aku:jiki said:I don't know what you mean by the second part, but I strongly disagree with the first.
Your streak should definitely die if someone outsmarts you and finds you before you're done, that's part of the risk/reward. I even think that if you can find the guy piloting air support and you kill him before he's done, that should cut him off. His character isn't controlling the laptop anymore and that would be a fair way for players who value their secondary too much to carry a Stinger to stop a Chopper Gunner.
I agree with that. And I think IW knew this going in, which is why, through your own cam, your position is marked with that green cross (so that on the killcam, a good/smart player can figure out where you are). And as you said, I wish they had taken it farther, and had the killstreak interrupted upon death of the player mid-streak.
I think, as far as the second part, that he's implying that if you are killed while on the laptop, then no matter how many kills you get with your chopper gunner, they won't count anymore toward a streak, and you can't get a nuke. Since I don't nuke chase, I wouldn't know if that's the case (usually, the chopper gunner is the last streak I use), but I think it's balanced as it is. There would be no risk in sitting down on a laptop if your kills could still count toward that nuke. You'd be able to just sit anywhere you please, and call the nuke upon respawn if you died. If anything, I think nukes should be harder to get, not easier.