OldJadedGamer said:
Link to where they said it was 30 days?
I would have probably bought the 360 one but I hate wires and using the battery pack causes my palms to cramp pretty bad. More importantly my friends on 360 only play a handful of games and for some reason the majority of them like Gears 2 over CoD. I have a much closer knit group of friends on PS3 that I play very frequently with, so unless I could convince all 3 of them to buy 360's and the game, and live, and the map pack, then its pretty much a no go for me. I have a couple friends that double dipped on CoD, incedientally both of them hardly play the game on either console, I just can't see how this is an advantage for microsoft. It really boils down to who you play the game with and if those people aren't on 360 why wouldn't I wait 30 days for it?
@prestige 10 talk above; I think you are refering to a quote from Bowling, where he said prestiging in general "changes" the game. It does with the challenges, that and exclusive emblems/titles to prestige, I am pretty sure this is what he meant, you could always tweet at him to find out exactly what he was referring to. AFAIK prestige 10 nets you a fancy ass'd emblem that is the rotating skull and is very shiny.
CSB you are a sick motherfucker, I showed one of my friends your stats last night and actually got into an argument because he thought they were hacked, despite me telling him I've seen your stats grow from 0 and monitored them on a regular basis. He replied with "there are ways" I just facepalmed and shut up about it.