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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


finally one build I'm sticking with

UMP + Silencer, SPAS + Grip
Scavenger, SP, Steady Aim
Semtex & Stun nades

the silenced UMP with stopping power just feels like cheating. One weird thing I noticed is that the SPAS + RDS is actually more accurate when ADS than firing it with the foregrip from the hip :O


Brian Fellows said:
I love Estate for TDM. I just went 20-4 there on my last game. Though I seem to do well on all levels these days. :D

I just think it's far too easy for Estate to become a 'take two steps and get sniped map', particularly if you start near the bottom - at least in Domination, you are encouraged to go after the Flags (even if not many people do).


Yesterday I took a rest from MW2 and went playing COD4 team Tactical with two buddies.

I had a tear in my eye, period.

I want FP 3vs3 Team Tactical back in MW2 ASAP.

And playing the tactical modes without everybody hunting killstreaks was like being in heaven again.
So I'm going to reiterate my previous point:

OMA-Tubing needs to be fixed.

The kit is overpowered when only one person in the game is using it, and it ruins the game when any more than two or three people are using it. See, the only thing that keeps the Grenade Launcher attachment from being overpowered is its extremely limited ammo. OMA takes that limitation away. It absolutely needs to be fixed, and we need to keep raising a stink about it until they finally do fix it.


divisionbyzorro said:
So I'm going to reiterate my previous point:

OMA-Tubing needs to be fixed.

The kit is overpowered when only one person in the game is using it, and it ruins the game when any more than two or three people are using it. See, the only thing that keeps the Grenade Launcher attachment from being overpowered is its extremely limited ammo. OMA takes that limitation away. It absolutely needs to be fixed, and we need to keep raising a stink about it until they finally do fix it.

The other day on Skidrow, three team-mates stood by C firing Noob Tubes into the Corridor of Death for the entire match. Honestly, I'd rather get annihilated than win by those means :(


divisionbyzorro said:
So I'm going to reiterate my previous point:

OMA-Tubing needs to be fixed.

The kit is overpowered when only one person in the game is using it, and it ruins the game when any more than two or three people are using it. See, the only thing that keeps the Grenade Launcher attachment from being overpowered is its extremely limited ammo. OMA takes that limitation away. It absolutely needs to be fixed, and we need to keep raising a stink about it until they finally do fix it.

I really thought that IW would have made the tube far less powerful after people abused it in CoD4. Like, just reduced it to one nade.

In Bad Company, the rifle grenades were only useful for blowing holes in buildings and taking out vehicles. To kill somebody on foot with it, you had to either hit them directly or hit the ground reeeaaal fucking close to them.

Of course, MW2 doesn't have drivable cars or destructable buildings, so...
GarJon said:
The other day on Skidrow, three team-mates stood by C firing Noob Tubes into the Corridor of Death for the entire match. Honestly, I'd rather get annihilated than win by those means :(

Yeah, and even if you go around and kill them, they're just going to run back there and do it again! They're trying to farm killstreak bonuses, and it's really annoying.

I remember IW talking about how they refused to add multiplayer achievements because they encourage people to play the game incorrectly. But they've done the same thing with the emblems!

If you want to make the game fun again, and stop this sort of behavior, there's a simple fix that I believe would be best for everyone. In the next title update, reduce the requirement for all the killstreak bonus emblems. You can keep UAV/Jammer at 50, but starting at Predator/Sentry they need to be knocked down, all the way to only a single nuke for End Game. It won't stop the boosting completely, but it will reduce the number of times people will need to boost to get those emblems.

I understand that it's supposed to be a status symbol; I do. But it's not. Nobody respects the nuke emblem as it is because of how easy it is to boost with a TI to get it.

IW really doesn't have a good grip on player psychology whatsoever.


Comics, serious business!
GarJon said:
I just think it's far too easy for Estate to become a 'take two steps and get sniped map', particularly if you start near the bottom - at least in Domination, you are encouraged to go after the Flags (even if not many people do).

If you start at the bottom the best strategy is to run up the middle. No, not the middle road, but right of the middle road (if one is looking up at the house). There's a very hard to see path there. Lots of trees and bush to provide you cover. So, run right up there and crouch under the front windows of the house. Kill all the dudes that run down to try to cap B. Then run in the house and rip shit up.


divisionbyzorro said:
So I'm going to reiterate my previous point:

OMA-Tubing needs to be fixed.

The kit is overpowered when only one person in the game is using it, and it ruins the game when any more than two or three people are using it. See, the only thing that keeps the Grenade Launcher attachment from being overpowered is its extremely limited ammo. OMA takes that limitation away. It absolutely needs to be fixed, and we need to keep raising a stink about it until they finally do fix it.
I've come to the conclusion that 2 tubes is too much too! After the OMA trend hit, you see lots of people rocking non-OMA tubes and shooting them all over the place, dying and getting two more and maybe 2 in their Thumper too. That's not as bad as OMA tubers, but if they're crap and keep dying it has the same effect of tubes raining fucking everywhere.

You should get one tube, and if you pick the Thumper you can't put a GL attachment on anything. Sounds good to me.


blast shield + runner / tactical knife build and destroy the OMA campers, btw the other day one GAF mate joined a game I was playing in and he just camped all the way with a tactical insertion + OMA and noob tubing, wtf GAF? I sent him a PSN message to do a knife battle and have some fun but instead he did welcome me with another nade :lol


I don´t see why more than 67% of this thread is filled with complainers..? the same people come in here and complain about new stuff every day.. why do you not put the game on the shelf and enjoy some other game..? OMA, NOOB-tubers, Campers, Runners etc.. you complain and bitch about the game every freaking day.. if it is so bad, then stop playing it.. then you do not need to bitch about this game..
I for one love this game.. it´s addicting as hell, and the most fun I have had in a long time on my PS3..

Maybe you all have seen this sign, and felt like acting on it..
aku:jiki said:
I've come to the conclusion that 2 tubes is too much too! After the OMA trend hit, you see lots of people rocking non-OMA tubes and shooting them all over the place, dying and getting two more and maybe 2 in their Thumper too. That's not as bad as OMA tubers, but if they're crap and keep dying it has the same effect of tubes raining fucking everywhere.

You should get one tube, and if you pick the Thumper you can't put a GL attachment on anything. Sounds good to me.

Eh, that other stuff really doesn't bother me because the average noob isn't going to cause that much damage with it. OMA tubing encourages random shelling.

I know because I've been using it! It works like a charm when you're the only one doing it, and it stops being effective when everybody is using it...but when everybody else it using it, you're not going to build streaks with a normal build because you will inevitably die to a random tube.

Hanmik said:
I don´t see why more than 67% of this thread is filled with complainers..? the same people come in here and complain about new stuff every day.. why do you not put the game on the shelf and enjoy some other game..? OMA, NOOB-tubers, Campers, Runners etc.. you complain and bitch about the game every freaking day.. if it is so bad, then stop playing it.. then you do not need to bitch about this game..

I'm only bitching because I've been trying to complete the nuke challenge for the last two weeks and I've only got three out of ten :lol I shouldn't complain, because that's probably a lot more than most people have gotten legitimately, but I need my spinning nuke emblem and I need it now!


RSTEIN said:
If you start at the bottom the best strategy is to run up the middle. No, not the middle road, but right of the middle road (if one is looking up at the house). There's a very hard to see path there. Lots of trees and bush to provide you cover. So, run right up there and crouch under the front windows of the house. Kill all the dudes that run down to try to cap B. Then run in the house and rip shit up.
Usually it's not so bad on Domination and B and the one by your spawn are easy to capture.
However, what I do is use my HBS/Noob tube TAR and take the far way around (like you said) but climb the crates at the back and go in from the upper floor. The only problems then are Claymores and the occasional Sentry Gun. Still though, I'd much rather sacrifice that point and just go for the others :)
divisionbyzorro said:
Yeah, and even if you go around and kill them, they're just going to run back there and do it again! They're trying to farm killstreak bonuses, and it's really annoying.

I remember IW talking about how they refused to add multiplayer achievements because they encourage people to play the game incorrectly. But they've done the same thing with the emblems!

If you want to make the game fun again, and stop this sort of behavior, there's a simple fix that I believe would be best for everyone. In the next title update, reduce the requirement for all the killstreak bonus emblems. You can keep UAV/Jammer at 50, but starting at Predator/Sentry they need to be knocked down, all the way to only a single nuke for End Game. It won't stop the boosting completely, but it will reduce the number of times people will need to boost to get those emblems.

I understand that it's supposed to be a status symbol; I do. But it's not. Nobody respects the nuke emblem as it is because of how easy it is to boost with a TI to get it.

IW really doesn't have a good grip on player psychology whatsoever.
I'm not sure it's all about the emblems myself, I think people just have an obsession with getting a nuke. Also it's much more difficult to get a nuke now since everyone realised the importance of shooting down air support, so now you get more and more people just trying to get their first one leading to scores of people playing Domination and not even going for the captures. It also doesn't help that half of the flags on maps are put in stupid positions so that anyone with a Noob Tube can just fire from across the map and the capping player basically has no way of even getting out of the way.


Hanmik said:
I don´t see why more than 67% of this thread is filled with complainers..? the same people come in here and complain about new stuff every day.. why do you not put the game on the shelf and enjoy some other game..? OMA, NOOB-tubers, Campers, Runners etc.. you complain and bitch about the game every freaking day.. if it is so bad, then stop playing it.. then you do not need to bitch about this game..
I for one love this game.. it´s addicting as hell, and the most fun I have had in a long time on my PS3..

Maybe you all have seen this sign, and felt like acting on it..

But...most of us DO enjoy the game. Don't be one of those people who thinks criticizing=Hates.


Sill4 said:
But...most of us DO enjoy the game. Don't be one of those people who thinks criticizing=Hates.

Sorry I don not think that.. it´s ok to criticize a game, but to go on and bitch about news about this game every day is to much..

(and look at me, complaining about complainers :D )
aku:jiki said:
I've come to the conclusion that 2 tubes is too much too! After the OMA trend hit, you see lots of people rocking non-OMA tubes and shooting them all over the place, dying and getting two more and maybe 2 in their Thumper too. That's not as bad as OMA tubers, but if they're crap and keep dying it has the same effect of tubes raining fucking everywhere.

You should get one tube, and if you pick the Thumper you can't put a GL attachment on anything. Sounds good to me.

No, that's a legit way of opening up a deadlock situation. That and the riot shield are there for a reason.

The real problem with OMA is that it gets you everything anew, including claymore or throwing knifes. (ever heard of an OMA throwing knifer? I haven't, but throwing that shit with scavenger while just passing by someone in a hallway is funny as hell)

Fixing OMA would mean not replacing you ammo when you change classes. To be honest though, I have no idea why the perk is even in the game. Same goes with commando and its horrific invincibility frame. I really, really HATE commando (except for riot shield users, but with a knifer... fuck those guys).

edit: had a funny thing on favela. I walk into the first house I see (A-side, with the container on the backside) and set up shop with my claymore. Runner guy sets it off, I turn and shoot him. I stay in the room pressed to a wall and switch to shotgun. Guy runs in again and I shoot him, again. Then he does it again (UAV online). Finally, he decides to throw in a C4 through the window and kills me with it. I was wondering how long that was going to take him to come up with.


Comics, serious business!
Hanmik said:
I don´t see why more than 67% of this thread is filled with complainers..? the same people come in here and complain about new stuff every day.. why do you not put the game on the shelf and enjoy some other game..? OMA, NOOB-tubers, Campers, Runners etc.. you complain and bitch about the game every freaking day.. if it is so bad, then stop playing it.. then you do not need to bitch about this game..
I for one love this game.. it´s addicting as hell, and the most fun I have had in a long time on my PS3..

Let's say I have a 1996 Ferrari 355. It's an amazing car. I'm driving it and loving it. But you know what, the valve guides suck. They're cheap and are going to need to be replaced at significant cost to me. The console is starting to melt after being exposed to the sun. Plus, the engine needs to be taken out of the car to access it which means I gotta pay my Italian mechanic through the nose.

So, I say, hey, Ferrari, your car is awesome but jesus christ you made some serious mistakes. Here's some suggestions. Then Ferrari says, hey, OK, cool, we're going to work on that. We want your input. In the meantime, here's some fixes on the house.

Then you start what's called kaizen, or continuous improvement. Start the iterative process. That's the it works, man. You either do that or die.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
As said many many times in this thread...this game is entirely love/hate.

There is a ton of bullshit going on in this game (which I'm extremely convinced 99% of my rage is around P2P hosting vs. dedicated servers), and sometimes that bullshit works in your favor, and sometimes that bullshit works against you.

Sometimes you enter a game and you can't do anything right.
Sometimes you enter a game and the other team can't do anything right.
Sometimes you enter a game and the entire other team is some combination of shit classes (nothing but snipers, speed knifers, super campers, etc)
...and sometimes you enter a game and all that shit is going on, and it doesn't matter, you still dominate.

I've just never seen a game where I can play with the same tactics one day and pull a 1.00 K/D on average one day, and the next day pull a 5.00 K/D.

The roller-coaster of success and failure is what drives everyone from pure rage to glee.
The reason most of us bitch so much is that we absolutely LOVE the game. When it works it's a fucking blast. The gunplay is great, best FPS gunplay on consoles by far. Graphics are awesome, sound is good, gameplay is fast paced and exhilirating(sp?) and it all flows so well.

That's why we bitch, because we can't stand playing such a great game in such shitty conditions at times. To have a match weighed down by three guys chilling and launching neverending tubes down a hallway, having an entire team hole up in one building the entire game waiting for you to walk through a door, or seeing two guys TIing for nukes just drives me up the wall because it interferes with the regular flow of the game. It doesn't happen all the time, in fact it might be a problem 1 game in 6 or 7. But that one game stands out in your mind much more than the previous 6 rounds that went perfectly normal because it was just so different.
I have just ordered a video capture device to record my gameplay, but I have a question, is there anyway I can spectate a player in my team in a groundwar game for more than one minute without being dropped for inactivity to record his geplay?


RSTEIN said:
So, I say, hey, Ferrari, your car is awesome but jesus christ you made some serious mistakes. Here's some suggestions. Then Ferrari says, hey, OK, cool, we're going to work on that. We want your input. In the meantime, here's some fixes on the house.


If I had a Ferrari with problems I would complain to the one who sold it to me.. Not some Ferrari related fansite..

Pyke Presco said:
That's why we bitch, because we can't stand playing such a great game in such shitty conditions at times. To have a match weighed down by three guys chilling and launching neverending tubes down a hallway, having an entire team hole up in one building the entire game waiting for you to walk through a door, or seeing two guys TIing for nukes just drives me up the wall because it interferes with the regular flow of the game. It doesn't happen all the time, in fact it might be a problem 1 game in 6 or 7. But that one game stands out in your mind much more than the previous 6 rounds that went perfectly normal because it was just so different.

In this situation I would complain about the players, not the game makers.. The game is pretty well balanced.. there is a countermeasure for all stupid abuses. You just need to cool down and find a solution .. You do not ask for a Game maker to make a game suit some people better than others, which is what I feel you guys are trying to do much of the time.

It´s a love or hate game.. I have just raised my K/D ratio from 0,77 to 0,85 and I´m first prestige level 64 on PS3.. I have played for around 5 days online. I sucked at the beginning, but I am starting to get better killstreaks.. I´m 34 years old, and not as fast as some of you other guys.. I just like a quick fastpaced game like MW2.. good to keep the adreneline level up and have fun..!
Anaxagoras said:
I have just ordered a video capture device to record my gameplay, but I have a question, is there anyway I can spectate a player in my team in a groundwar game for more than one minute without being dropped for inactivity to record his geplay?

I would think not. The player limit is tight as it is, can't have an unbalanced team for long.
RSTEIN said:
Let's say I have a 1996 Ferrari 355. It's an amazing car. I'm driving it and loving it. But you know what, the valve guides suck. They're cheap and are going to need to be replaced at significant cost to me. The console is starting to melt after being exposed to the sun. Plus, the engine needs to be taken out of the car to access it which means I gotta pay my Italian mechanic through the nose.

So, I say, hey, Ferrari, your car is awesome but jesus christ you made some serious mistakes. Here's some suggestions. Then Ferrari says, hey, OK, cool, we're going to work on that. We want your input. In the meantime, here's some fixes on the house.

Then you start what's called kaizen, or continuous improvement. Start the iterative process. That's the it works, man. You either do that or die.

And this has already happened, albeit painfully slowly. We complained about the 1887s and they got nerfed. We complained about the care package running, and it's getting nerfed. I have a feeling that if we keep raising awareness about the insanity of the Infini-Tube build, it'll get fixed too.


since we're in the mood for petitions just a quick one:

an option for NOT joining a game in progress but a lobby instead. Usually matchmaking puts you in a game that's about to end, with a team destroying another team or some weird lag going on so people left and a spot opened up for you... the thing is these games' hosts are bound to leave as soon as the game is over, so "game lobby closed - host migration failed" and here we go again, search for a new game and you join another shitty game in progress...


Any news on the patch?

I wanna see what other "stealth" nerfing they'll do...hopefully they won't touch the Tactical Knife set up...
divisionbyzorro said:
And this has already happened, albeit painfully slowly. We complained about the 1887s and they got nerfed. We complained about the care package running, and it's getting nerfed. I have a feeling that if we keep raising awareness about the insanity of the Infini-Tube build, it'll get fixed too.

To be fair though, it takes some skill to use it effectively.

And these last two days I haven't seen tubers, except me doing it to others when we were spawn-dominated on highrise. What else can you do in that situation?
Well of course it's because of the other players! But that doesn't mean we can't complain about some or the design decisions that enable players to build stupid classes, like "I can sprint endlessly at lightspeed and twirl shotguns around my index finger while killing you from 50 feet"(fixed), "I only use a knife in a gunfight because it beats gun 98% of the time" guy, or mister "I have infinite tubes and claymores and this is my fortress". Some things are unbalanced, and if enough people complain about it and it actually is a problem, things may get fixed (see lightweight nerf, carepackage running, 1887 fix, etc).


Zeitgeister said:
To be fair though, it takes some skill to use it effectively.
Not with Danger Close it doesn't! If you fire it anywhere near your target, it's an instant kill. Even at point blank range (when he grenade doesn't even go off) it'll still kill. The only way to stop it is with a riot/blast shield and even then, if it detonates to one side of the target it'll kill them.


Hanmik said:
I don´t see why more than 67% of this thread is filled with complainers..? the same people come in here and complain about new stuff every day.. why do you not put the game on the shelf and enjoy some other game..? OMA, NOOB-tubers, Campers, Runners etc.. you complain and bitch about the game every freaking day.. if it is so bad, then stop playing it.. then you do not need to bitch about this game..
I for one love this game.. it´s addicting as hell, and the most fun I have had in a long time on my PS3..

Maybe you all have seen this sign, and felt like acting on it..
For certain things your right but complaining also gives you an update to fix fucked up shit and also provide the devs insight on things they can fix for future titles. People have bitched about the care package speed glitch and word is it will be patched. Critiquing a game does not always mean your trollin/hate it. It can actually be the opposite. Players love it so much that that they want a better play experience thus the issues are complained about.


Lince said:
finally one build I'm sticking with

UMP + Silencer, SPAS + Grip
Scavenger, SP, Steady Aim
Semtex & Stun nades

the silenced UMP with stopping power just feels like cheating. One weird thing I noticed is that the SPAS + RDS is actually more accurate when ADS than firing it with the foregrip from the hip :O

Yep, that's my build as well, except that I have lightweight instead of stopping power. UMP already does murder damage, so I'd rather use lightweight to get away when I'm being shot at.
Lince said:
since we're in the mood for petitions just a quick one:

an option for NOT joining a game in progress but a lobby instead. Usually matchmaking puts you in a game that's about to end, with a team destroying another team or some weird lag going on so people left and a spot opened up for you... the thing is these games' hosts are bound to leave as soon as the game is over, so "game lobby closed - host migration failed" and here we go again, search for a new game and you join another shitty game in progress...

I've said that IW should implement a "No Contest" result for when you join a game in progress that's been decided. If I join a losing game, I shouldn't be given a loss, and I should be given an experience bonus for being a good sport and sticking around.

And could we get a results screen that shows how our bonus was calculated? That'd be great too :lol


Lince said:
since we're in the mood for petitions just a quick one:

an option for NOT joining a game in progress but a lobby instead. Usually matchmaking puts you in a game that's about to end, with a team destroying another team or some weird lag going on so people left and a spot opened up for you... the thing is these games' hosts are bound to leave as soon as the game is over, so "game lobby closed - host migration failed" and here we go again, search for a new game and you join another shitty game in progress...
This times a million. So many f'ing times the game throws me into a match on a losing team with two players left and 10 seconds on the clock. Once I joined a game that was over and I got a loss without even firing a damn shot. Please fix this shit IW.
divisionbyzorro said:
So I'm going to reiterate my previous point:

OMA-Tubing needs to be fixed.

The kit is overpowered when only one person in the game is using it, and it ruins the game when any more than two or three people are using it. See, the only thing that keeps the Grenade Launcher attachment from being overpowered is its extremely limited ammo. OMA takes that limitation away. It absolutely needs to be fixed, and we need to keep raising a stink about it until they finally do fix it.

ACR + noobtube
OMA , danger close, your choice
tac insert, stun

go into domination match

get revenge
ultim8p00 said:
Yep, that's my build as well, except that I have lightweight instead of stopping power. UMP already does murder damage, so I'd rather use lightweight to get away when I'm being shot at.

That's what I was thinking but does it still do murder damage with the silencer on?
TheOMan said:
My brother recommended the Turtle Beach's for the PS3 as well, but man...the cable length is horrid :(. Would be good to find a decent wireless pair. Sigh. Thanks - I'll probably pick up up the P21's.

AX720's > ****

for PS3


Anaxagoras said:
I have just ordered a video capture device to record my gameplay, but I have a question, is there anyway I can spectate a player in my team in a groundwar game for more than one minute without being dropped for inactivity to record his geplay?

Which card did you order? I have the Black Magic Intensity...works great recording MJPEG at 60fps 720p.

Bout to dump YT for Blip....better quality and retains the 60FPS!


same vid on YT


Looks better at 60FPS


Still having this weird problem when I play with specific friends.

They end up being host and I'm dropped to 1 red bar, when usually I'm always full green.

And if I end up hosting, they drop to 1 red bar. No one else in the game is affected; we're all east coast players.

Is this an ISP issue or something resolvable with a router config change?
winnarps said:
Still having this weird problem when I play with specific friends.

They end up being host and I'm dropped to 1 red bar, when usually I'm always full green.

And if I end up hosting, they drop to 1 red bar. No one else in the game is affected; we're all east coast players.

Is this an ISP issue or something resolvable with a router config change?
you restarted everything?


MidnightRider said:
you restarted everything?

Multiple times. I'm directly connected to my router, too. No wireless or bridged wireless laptop connection.

Open NAT, as well. Or so the MW2 lobby screen says.
winnarps said:
Multiple times. I'm directly connected to my router, too. No wireless or bridged wireless laptop connection.

Open NAT, as well. Or so the MW2 lobby screen says.

That MW2 lobby screen lies a lot.

it varies for me at least.

sometime says open
sometime says medium
once it said closed (wtf right?)

As for your problem......... I don't have a clue what could be going on.


Seems people are taking the OMA hate into hating noob tubes in general. As they are, imho, they are greatly balanced...especially the 'thumper' which seems even harder to use since it's slow slow.

I don't think they factored in OMA just effectively giving you unlimited ammo, and hopefully they will fix that problem in the future.

cameltoe said:
Which card did you order? I have the Black Magic Intensity...works great recording MJPEG at 60fps 720p.

Bout to dump YT for Blip....better quality and retains the 60FPS!


same vid on YT


Looks better at 60FPS

I cant view the videos here at work, but I'm sure they are good. How is that card and how much is it? Also do you need to have a monster computer to record?


MMaRsu said:
Hey man how come your game speed is so fast? When I play @ home it's never that fast...

IDK....its always fast like that when playing

Lionheart1827 said:
I cant view the videos here at work, but I'm sure they are good. How is that card and how much is it? Also do you need to have a monster computer to record?

It was 249.95 when I bought it....I believe they are cheaper now.

RAID0 set up for recording. I have to use MJPG though...shit aint fast enough to cap without compression, but I think the MJPG vids look pretty damn good.


Man, all this talk of recording and the fight I just had makes me want to waste money on a capture card. :lol

I just played Dom on Invasion and managed to pop around the corner and see a guy too far off for my shotgun so I just blind-tossed the knife and hit, then I turned around and some dude was on top of a box aiming up a headshot on me so I shot his feet. His buddy came out from behind the box and tried to take revenge and got stabbed. Then another guy showed up and got stabbed too, and another. All of that was me basically standing still after the knife throw. :lol

I had another nifty knife today, on Highrise. Some loser was camping the roof at C and he hid when I shot at him and missed. I assumed he just laid down in the same spot so I kept my aim the same, jumped and just tossed the knife...bullseye! That felt very satisfying. :lol :lol

GarJon said:
Not with Danger Close it doesn't! If you fire it anywhere near your target, it's an instant kill. Even at point blank range (when he grenade doesn't even go off) it'll still kill. The only way to stop it is with a riot/blast shield and even then, if it detonates to one side of the target it'll kill them.
Oh, great point. It's not regular tubes I hate, it's fucking Danger Close. I notice that when I'm whoring it up myself; regular tubes rarely get me kills but the DC ones...multi-kill, multi-kill, multi-kill. Yeah, get rid of DC.


cameltoe said:
IDK....its always fast like that when playing

It was 249.95 when I bought it....I believe they are cheaper now.

RAID0 set up for recording. I have to use MJPG though...shit aint fast enough to cap without compression, but I think the MJPG vids look pretty damn good.

Weird... Never seems to be that fast on my screen :p. Never able to kill guys that fast either, what gun are you using? I use the standard m4a1 with stopping power and some other shit I can't recall :p


MMaRsu said:
Weird... Never seems to be that fast on my screen :p. Never able to kill guys that fast either, what gun are you using? I use the standard m4a1 with stopping power and some other shit I can't recall :p

was using the m16 with SP. I play with the sensitivity on insane (sometimes 9 as well) maybe thats why it seems so fast?


Neo Member
winnarps said:
Multiple times. I'm directly connected to my router, too. No wireless or bridged wireless laptop connection.

Open NAT, as well. Or so the MW2 lobby screen says.
Regarding routers, even though games says your NAT is OPEN, you are still behind some sort of built in security / firewall measures. It's best to do some simple test. With friend(s) you having issues, both of you try playing w/o your routers. Connect directly to modem. If that solves the problem, try one person behind the router and other still not. Then, reverse the role. Hopefully, you will find out who's router is causing the issue. If it works when only one of you is using a router, there's chance that you run into problem where using a certain combination of routers cause connection issues to each other.
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