Riot shield is definitely my favorite class despite being heavily flawed. Normally I can break even in K/D ratio (PS3) but SO MUCH bullshit happens to riot shielders.
Knives. Fucking bullshit. The thing a riot shield should be most effective against is its main weakness. The front 180-160 degrees should be auto-impenetrable by knives. And if you reach through the riot shield with a knife it shouldn't count.
Theres not nearly enough coverage even when crouched. I love watching the kill cam when im walking sideways crouched. The dude just sticks his ass right out there like it wont get shot. Feet aren't even protected. I'll have my feet completely blocked in the killcam but somehow the other guy can shoot underneath the shield and bounce the bullets up or something and kill my toes.
My setup is:
Magnum with tactical knife
Stun Grenades
Blast Shield
Marathon Pro
Lightweight Pro
Commando Pro
Blast sheid is essential in fighting noob tubers. And even then they can kill you because they have 2 shots! (great balancing!) I can understand the thumper having 2 shots but the noobtube? If you want to switch to noobtube its faster than switching guns and has a quick reload. Just stupid. And if you have scavenger you can just noobtube continuously.
If I'm in a tight situation I'll throw a stun grenade and pound the guy but you only get 2. The stength of the riot shield is as a distraction. Works great if you're playing with people you know. You just walk out and the enemy starts shooting in the hopes of a bs kill (which happens more often than it should) and then your buddy comes out and cleans up.
Knives. Fucking bullshit. The thing a riot shield should be most effective against is its main weakness. The front 180-160 degrees should be auto-impenetrable by knives. And if you reach through the riot shield with a knife it shouldn't count.
Theres not nearly enough coverage even when crouched. I love watching the kill cam when im walking sideways crouched. The dude just sticks his ass right out there like it wont get shot. Feet aren't even protected. I'll have my feet completely blocked in the killcam but somehow the other guy can shoot underneath the shield and bounce the bullets up or something and kill my toes.
My setup is:
Magnum with tactical knife
Stun Grenades
Blast Shield
Marathon Pro
Lightweight Pro
Commando Pro
Blast sheid is essential in fighting noob tubers. And even then they can kill you because they have 2 shots! (great balancing!) I can understand the thumper having 2 shots but the noobtube? If you want to switch to noobtube its faster than switching guns and has a quick reload. Just stupid. And if you have scavenger you can just noobtube continuously.
If I'm in a tight situation I'll throw a stun grenade and pound the guy but you only get 2. The stength of the riot shield is as a distraction. Works great if you're playing with people you know. You just walk out and the enemy starts shooting in the hopes of a bs kill (which happens more often than it should) and then your buddy comes out and cleans up.