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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


roosters93 said:
SMGs are pretty useless in MW2. It's a shame.
I use smg's exclusively. You just can't use them like assault rifles. You need to use them in close range combat only. The ump is the only smg with some decent range with little recoil.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Deadly said:
I heard from a friend that the PC version is full of hackers now. Is there still as many people playing or have some people actually migrated back to COD4?

I haven't really encountered any hackers. There are plenty of people and I get into games very quickly, no matter what gametype.


NYR said:
I use smg's exclusively. You just can't use them like assault rifles. You need to use them in close range combat only. The ump is the only smg with some decent range with little recoil.
The UMP is the only one I have ever had any success with.. but after prestiging, I have just 10 kills with it. :lol 0 with all the other SMGs combined. Same goes for LMGs and shotguns.. I think I have like 4 total.
who the hell uses riot shield for ffa anyway

I placed second in a game of FFA yesterday with the riot sheild, 28 kills and the guy who won got lucky with a 4 kill airstrike as I was leading.

It's extremely effective in FFA because usually there is not second person to flank you when you're taking someone on.

At one point I got a kill streak going where I got my 3 kill streaks out, except I'd been shot with so many bullets I couldn't fucken see through the bashed up riot sheild in front of my face :lol


Goddamn thank you guys for the advice!

I didn't even change much in way of perks and stuff. I just stopped running around like a moron and started actually paying attention to the environment. And guess what?

and many more. I did have a game where I got owned like 7-12 though but I didn't have my stinger and they kept calling in air support like all the time. At one time they had chopper gunner and harrier and sentries all over the place. But whatever.

I ran into a weird ass glitch though; every time I tried to steer my predator missile, it would go the opposite way. Pretty fucking weird.
God dammit the MP in this game is some of the most broken shit, full of campers, noob tubers, lags, and absolute bullshit kills, yet I can't stop myself from playing it. WHY is this shitty game so addictive?!
NYR said:
I use smg's exclusively. You just can't use them like assault rifles. You need to use them in close range combat only. The ump is the only smg with some decent range with little recoil.

But if you're any good you can outsnipe snipers with a UMP if you just tap the trigger a few times. =D
TacticalFox88 said:
God dammit the MP in this game is some of the most broken shit, full of campers, noob tubers, lags, and absolute bullshit kills, yet I can't stop myself from playing it. WHY is this shitty game so addictive?!
Yes. This game makes me want to fucking throw things, break things, yell, cry (not really). But why do we all still play it? When the game works, it's fucking golden. But when it's not working, it's the worst. And more often than not, it's not working.


You like me, you really really like me!
Holy crap. I forgot how brutal the first 25 levels of grinding are with no Cold Blooded to protect me from air support, UAVs and all the other shenanigans.

Was just in a game where literally almost every minute it was either ENEMY UAV SPOTTED, ENEMY COBRA INCOMING, ENEMY UAV SPOTTED, ENEMY HARRIERS INCOMING, ENEMY UAV SPOTTED.

f'n shit :-(


Is there a way to do a petition to IW to cancel for good the Insertion Point thing ? Out of 10 FFA games tonight, 8 of them had people boosting for Nukes.

It makes the multiplayer so frustrating, everytime I see a couple of boosters, I go after them and kill them, but sometimes the couple have a third person covering for them.
Deadly said:
I heard from a friend that the PC version is full of hackers now. Is there still as many people playing or have some people actually migrated back to COD4?

Every fifth game is a hacker at this stage.

The funniest thing is, everyone is bagging the fuck outta the dude and he responds...

"Yeah well I'm the one who's KICKING YOUR ASSES"

Then he keeps going and going, he's fully serious and believes that he's a god because he just walks around headshotting everyone through walls and doesn't even aim, just press the trigger.

Needless to say, I killed him once the entire game and it felt satisfying :)
Just had four of my best matches as of yet.The first two ended in nukes, my first two nukes ever were back to back :D, and reaaaally close to nukes on the last two. Went 45-5 on the snow map(pipeline?) the large one with the train yard. Next map was Favela, and I bested my score with a 46-5, getting one last knife kill befoer my nuke hit. The next two maps I got up to 24 kills before getting raped by dual 1887s, and 23-0 before dying. This was on TDM btw. :D

As broken as this game can be, there is nothing like the rush of adrenaline I get during the last 5 kills of a nuke hunt.


Deadly said:
I heard from a friend that the PC version is full of hackers now. Is there still as many people playing or have some people actually migrated back to COD4?

The PC version is full of tits accusing everybody else of being hackers because they are shit.

45+ hours in and I've yet to be headshotted through a wall, or see a guy switch from one headshot to another.

I went 26-2 (Rare good kiilstreak.) the other day and a guy was calling me a hacker constantly just cos I heard in coming up some stairs in my headphones so I switched to shotty and blew his head off the second it popped up.

The PC exclusive text chat is actually a pain in the ass. All everybody types is "noobtoober," "camper," and "hacker."


A nice moment tonight. After playing some pixel junk shooter I thought "one game" logged into MW2 on rundown, just my bog standard silenced UMP = jav load out. It all just flowed, running around the map, always luckily running into the back of enemies rather than the front, just notching up the kills, nothing fancy. Ended up 17-0 without breaking a sweat and really enjoying the whole thing. I logged out, when you have a really stress free fun round like that, its best to take your winnings.
So yeah... I was going 8-2 in Search and Destroy and I got a Chopper Gunner from my care package, and as soon as I kill one person, someone disconnects and it ends the game. Wonderful. D:
NYR said:
I use smg's exclusively. You just can't use them like assault rifles. You need to use them in close range combat only. The ump is the only smg with some decent range with little recoil.

Wow. :)
I put an SMG on my knife class but hardly ever use it.
I used the mp5, uzi and p90 heaps in cod4 but they feel gimped to me.
The maps are too open and too large imo.
Today playing search and destroy with my friends we were matched against 5 10-70 prestiges. We of course assumed they were boosters. So we play and kicked their asses 3 or 4 times in a row and they were just bitching. One of my friends told them best, " instead of boosting you should spend that time playing and getting good at the game."

fucking boosters


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
this game is annoying sometimes but even at its worse its probably not as bad as something like gears of war 2 on a normal day.

what special equipment do you guys use and do you tailor it to your other equipment?

I like the flashbang cos I hate when it happens to me, and I find its great for tossing into a room or trying to blind a sniper who's got a corridor locked down.

But more often than not it seems to hit me as well. infuriating! I'll chuck it into a room, duck behind the doorway and it will still get me, then the enemy kills me and in his killcam I see that the flash exploded behind him or something and didn't even affect him.

am I doing it wrong? is there a way you're supposed to use these things? or is it just hit and miss?


-viper- said:
You work at IW?

Then PLEASE increase the point limit in TDM to 12k or something. 7500 is way too low. Games end in a flash.

Yes! It's like the game ends when I really start getting into it.


Without wanting to sound like a drama queen, I won't be playing the game until a patch fixing the negative XP exploit is made. This is unacceptable and I'm not willing to risk losing everything.
I've got to reiterate how important it is for IW to implement a fix for the OMA-tube build. When over half of the people in each game are running this build exclusively, I don't see how you can't acknowledge how it is ruining the game. Certain maps are just downright unplayable at this pont (Terminal especially). I love this game, but this needs to be changed. Quickly. It's worse than the 1887s, by far.
salva said:
Today playing search and destroy with my friends we were matched against 5 10-70 prestiges. We of course assumed they were boosters. So we play and kicked their asses 3 or 4 times in a row and they were just bitching. One of my friends told them best, " instead of boosting you should spend that time playing and getting good at the game."

fucking boosters

It's worse in HC S&D, since attacking boosters on your side will only result in your own death.

Even worse is some dickhead on our team who took the bomb and hid in the corner of the map with it, doing nothing. Obviously there was no way to take it off him so we ended up losing the game 3-4.
divisionbyzorro said:
I've got to reiterate how important it is for IW to implement a fix for the OMA-tube build. When over half of the people in each game are running this build exclusively, I don't see how you can't acknowledge how it is ruining the game. Certain maps are just downright unplayable at this pont (Terminal especially). I love this game, but this needs to be changed. Quickly. It's worse than the 1887s, by far.

You really think they give a shit about the quality of their game at this point? IW are complete hacks.


you know what's fun?

Demolition on Estate.



boredofcanada said:
Someone care to explain the OMA glitch for me?

It's not a glitch. OMA allows you to change from one class to another mid game. People are changing from class to class to gain unlimited ammo (mostly for noob tubes)

It's very handy.
boredofcanada said:
Someone care to explain the OMA glitch for me?

It's not a glitch; it's just the way the perk works. If you take OMA as your blue perk, you can switch to any other class at will. If you choose the same class as your current class, the result is that you get all of your ammo refilled. If your current class has a grenade launcher, you'll get your grenades back.

So you build a class with an AR + Tube, OMA, and Danger Close. And you can launch as many tubes as you want without stopping.
divisionbyzorro said:
It's not a glitch; it's just the way the perk works. If you take OMA as your blue perk, you can switch to any other class at will. If you choose the same class as your current class, the result is that you get all of your ammo refilled. If your current class has a grenade launcher, you'll get your grenades back.

So you build a class with an AR + Tube, OMA, and Danger Close. And you can launch as many tubes as you want without stopping.

Yeah but can't u do the same with scavenger?


Forever Platinum
There's still the downtime. I started using OMA for s&d, but now I use it pretty much all the time. TAR-21 silenced, OMA, Stopping Power, and Ninja. Great for walking around killing people, OMA compensates for the increased ammo usage because of the silencer, and I can switch to one of my Cold Blooded classes if need be. I could just carry a stinger and use scavenger, but walking around with a huge stick on your back makes you so much easier to see. Especially awesome for s&d, I can just change to w/e I need.

Yeah but can't u do the same with scavenger?

Yes, but you have to move.


Bah, I tried the OMA thing.
I have much better results just using Scavanger + Danger Close + Toob + Thumper.

Though I guess you could abuse it if you found some really crazy hiding place.


EmSeta said:
Bah, I tried the OMA thing.
I have much better results just using Scavanger + Danger Close + Toob + Thumper.

Though I guess you could abuse it if you found some really crazy hiding place.
After seeing that OMA video I tried it too and guess what... 44-2 in normal TDM in Terminal.

OMA definitely needs to be nerfed somehow.


kaizoku said:
is this negative xp thing real? is it pc only or what?

It look(ed) real. See this thread (rewind a bit):


fourzerotwo posts in there. It looks like it was happening when mod servers were showing up in the playlists so most likely it is not an issue now unless there is a newer type of hack.

FWIW I played probably 8 hours this past weekend and didn't see any modded games or odd stuff.
codecow said:
It look(ed) real. See this thread (rewind a bit):


fourzerotwo posts in there. It looks like it was happening when mod servers were showing up in the playlists so most likely it is not an issue now unless there is a newer type of hack.

FWIW I played probably 8 hours this past weekend and didn't see any modded games or odd stuff.

Wait, do we really think the real fourzerotwo posts in GameFAQs forums?


divisionbyzorro said:
Wait, do we really think the real fourzerotwo posts in GameFAQs forums?

The real codecow posts on NeoGAF, lol. Why not? I have been reading and posting in game forums since the BBS days.


Has anyone else been running into the issues described on the PS3 version?:


This is exactly what happened to my console the other day. I recently replaced my laser and it was working flawlessly with all my other games. MW2 is pretty much all I've played on my PS3 since early December, and while it I've certainly been playing a lot of it, it hasn't been nearly enough to wear out a laser under normal circumstances.


I think that I have figured out why I can't get into this game like I did the first one. I think it is because of the insane amount of time I put into MW. MW2 just doesn't do it for me anymore, I mean the maps are cool, but it just doesn't seem like that much of an improvement over MW1. Different perks, different kill streak rewards, different maps, but really it just seems like the same game and I feel like I am kind of bored by it. IDK.
boredofcanada said:
Yeah but can't u do the same with scavenger?

In 3 seconds I'll have both grenades launchers not only is my gun loaded for shooting with no need to wait for a reload animation and i'll have a claymore. I can shove grenades down everyone's throat and be protected by 2 claymores at all times and never have to budge. This obviously isn't a perfect strat for all maps but I (with a team that isn't completely incapable) can dominate you without a chance in about half of them. If you decide to come at me, you will die. My biggest enemy is boredom and impatience. And before you say "well, i'll just sneak up on ya" realize that I have sit-rep pro on and I can hear you coming 30 seconds before you show up and I got 5 other guys to keep me protected. You get a team of 3 doing this and most maps becomes awful camp-fests especially if we get "the good spawn"

Don't even mention hardcore. This "strat" becomes twice as lethal in that case.

People that complained about the 3x frags just got 100x frags that you can chuck across the entire map + 100x claymores instead!


Comics, serious business!
I find this recent OMA stuff funny... I've been using this build for the last month and figured everyone knew about it. In fact, I've been singing its praises on GAF. It is an incredible build that cannot be beat. On maps such as Karachi, Terminal, and Scrapyard some insane scores are possible. The instant you see someone they die. They cannot hide behind cover. They do not have the reaction time to shoot you before the tube hits. They cannot get close to you (hello infinite Claymore).

I think it should be patched. It's annoying as hell. And now people have figured it out matches are just huge noob wars.
RSTEIN said:
I think it should be patched. It's annoying as hell. And now people have figured it out matches are just huge noob wars.

That's exactly my problem with it. It's changing the entire face of the game for the worse because everybody is using it these days.

On another note: do Ninja Pro and SitRep pro cancel each other out so that you hear normal footsteps? Or do you still hear nothing?
NYR said:
I use smg's exclusively. You just can't use them like assault rifles. You need to use them in close range combat only. The ump is the only smg with some decent range with little recoil.

and my secondary weapon will shoot you and kill you with 1 shot from the hip with an very very forgiving spray while you're busy hitting me 3 times with your inaccurate unreliable smg. Not only that but I still have a mid-long rage primary weapon too so I can pick you off there too. Either way it's lose lose for you. The knife class also makes smgs obsolete.
The only thing smgs give you is faster speed, which would have been great in cod4, but this game is a slower game thanks to the lethal power of weapons this time around and the only thing speed is going to get you against a halfway skilled team is in trouble sooner.


Mr. B Natural said:
and my secondary weapon will shoot you and kill you with 1 shot from the hip with an very very forgiving spray while you're busy hitting me 3 times with your inaccurate unreliable smg. Not only that but I still have a mid-long rage primary weapon too so I can pick you off there too. Either way it's lose lose for you.
The only thing smgs give you is faster speed, which would have been great in cod4, but this game is a slower one and the only thing speed is going to get you against a halfway skilled team is in trouble sooner.

You know how many long range guys I run up to with marathon, light weight, smg and either shoot or knife? The numbers are never high for a sniper or long range guy compared to the runners. I have gone head to head with snipers tons of times and they always try and use the sniper rifle as a shotgun and fail. Long range has its place but when I can move quickly as fast as that kit or if i get a care package marker, shit it's over.
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