divisionbyzorro said:
Clearly you are an invulnerable badass. I will obviously defer to your superior judgement. In fact, when I see you, I'll just kneel down and let you knife me since death by your hands is inevitable anyway.
The guys entire argument consisted of saying that he uses the care package glitch to run around (which doesn't make sense cause that would be a knife class...not an smg class) and win and also said that he takes out snipers that use their snipers in close range.
How was I suppose to respond to that? Shotguns and knifes > SMGS at close range. So, why bother sacrificing a mid-range gun for a inferior gun to what you already have? That's the question.
And I'm not badass. It's not skill. It's just locking down maps which is WAY too easy in this game. It should take skill on my team's part but it really doesn't...That's the freggin point I'm making. It ruins a lot of gametypes and makes the game feel cheap or frustrating...depending on which side of the coin you're on. Most domination/demolition games too often decided within the first minutes and deathmatch games become a question of which side you're spawned on - terminal, estate, karachi, underpass, quarry, skidrow can easily be locked down especially if you get the "good spawn". Rundown, Highrise, Invasion, Derail and even Rust are all overly camp friendly on both sides. That leaves only a few maps that aren't overly camp friendly-
1. Favela which is a mess design wise, but somehow it works. It's a stupid map but it does confront the issues I have with the balance of this game.
2, Afghan which I think is a good map because you can lock it down, but if you try you are locked in a small space which makes you vulnerable. You can lock this map down but it actually involves pushing way beyond your spawn. It takes team work and skill to do so in this map.
3. Subbase because the spawning is a complete mess. If the spawning wasn't crap I'm sure it too would be very camp friendly considering it follows the same "3 pathway" structure you see a lot in this game.
4. Scrapyard - it's too small to camp. It plays like what rust was trying to be - cluster crazy
Regardless of map design, the game design is still camp friendly...but as I found the maps only help you to camp for the win. Anyone not camping has the confront both the game's design and the majority of maps. I can be done but your odds are way out of your favor. Generally it can only be done to random awful teams, in which camping works even better against anyway. Sooner or later a team of people that play together semi-often will get the memo.