Oh damn, it also works with the Emergency Airdrop? Holy shit I have to check this out :lol
It's never always the "the other team" that does it. People on my team do it all the time. Hell, I've tried it out. Now that everyone's doing it, it's officially a viable strategy.Seanspeed said:I've never seen this glitch(and quite a few of the others that are apparently 'common place'.
You sure that your team simply isn't sucking balls and getting killed at an alarming rate?
And why is it that its only ever 'the other team' thats doing this?
Its not an issue of seeing it but knowing. If you constantly hear enemy care package incoming then you know someone is violating the tos.Raiden said:I have been playing this game for a while now but i never ever saw the care package glitch, does it happen on 360 as well? Also i only play Team Deatmatch normal and HC so...?
I did have the ice skating stuff once, weird stuff.
Smart move to keep your online ID hidden...Bumblebeetuna said:Oh damn, it also works with the Emergency Airdrop? Holy shit I have to check this out :lol
This is true. I play exclusively TDM and I haven't come across infinite care packages yet *crosses fingers*.backflip10019 said:I don't really know how you haven't seen this glitch yet. It seems like someone is doing it in literally every game that I play (HC HQ, Ground War, other objective gametypes). It's more rare to see in TDM games since they're so short in comparison to Domination, HQ, etc.
Thats probably why I haven't seen it. I mainly play TDM, as well.careful said:This is true. I play exclusively TDM and I haven't come across infinite care packages yet *crosses fingers*.
backflip10019 said:Ugh, good thing that Microsoft allows the patching process to be so quick and easy.
People really tend to exaggerate when talking about this stuff. Seeing a glitch two times out of ten games seems to equate to "every game" to some people. I don't think I've seen anyone using the infinite care package glitch yet, and I've played a LOT this week.Seanspeed said:I've never seen this glitch(and quite a few of the others that are apparently 'common place'.
You sure that your team simply isn't sucking balls and getting killed at an alarming rate?
And why is it that its only ever 'the other team' thats doing this?
vatstep said:People really tend to exaggerate when talking about this stuff. Seeing a glitch two times out of ten games seems to equate to "every game" to some people. I don't think I've seen anyone using the infinite care package glitch yet, and I've played a LOT this week.
The only glitch I've seen enough times to be noteworthy is the care package runner glitch. I played against a few people using it last night, and fuck is it ever annoying. I can't believe anyone thought that was legit tactic. The characters look fucking ridiculous and super-human.
Graf Nudu said:Btw. I don't get people using OMA, when there's Scavenger.
Maybe it's worse on PS3, because I play objective-based games almost exclusively and I haven't noticed anyone using it on 360. As far as people exaggerating goes, I'm not just referring to this glitch I'm talking about all of the ones that have come and gone. People acted like the javelin glitch was the end of the world, and yet I personally only saw five or six people using it (and I was playing frequently at that time).huacst21 said:People are not exaggerating. It's almost every other objective based game when I play (PS3).
When you see 4 emergency airdrops back to back, you know their glitching.
Graf Nudu said:Btw. I don't get people using OMA, when there's Scavenger.
Scavenger Pro + Danger Close Pro + Noobtube + Claymore = 100% Win.
Seriously, if I ever start to suck with another setup, I switch to that and it's smooth sailing.
kaizoku said:After learning how to use claymores, I love it :lol got 8 kills in my first game after learning the basics. So cool. they just get a little hard to use when things get hot and heavy for extended firefights. And sometimes I'll plant one on a corner, die, go back to corner and its gone with no sign of anyone having set it off....maybe a stray explosion from air support or something destroyed it. but I think thats my new obsession for now.
anyway the game is still doing that thing where it randomly sets my sensitivity to low. what the fuck?
kaizoku said:yeh honestly I play this game on the 360 for hours and hours a day lately, I've put in like 9 hours over the weekend, maybe some more later tonight - and haven't seen a single glitcher or cheater. I play domination, ground war, mercenary tdm, sabotage, search and destroy....no problems anywhere. except lag here and there and lame douchebag campers/snipers who only care about killstreaks. One asshole sniper on wastelands didnt cap a single objective and finished with like 40-7, I'm glad 5 of those deaths were mine. fucking losers who make playing the game a pain in the ass sometimes. yes I know it was effective and whatnot but nothings more infuriating than a sniper doing nothing but picking you off on wastelands from a distance. NOTHING.
After learning how to use claymores, I love it :lol got 8 kills in my first game after learning the basics. So cool. they just get a little hard to use when things get hot and heavy for extended firefights. And sometimes I'll plant one on a corner, die, go back to corner and its gone with no sign of anyone having set it off....maybe a stray explosion from air support or something destroyed it. but I think thats my new obsession for now.
anyway the game is still doing that thing where it randomly sets my sensitivity to low. what the fuck?
wud said:When you die your claymores disappear APART from Headquarters after you die and are waiting to respawn or Search and destroy (usually rack my kills up with them in s&d once you know the right spots :lol) You can only plant 2 at a time as well, plant an extra one and the 1st one you planted blows up
Claymore disappears after you respawn.kaizoku said:And sometimes I'll plant one on a corner, die, go back to corner and its gone with no sign of anyone having set it off....maybe a stray explosion from air support or something destroyed it. but I think thats my new obsession for now.
You most likely have. Most people don't do it until they have 8 sentries, 3 chopper gunners and 5 AC's - they'll just toss the package over and over until they get the one they want and then stop. That will sound like normal gameplay to most of us.AnnHog said:Meh I played for 5 hours last night and still have not seen the care package glitch that everyone is talking about. Must be lucky.
bobs99 ... said:I find it funny that you complained about snipers and then went on to talking about claymores, I find those SO infuriating, getting killed like that sucks :lol
kaizoku said:oh that clears up ALOT! :lol
care to share your spots?I was trying to figure out nice places to guard flags but its not so easy in the heat of the moment.
I think that sort of 'assumption' is part of what contributes to the exaggeration of these claims.aku:jiki said:If I even see 1 PA in a match now, I assume we have a package glitcher. It's the only time people ever use PA. :lol
You can't really use claymores to guard flags if you mean Domination. They're too obvious. Use C4's instead, they always work for flag-guarding.kaizoku said:oh that clears up ALOT! :lol
care to share your spots?I was trying to figure out nice places to guard flags but its not so easy in the heat of the moment.
That's awesome that you know what an assumption is, but do you play the game? Nobody ever uses Precision Airstrike, because it sucks. It's an incredibly reasonable assumption.Seanspeed said:I think that sort of 'assumption' is part of what contributes to the exaggeration of these claims.
I see them more often that I see all these 'glitches' that you guys are talking about.....aku:jiki said:That's awesome that you know what an assumption is, but do you play the game? Nobody ever uses Precision Airstrike, because it sucks. It's an incredibly reasonable assumption.
Seanspeed said:I see them more often that I see all these 'glitches' that you guys are talking about.....
No, you don't. You are wrong here.Seanspeed said:I see them more often that I see all these 'glitches' that you guys are talking about.....
I've been using it. Don't really know why I started... but now I'm so close to 50 kills I don't want to switch until I get them.aku:jiki said:You can't really use claymores to guard flags if you mean Domination. They're too obvious. Use C4's instead, they always work for flag-guarding.
That's awesome that you know what an assumption is, but do you play the game? Nobody ever uses Precision Airstrike, because it sucks. It's an incredibly reasonable assumption.
Forgive my 'perceived' attitude, I'm just a bit skeptical. I know how people get when playing competitive multiplayer FPS games and combined with my experience of playing this very same game tells me that its likely there's a massive over-exaggeration going on here.Victrix said:Fuck off with that smarmy attitude. A good third of the matches I've played over the last several nights were loaded with some jackass off in a corner of the map calling in care packages for the entire game with an awesome score of 6-17 or so.
And yes, I'm instantly skeptical if I see a precision airstrike or attack helicopter. For that matter, I'm skeptical if I hear 'care package incoming' at this point.
They patched the PC version though, so console patches should be forthcoming.
shuri said:My theory is that IW is working on a super megapatch that will crush it all at once.
Please dont pretend to know anything about what I do.aku:jiki said:No, you don't. You are wrong here.
Graf Nudu said:Btw. I don't get people using OMA, when there's Scavenger.
Scavenger Pro + Danger Close Pro + Noobtube + Claymore = 100% Win.
Seriously, if I ever start to suck with another setup, I switch to that and it's smooth sailing.
That was definitely a huge loss.Sealda said:Something i miss from COD4: Team Tactical and no i wont play that third-person camera shit.