeze under. So when you spawn in the building it's virtually impossible to kill him unless you have the perfect angle yet he always had a great angle on you. Never seen anyone do that before. Very cheap but very effective.


I'll jump on the "I'm Good!" bandwagon.

I'm only a level 47 and played like a day and 10 hours so far.

But man, I'm getting good. After spending some time messing around with the mini uzi, I switched back to the SCAR + silencer combo and I'm killing it.

I'm loving that everyone tried to jump on the fad of using shotguns. I'm raping from mid range with the SCAR.

Although god damn do I get put on some horrible teams sometimes. Last night I carried my team on my back with 28 kills and 4 deaths and we still lost by like 12 kills.

Nothing more frustrating than having some knife runner or shotty runner on your team going like 3-22.


Victrix said:
Slow down

Pretty much the best advice for any time you're playing on tilt. Stop running, and start camping every random box and car for targets.

I should do this more often, but I just can't help myself.

When I go sit somewhere, I get bored very fast.


Shot down two harriers with one stinger last night.

Domination on Favela, opposing team had two harriers on the field and they were pretty close to each other. Don't know if I managed to hit both at the same time or if the explosion of one started a chain reaction and destroyed the other.


Or they call it such because DLC sounds like it's not much for many money, where expansion pack sounds like it's much for less money.

It's all the same, of course. Expect 3 multiplayer maps or something like that.


Comics, serious business!
Dina said:
It's all the same, of course. Expect 3 multiplayer maps or something like that.

Plus a new "chapter" that gives you the opportunity to dress up as a Brazilian and work through the levels in stealth mode!
Im not to sure why everyone thinks the Stingers missing a harrier is a glitch.. its not like every missle that has 'lock on' should hit. They arent supposed to be 100% accurate.
Had a pretty funny moment last night. I was on Favela and there was an enemy up on the building with the big banana leaves shooting across to another building. I was down below so I started to cook a grenade to throw up there......well apparently he had been hit a few times and he tried to jump across to another building, well that was the exact time i threw my grenade up there, it hit him in the air mid jump and he dropped to the ground and died. It credited me with a direct impact grenade hit. I lol'd.


Graf Nudu said:


*bites fingernails*

Can't quite remember. FFA on airport tends to blur into one long memory - I use my akimbo rapid fire uzis, gets a bit hectic.

Either I killed him, or he killed me. But that wasn't important :)

I found him again later and tried it again. I think I shot the claymore and he died, but maybe he just got too close. Can you even shoot your own claymores?
RubxQub said:
I need to get you and Epic and Speeding in on a game so we can nGAF some fools. Just looking at our K/Ds, I think we'd pretty much dominate the competition in TDM modes for sure, and I'd almost definitely have some friends on that we could get in as well that post similar numbers.
Yeah, for sure. Speaking of posting up huge numbers, I've been on fire today. I swear like every game of MTDM that I played, I was consistently going like 32-10, 28-8, 15-2, etc. It's just too bad that whenever I seem to go huge (which has been quite frequently lately), my teammates all go negative and we somehow lose the game. I'm sure this won't be the case when we get a few of us on there and start taking names.

razu said:
Can't quite remember. FFA on airport tends to blur into one long memory - I use my akimbo rapid fire uzis, gets a bit hectic.

Either I killed him, or he killed me. But that wasn't important :)

I found him again later and tried it again. I think I shot the claymore and he died, but maybe he just got too close. Can you even shoot your own claymores?

I like how you call it "Airport." :lol :lol
Nyx said:
I should do this more often, but I just can't help myself.

When I go sit somewhere, I get bored very fast.

You don't have to slow down, don't listen to him. I don't have the best KDR (.95, 12000 kills) but I have fun, if you like run and gunning keep doing it you will get better. I urge you to try to keep yourself alive before getting a kill though, you will see much better results if you focus on keeping yourself alive over getting kills.
Terrordactyl said:
You don't have to slow down, don't listen to him. I don't have the best KDR (.95, 12000 kills) but I have fun, if you like run and gunning keep doing it you will get better. I urge you to try to keep yourself alive before getting a kill though, you will see much better results if you focus on keeping yourself alive over getting kills.
It's not so much that you need to slow down the speed at which you run as it is that you need to slow down your game a little bit and become more cautious. Yes, there are certainly times when running and gunning is a very good idea and then there are many more where it is an awful idea. When you slow down your game, taking corners slowly while scoping, etc, it forces you to be more cautious and aware of the environment around you. Personally, whenever I force myself to move more slowly and be more cautious, I end up playing much better than I would if I were to sprint all around the level at top speed, trying to mow people down. And this is coming from someone who very frequently uses a Marathon/Lightweight/Commando SMG class.


Ugh I feel so pathetic. My K/D keeps hovering in the .90 - .91 range. I've been trying so goddamn hard to get it >1, but I keep getting like 20 kills and 21 deaths or some bullshit like that. I got it to .95 at one time then I absolutely got destroyed and it went down to .91.

How do you guys get such high K/D ratios? Right now my main class is SCAR/Heartbeat + Shotgun/Grip with Sleight of Hand Pro, Stopping Power Pro, and Commando Pro. I swear I always always get like X kills with X+1 or 2 deaths. I play run and gun all the time, but I feel like I should start camping to get my K/D up, but I don't have fun camping. I also have a runner class with UMP/Red dot + Shotgun/Grip with Marathon Pro, Lightweight Pro, and Ninja Pro.

NarcissisticJay said:
Im not to sure why everyone thinks the Stingers missing a harrier is a glitch.. its not like every missle that has 'lock on' should hit. They arent supposed to be 100% accurate.

Fun fact: did you know that if you use the AT4-H without locking on, it's actually much easier to shoot down air support because the flares don't go on? Of course you have to aim right.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I'm trying to level up the Tar-21. I like it a little bit better as a base weapon than when I had the Scar-H as a base weapon (I've fully loaded the Sar by now tho)

Is it worth it? Or should I be trying to level up a different weapon? I've unlocked every assault rifle up to the FAL


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ultim8p00 said:
Ugh I feel so pathetic. My K/D keeps hovering in the .90 - .91 range. I've been trying so goddamn hard to get it >1, but I keep getting like 20 kills and 21 deaths or some bullshit like that. I got it to .95 at one time then I absolutely got destroyed and it went down to .91.

How do you guys get such high K/D ratios? Right now my main class is SCAR/Heartbeat + Shotgun/Grip with Sleight of Hand Pro, Stopping Power Pro, and Commando Pro. I swear I always always get like X kills with X+1 or 2 deaths. I feel like I should start camping to get my K/D up, but I don't have fun camping. I also have a runner class with UMP/Red dot + Shotgun/Grip with Marathon Pro, Lightweight Pro, and Ninja Pro.
For me, my gameplan is always to get behind people. More often than not, if you can get behind enemy lines, you're going to get at least 2 of them before anyone really knows you're there.

I never roll without a silencer, as once you get in back there, the last thing you need is to blip on the map and bring that swarm in on you. You need everyone to think they've got their area comfortably controlled so they keep looking out those windows or hiding behind that rock.

You're always going to have to push through, though, so you need to be able to kill the folks on your way in, and always keep in the back of your mind that those that you kill know you're coming (if they have any sense) and may hunt you over there.

A major part, though, is knowing how to take advantage of the terrain. Don't stand out in the open unless you need to. Stick to walls. Shoot over cover when possible. Try not to run unless you think you have to. Switch to a CQC secondary if there's no way you'll need to shoot someone out of range (indoors with no hallways). Know where the enemy will likely have set up a claymore and look for the red lasers. Take corners with your eye down your sights at major choke-points. Don't reload and move forward if you can help it, you should prone and hide while you're reloading unless you have SoH, but even then try not to advance and reload. Check the map to see where you teammates are and what direction their facing to get a sense of where the enemy is likely spawning/camping.

...stuff like that :lol
SpeedingUptoStop said:
I'm trying to level up the Tar-21. I like it a little bit better as a base weapon than when I had the Scar-H as a base weapon (I've fully loaded the Sar by now tho)

Is it worth it? Or should I be trying to level up a different weapon? I've unlocked every assault rifle up to the FAL
The TAR leaves something to be desired over longer distances, but it's extremely capable from medium to short range. With the solid fire rate with solid damage, you should drop most other ARs in a 1 on 1 fight assuming equal skill within range.

I think the AK47 is much better than the TAR in this type of scenario, but it's a level 70 weapon so I only get to use it every now and then.

Definitely not as awful as I used to think it was, but it does get you into trouble if you have to hit people from further away.


ultim8p00 said:
Ugh I feel so pathetic. My K/D keeps hovering in the .90 - .91 range. I've been trying so goddamn hard to get it >1, but I keep getting like 20 kills and 21 deaths or some bullshit like that. I got it to .95 at one time then I absolutely got destroyed and it went down to .91.

How do you guys get such high K/D ratios? Right now my main class is SCAR/Heartbeat + Shotgun/Grip with Sleight of Hand Pro, Stopping Power Pro, and Commando Pro. I swear I always always get like X kills with X+1 or 2 deaths. I play run and gun all the time, but I feel like I should start camping to get my K/D up, but I don't have fun camping. I also have a runner class with UMP/Red dot + Shotgun/Grip with Marathon Pro, Lightweight Pro, and Ninja Pro.

Slow down your play and invest in a gaming headset.

I only run n' gun when I know I'm hosting the game.


ultim8p00 said:
Ugh I feel so pathetic. My K/D keeps hovering in the .90 - .91 range. I've been trying so goddamn hard to get it >1, but I keep getting like 20 kills and 21 deaths or some bullshit like that. I got it to .95 at one time then I absolutely got destroyed and it went down to .91.

How do you guys get such high K/D ratios? Right now my main class is SCAR/Heartbeat + Shotgun/Grip with Sleight of Hand Pro, Stopping Power Pro, and Commando Pro. I swear I always always get like X kills with X+1 or 2 deaths. I play run and gun all the time, but I feel like I should start camping to get my K/D up, but I don't have fun camping. I also have a runner class with UMP/Red dot + Shotgun/Grip with Marathon Pro, Lightweight Pro, and Ninja Pro.
Personally, I find that silencers go a long way to have a good kdr. Also, I always use scavenger when I have the SCAR. It's really frustrating to be on a streak and running out of ammo.


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BolognaSoup said:
How do you know when you're hosting? Also if your NAT type is open, are you more than likely to be a host?
When you first drop into a game, immediately hit select and see who's already loaded and in the game.

If it's just you, you're host. If it's you and a couple other people, you can't know for sure.

No bullet-proof method of knowing that I'm aware of.


BolognaSoup said:
How do you know when you're hosting? Also if your NAT type is open, are you more than likely to be a host?

Usually, you can tell when you look at the scoreboard immediately after a session starts.

The host shows 4 full green bars and everyone else shows 1 red bar. A few seconds after this, everyone syncs up and the red bars go away.


So I decided to start the campaign on Veteran last night and I gotta say it's not bad at all. As long as you hang back a bit and not try to Rambo the situation you're fine.

I was actually expecting a lot worse, but this game is plenty do-able on Veteran. There are still sharpshooter enemies who don't miss from like a mile, but all in all not too bad. I made it up to "Hornet's Nest" last night and I had gotten 2-3 Trophies last night (one for taking someone out on the snow level with a knife and not alerting anyone).
RubxQub said:
I need to get you and Epic and Speeding in on a game so we can nGAF some fools. Just looking at our K/Ds, I think we'd pretty much dominate the competition in TDM modes for sure, and I'd almost definitely have some friends on that we could get in as well that post similar numbers.

As a joke we sometimes roll with the clan tag [DIX!] because it makes us laugh and usually makes the other team have awful insults they try and throw at us, as if we didn't understand that our clantag is silly or something :lol

If you guys need one more let me know. I'm down to destroy the oppostiion with ngaf.


I just started playing this game in multi. I was okay at COD4, had about a 1.1 KDR, but this game is just killing me. The maps are way more complicated and maze-like (and worse, it seems to me), the controls are even twitchier, and everyone's been playing for months so they're really good and I suck. It's going to be a brutal slog getting better at this game.


corkscrewblow said:
fixed. I don't see how people can use that shit over an actual gun, and most of the time the kids that use it are really bad too.

Domination in tight maps.
I've captured and held many flags thanks to the riot shield.
kilongs said:
Domination in tight maps.
I've captured and held many flags thanks to the riot shield.

Yeah, a good riot shield user in Domination can really fuck your shit up. They may not be getting the most kills, but they're really helping out the team.


grumble said:
I just started playing this game in multi. I was okay at COD4, had about a 1.1 KDR, but this game is just killing me. The maps are way more complicated and maze-like (and worse, it seems to me), the controls are even twitchier, and everyone's been playing for months so they're really good and I suck. It's going to be a brutal slog getting better at this game.

Don't worry, i was feeling the same way the first days but once you get to know the maps you'll be ok, i started terrible in this game and my current K/D % is something like 1.1 on level 48 right now, i expect my % to go higher cause i manage to get like 4/1 ratio in most of my games now.


kilongs said:
Domination in tight maps.
I've captured and held many flags thanks to the riot shield.
I stay away from Domination. Demolition and Search seem like the only modes worth playing really.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Game gets a lot easier when you get air strikes and shit. I just got my first 23-7 game on Quarry Domination today, shit was awesome.

It is a bit difficult to use air strikes without UAV tho, but w/e.
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