Yeah! Got the Stickman challenge. :lol
Some even whorier locations:RSTEIN said:When placed at optimal height, the sentry turns into a laser beam. For example, you know the big building on Scrapyard that has two steel walkways you can snipe from? Put the sentry at the top looking out a window. You will be amazed how many kills you get. Other awesome locations:
Highrise: Beside the helicopter facing enemy spawn.
Rundown: On the roof of the building infront of Flag A looking down on Flag B.
Favela: On the roof of the building infront of Flag C.
Karachi: middle building overlooking Flag B.
Quarry: Anywhere high!
Terminal: Middle lookout infront of Flag B.
aku:jiki said:Some even whorier locations:
Highrise: On top of the white house (flag C). It will get you 10 kills before it gets shot down, easily. (That part of the map IS intentional despite how little we like it...)
Scrapyard: On top of the white truck between B and the fuselage or on top of the fuselage. You can easily get up there but most people don't know how.
Afghan: On top of the wing, or the ledge beside it. Same deal as Scrapyard.
Underpass: There's a pillar smack in the middle that nobody ever climbs.
Terminal: One of the wings of the plane you can enter, or on top of the little ledge by the entrance (going from B to C).
It's all about making it virtually unknifeable so you don't have to guard it at all.![]()
Raadius said:I hate / rarely use them in MW2. Claymores don't have that "boom" they had in COD4. You can pretty much run past them or jump over them with lil to no effect. If a person is smart, he'll knows you have a claymore by the sentry gun and he'll shoot it.
Foliorum Viridum said:I'll preface this by saying I generally have a lot of fun on Live and this isn't a hate post, because this thread has far too many of them.
I was just playing Hardcore HQ on Estate, I was taking the HQ in the house itself, when one of my teammates runs up to me and traps me in the corner. Since it was Ricochet I couldn't put a bullet in his head, but I didn't need to because after a good 10-15 seconds of taunting on his mic, a sniper got him in the head as the dude shouted "WHO THE FUCK?!?" :lol
Man, griefers were so much better in Counter-Strike days.![]()
gbovo said:tango sucka! > Bambi!yangin magazine! >
Foliorum Viridum said:I dunno. I could see teams votekicking someone if they're near a nuke out of spite etc.
lol wtfKyzer said:Rick roll mia, no payza regitsa. Barack obeat.
guravel pitdwin45 said:jackason header!
Kyzer said:Rick roll mia, no payza regitsa. Barack obeat.
backflip10019 said:Ugh, the more I play with the Intervention, the more I think that it should be a one hit kill anywhere on the body. It's bullshit that sometimes I will have to shoot a guy three times (twice to down him, once when he's in last stand) to kill him.
:lolConfidence Man said:If only it shot knives instead of bullets.
Surely it's more fun running through the underground path with Lightweight and shooting everyone with a SPAS-12Pulka said:I love noob tubing over the map in the beginning of Highrise, 3 free kills! ;D
:lol :lolConfidence Man said:If only it shot knives instead of bullets.
...or better yet...Confidence Man said:If only it shot knives instead of bullets.
RubxQub said:...or better yet...
got2bekidding said:All that knife is missing is a noob tube.
And a spring in the handle for that commando action. Also lol @ pooping claymoresRSTEIN said:+ a shotgun underneath. And a little poop shute that drops claymores.
RubxQub said:With updated specs:
Aurora said:So I was a few kills away from my AC130 and naturally started camping a bit. I had no Harrier either so it had to be legit kills. I find a nice spot and start picking off a few enemies getting my AC130. I get up to find a new hiding spot and realise I had been camping literally right next to an enemy sniper for a good 3 minutes. He panicked and started no scoping but I knifed him in time. Gotta love Cold-Blooded and Silencer :lol
It's even better when you line up a headshot and the enemy turns around just in time to see you therezero margin said:haha! I've done that before and there is that split second that you look at each other going "how long have you been there..." good stuff.
I love that margin said:haha! I've done that before and there is that split second that you look at each other going "how long have you been there..." good stuff.
Aurora said:So I was a few kills away from my AC130 and naturally started camping a bit. I had no Harrier either so it had to be legit kills. I find a nice spot and start picking off a few enemies getting my AC130. I get up to find a new hiding spot and realise I had been camping literally right next to an enemy sniper for a good 3 minutes. He panicked and started no scoping but I knifed him in time. Gotta love Cold-Blooded and Silencer :lol
Beast in close quarter combat, useless everywhere else.Hyunkel6 said:I finally reached level 70. What's the consensus on the AK-47? I did notice some sway when using the red dot sight.
Geez, calm down :lol I meant what I said, it is news to me. Will have to adapt. Or rather, I'm grateful for the news. It means I won't have to go out of my way to get my second tac knife (due to prestige) which is really tedious.aku:jiki said:It might be news to you, but it's a fact. I wouldn't exactly call it useless, though. Commando is beautiful for the jumping around and for when you don't have the knife ready (which you only do when you know you've flanked the enemy team, nobody runs with the TK up at all times).
It is quite fun getting an AC130 after a 3 kill streak, especially when you fire the main cannon and it hits the entire (or most of it) opposing team's spawn point:lolMMKirby said:Care packages are pretty pro. I love getting those air ships that shoot people.
To get the tac knife he had to do a lot more shooting than 4 shots...but an entertaining video none the less._tetsuo_ said:Friend from another board made a all knife account and he compiled some video. Something like 5000 kills with only 4 shots fired :lol. Enjoy
Draft said:I think at this point the only major knock against MW2s multiplayer is the party chat lockout.
Maybe at some point in the distant past there was a notion that this would become the next big competitive FPS. That didn't happen, and it is not going to happen. MW2 is fun as hell, but it's also a fucking mess of weird glitches and MvC2 style balancing.
They should just put party chat back in.
Basically, yeah.Najaf said:Does the use of a tac knife only speed up the recovery animation and therefore is only useful for engaging multiple enemies?
Maybe it does, but the other guy most likely has a lunge while you don't so he could start a few milliseconds before you no matter what. Pretty much a non-issue.Najaf said:Or, does it also speed up the attack animation so, for instance, if you go knife to knife with someone not using a tactical setup, you will have the edge if you began knifing simultaneously?
That video REALLY makes me want to equip the throwing knife again so badly, but I'm working on finishing up all frag challenges. :/_tetsuo_ said:Friend from another board made a all knife account and he compiled some video. Something like 5000 kills with only 4 shots fired :lol. Enjoy
_tetsuo_ said:Friend from another board made a all knife account and he compiled some video. Something like 5000 kills with only 4 shots fired :lol. Enjoy
Not necessarily. There is a default class that has the tac knife.RubxQub said:To get the tac knife he had to do a lot more shooting than 4 shots...but an entertaining video none the less.