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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


mr_boo said:
I've been using the SPAS and I can't say that I'm super happy with it...it could be cause I'm only using one kit with SP. I guess I'm struggling to find a solid secondary weapon. Anyone have any advice at all? I really don't care so much about range with my secondaries (whether shotgun or handgun) - I simply want to be able to put people down without SP if possible. Please no launcher suggestions.

SPAS awesome...M1014 is also pretty beastly...

I only use handguns with Tactical Knife class...
aku:jiki said:
By using the stairs? I'll just run past whatever claymore you have up there, better have your shotgun ready!

I play hardcore, there is no such thing as running past claymores unless you have scrambler pro. Running past claymores is only possible in regular TDM and there is a reason I never play that mode. The way my friends and I defend the house is that there is one guy at the top of the stairs laying down watching the door and the stairs with a claymore right by the door entrance at the bottom of the stairs to catch people coming in from that side door.

Then a claymore on the back woodpile, a guy in the bedroom and a guy watching the greenhouse area and a guy to the left of the stairs crouched watching the front windows. It works really well and we hold the estate house the vast majority of the time. My only problem is that I can't get care packages inside the house so I have to go outside.
Favorite secondary weapons are:
USP45 w/ silencer (SP helps, but 3/4 shots usually does the trick. Also, switching to a pistol is FAST, way faster than to any other weapon.
Akimboed G18s are a fucking hail of lead that eats people up. SP is not needed at all, they put so many bullets out in such a tight stream (as long as you crank down to fight the recoil) that people will drop
ridiculously quick.
I love the SPAS-12 because of the beastly power and range, but you said you didn't like it so scratch that thought.
Rafficas are pretty nasty with good range, basically a handheld M16 with a little less power.

Those 4 are my main secondary weapons (also love tac knife and stingers, but those are reserved for specific classes, not general use.)


Neo Member
The general rule with shotguns is that as soon as you have the grip for it, it becomes a beast

SPAS, grip, stopping power will take out targets at pre-patch 1887's range


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Skel said:
Have to say I'm surprised more people don't use the Tar-21.

That gun is a freaking beast, especially when you put a silencer on it, the accuracy is great.

I have been using it with Bling with Grenade Launcher and Silencer and just been wrecking people with it. I honestly think it is a better gun than the SCAR, at least if you're experienced.
I agree... I can't praise it enough. It just feels good to use, in addition to being both powerful and accurate.

As far as shotguns go, both the SPAS and M1014 are great. They feel pretty similar in terms of power, accuracy and range, but are different enough in the way they operate to make both fun to use.


MidnightRider said:
I will try out the TAR tonight......

I am a pretty much Hardcore only player so i hope it shoots on target
It's fuck awesome, probably the best AR in the game imo. Just make sure you NEVER use the red dot on it because it's soooooo bad.


@ Victrix & F#A#Oo:
Thanks for the advice. I'll try the M1014 next than just for kicks - I don't mind the close range at all since I'll be using my AR a good majority of the time. One of my weaknesses is never switching to my secondary. I guess than the Ranger's ultra close range makes it less than desirable even though it's high on damage output. Regarding the Handgun & Tactical Knife, do you rely more-so on the gun or the knife?

@ Pyke:
Thanks for the input - I'll eventually give all those a shot. And I've should've clarified earlier, it's probably not the SPAS at all and more-so my inability to use shotguns more than anything. I'm looking forward to the Rafficas if they are M16 like.

@ wud:
I thought Grip toned down the recoil and didn't impact damage. I'm guessing you're implying that Grip just makes it that much more effective?


Neo Member
I think my least favorite thing about this game is definitely the people that use Marathon and sprint around the map knifing everyone in the back. Uugh.
wud said:
The general rule with shotguns is that as soon as you have the grip for it, it becomes a beast

SPAS, grip, stopping power will take out targets at pre-patch 1887's range

really? Because I've always felt more for the AA-12 and clearing out 2-3 guys coming right after one another due to the automated part of the gun. The range seems fair to me, as a shotgun should be, but it does feel kinda weak at times. Having to shoot twice at anything more than really close range with the AA-12 compared to once with a SPAS or the mangod M1014 is it's weakness.

Still, that will do just fine for a derail camping session. Here I was going all sneaky and careful for the harrier strike (died during the chopper gunner, sadly) and then just went the 'walk around' route and at some point gained another harrier. Imagine my surprise as an average player at best to end a match with 25+ kills and 1 death.

I <3 ninja pro.
As a 55 Gold Cross in COD4 and a level 60 in MW2 (even though I've had it since launch) I've decided that I'm never going to Prestige. In COD4 I was always resetting my ranks constantly and getting rid of guns the second they were done. This time I think I'm going to enjoy my perks and guns... try to max out every single challenge. This game just isn't grabbing me like COD4 did so I think I'll take my time this round.


Neo Member
vatstep said:
Maybe I've just been unlucky, but I think I actually prefer the Harrier. Sometimes the Pave Low just seems to circle the map multiple times without getting any kills.

The Chopper Gunner is a guaranteed 8-10 kills (if not more), though. I don't think I've ever gotten any less, even when it gets shot down fairly quick.
The Harrier is easy as shit to shoot down and it can't shoot at anything behind it. Not to mention anyone with the Cold Blooded perk is going to be invisible to it, leaving plenty of time to launch a stinger. The Pave Low is almost as bad, but at least it moves around a little bit.

The nice thing about the Chopper Gunner and AC-130 is their chaff they shoot out to confuse locked on rockets and missiles. But that just means we have to coordinate our rockets a little better so someone fires one off after the last guy triggered the chaff.
Well, after shelling out $100+ for a yr subscription of Live and a copy of MW2 for my 360, just to have it die on me 4 hours later...my 360 came back today!! After having a 360 for
3 years I'll be able to play on Live for longer then 4 hours finally!!

Ok, so after prestiging 4 times on the PS3 version and having a 1.5+ K/D ratio, I can say I suck ass on the 360 version.

First of all, the controller is killing me. It just feels so much more sensitive then my PS3 controller, the left stick is impossible for me to use for some reason. I know it isnt a long stick when i look at it, but when Im looking at the screen I feel like my thumb is on a long skinny pole flopping around, plus it kinda got sore.
Also fo some reason my hand got incredibly tired/sore in general, to the point were I had to keep putting the controller down and cracking my fingers and shaking my hands.

The last thing I noticed after playing the 360 version of MW2, the cheese play is more used. It seems like all I encountered were shotguns and knives.
Im sure this is just do to population, the bigger Live community vs. PSN means more encounters of people using the "I win" cheese builds.

As little fun as Im having with MW2 was only mutipled when I finally got to play my 360 version this morning. Sore hands and constant shotgun and knife classes running rampant might force me to use my 360 version copy as a trade-in on MAG.

Before I run and trade my 360 version in Id like to ask a question no ones problably ever asked...
Do they make a 360 controller that is shapped/mimics a PS3 controller?
I guess Im in this odd camp of gamers who can not use a 360 controller due to hand size or some odd reason.


mr_boo said:
@ Victrix & F#A#Oo:
Thanks for the advice. I'll try the M1014 next than just for kicks - I don't mind the close range at all since I'll be using my AR a good majority of the time. One of my weaknesses is never switching to my secondary. I guess than the Ranger's ultra close range makes it less than desirable even though it's high on damage output. Regarding the Handgun & Tactical Knife, do you rely more-so on the gun or the knife?

The Ranger is pretty much always a guaranteed kill... within its short range. The SPAS and the 1014 have the same damage, but the SPAS has significantly more range. To compensate, you can spamfire the 1014, which lets you take out multiple opponents much more easily than the SPAS. The 1887 has the best range of the normal shotguns, but it has a very slow lever action, so I generally don't use it.

Take a look at the weapon stats to see for yourself, though the chart is sort of hard to parse in terms of real gameplay ranges, you need to use the various shotguns to get a feel for that.


As for Tacknife, I rarely use it, because it's essentially just a single pistol that gives you a slightly quicker stab, and without the usual marathon/lightweight/commando-ninja setup, you're playing the knifing lag coin flip game.

You _must_ get good at switching to your shotgun if you want to get the most milage out of them. Outside of a FAM16 or lucky sniper shot, no other gun will win against you in close range fights, and most knifers will die as well unless they get really lucky.

Consistent one shot kills are very powerful, and a big reason why I don't generally use the pistols or machine pistols as much, despite their quicker switch times.

That said, akimbo rafficas, the PP2k WITH stopping power (two shot kill at close range), or akimbo glocks are all quite effective, generally as strong or stronger than any non shotgun/fam16 at close range.

Silenced MPs are another good option, particularly if you're not using a silencer on your main weapon, as it gives you a stealthy option if you know there are enemies nearby. Silenced PP2k (with SP) or silenced raffica (without) both work nicely at close to close-medium ranges.


corkscrewblow said:
Just make sure you NEVER use the red dot on it because it's soooooo bad.
Lmao so true! My first time around level 20 when I first used it I went Red Dot and wanted to just suicide to get rid of it, it is horrendous.
With that said, the Iron Sights on the Tar are also some of the best in the game, I'd say best on an AR.

1 other thing to mention about the TAR, I'm pretty sure it has the best Penetration outside of the AK-47 for Assault Rifles, which is great to have on a map like Terminal for instance.

As for the shotguns, I loved my SPAS-12 until I unlocked Cold Blooded. I like using my Shotty when I'm running in case I come up on someone and want a 1 hit kill, SPAS w/o SP doesn't give me that, and it is pretty slow with the pump action thing that I couldn't deal with it without it being a 1 hit kill anymore.

I'm looking fwd to unlocking the M1014 again, right under level 47 atm in my first prestige so it is not too far off. Will this be a 1 hitter without SP?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Why are people saying the TAR is accurate? It clearly has one of the worst accuracy ratings on pretty much any gun.

Is it that it doesn't shake that much? That you can "make it" more accurate by burst firing?

I don't see how it makes sense that that gun is accurate, when it's entire balancing is on the fact that it is inaccurate.

Sure, it does all you'd need it to from short to mid range, but there is no way you're shooting across maps with that thing in any reasonable way like an ACR or SCAR can...

...right? (I don't use that gun)


Try it again man, it is more accurate than u think.

You can shoot across half the map in Favela and still take someone out before it recoils too far. The other thing to consider is if you start shooting in the chest, it may end up as a headshot with the little bit of recoil.

The other thing I was saying was it is very good with a silencer since that takes down a lot of its recoil as well.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Skel said:
Try it again man, it is more accurate than u think.

You can shoot across half the map in Favela and still take someone out before it recoils too far. The other thing to consider is if you start shooting in the chest, it may end up as a headshot with the little bit of recoil.

The other thing I was saying was it is very good with a silencer since that takes down a lot of its recoil as well.
I've used the AK for awhile in the past (comparable stats), and if the shake is anything comparable than there's no way it can be good for long range.

I'll give it a go tonight, as I've very much been in the mood to change up my usual gun line-up (aka, the SCAR is the best gun ever and nothing seems to match it for me).

M4's iron sights suck.
ACR seems underpowered and the iron sights are a bit distracting
M16/FAMAS burst fire makes it less than desirable in CQC
AK is great in CQC, awful everywhere else

...I'm just getting tired of always using the SCAR, even though I love it so much :lol


The AK has much more recoil. When I hit level 70 before I prestiged I could barely use the AK bc of the terrible recoil, and I love the TAR.

At least use it until you get a silencer, and you'll see what I mean.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Skel said:
Have to say I'm surprised more people don't use the Tar-21.

That gun is a freaking beast, especially when you put a silencer on it, the accuracy is great.

I have been using it with Bling with Grenade Launcher and Silencer and just been wrecking people with it. I honestly think it is a better gun than the SCAR, at least if you're experienced.

Easily my favorite gun.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Hope you guys are right. The TAR iron sights are actually pretty good from what I remember.

I've always shunned that gun because stat-wise it looks like a SCAR with better fire-rate for insanely less accuracy.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
RubxQub said:
I've always shunned that gun because stat-wise it looks like a SCAR with better fire-rate for insanely less accuracy.

Yeah I don't know where they got those accuracy stats but it blows the SCAR away in that category. Plus it doesn't have baby clips.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Brian Fellows said:
Yeah I don't know where they got those accuracy stats but it blows the SCAR away in that category. Plus it doesn't have baby clips.
Perhaps the gun has less shake, but more bullet spread?

I know the SCAR shakes a little bit, but it's not anywhere near uncontrollable levels (like the G18's or the L86's ) :lol

...I'll find out today. It's time I put my pre-conceived thoughts behind me and try it out while I'm feeling experimentive. I really want the MG4 to work for me, though, because with the clip size being so large I can take a different first perk instead of Scavenger without missing all the extra ammo.


Yeah, the stats in this game are pretty inconsistent. I like the TAR because it just "keep your finger on the trigger and get kills" like the M4 or ACR and the that bitch with a suppressor is so good. :D
vatstep said:
I agree... I can't praise it enough. It just feels good to use, in addition to being both powerful and accurate.

As far as shotguns go, both the SPAS and M1014 are great. They feel pretty similar in terms of power, accuracy and range, but are different enough in the way they operate to make both fun to use.

AA12 + extended clip + marathon + lightweigh = pure fun

Xx AmAzE xX

Neo Member
Skel said:
The AK has much more recoil. When I hit level 70 before I prestiged I could barely use the AK bc of the terrible recoil, and I love the TAR.

At least use it until you get a silencer, and you'll see what I mean.

The AK does have a shit ton of recoil but if you aim around maybe stomach or chest height you'll find that the recoil action (vertical) keeps the bullets hitting the target. AK was awesome IMO the two times I had to go from level 70 to 70 max.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
RubxQub said:
...I'll find out today. It's time I put my pre-conceived thoughts behind me and try it out while I'm feeling experimentive. I really want the MG4 to work for me, though, because with the clip size being so large I can take a different first perk instead of Scavenger without missing all the extra ammo.

The MG4 frustrates the hell out of me. It has almost no kick at all for a gun that size but I can't seem to hit anything with it. Even from close range and an enemy square in my sights most of the rounds seem to miss.


So, uh, what's up with this new deleveling glitch? :( I'm afraid to play the game now.

The latest Steam patch apparently fixes care package running. Abnormal speed boost is a glitch, confirmed? :p

Probably old stuff but what the hell.


RubxQub said:
I've used the AK for awhile in the past (comparable stats), and if the shake is anything comparable than there's no way it can be good for long range.

I'll give it a go tonight, as I've very much been in the mood to change up my usual gun line-up (aka, the SCAR is the best gun ever and nothing seems to match it for me).

M4's iron sights suck.
ACR seems underpowered and the iron sights are a bit distracting
M16/FAMAS burst fire makes it less than desirable in CQC
AK is great in CQC, awful everywhere else

...I'm just getting tired of always using the SCAR, even though I love it so much :lol
Yeah TAR recoil is pretty heavy compared to the other AR's. It would be average if it was in COD4, but the recoil is so low in MW2 for most guns.

Also, the M4's iron sights are pretty much identical to the SCAR's. I definitely prefer it over the ACR's iron sights.


Brian Fellows said:
Yeah I don't know where they got those accuracy stats but it blows the SCAR away in that category. Plus it doesn't have baby clips.

The TAR21 bullet capacity is a big reason I choose it over the scar. It was also the gun that made me fall in love with extended mags. With those equipped, you are looking at more bullets than the AUG with the same damage, a quicker reload, and assault rifle maneuverability.


Looks like the recently leaked future map pack/s content is real...

For those that don't know the following files were found...


cod 4 maps!
•mp_crash (Yay)
•mp_overgrown (Yay)
•mp_shipment (WTF)

Below is a video of the dude who had his video taken off from Youtube and had his XBL account banned...WTF right?



I think its kind of funny how people think the AK sucks... the recoil is actually helpful if you're decent at aiming and hit their chest, it'll bounce up for a headshot half the time. Also, dammit if it doesn't do a ton of damage.


OldJadedGamer said:
I play hardcore, there is no such thing as running past claymores unless you have scrambler pro. Running past claymores is only possible in regular TDM and there is a reason I never play that mode. The way my friends and I defend the house is that there is one guy at the top of the stairs laying down watching the door and the stairs with a claymore right by the door entrance at the bottom of the stairs to catch people coming in from that side door.

Then a claymore on the back woodpile, a guy in the bedroom and a guy watching the greenhouse area and a guy to the left of the stairs crouched watching the front windows. It works really well and we hold the estate house the vast majority of the time. My only problem is that I can't get care packages inside the house so I have to go outside.
Is this team deathmatch? I guess when its played that way and everyone involved is ok with it then I guess camping the house hard its not.
That's some serious fucking camping you just explained bro
F#A#Oo said:
Looks like the recently leaked future map pack/s content is real...

Below is a video of the dude who had his video taken off from Youtube and had his XBL account banned...WTF right?


If this guy was really hosting matches with hacked content, he deserves to be banned.

Interesting that he's not worried about getting banned for hosting hacked 10th prestige boosting matches. Surely the XBox Live TOS gives them the right to ban him for that. I suppose they're only worried about losing $$$.


So I was just experimenting with a devilishly effective tactic. Basically you start out with scrambler, one man army, danger close, smoke grenades, and claymore. Then yah find a nice building with plenty of foot traffic that won't be too difficult to defend with 2 claymores. From then you proceed with repeatedly throwing smokes over your claymores (use one army to refill on smokes and claymores). Now watch has some unsuspecting fools get turned into mincemeat. :lol


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Hyunkel6 said:
Any tips for FMJ challenges? I'm only missing those on a handful of ARs to get the 10000 mastery experience points.
Just put FMJ on and play. You get it eventually but it takes awhile.
We played 3(!) more hours of Spec Ops just now, I have 3 star'd like half of the missions now. 4 are still unfinished (Echo+that mission where you have to download stuff from computers) and couple are only finished on the easiest level.

We also pulled a pretty good time on overwatch, 1min 30 sec on veteran. I got two kills but I am 100% sure you can do it without any kills. Gotta try that later


Spasm said:
Just read about that on another site. I'm staying the fuck off matchmaking till IW pulls its head out of its ass.
Feel the same way. The glitches so far have been relatively tame, but when they start messing with my ranks, shit's gonna go down! :lol

Hyunkel6 said:
Any tips for FMJ challenges? I'm only missing those on a handful of ARs to get the 10000 mastery experience points.
Windows, man. Windows :) And walls of course. SitRep kinda helps since a lot of dudes tend to camp next to their claymores. And of course, if you see someone who doesn't see you, walk a few step to the side so you can't see him. Free points. Great with snipers or afkers. Stopping power won't hurt you either.


divisionbyzorro said:
If this guy was really hosting matches with hacked content, he deserves to be banned.

Interesting that he's not worried about getting banned for hosting hacked 10th prestige boosting matches. Surely the XBox Live TOS gives them the right to ban him for that. I suppose they're only worried about losing $$$.

Tbh...this whole pick and choose ban is a bit pathetic...

There are youtube channels where they are demanding people to subscribe to their Youtube channel and/or pay them x amount of msp pay them anything via paypal...

I don't see IW banning those accounts...infact one of these people is on my PSN list and he even messaged me about his youtube and 10th prestige and how I only had to pay €5 for my 10th prestige...

If IW is going to ban 1 they have to follow through and set that same example across the board.


I had a funny moment today. Was playing on Skidrow, and there were a bunch of people camping in the building with the minigun turrent. Went in there with my UMP and offed like 4 or 5 guys. All of them had last stand, so none of them died, but they were all just shooting around wildly because they had no idea wtf just happened. I was in the corner just executing them one at a time. That shit must have been terrifying 'cause I'm sure they could see their buddies just dying.

UMP+silencer = RAPE
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