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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Here's a side question on conectivity that I've noticed with ths game.

Does using a modem wirelessly slow your playing reaction time in multiplayer? I mean, hundreads of time now, I have started shootign a guy with an RPD and stopping power just for him to turn around and kill me with one shot from an ACR. I don't lag on screen, but sometimes it feels like there is a processing delay.


TheOrange said:
Regarding routers, even though games says your NAT is OPEN, you are still behind some sort of built in security / firewall measures. It's best to do some simple test. With friend(s) you having issues, both of you try playing w/o your routers. Connect directly to modem. If that solves the problem, try one person behind the router and other still not. Then, reverse the role. Hopefully, you will find out who's router is causing the issue. If it works when only one of you is using a router, there's chance that you run into problem where using a certain combination of routers cause connection issues to each other.

Thanks for the info. I'll test this tonight with the guys that I'm having the problems with.

Cornbread78 said:
Does using a modem wirelessly slow your playing reaction time in multiplayer? I mean, hundreads of time now, I have started shootign a guy with an RPD and stopping power just for him to turn around and kill me with one shot from an ACR. I don't lag on screen, but sometimes it feels like there is a processing delay.

Depends. Wired connections are generally faster bandwidth-wise. If you've got 3 green bars (versus 4), you'll definitely have a disadvantage against host / 4 green bar players.


Cornbread78 said:
I always have 4 bars, IS information streamed/processed slower, ever theough I have a constant signal?

Wireless signals can be interfered with from external sources, causing slight lag or minor interruptions.

I know my wireless never has a constant clean connection, which is why I directly wire my xbox to the router.

Past that, I'm not knowledgeable enough to know if anything else could be the problem.


F#A#Oo said:
IW you need to sort out thius BS with Barrett and Intervention not being OHK even with Stopping Power...

Video example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xwyu88bwuEs
I don't understand what the video is trying to prove? Those were all terrible shots (the second shot is straight into the wall!) and should not have been a kill in any situation.

Cornbread78 said:
I always have 4 bars, IS information streamed/processed slower, ever theough I have a constant signal?
I don't know the tech behind it, but I have a couple of friends who used to play wirelessly on 360 and kept claiming that they had a much better experience with a cable.

My wildly ignorant guess is that other people's wireless connections and such mess with yours a bit and that can't really happen with a cable.


F#A#Oo said:
IW you need to sort out thius BS with Barrett and Intervention not being OHK even with Stopping Power...

Video example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xwyu88bwuEs

Maybe I'm missing something, but everything seemed fine with Stopping Power there. You or the video maker, are just bad at shooting.

IW really, REALLY need to fix OMA and noobtubing. I can't take it anymore. Terminal used to be so enjoyable before this build became popular.
Jangocube said:
IW really, REALLY need to fix OMA and noobtubing. I can't take it anymore. Terminal used to be so enjoyable before this build became popular.

I know!! Terminal was one of the best maps. Now everybody just throws tubes down the hallways. It's gone from fantastic to sucktastic.


Comics, serious business!
Hanmik said:
If I had a Ferrari with problems I would complain to the one who sold it to me.. Not some Ferrari related fansite..
You've obviously never been to FerrariChat.com...

divisionbyzorro said:
And this has already happened, albeit painfully slowly. We complained about the 1887s and they got nerfed. We complained about the care package running, and it's getting nerfed. I have a feeling that if we keep raising awareness about the insanity of the Infini-Tube build, it'll get fixed too.

DeuceMojo said:
@ kaizen

You see, Infinity Ward will need to disintermediate value-added schemas in order to recontextualize cross-media deliverables...*

*courtesy Web Economy Bullshit Generator
Shut up you!!!


aku:jiki said:
I don't understand what the video is trying to prove? Those were all terrible shots (the second shot is straight into the wall!) and should not have been a kill in any situation.


Sniping is strictly a 1 shot deal and in most cases if one misses it means they are certainly dead...hit markers add further obstacles for a sniper to deal with essentially.

People who use an assault rifles don't need to worry about what part of the body they are shooting at because the name of the game is just shoot anywhere to drain health bar. So why should someone sniping have to deal with having to worry what part of the body they are going to hit?

Barrett and Intervention were made to go through tougher things then concrete IRL tbf...things going through walls are the least of the games problems anyway...not being able to shoot through a banana leaf is more bemusing.:lol


i know all we do is bitch anymore but last night I quit out in disgust for the first time... and I'm not one to throw fits and throw controllers or rage quit. I just don't, I'll stay on the team even if i'm the only one left and gut it out but last night I'd had it.

Four matches in a row I was dumped onto not only a team losing horribly but a team that was locked down and getting spawn raped. It was non-stop kill streaks on top of our last remaining spawn with the enemy team sitting on the edge of the kill zone picking off the people that didn't have cold blooded or those that didn't know enough to get indoors. The rest of the enemy team was rushing the obvious hiding spots.

It was total carnage 4 matches in a row. INSANE.


Complaining is good. Let's be realistic, no game is perfectly balanced, so the feedback helps to expose some of these issues. IW had to nerf the Terminators because of all the complaints. If there's anything else that the community is really pissed about, maybe they'll look at those too.
_Alkaline_ said:
The fact is that few care about their W/L, so capturing points or planting bombs means nothing to them. They play objective games because those who are actually trying to win are easy prey. It's completely unbalanced - even worse when you consider that IW is practically ushering people to not play properly since nukes will win the game regardless of the current score. If nukes will win, why play properly? Might as well camp, rack up killstreaks and deploy a nuke instead. It's bullshit.

That is because of this:

RavenFox said:
This times a million. So many f'ing times the game throws me into a match on a losing team with two players left and 10 seconds on the clock. Once I joined a game that was over and I got a loss without even firing a damn shot. Please fix this shit IW.

IW has made it so that the W/L works against you no matter how well you do. W/L mean absolutely nothing... nothing in this game and it's all on IW (and this has been broken since COD4)


I tried the noob tube class last night in domination on highrise. As soon as the match started, I ran out of my building, shot a grenade in the general direction of the flag in the building on the other side of the map and got a multi kill. The opposing team was so pissed off. It was hilarious. :lol


Grenade attachments are fun and I hope they don't weaken them or weaken OMA. An entire team of them is annoying.. but shit, an entire team of good ANYTHING is annoying.

For example, I played a team recently where there were several awesome snipers, two guys Ninja stabbing all over the damn place, a few assault riflers, and a couple grenade attachment OMA guys.

It was on wasteland and I don't think I've ever been more frustrated. The grenadiers were bombing the tunnel, the runners were sneak shanking my ass left and right if I stayed outside and everytime I tried to line up a shot on them, a sniper would take my ass out. And if I tried to go for the snipers either the snipers or assault riflers would get me. Meanwhile air support kept coming and if I tried to take it out, I'd get hosed by everyone minus the guys in the tunnel but I couldn't go in there because they were still guarding the tunnels. ON TOP OF THAT, the grenadiers were throwing regular grenades over the wall of shrubbery to our side and wiping me out!

Game, set, match, I just took it in the rear :lol


OMA and Commando need to be nerfed asap. I used to get mad at the spawn tubing in hardcore Search but now I do it as well (if you can't beat em, join em) and could care less about it.

and I also agree that Barrett/Intervention have to be buffed when using SP. I've stopped sniping because of the bullshit with them. When I shoot someone in the chest with a .50 cal bullet, they're supposed to die. Last/Final Stand are also fucking stupid.


junkster said:
For example, I played a team recently where there were several awesome snipers, two guys Ninja stabbing all over the damn place, a few assault riflers, and a couple grenade attachment OMA guys.
The other night, I ran into a monster team as well. I figured they were grouped together after two matches - I was running with one friend and a bunch of random folks. Never before had I felt so outmatched. I consider myself decently quick on the draw, but their AR guys blew me out of the water in terms of sheer draw speed from long distance. Just speaking for myself, I was out-positioned, out-drawn, and out-knifed. Maybe it's just me, but CB KIT didn't help too, they knew my spots. The last match ended and none of their folks had a below 1.00 KD and though I wasn't at the top of the kill list on my team, I sported the highest KD on my team at something like 7 Kill and 13 deaths. My buddy was 1/12 and some other poor guy was 0/8.

In the Favela match, their team consisted of one OMA N. Toober, at least one Marathon/Lightweight Knifer and a bunch of AR guys.
Do the green challenges reset if you prestige?

I don't understand why knife veteran IV is only 250 kills. It seems like a mistake because you are cutting people all the time.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
I think the bottom line is sometimes, for the average player, this game will rape you HARD. I have had some major outbursts at this game, most of the time due to lag or latency, the rest of the time at fuckbag players employing really annoying tactics. But then again, anyone who ever kills me is a dick, I'm not sure I've ever had a death where I didn't promise to piss on the guys grave and get revenge in 30 seconds. :lol the game induces rage when things dont go your way, I think people just have to get used to this thread being half bitching cos lets face it, when you're having a good game, someone else is having a bad one, and vice versa.

I've played for like 10 hours over the past 2 days and I havent run into mass noob tubers+OMA yet, but doesn't scavenger do the same? replenish grenades?

there was one game last night where the entire enemy team sniped, and it wasnt obvious 'fun' sniping, on roofs, in windows etc, it was proper hardcore, plant your claymores, hide somewhere completely invisible with cold blooded pro and wait. and wait. and wait. my team got picked off with ease, we eventually ran out of time in TDM and the scores were something ridiculous like 3500 to 1000. We got owned, but it felt like the other team didnt even turn up, they barely got halfway to winning before time ran out.

after the game I had to connect my mic and tell the lobby "THAT. WAS. BORING!". Next round no one was sniping and we had a good time :lol
kaizoku said:
I think the bottom line is sometimes, for the average player, this game will rape you HARD. I have had some major outbursts at this game, most of the time due to lag or latency, the rest of the time at fuckbag players employing really annoying tactics. But then again, anyone who ever kills me is a dick, I'm not sure I've ever had a death where I didn't promise to piss on the guys grave and get revenge in 30 seconds. :lol the game induces rage when things dont go your way, I think people just have to get used to this thread being half bitching cos lets face it, when you're having a good game, someone else is having a bad one, and vice versa.

I've played for like 10 hours over the past 2 days and I havent run into mass noob tubers+OMA yet, but doesn't scavenger do the same? replenish grenades?

there was one game last night where the entire enemy team sniped, and it wasnt obvious 'fun' sniping, on roofs, in windows etc, it was proper hardcore, plant your claymores, hide somewhere completely invisible with cold blooded pro and wait. and wait. and wait. my team got picked off with ease, we eventually ran out of time in TDM and the scores were something ridiculous like 3500 to 1000. We got owned, but it felt like the other team didnt even turn up, they barely got halfway to winning before time ran out.

after the game I had to connect my mic and tell the lobby "THAT. WAS. BORING!". Next round no one was sniping and we had a good time :lol

And thats hit the nail on the head right there, when everyone for want of a better word just camps the game degenerates into the most boring thing in the world - I have a group of friends that insist everyone just camp and I cannot play with them, when I do I run and gun and still do better than them.


Insaniac said:
i can get behind this ONLY IF THEY REMOVE WASTELAND. ugh.

Wasteland is a bit hit and miss for me...sometimes I can literally dominate and others...I'm having to take cover/change tactics and even camp *shudders*.

I find it is the only map that doesn't give an advantage to either team...it's actually pretty good in that respect especially if your playing objective based modes.
bobs99 ... said:
And thats hit the nail on the head right there, when everyone for want of a better word just camps the game degenerates into the most boring thing in the world - I have a group of friends that insist everyone just camp and I cannot play with them, when I do I run and gun and still do better than them.

But snipers will pretty much always camp. That's what they're designed to do. That's how they're supposed to play.


I'd really like "classic killsteak" variations for the tactical games.

Just UAV, Basic air strike, and AI chopper gunner.

I'd also love a variation for tact games that didn't record k/d to your k/d ratio.

I don't care about k/d because all I play is HQ and Dom.

Basically, I feel like k/d and uber killstreaks make people go to tact games just because it makes the camping easier (you know where everyone is going in tact games). It really dilutes the amount of people who are playing the games to actually capture and defend points to WIN the game, not pad their stats.

I'd still like to see them in TDM and regular games, but just having the option to 'cool it' once in a while would be great.


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divisionbyzorro said:
But snipers will pretty much always camp. That's what they're designed to do. That's how they're supposed to play.
...and the reason why I outwardly hate snipers, despite knowing that they are 100% working as intended. :lol

Some guy sits his ass somewhere with a big gun and shoots people that run by like we're targets at a carnival contest, meanwhile I'm working my ass off to utilize map knowledge and twitch skills to survive out there.

Luckily for me, snipers are usually idiots and easy to kill as long as you see them first.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Is matchmaking not rank based at all? Because I just started playing multi and am level 4 and people in the sixties are shooting me like we're in the matrix. (I have never played any CoD multiplayer.) And I am by far the worst player every round which handicaps my team to the point that it generally loses and makes them cuss me.
Guileless said:
Is matchmaking not rank based at all? Because I just started playing multi and am level 4 and people in the sixties are shooting me like we're in the matrix. (I have never played any CoD multiplayer.) And I am by far the worst player every round which handicaps my team to the point that it generally loses and makes them cuss me.

You gotta start somewhere :p

No, it's not rank based. It's based on some hidden formula that we don't get to see.


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divisionbyzorro said:
UAV/Precision Airstrike/Pave Low at 3/5/7 would be fun.
Replace Airstrike with Predator Missile and Pavelow with Harrier Strike and I think you've got it.

Pavelow is a bit strong to bring down to the 7 level.


kamspy said:
I'd really like "classic killsteak" variations for the tactical games.

Just UAV, Basic air strike, and AI chopper gunner.

I hope they do that for the classic maps (COD4), if they come out and a another playlist like that for the current maps.


Brian Fellows said:
Its hilarious how the shitty players in this game just go from one trend to another in a desperate attempt to be less shitty.

Yeah, but if you keep it up, learn the maps, learn the weapon strengths and weaknesses, plus your own, and try to figure out what you're doing wrong and apply some technique, you end up getting quite a bit better.

Happening with me anyway :lol


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divisionbyzorro said:
You gotta start somewhere :p

No, it's not rank based. It's based on some hidden formula that we don't get to see.
It definitely does something with rank, as when my friends are the party leader, we get lower ranked people almost always.

It's not even fair. I feel like I'm beating up X-Mas newbs all over again :lol
RubxQub said:
It definitely does something with rank, as when my friends are the party leader, we get lower ranked people almost always.

It's not even fair. I feel like I'm beating up X-Mas newbs all over again :lol

Whoa whoa whoa wait back up a bit.

Are you proposing that the game does matchmaking based solely on the party leader? This blows my mind. I should get my level 14 friend to be the party leader from now on and see if this is true.
After shooting people with the Wii remote in Reflex edition I feel like such a loser coming back to aiming with joysticks again. Thoroughly embarrassed just now.


I've been away from the game for almost a week. Waiting on a replacement PS3. Haven't been following the thread, are there any patches/updates planned for the game?

I thought I read somewhere here that they're planning on nerfing OMA? I think that Youtube video posted by WingsofRedemption may have done more harm than good?

Seems like a lot of people are using that build now. As long as they don't nerf my "Bladerunner" class, I'm good. ;)

I love my Magnum/Tact knife combo...
For the team that nukes the other side, they should have put in a button mini-game during the countdown to see if they are able to don a radiation suit to avoid the death. Yeah, I made it into my suit, bitch!


divisionbyzorro said:
Whoa whoa whoa wait back up a bit.

Are you proposing that the game does matchmaking based solely on the party leader? This blows my mind. I should get my level 14 friend to be the party leader from now on and see if this is true.

Yeah, we always make the lowest ranked / worst performer in our group lead the party.

Noticeably affects skill level matchups, especially if you're only a pair. The more people in your group, though, the less this seems to work.
As much as I want them to nerf OMA and the knifing teleporting, if they nerf those down then the game will be even more camp-friendly as it already is. The noob tube is your only halfway reliable tool to take out campers in most maps. Frags are weak and Symtex isn't reliable or have the range. And with only 1 nade you're better off just sitting back or gunning it. Then again, the noob tubing in this game has kept me away from hq since this game has been released...especially hc hq.

Without commando being as cheap as it is, it wouldn't be able to counter how oddly unbalanced ARs are in close range. You need to be able to teleport, or my Tar/shotgun will rip you up as fast or faster as a smg every time. You got through my mid-range fire, you got through my claymores, you deserve the kill.
Mr. B Natural said:
As much as I want them to nerf OMA and the knifing teleporting, if they nerf those down then the game will be even more camp-friendly as it already is. The noob tube is your only halfway reliable tool to take out campers in most maps. Frags are weak and Symtex isn't reliable or have the range. Then again, the noob tubing in this game has kept me away from hq since this game has been released...especially hc hq.

Without commando being as cheap as it is, it wouldn't be able to counter how oddly unbalanced ARs are in close range. You need to be able to teleport, or my Tar/shotgun will rip you up as fast or faster as a smg every time. You got through my mid-range fire, you got through my claymores, you deserve the kill.

Yeah, I don't have a problem with Commando; I just have a problem with OMA and infinite noobtoobs.

Brian Fellows said:
Does OMA allow you to switch more than once? I was under the impression you could only switch once.

As much as you want.


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divisionbyzorro said:
Whoa whoa whoa wait back up a bit.

Are you proposing that the game does matchmaking based solely on the party leader? This blows my mind. I should get my level 14 friend to be the party leader from now on and see if this is true.
Yeah, it definitely seems to key off the party leader.

When my friends were level 30 something and started it, we'd rarely see a prestiged person show up through matchmaking. When I start the party, we'll run into a bunch of prestiged folks.

I'm significantly higher rank than all my friends, so if it takes some type of average I'm not really noticing it, as I'm an outlier.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
divisionbyzorro said:
You gotta start somewhere :p

No, it's not rank based. It's based on some hidden formula that we don't get to see.

I don't mind starting out at the bottom as I learn the ropes. But since you get better weapons and perks as you progress up the ladder, in addition to learning maps and successful strategies, there should be some segregation of new players in single digit levels. I will admit that I enjoyed decimating novice UT3 players right after the Steam sale, but I didn't start the game with better weapons or perks than them.
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