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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

DeuceMojo said:

This emblem rules. I feel oddly attracted to it. I wonder why?l
I always thought that was the Coca-Cola symbol. Or the pepsi symbol. Whichever one it is.:lol


Tagged as I see fit
F#A#Oo said:
There is an abundance of good ones for the 360.

For the PS3 that includes a mic...? It's pretty scarce platform for gaming headsets...

Someone on GAF recommended me the Turtle Beach P21's which I purchased yesterday from Amazon and they arrived today (Amazon Prime ftw) and I tried them out for a few hours and it's pretty amazing...

My only gripe is the length of the cable it is ridiculous...like 12 feet ridiculous...

I have had so many amazing matches of S&D on Vacant...A and B are perfectly placed for attackers and defenders...no one had more advantage than the other.

My brother recommended the Turtle Beach's for the PS3 as well, but man...the cable length is horrid :(. Would be good to find a decent wireless pair. Sigh. Thanks - I'll probably pick up up the P21's.


OldJadedGamer said:
I am a tenth level prestige in COD4 and I'm not going to Prestige in MW2 at all. I'm going to stay at 70 and just complete every single challenge. I missed doing that in COD4 cause I was always chasing my next level.

I played a lot of COD4 and most of that was spent sitting atop my level (edit) 55 rank. I never did prestige because I did not see a point in giving up all I had gained. With MW2 though, I did so as soon as I got my 10 nukes out of the way. (I had 7 nukes when I hit lvl 70 and did not want to redo that madness)

The reason I did prestige this time around was so that I could get the Prestige challenges for weapons. You only need to prestige once to unlock these challenges which never reset. I love that it will track my kills with weapons beyond the normal cap of 1000 and earning additional titles and emblems is a nice bonus.

Like you though, now that I have those challenges unlocked, I will lock it down on this first prestige and try to best all the challenges.

By the way, does anyone know if getting fall camouflage on all guns in a class unlocks a unique skin? (just like the gold guns in COD4)
Najaf said:
I played a lot of COD4 and most of that was spent sitting atop my level 70 rank. I never did prestige because I did not see a point in giving up all I had gained. With MW2 though, I did so as soon as I got my 10 nukes out of the way. (I had 7 nukes when I hit lvl 70 and did not want to redo that madness)

The reason I did prestige this time around was so that I could get the Prestige challenges for weapons. You only need to prestige once to unlock these challenges which never reset. I love that it will track my kills with weapons beyond the normal cap of 1000 and earning additional titles and emblems is a nice bonus.

Like you though, now that I have those challenges unlocked, I will lock it down on this first prestige and try to best all the challenges.

By the way, does anyone know if getting fall camouflage on all guns in a class unlocks a unique skin? (just like MW1?)

You mean level 55 in COD4? ;)

My buddies keep telling me that I should do it at least once to open up the new challenges and I might then stop and finish up all the challenges which I'm really looking forward to because I never did in COD4. But now that everyone is prestiging... it sounds dumb but I don't want the same icon as everyone else. If I'm a normal 70, my icon is going to be unique. Again, sounds dumb but that is a factor too. I'll see when I hit 70 and I'm presented with it. I'm 62 now so I'm close but not looking forward to it.


Neo Member
Nelo Ice said:
i never thought id prestige but ive gotten better every prestige and im about to prestige a 3rd time as soon as i hit 70 :lol

I thought the same thing but as soon as you hit 70 you feel like you're wasting the exp. Although I'm on my 3rd prestige and I'm slowing down a lot I don't know if I am going to do it again, maybe when they release new maps.


Wondering if somebody can give me some technical support for the 360 version.

My 360 is connected to a router. and My NAT is open and so is his.

I have my buddy Steve who I play with and whenever we are partied together he is always at 1 bar while everybody in the game is either at 3 or 4.

What could be the problem?
Ugh. Nuke hunting is not fun. Still need seven more. Regular Domination didn't help; sure, the game was less laggy, but there are less targets and the Apache tends to do less work (at least, from what I experienced).

I have to say this though: I think the nuke is a great addition to the game. The threat of a possible nuke is enough to drive the otherwise unmotivated players to shoot down air support. Without it, AC-130s and Apaches would get shot down a hell of a lot less than they do now. I just wish they didn't set the nuke count for the End Game challenge so damn high - in the grand scheme of things, 10 nukes is a hell of a lot.
I'd like to share something I found funny.

I played CoD4 with some work colleagues at lunch and after work for 2 years and everyone was excited to move to MW2. And of course, the networking issues made that a lot less fun to do at work than CoD4. But aside from that, some of these guys found it really really hard to move on from CoD4.

Before MW2, they were very obviously getting antsy for something new but they could never get excited about any other game there was to play that wasn't CoD4. Here are some of the choice comments in our afternoon email discussions. Bear in mind, this stuff is from just one guy over the last 2 months. He's got the game on PC and PS3. All I can say is I'm glad I'm not playing it PS3. he's worse than the people he complains about.

"I’ve been playing it just about every weekend since it was released and it’s still shit. The only way to balance it is to teamkill the ppl that exploit and camp"

"I only kill enemy players to reduce the tk wait between tks :p It’s the only way to make mw2 enjoyable I usually target any fag camping it up, or double shotgun douchebags"

"I had a great mw2 team kill session on the weekend. They cry so loud and hard, the only bad thing is if you c4 the whole team at the start of the round you get a 1 min penalty for each person you kill, which is fucken GAY, but it’s funny as hell to stun the whole team, chuck the c4, listen to them cry for a bit, then leave and rejoin the same server and keep TKing."

"Fucken shit game
I just TK on ps3 now
It’s the only thing that makes the game fun. :D"

"I want a refund!! I bought the piece of shit on 2 skus with the expectation it wouldn’t be a pile of dog shit!"

"I played kz2 online for a good couple of hrs last night,
Surprisingly I didn’t spill a drop of milk.
If kz2 doesn’t make me hulk out, mw2 is definitely a fucked up piece of shit."

Over the last month he's been extolling the virtues of Killzone 2, MAG, CoD2, the SW mod for CoD4 and now back to CoD4 (which he spent 18 months complaining about). Yet he's still playing MW2 on PS3 rather than sell it.

edit: sorry about the double post- there was a 500 error when I first tried. just saw this now.

But hey, it was really that funny...


I love how my average teammate in Demolition goes 5-40 while I'm always with 60+ kills/15-20 deaths. It's getting really fucking annoying lately


corkscrewblow said:
I love how my average teammate in Demolition goes 5-40 while I'm always with 60+ kills/15-20 deaths. It's getting really fucking annoying lately
Maybe dude planted a few bombs in those 40 deaths.
I think I'm on like 8 days and 15 hours LVL67 Prestige 3. I want to get prestige one more time before Mass Effect 2 comes out. Doesnt mean I wont be playing MW2 though. :D
I shouldn't be allowed to play core. :lol I just went 32-6 on sub base with the ump. 3 predator missiles, and each got me two+kills including the game-winning killcam. :lol :lol

EDIT: just went 23-2 sniping on Derail. My buddy got an AC130 but he didn't have the nuke equipt, and I got my chopper gunner but we reached the score limit. Haha. Awesome night.


wud said:
not even gonna argue that because its bullshit or you honestly believe a casual gamer is someone who plays nintendogs

I consider myself a casual gamer, and i sure as hel don't need 10 custom slots.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
DeuceMojo said:
BRIAN FELLOWS! Have I got news for you... I've never killed a single player with a throwing knife -- I think it's a prestige emblem for melee kills. You're in luck!


Pyke Presco said:
Thats ok. Once you prestige and get 250 melee kills the emblem is yours. It has nothing to do with throwing knives. (also comes with the gold skulled "Blade Master" title)



RJNavarrete said:
I shouldn't be allowed to play core. :lol I just went 32-6 on sub base with the ump. 3 predator missiles, and each got me two+kills including the game-winning killcam. :lol :lol

EDIT: just went 23-2 sniping on Derail. My buddy got an AC130 but he didn't have the nuke equipt, and I got my chopper gunner but we reached the score limit. Haha. Awesome night.
Yea man the UMP silenced on hardcore is just a monster. It's the most effective close range weapon that's not a shotgun and it can snipe people like an AR. If there was a hardcore Demolition I don't think I'd ever have to play regular again.


I had a good night too, almost went 15-0 on Quarry TDM but got killed while piloting my ass-clapper 130, and did pretty well on Karachi except when i caled in my harriers the game was almost over :(


Neo Member
Tiny bit OT, but who likes the soundtrack to the game? The song that plays when you only have 1 min left in a match is very intense. That snippet is also taken from the same theme that plays in the OpFor victory song, as well as the "kill 10 juggernauts with only a knife and explosives" Spec Ops mission. It's probably somewhere in the main game too, but I can't remember.

Can't wait for Activision/Zimmer to release that.
So.. is there yet another game breaking glitch in this game now?

Was in a ranked room on 360, playing Demolition on Skidrow. Sporadically throughout the match I notice 2 guys on my team sitting off in the spawn throwing down care package markers, but I shrugged it off and figured they'd earned them, since I was too busy attacking/defending to notice.

However, game tied 1-1, we go defense, and I notice they are actually sitting in our spawn, throwing down unlimited care packages. They would take turns throwing them down until they got an awesome drop, then they'd use said drop, then start the process again. Strangely enough I guess their drops were usually shit because one finished with 19 kills and the other only 35 while I went 70-20. Sadly our team lost as it was basically 6 on 4. And of course, being douchebag glitchers, they whined that we weren't defusing the bomb at the end.

What the fuck went on during development of this game. This is getting pretty regoddamndiculous.


I have 0 fun in this game anytime I play it anymore...the noobtubing, shotgunning, and killstreaking are just out of control for me. Even if I'm on the winning team it's not fun. =\
Played Free for All on Highrise yesterday and it ended with a nuke by some guy. I felt so stupid afterwards, because he was boosting with some other guy with the same clan tag. I saw the Tactical Insertition once on the edge of the map you didn't notice much and didn't do anything about it..

Well, I reported him and the other guys in the lobby where pretty angry about those guys, too.
Ramirez said:
I have 0 fun in this game anytime I play it anymore...the noobtubing, shotgunning, and killstreaking are just out of control for me. Even if I'm on the winning team it's not fun. =\

Try different playlists. That stuff seems to be more common in ground war and non-mercenary tdm. Try out Search and Destroy, HC TDM, maybe some FFA and see how you feel then.
f-castrillo said:
Tiny bit OT, but who likes the soundtrack to the game? The song that plays when you only have 1 min left in a match is very intense. That snippet is also taken from the same theme that plays in the OpFor victory song, as well as the "kill 10 juggernauts with only a knife and explosives" Spec Ops mission. It's probably somewhere in the main game too, but I can't remember.

Can't wait for Activision/Zimmer to release that.

Hans Zimmer is a genius, I love the small snippet that plays at the start of games.
I wish they made a non kill streak mode for tdm. This stupid shit ruins the game for me.
It would also be nice if they reduced damage for all weapons. COD4 seemed to have better balance.

I do like the ranger's theme and the brazilian ganster theme the most.


Hardcore HQ is where its at!!! Just played a few games with some friends and its gonna be our go to game type to take some breaks off of Hardcore TDM.

Oh and im at Prestige 3 rank 58. 9 days played


aku:jiki said:
BTW, I've been trying to learn how to snipe and I don't understand the OHK's in this game. Is there like a trick to it? I've even got SP on and they still take two shots to the chest with the WA2000! Which is the strongest one so I can actually get reliable OHK's?

Apparently the WA2000 distinguishes between upper torso and lower torso - only the upper has a 1.5 modifier. What is probably happening is that you are getting a lower torso hit - all the snipers do the same base damage (70), but without any other modifier, stopping power is only going to give you 98 hit points of damage, not enough for a one hit kill. The WA2000 is one of the low recoil sniper guns, so you should probably fire in bursts of two to be sure...
corkscrewblow said:
I love how my average teammate in Demolition goes 5-40 while I'm always with 60+ kills/15-20 deaths. It's getting really fucking annoying lately

K/D matters nothing in objective games.

It's a shame the majority of MW2 players fail to understand or appreciate this.


_Alkaline_ said:
K/D matters nothing in objective games.
I wish they didn't show the K/D in objective games and just had the number of points captured/bombs planted/etc. I had a game where I felt I was the only person capturing points, so half-way through I just stopped to see if anyone else would. None of the 8 other people on my team did for the rest of the match, infact many times they just ran straight past them. It's like, are they fucking stupid.

UMP needs to be nerfed.
Nooo, it's good how it is.
Ramirez said:
I have 0 fun in this game anytime I play it anymore...the noobtubing, shotgunning, and killstreaking are just out of control for me. Even if I'm on the winning team it's not fun. =\

I'm not all the way pissed with it yet, but I understand your pain. I love the "feel" of the game, but the maps and gameplay in multiplayer just make me more frustrated than anything. I play maybe once a week now just to scratch my Call of Duty itch, but I can't put hours into it constantly like I did in MW1 for like a year and a half.
Graf Nudu said:
Played Free for All on Highrise yesterday and it ended with a nuke by some guy. I felt so stupid afterwards, because he was boosting with some other guy with the same clan tag. I saw the Tactical Insertition once on the edge of the map you didn't notice much and didn't do anything about it..

Well, I reported him and the other guys in the lobby where pretty angry about those guys, too.

Yeah, I've been close to getting a Nuke a couple of times in FFA only to have the score or time limit run out. So when someone got a nuke once, I was suprised and thought they must be really good. Then, some guy points out that a player in our lobby had ~ 2 kills - 25 deaths. :(
Mojo said:
I wish they didn't show the K/D in objective games and just had the number of points captured/bombs planted/etc. I had a game where I felt I was the only person capturing points, so half-way through I just stopped to see if anyone else would. None of the 8 other people on my team did for the rest of the match, infact many times they just ran straight past them. It's like, are they fucking stupid.

Domination is one of the most frustrating. People take advantage of the fact that those who are actually trying to play properly are sitting ducks, so they camp and pounce on these people to boost their K/D. You'll find most nukes happen in this mode.

Sabotage and demolition are similar as well - who cares about planting the bomb if you can improve your K/D instead? Sabotage is particularly frustrating - many teams won't pick up the bomb, even if they are all near it - they merely camp around it and rack up kills instead. Even worse is the fact that kills gives you 100 points in sabotage, as opposed to demoliition.

The fact is that few care about their W/L, so capturing points or planting bombs means nothing to them. They play objective games because those who are actually trying to win are easy prey. It's completely unbalanced - even worse when you consider that IW is practically ushering people to not play properly since nukes will win the game regardless of the current score. If nukes will win, why play properly? Might as well camp, rack up killstreaks and deploy a nuke instead. It's bullshit.

Search and destroy is pretty much the only objective type that is played properly.
Mojo said:
I wish they didn't show the K/D in objective games and just had the number of points captured/bombs planted/etc. I had a game where I felt I was the only person capturing points, so half-way through I just stopped to see if anyone else would. None of the 8 other people on my team did for the rest of the match, infact many times they just ran straight past them. It's like, are they fucking stupid.

I totally agree to this. Sometimes when I'm capturing a point, my teammates would run right past me trying to get a killstreak instead of helping me cap faster...

Even though I average a 2:1 K/D on domination, I still capture points to help our team win.

When someone has a chopper gunner or ac130, I already assume their nuke hunting.

I will end my own killstreak and suicide(semtex) to my CB class to shoot down air support, before I let someone get a nuke because their playing objective games like TDM.


Subete no aware
Huh, has anyone seen this hacked Xbox mod where you can give people negative experience and delevel them to rank 1?

Man, the Xbox is basically more open to hacking than the PC now. :lol
roosters93 said:
Yeah, I've been close to getting a Nuke a couple of times in FFA only to have the score or time limit run out. So when someone got a nuke once, I was suprised and thought they must be really good. Then, some guy points out that a player in our lobby had ~ 2 kills - 25 deaths. :(

Were we on the same match? That one dude had 2 -25, too.
huacst21 said:
I totally agree to this. Sometimes when I'm capturing a point, my teammates would run right past me trying to get a killstreak instead of helping me cap faster...

Even though I average a 2:1 K/D on domination, I still capture points to help our team win.

When someone has a chopper gunner or ac130, I already assume their nuke hunting.

I will end my own killstreak and suicide(semtex) to my CB class to shoot down air support, before I let someone get a nuke because their playing objective games like TDM.

I'll admit that this has been me lately. I think the problem isn't the killstreaks as much as it is the killstreak emblems, and I'm determined to get that nuke emblem legit. That requires building streaks, and I'm going to ignore objectives to try to build that streak until I get all my nukes (and then never again, I swear).

Blame IW for setting the nuke challenge limit so ridiculously high.


Just started using the AUG and Holy Crap this thing is amazing! It absolutely vanquishes anything at short to mid range and is more accurate from the hip than the UMP.

Just got a 12 kill streak thanks to it (my previous record was 8), though it was only ended when I stopped to position my Harrier strike and some guy knifed me from out of nowhere.

On another note, Estate is really starting to gel with me. I'll agree it's intolerable on TDM/FFA but on Domination it just works. And if the other time is camping it up in the house(s), I just give them a face full of Noob Tube :D
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