yoopoo said:So the game puts me in a loosing game...I backed out. Then it kept putting me in the same game 5 times as I kept backing out :lol
Shitty ass matchmaking.
Xux said:I bought a pair a couple weeks ago and love'em. Great sound quality (the feedback that people mention in the online reviews is there but unnoticeable when the game sounds come in), good bass, and my friends say that I'm the clearest sounding when we play. Kinda pricey, I guess, but, for the quality, convenience, and niche it fulfills, I think its almost worth it.
Here's the only alternative I could find.
corkscrewblow said:Of course. I don't even know how people can not use SP in non-hardcore modes. I was getting one hit kills with the Striker most of the time too, which is just amazing. Definitely my new secondary for the time being.
Ouch!Graf Nudu said:So, that's five lost matches for you right there.
mbmonk said:I remember people arguing over multiple pages in this thread that the care package speed boost was legit and not a bug..... Yea.. guess that argument is settled.
divisionbyzorro said:It can be unbalanced without being a bug. The original 1887s weren't bugged, but they still needed to be fixed.
mbmonk said:To clarify... People were making the case that the care package grenade was MEANT to make you faster, and came up with arguments to rationalize it. I am a simple minded fool that thought the purpose of the care package grenade was to call in an actual care package.. instead of making you Speedy Gonzales w/ a knife. I feel as if marathon, Lightwieght, Command, with tactical knife already had that gameplay angle covered.
vatstep said:Oh, and today was the first time since Veteran's Day (the day after release) that I've seen over a million players online (360 version). Lots of easy kills.
Zeitgeister said:and to think the max on PS3 is about 150k.
I'll never get those 10 nukes.![]()
I've stopped using them. I miss the fun of the gamble (never knowing what you'll get), but I've been getting more kills with Predator Missile > Harrier > Pave Low.sk3 said:Care Packages need to be more random. The other day I got 2 AC130s in a row from it in the same game. Last night over the span of 3 games, I got 6 care packages, 5 of them were Counter UAV. 3 Counter UAVs in one game from care packages.
Heh that was such a great story. I know exactly what you mean. I love when I have both my Pave Low and Harrier in the sky and I'm running down the map watching these people aiming up with their AR's and SMG's and I just get additional easy kills off of them.divisionbyzorro said:Why are the tards always on my team?
I roll with the Pave Low all the time because I tell myself that it's pretty much just as good as the Chopper Gunner, and I get to run around and kill people while it's in the air.vatstep said:I've stopped using them. I miss the fun of the gamble (never knowing what you'll get), but I've been getting more kills with Predator Missile > Harrier > Pave Low.
Actually, last night I decided to switch it up to Predator Missile > Harrier > Chopper Gunner and I'm already liking it more. I guess I underestimated the power of a well-placed Harrier it almost always gets me those four kills.
RubxQub said:You know what makes no sense?
How come you can whip out your knife in less than a millisecond regardless of what you're doing...but you can't swap guns in less than 2 seconds?
Click in the stick = instant knife.
Tap Y = 2 second changing gun animation.
Makes a lick of sense. Why isn't this like CS where you need to actively change to your knife? The MW series confuses me to no end. Do they want realism or do they just want to create something uses realistic things in unrealistic ways?
I think I curse IW by the hour when I'm playing this game for all the nonsensical design decisions they've made and obvious errors that they missed...but I think my main gripe comes down to P2P hosting versus dedicated servers.
No host advantage, no way for a player to fuck with their connection in a way that meant anything.
Sure it's more expensive, but it creates the best user experience. I guess it's stupid to think that would be important, but it's just so damn frustrating. This game could easily be the CS for the new generation (and probably is despite it's fuck-ups), but it just feels like IW doesn't know what type of game they wanted to make (realism vs. gamey) and the overall product suffers because of it.
divisionbyzorro said:Personally, I think the appropriate fix would be to set it so that if you're holding a sentry, package, or e-drop marker, and you get killed, you drop the marker and it goes off. I always felt that the reason for the marker speed boost was to help you get to a good spot to drop it faster; this fix would let you keep that benefit without encouraging the marker-runner behavior.
mbmonk said:But I have to hand it to you, you always have a possible solution instead of just pointing out a problem and then saying 'fix your shit IW'. :lol
Confidence Man said:Yeah the knifing is complete bullshit and utterly broken. I played for a little last night, and saw some guy basically teleport across a room to stab someone, and then do the same to me before I could even shoot him. It wasn't a hack, it was just their shit netcode combined with that asshole perk that lets you insta-stab from like five feet away.
I don't even know why I keep playing it. Maybe just to get that one good match out of five or six that are shit.
divisionbyzorro said:I looked out the window, and saw some dude standing out in the open staring up at the Harrier. Then he emptied two full clips of his FAL into the Harrier. The Harrier finally decided he was getting annoying and shot him dead. He then proceeded to do it again!
When the Apache came out, I had no choice but to suicide and take it down. I might lose my nuke attempt, but I'll be damned if I let the other guy get it. Right when I finish with the Apache and switch back to my main class, a second Harrier arrives. I groan. Maybe someone will follow my example?
Nope! My level 14 friend told me that he was hiding (like I told him to, since he can't really do anything to the Harrier), and watched in amazement as two of our teammates shot the sky with Shotguns.
BOOM! Chik-chik BOOM! Chik-chik BOOM!
I shot down three Apaches, six Harriers, and two Pave Lows. Fortunately there was no nuke, but I kept having to suicide to get a fresh batch of Stingers. Ugh.
Why are the tards always on my team?
divisionbyzorro said:Maybe they should hire me as a part-time outside consultant :lol
mbmonk said:Didn't you come up with the team nuke idea? They should steal that... err I mean hire you for that one alone :lol
I got a Pave Low in a care package a while back, and it got me a ton of kills, so I had this good impression of it for a while. But ever since I've had it as one of my killstreaks, it hasn't done much for me... I think the most kills it's racked up was four or five. Maybe I've just been unlucky, but I think I actually prefer the Harrier. Sometimes the Pave Low just seems to circle the map multiple times without getting any kills.RubxQub said:I roll with the Pave Low all the time because I tell myself that it's pretty much just as good as the Chopper Gunner, and I get to run around and kill people while it's in the air.
I know the Chopper Gunner is much more lethal, but having to lay prone somewhere the whole time kind of kills the appeal for me. I want to keep killing fools!...especially fools that are shooting up into the sky as if that's going to do anything :lol
Perhaps I'll switch back to the gunner to remember how it feels, but I love the "set and forget" nature of the Pavelow so much.
divisionbyzorro said:I'm going to continue to reiterate that the knifing isn't completely bullshit. But IW does need to realize that issues regarding netcode and lag with melee combat in shooters have been solved already.
Confidence Man said:No, it's bullshit. You shouldn't be able to knife instantaneously, and you sure as hell shouldn't have a perk that lets you insta-knife from a greater distance.
Knifing shouldn't be an instant kill at all unless it's from behind.
vatstep said:The Chopper Gunner is a guaranteed 8-10 kills (if not more), though. I don't think I've ever gotten any less, even when it gets shot down fairly quick.
divisionbyzorro said:You're playing the wrong game then :lol Knifing has been this way since the beginning.
divisionbyzorro said:You're playing the wrong game then :lol Knifing has been this way since the beginning.
divisionbyzorro said:You're playing the wrong game then :lol Knifing has been this way since the beginning.
Confidence Man said:Then this game has been a broken piece of shit since the beginning, doesn't change the fact that it's a broken piece of shit.
Assembly Required said:Or it could simply be that, you lack the ability to play MW2...it's ok. We all suck at something. I'm terrible at Scrabble.
Yeah, I guess I haven't. :lol As someone who tries to take out air support as soon as possible, I can't help but laugh when my own killstreaks can do so much damage. So many people playing this game are still clueless about taking down air support.divisionbyzorro said:You've clearly never played against me. :lol
You should try one of these new Chopper Gunners! I get shot down before I even get an angle for ONE kill all the time due to the enormously long fly-in it does now. I swear I would've had my nuke emblem by now if it didn't do that shit.vatstep said:The Chopper Gunner is a guaranteed 8-10 kills (if not more), though. I don't think I've ever gotten any less, even when it gets shot down fairly quick.
I think objective-based games on Derail are the worst in this game, simply for the fact that the god damn map keeps insisting that you spawn as far away from the objectives as possible, making it impossible to make any sort of push if your team sucks. Awesome map.Assembly Required said:...also, I wish there was an option to nuke an entire map from the game *looks at Estate*. Seriously, who thought this was a good idea? ...I've experienced some terrible maps but I don't think anything can't top this one.
Assembly Required said:Or it could simply be that, you lack the ability to play MW2...it's ok. We all suck at something. I'm terrible at Scrabble. I would suggest to IW to maybe implement a easy-mode sort of like DMC/Bayonetta, you just make the control the movement and let the game do the shooting, knifing, etc. make you feel all badass and stuff.
...also, I wish there was an option to nuke an entire map from the game *looks at Estate*. Seriously, who thought this was a good idea? ...I've experienced some terrible maps but I don't think anything can't top this one.
The game has plenty of design problems, but the knife is not one of them. You have to be extremely close to hit someone with a knife and it takes quite a while for the animation to finish afterward leaving you wide open if you miss or if someone else is nearby. If anything the knife mechanic is probably the ONLY thing in the game that doesn't need fixing. (Teleporting is a balance and lag issue with Commando the perk, not the knife itself).Confidence Man said:Yeah, that's it. The game is perfectly balanced and an exquisite example of thoughtful design. :lol
divisionbyzorro said:Maybe they should hire me as a part-time outside consultant :lol
I'm going to continue to reiterate that the knifing isn't completely bullshit. But IW does need to realize that issues regarding netcode and lag with melee combat in shooters have been solved already.
They need to take a page from this book and implement a similar melee fix - in fact, it should happen in all cases. If we both see ourselves doing fatal damage at the same time (accounting for a reasonable amount of lag), we should both die. And each of us should have our kills counted before our death, in the case that we might have a bonus ready.
If this causes a TDM to end in a 7500-7500 tie; so be it.
divisionbyzorro said:Estate is fine. Rundown is awful.
EDIT: So is Derail. GW games on Derail are all right, but it's far too large for any other mode.
And can we PLEASE get IW to pull Highrise from the Domination rotation? I'd rather play Domination on Rust than Highrise.
People always yell to skip Rundown, but I have no idea why. Aside from the bridges being a little too open, I think it's fine.divisionbyzorro said:Estate is fine. Rundown is awful.
No way! Domination on Highrise is my nuke territory - flanking A and getting 5 easy kills from snipers who never bother to check their back is a beautiful thing. B is a pain in the ass though.divisionbyzorro said:And can we PLEASE get IW to pull Highrise from the Domination rotation? I'd rather play Domination on Rust than Highrise.
divisionbyzorro said:And can we PLEASE get IW to pull Highrise from the Domination rotation? I'd rather play Domination on Rust than Highrise.
Assembly Required said:...Really? Come'on, Estate is a terribly designed map. I feel it's very one-sided. The Cabin/house/fortress/bunker/etc. provides a HUGE tactical advantage to the team that spawns at the top of the hill. Unless your team sucks, then maybe that balances things out. I'm sorry, I really hate Estate. Vote please!!!
aku:jiki said:You should try one of these new Chopper Gunners! I get shot down before I even get an angle for ONE kill all the time due to the enormously long fly-in it does now. I swear I would've had my nuke emblem by now if it didn't do that shit.
I think objective-based games on Derail are the worst in this game, simply for the fact that the god damn map keeps insisting that you spawn as far away from the objectives as possible, making it impossible to make any sort of push if your team sucks. Awesome map.
Anaxagoras said:Quick question:
lets say I got a predator missile from a kill streak, but I die before I use it. Now if I get a couple of kills with it the next time I spawn, will the kills I get from it count in my new kill streak?
I kind of knew it, because if that was true you can die after you get a chopper gunner and then use it the next time ou spawn to get another one and so on.huacst21 said:No, because you would get infinite pred missiles. That's the reason IW took it out of MW2 because in COD4, you can abuse it and save the attack heli and start a new killstreak if you died.
huacst21 said:No, because you would get infinite pred missiles. That's the reason IW took it out of MW2 because in COD4, you can abuse it and save the attack heli and start a new killstreak if you died.
Why didn't you the destroy the Harrier @ 5:58 with your predator missile? You could have spared your team from extra death. Then you massively overshoot your last Harrier strike. Good play tactics though.cameltoe said:WRONG!
The other day there were over 600,000 playing..over 400,000 in playlists.
Last night on the 360 there were 890,000 and over 600,000 in playlists.
btw i have uploaded a few more CTF vids...
divisionbyzorro said:I used the chain the dogs together like that in W@W all the time :lol.
RubxQub said:I primarily only play TDME, as it's the only mode that feels right to me.
- Killcams so no one can camp (I'm looking at you Hardcore).
- Respawns, because you can die in ways that make no sense whatsoever (I'm looking at you SnD)
- No objectives other than to kill, because in every objective mode there are just a ton of people going for kills anyways, making it stupid and annoying to actually try and play the objectives (I'm looking at you HQ, Domination and Demolition)
It just comes down to the fact that killing people is what you are rewarded for (through killstreaks) so it only makes sense that killing people is generally everyone's main priority...so I play the game mode where everyone is only trying to kill each other.
If they changed the way killstreaks and scoring worked in the other modes, I'd play them much more often, but all other modes to me are just something I do when I'm bored with TDM.
divisionbyzorro said:For some reason, the matchmaking always puts the tards on my team. I hopped into a Ground War game last night with a low-level friend. We were playing GW Domination on Underpass. Not too far into the game, an enemy Harrier showed up. I was working on a streak and didn't want to suicide just to take down the Harrier, so I huddled in the building at Alpha, with the Harrier hovering overhead, and hoped that someone on my team would shoot it down.
I looked out the window, and saw some dude standing out in the open staring up at the Harrier. Then he emptied two full clips of his FAL into the Harrier. The Harrier finally decided he was getting annoying and shot him dead. He then proceeded to do it again!
When the Apache came out, I had no choice but to suicide and take it down. I might lose my nuke attempt, but I'll be damned if I let the other guy get it. Right when I finish with the Apache and switch back to my main class, a second Harrier arrives. I groan. Maybe someone will follow my example?
Nope! My level 14 friend told me that he was hiding (like I told him to, since he can't really do anything to the Harrier), and watched in amazement as two of our teammates shot the sky with Shotguns.
BOOM! Chik-chik BOOM! Chik-chik BOOM!
I shot down three Apaches, six Harriers, and two Pave Lows. Fortunately there was no nuke, but I kept having to suicide to get a fresh batch of Stingers. Ugh.
Why are the tards always on my team?