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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

Nelo Ice

^ive had monster games of domination where yes i did cap points and defended points we already had

ive racked up many kills cuz i clear the immediate surrounding area so i dont get jumped while capping points and ive held points ive captured myself with ppl unable to kill me

am i supposed to die more than i kill to prove i actually played objective games the "right way"?


PatzCU said:
This is exactly why I only play TDM. 79-3 in any other playlist doesn't demonstrate anything but your ability to sit between objectives and pick people off.
Dude, have you played Domination in this game? You score 7-14 if you try to camp, because everybody camps! If you want kills, you have to run around and while you're running around you might as well cap flags (to try to control their spawning so you can get more kills, if nothing else). Here's a score where I was basically the only person in the game playing Domination while everybody else camped:


The points almost match the other guy's, so it seems he was capping some flags. I'm pretty sure almost all of xMIKE HUNT2x's deaths are mine. That dude was trying to camp hard and I included his camping spot in my route and killed him every lap. :lol
So in general, do we think that Ground War or Domination is a better playlist for nuke hunting? All of my nukes so far (1 on the initial progression, 2 on first prestige) have been on Ground War, but I feel like I had to get really lucky to find a team of nine apathetic, stinger-less folks to play against. I know it happens in all modes; which have you guys been most lucky with?
Against who do you guys with your dozens of nuke play? I only witnessed two nukes at all, yet with about 3,5 days of playtime. And the highest kill streak I've ever got was 20. :/

Mostly I'm in matches with people of the same skill, never is it so uneven.
aku:jiki said:
Dude, have you played Domination in this game? You score 7-14 if you try to camp, because everybody camps! If you want kills, you have to run around and while you're running around you might as well cap flags (to try to control their spawning so you can get more kills, if nothing else). Here's a score where I was basically the only person in the game playing Domination while everybody else camped:


The points almost match the other guy's, so it seems he was capping some flags. I'm pretty sure almost all of xMIKE HUNT2x's deaths are mine. That dude was trying to camp hard and I included his camping spot in my route and killed him every lap. :lol

Im not really seeing your point... are you the person with 70 kills?

If so you're full of shit and didnt capture shit for flags.. the top dude on the other team as 50 less kills than you and only 1k less points.. you're playing TDM in domination, dont kid yourself.

(if you're the other person and trying to make the point I am, then my bad!)


NarcissisticJay said:
If so you're full of shit and didnt capture shit for flags.. the top dude on the other team as 50 less kills than you and only 1k less points.. you're playing TDM in domination, dont kid yourself.

(if you're the other person and trying to make the point I am, then my bad!)
I don't cap by sitting by the flag, no, I let a sucker teammate do that. I cap by hanging a few feet back - that way I don't get instakilled by the unavoidable semtex or noobtube that always lands at your feet if you try to cap by yourself.

I only do this because random teammates are ridiculously unreliable and I'm sick of constantly dying when I'm the only one trying to take flags. So I take them in a slower, more methodical way. If no teammates appear interested in the flag I'm working, I'll circle the area for like 5 laps to make absolutely sure nobody's camping some corner somewhere before I sit down.

I mean, there are other ways to play Domination than just spawning, rushing the nearest flag you don't own and parking your ass without doing recon. Sorry if that bothers you!

divisionbyzorro said:
I know it happens in all modes; which have you guys been most lucky with?
I feel regular Domination is the easiest. You can always have an idea where there will be resistance and if you try to cap flags as well you'll get a great feel for the flow of spawning/etc, there's not as many nuke-campers as in say Sabotage and if you luck out and get a team that plays for flags, you will receive great help from that as they will help push the enemy team back for you.

Ground War has too many players with too much lag going on, and the spawn system just makes it so that when you surprise 3 fools around a corner, 2 of them will spawn around the corner from you and ruin your streak.


keep your strippers out of my American football
aku:jiki said:
Dude, have you played Domination in this game? You score 7-14 if you try to camp, because everybody camps! If you want kills, you have to run around and while you're running around you might as well cap flags (to try to control their spawning so you can get more kills, if nothing else). Here's a score where I was basically the only person in the game playing Domination while everybody else camped:


The points almost match the other guy's, so it seems he was capping some flags. I'm pretty sure almost all of xMIKE HUNT2x's deaths are mine. That dude was trying to camp hard and I included his camping spot in my route and killed him every lap. :lol

Looking at your score, you didn't capture shit and played the game like deathmatch.

let's see, 50 pts a kill, 70 kills works out to 3500 points from kills, take away 30 points for assists means you actually captured 5 points. The highest point guy on the other team got about 13 or 14 capture points.

In Domination, most people's k/d should be around even. Maybe a little bit higher if they got a airdrop like chopper gunner. That is just how the game works out because when you go for a flag it announces to the world where you are. I play that mode alot and there is usually one guy who doesn't give a crap about the objectives while his team is working to get the capture points. Don't act like you were the only person playing domination when your score clearly shows you were playing deathmatch. Nothing wrong with that I guess, but not really much to brag about.


keep your strippers out of my American football
aku:jiki said:
I don't cap by sitting by the flag, no, I let a sucker teammate do that. I cap by hanging a few feet back - that way I don't get instakilled by the unavoidable semtex or noobtube that always lands at your feet if you try to cap by yourself.

I only do this because random teammates are ridiculously unreliable and I'm sick of constantly dying when I'm the only one trying to take flags. So I take them in a slower, more methodical way. If no teammates appear interested in the flag I'm working, I'll circle the area for like 5 laps to make absolutely sure nobody's camping some corner somewhere before I sit down.

So you let 'sucker teammates' go after the flags, and you hate constantly dying when you are going after flags. So you use the game mode to rack up kills. But your teammates are the ones who are unreliable. Okay.

Dying alot is part of Domination. Hell, in my group we use that as a tactic, someone goes near a flag to draw attention (AKA get killed) while other people on the team capture it.

But however you want to have fun with the game, go for it.


Domination is my favorite game mode but I end up playing TDM most of the time because every domination game, no one gives a shit about the game and everyone is just trying to get nukes. Nukes should be disabled on domination or something.
GRAAHHHH you know what I hate? And it's not limited to MW2 at all, but still - it's when people go out of their way to knife someone, and you die or a point gets capped as a result. I was just being shot out by a guy spraying, but I was reloading. It was a slow, painful death as my health slowly drained, and some guy was just standing behind him wildly swinging his knife. I died, then he knifed him. JUST SHOOT HIM.

Kaltagesta said:
GRAAHHHH you know what I hate? And it's not limited to MW2 at all, but still - it's when people go out of their way to knife someone, and you die or a point gets capped as a result. I was just being shot out by a guy spraying, but I was reloading. It was a slow, painful death as my health slowly drained, and some guy was just standing behind him wildly swinging his knife. I died, then he knifed him. JUST SHOOT HIM.


Knifing isn't bad. At least you didn't get killed with a plastic shield.


So I was just in a great game.

I was fortunate to get a good map. Everyone was working together and no one was camping for nukes. I didn't get killed by hundreds of killstreaks nor did i spawn into stupid places.

In short i went back to COD4 and had a fucking blast :D
This was about a month ago when I played on my own one night.


Probably one of my best TDM matches ever, even in COD4 and WAW. This was also without chopper gunner. I only had UAV, Predator, and Harrier. I dont even camp either. I was just ON that match or they just sucked bad, or a combination of both. :D

Also notice I have 4 regular level players on my team to the other teams 2 so its not like we were overpowered with high level players either.


dskillzhtown said:
So you let 'sucker teammates' go after the flags, and you hate constantly dying when you are going after flags. So you use the game mode to rack up kills. But your teammates are the ones who are unreliable. Okay.

Dying alot is part of Domination. Hell, in my group we use that as a tactic, someone goes near a flag to draw attention (AKA get killed) while other people on the team capture it.

But however you want to have fun with the game, go for it.
Why did you only read the parts you bolded? If you read the rest, you'll see that it says that I do hang around flags, just not right on top of them. I was the one who cleared the area of 3 campers before a teammate could cap, made sure they're not spawning there by taking a few laps around the spawn points there before we move, etc.

Like I said, you don't have to spawn and rush straight for the flag and get killed to play Domination. I would actually call that a quite stupid way to play it.

dskillzhtown said:
I play that mode alot and there is usually one guy who doesn't give a crap about the objectives while his team is working to get the capture points. Don't act like you were the only person playing domination when your score clearly shows you were playing deathmatch.
You obviously play with a party. I don't have that luxury as my friends got bored with the game and I have to play with randoms, and with them Domination is NOTHING like you describe. I am ALWAYS the only guy going for flags on my team, once in a while I will get really lucky and get a capping buddy I can co-operate with and it actually feels shocking when it happens.

Most of the time, I have to lie there capping C while I see green arrows run AROUND the flag and when I'm at 95% done someone comes and noobtubes me. It got boring.

Kaltagesta said:
GRAAHHHH you know what I hate? And it's not limited to MW2 at all, but still - it's when people go out of their way to knife someone, and you die or a point gets capped as a result. I was just being shot out by a guy spraying, but I was reloading. It was a slow, painful death as my health slowly drained, and some guy was just standing behind him wildly swinging his knife. I died, then he knifed him. JUST SHOOT HIM.

What's going on there is the delay after knifing. It's much faster for him to try to knife again than it is for him to wait for the character to raise the weapon, and then the delay until you can fire after raising the weapons. I'm gonna go ahead and guess that the guy with the knife actually connected at first too, but the guy just didn't die so he had to keep knifing until it would hit properly. Happens to me all the time. :(

also tag is moosetwik ADD ME

Pete Rock

Never thought I'd see it, let alone pull it off, but I managed to get a game winning killcam on TDM in Ground War with a crate. Buddy and I threw back to back EADs out front of C base on High Rise, I was covering right side and as I turned to look down my line of falling crates a knife runner sprinted out from mid/B and got domed by the fourth :D


Alligator F*ck House
dskillzhtown said:
Looking at your score, you didn't capture shit and played the game like deathmatch.

let's see, 50 pts a kill, 70 kills works out to 3500 points from kills, take away 30 points for assists means you actually captured 5 points. The highest point guy on the other team got about 13 or 14 capture points.

In Domination, most people's k/d should be around even. Maybe a little bit higher if they got a airdrop like chopper gunner. That is just how the game works out because when you go for a flag it announces to the world where you are. I play that mode alot and there is usually one guy who doesn't give a crap about the objectives while his team is working to get the capture points. Don't act like you were the only person playing domination when your score clearly shows you were playing deathmatch. Nothing wrong with that I guess, but not really much to brag about.

Everyone has a roll in gametypes. If you didn't have people protecting points, the objectives would be all over the place with no stability. The point of Domination is to get 2 closer points, and spawn lock the team in the final non capped point. If two points get capped right off the bat, and stay that way for the duration of the game because I am committing mass murder...then I say I've fulfilled my roll.
Kaltagesta said:
GRAAHHHH you know what I hate? And it's not limited to MW2 at all, but still - it's when people go out of their way to knife someone, and you die or a point gets capped as a result. I was just being shot out by a guy spraying, but I was reloading. It was a slow, painful death as my health slowly drained, and some guy was just standing behind him wildly swinging his knife. I died, then he knifed him. JUST SHOOT HIM.


protip: press reload twice, really fast.

edit: unless you're completely out of ammo, then you're fucked.


You like me, you really really like me!
Just had fun repeatedly owning a one man army/noob tube camper.

I pulled out Ol' Reliable™ (1887s) and went to town. Fight fire with fire I say.
You know what's really starting to annoy me about this game? The kerning on the type. It looks like whoever put all the type together didn't even bother trying to adjust it. WTF Infinity Ward.


Forever Platinum
LeMaximilian said:
Everyone has a roll in gametypes. If you didn't have people protecting points, the objectives would be all over the place with no stability. The point of Domination is to get 2 closer points, and spawn lock the team in the final non capped point. If two points get capped right off the bat, and stay that way for the duration of the game because I am committing mass murder...then I say I've fulfilled my roll.

I agree with this 110%. Take a domination in terminal game I played last night, ended up somewhere around 47-5. Now, the haters say that I didn't play the game type, when in reality that's exactly what I was doing to the best of my ability. The team held C and B, and since every retard in the world runs around inside playing Terminal, I decided to play the back edge and around the outside of the plane. I defended B and cut off one path to C, with the ability to come back and help out at C if the need arose. When I unlocked the AC130 and pinned the entire enemy team into one corner of the map for the entire duration, it's essentially just free points for us.

So, if holding points and playing strong, moving defense isn't how domination is supposed to be played in your opinion (either this or moving to spawn trap), pardon me for calling you wrong. May as well just equip Riot Shield and Blast Shield and sit on a control point the entire game, that seems boring though.


Neo Member
I was just recording some footage for a montage and ran into some nuke boosters. Put together a little video of me denying both of them with their angry voice messages playing in the background.


I'm so sick of boosters, and their voice messages gave me a glimpse into their mentality. They made me out to be the bad guy for messing them up, when in fact they were the ones that were about to mess everyone else up and ruin the damn game.
mastershred said:
I was just recording some footage for a montage and ran into some nuke boosters. Put together a little video of me denying both of them with their angry voice messages playing in the background.


I'm so sick of boosters, and their voice messages gave me a glimpse into their mentality. They made me out to be the bad guy for messing them up, when in fact they were the ones that were about to mess everyone else up and ruin the damn game.

Omg they're going to hack your account/sarcasm


Neo Member
johnFkennedy said:
Omg they're going to hack your account/sarcasm

It's funny how all these 12 year old xbox kids call themselves hackers. And it's even funnier that they think anyone is gullible enough to believe it. I actually preferred them in an attempt to get in another game with them after they left. And for some reason they wouldn't accept my friend requests. :D

Of all the games to boost in, the most intrusive has got to be Domination. I mean, you got two teams battling over points for about 15 minutes, then out of nowhere an illegitimate nuke. I can't stand it.


Comics, serious business!
Critical Jeff said:
wait, I meant to say press switch weapon twice.... DOH! :lol

Heh, I thought hitting reload twice reloads the weapon faster. I was like "how the hell did I not know this??"

Nelo Ice

Procarbine said:
I agree with this 110%. Take a domination in terminal game I played last night, ended up somewhere around 47-5. Now, the haters say that I didn't play the game type, when in reality that's exactly what I was doing to the best of my ability. The team held C and B, and since every retard in the world runs around inside playing Terminal, I decided to play the back edge and around the outside of the plane. I defended B and cut off one path to C, with the ability to come back and help out at C if the need arose. When I unlocked the AC130 and pinned the entire enemy team into one corner of the map for the entire duration, it's essentially just free points for us.

So, if holding points and playing strong, moving defense isn't how domination is supposed to be played in your opinion (either this or moving to spawn trap), pardon me for calling you wrong. May as well just equip Riot Shield and Blast Shield and sit on a control point the entire game, that seems boring though.

but being good at killing ppl means ur not playing domination correctly!
u have to constantly run at points and cap them without killing the other team

its a terrible idea to clear the area where a point is then watch a team mate take the point while ur clearing the area of enemies so they cant kill u while either u or ur team cap
Hyunkel6 said:
Oh yes it does. I would even say it's essential for akimbo smgs.

Akimbo SMGs are like shitty shotguns that make lots of noise and don't kill anything. The only akimbo automatic weapon I would suggest are either the G18s or the Rafficas. They make good secondaries, but shitty primaries.

On another note, I got nuke #3 this morning. Ground War Domination on Karachi (which is funny because I usually suck at that map). Chopper Gunners are horrible on that map; they got me to 23, but a well placed claymore and noob tube got the last two :)

7 more to go!


FabCam said:
This vid shows MW2 at it's most broken:


The dude uses OMA to noob tube people, then the other team gets spawn trapped when he has a chopper gunner.

Luckily i'm yet to come across this BS and hopefully it's just on that map. Hope that shit doesn't spread,.

Wow, that's painful to watch. Thankfully haven't run into this, and it makes me feel bad to see things like this. The experience the other team has would be awful, and if they're newish players, it just completely destroys all will to play.

Thankfully, the guy recording/talking wasn't a douche about it. I was fully expecting a 'hurdy hur' throughout the video.

A Penguin

FabCam said:
This vid shows MW2 at it's most broken:


The dude uses OMA to noob tube people, then the other team gets spawn trapped when he has a chopper gunner.

Luckily i'm yet to come across this BS and hopefully it's just on that map. Hope that shit doesn't spread,.
Yeah, this was posted a while back, but it still needs to be shown. I tried this kit yesterday and got "The Show" accolade (10 kills, no deaths) for the first time.


awesome video, I said many times earlier that this game takes no skill whatsoever and that video is the proof, the guy is not even trying, noob noob->oma->noob noob->chopper spawn rape and repeat = 103 kills.
Lince said:
awesome video, I said many times earlier that this game takes no skill whatsoever and that video is the proof, the guy is not even trying, noob noob->oma->noob noob->chopper spawn rape and repeat = 103 kills.

Yeah, whoever things Oma < scavenger still haven't figured out how to exploit Oma.

It's a good idea, but it needs better execution. Oma should only work once. 1 time per life. Fix it, IW.


RavenFox said:
That dude is a horrible player and he's playing against tards. I could have gotten all 7 Harrier kills by B alone in the beginning..

What are you talking about? the guy is running and gunning with a sniper..:lol He doesn't stay in a single area for more then mere moments...

I have only gotten 2 nukes thus far and both were by being real cheap...and holding down a single area (not spot) on a map till I get my killstreaks...which is probably the most viable way really other then camping hardcore in one place.
Mr. B Natural said:
Yeah, whoever things Oma < scavenger still haven't figured out how to exploit Oma.

It's a good idea, but it needs better execution. Oma should only work once. 1 time per life. Fix it, IW.

I think that each class should just keep track of it's own ammunition. If I switch to the same class, it shouldn't reload me. I should be able to switch as much as I want, but it should just be a switch, not a reload.


Lince said:
awesome video, I said many times earlier that this game takes no skill whatsoever and that video is the proof, the guy is not even trying, noob noob->oma->noob noob->chopper spawn rape and repeat = 103 kills.

On a team of 9, not one player bothered to shoot down the Harrier OR the Apache, while locked at B, the only outdoor spawn on the map. They pretty well deserved it. That has less to do with OMA tubing, and a lot more to do with catastrophically stupid opponents.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
I encountered some nuke boosters today - on mercenary TDM no less. probably not the first time but the first time I found them out, saw the guy with insane kills ([TLS]Sonic was the booster) was friends with the guy with insane deaths.

Didn't bother sending them a message or anything, just vowed to stalk them and make it a pain for them to do it. But...how do you really stop them if the guy on your team is the one boosting? you can't really interrupt his streak, you just have to try and kill the other guy first.

anyway they seemed to think about doing it again but then gave up and just played normally, I just made it my mission to kill them as often as possible.

had probably my best COD day ever today. Either its good to have breaks from the game or playing in the daytime means I avoid Americans so the game is fairer for me and my connection. My K/D ratio in daytime hours is like 2.0 and at night time its like 0.5 to 1.0. infuriating.
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