Strider2K99 said:That chart is missing % of EMP drop.

here you go; doesn't change much
Strider2K99 said:That chart is missing % of EMP drop.
ultim8p00 said:This game would be so much better if killstreaks were taken out entirely, or at least if your killstreal ended when you died. I cannot even play online anymore. It's like harrier, sentrygun,chopper gunner,pavelow,AC130 all the fucking time. Every single fucking game I couldn't even step outside without something killing me. Decided to put on cold-bloded, but I kept on getting killed by AC130s and predators that were trying to hit other guys. Ugh. Hate this stupid game. I'm so close to selling this broken glitch infested piece of shit.
ultim8p00 said:This game would be so much better if killstreaks were taken out entirely, or at least if your killstreal ended when you died. I cannot even play online anymore. It's like harrier, sentrygun,chopper gunner,pavelow,AC130 all the fucking time. Every single fucking game I couldn't even step outside without something killing me. Decided to put on cold-bloded, but I kept on getting killed by AC130s and predators that were trying to hit other guys. Ugh. Hate this stupid game. I'm so close to selling this broken glitch infested piece of shit.
Sealda said:I have a question.
Do the kill streak prestige challenges reset when you prestige?
I am working on Spectre (have 700 of 1000 AC130 kills)for this bad boy![]()
I have held off from going prestige again because i am scared that challenge will reset. I know the guns prestige challenge do not reset.
LeMaximilian said:Took me a prestige and a half to get that symbol. It has yet to leave my Emblem category.
PetriP-TNT said:Weird thing is that I have played like 6 and a half days of online and I have yet to see a glitcher. Sure, I have seen a shitload of 1887 etc. abusers but I haven't seen anyone using elevator glitches, CP glitches or even rock glitches.
Sealda said:I know that once you get it, it stays with you. But are you sure the challenge was not reset when you prestige d?
Nope. Everything is fine here!Hanmik said:Is the game freezing for you after the patch on the PS3..?
Pulka said:My friend told me you get a new gun when you get like a millon or something of AC-130/ Chopper kills.
Is it bullshit?
No, its not.Pulka said:My friend told me you get a new gun when you get like a millon or something of AC-130/ Chopper kills.
Is it bullshit?
Neverender said:my fucking god IW just take matchmaking code from WaW and paste it into your fucking game already. does anyone there even give a shit that the matchmaking is essentially useless for most non-americans? i shouldn't have to spend half an hour rounding friends and friends of friends just to get into a green game. even when i do find a game the host migration kicks in and fucks up the game. i really enjoy this game when it's not a laggy mess but that's so fucking rare. fix this bullshit please. this is more important than fixing any of the exploits so far because i can't even get into a game worth playing.
game game game
Hanmik said:Is the game freezing for you after the patch on the PS3..?
Sealda said:For you who complains about MW2, you should revisit COD4. It is absolutely horrendous. Its like the host has god mode enabled. Also its 90 % sure that a 3 bar will get killed by a 4 bar no matter what. In MW2 sometimes it can lag, but in COD4 its more a law that it will lag if you do not have 4 bar. Also, COD4 is way more relying on fire fight duals, where lag is even more devastating. I do not know how WatW was since i did not play it more than 2 weeks, is Treyarchs net code better?
Sealda said:For you who complains about MW2, you should revisit COD4. It is absolutely horrendous. Its like the host has god mode enabled. Also its 90 % sure that a 3 bar will get killed by a 4 bar no matter what. In MW2 sometimes it can lag, but in COD4 its more a law that it will lag if you do not have 4 bar. Also, COD4 is way more relying on fire fight duals, where lag is even more devastating. I do not know how WatW was since i did not play it more than 2 weeks, is Treyarchs net code better?
wud said:YES
play W@W, its quality
ultim8p00 said:This game would be so much better if killstreaks were taken out entirely, or at least if your killstreal ended when you died. I cannot even play online anymore. It's like harrier, sentrygun,chopper gunner,pavelow,AC130 all the fucking time. Every single fucking game I couldn't even step outside without something killing me. Decided to put on cold-bloded, but I kept on getting killed by AC130s and predators that were trying to hit other guys. Ugh. Hate this stupid game. I'm so close to selling this broken glitch infested piece of shit.
Sealda said:For you who complains about MW2, you should revisit COD4. It is absolutely horrendous. Its like the host has god mode enabled. Also its 90 % sure that a 3 bar will get killed by a 4 bar no matter what. In MW2 sometimes it can lag, but in COD4 its more a law that it will lag if you do not have 4 bar. Also, COD4 is way more relying on fire fight duals, where lag is even more devastating. I do not know how WatW was since i did not play it more than 2 weeks, is Treyarchs net code better?
Choke on the Magic said:Update: Same thing this morning. I can't even access the MP menu very long before it freezes up on me. I'm not to the point like some where I'm going to sell the game though because I want to fucking play it. I really don't feel the least bit bad about buying this game used now though.
kaizoku said:I'm in the UK and I have no problem finding games within seconds. :lol [...]
Choke on the Magic said:Update: Same thing this morning. I can't even access the MP menu very long before it freezes up on me. I'm not to the point like some where I'm going to sell the game though because I want to fucking play it. I really don't feel the least bit bad about buying this game used now though.
Its a valid tactic, if you ask me. You've gotta make compromises with the perk selections and whatnot to do this, so all's fair.kaizoku said:Still I equipped the default recon class and tactical knifed shitloads of people, it feels like a bit of a douche move
Not anytime soon.fps fanatic said:Not getting the PS3 fixed? Weird that yours and mine went almost the same time. I think mine went a couple of days before you. I managed to get MW2 out of the disc drive...
divisionbyzorro said:I'm tempted to boycott this thread at this point, as it's turned into a bunch of crybaby, butthurt children whining about the fact that the game IW produced was not the savior of the world that they expected. Bitching about getting killed by killstreaks? Seriously? It's a different game - learn to adapt or GTFO. And all this crying about netcode - your rose colored glasses are clearly blinding you to the reality of what playing CoD4 was really like. I'll grant the complaints about care package glitching, but I'm sick of this thread turning into a bitch-fest.
There are only two things seriously wrong with this game: CP glitching and OMA-tubing. Sure, some of the maps aren't great, and some of the weapon and killstreak balance is a little wonky, but the overall game is excellent. Maybe your mom bends over backwards to make you happy every time you cry about something, but to expect the same from a video game developer simply makes you look like a spoiled child.
Ugh. Can we please quit with the incessant bitching now?
divisionbyzorro said:I'm tempted to boycott this thread at this point, as it's turned into a bunch of crybaby, butthurt children whining about the fact that the game IW produced was not the savior of the world that they expected. Bitching about getting killed by killstreaks? Seriously? It's a different game - learn to adapt or GTFO. And all this crying about netcode - your rose colored glasses are clearly blinding you to the reality of what playing CoD4 was really like. I'll grant the complaints about care package glitching, but I'm sick of this thread turning into a bitch-fest.
divisionbyzorro said:There are only two things seriously wrong with this game: CP glitching and OMA-tubing. Sure, some of the maps aren't great, and some of the weapon and killstreak balance is a little wonky, but the overall game is excellent.
I use it without stopping power, its lower rate of fire means I pick my shots and do things in less of a panic. Even without stopping power a hit to the upper torso or head is a one-shot-kill. It's the best sniper rifle as far as I'm concerned.Scarecrow said:Is there any benefit to using that first sniper rifle? It seems like it'd be at a disadvantage due to its low firing speed.
IcebergSlim3000 said:I felt exactly like that 3 days after the game came out.
COD4 shits all over this game. Your lag rant is funny.
I'm a terrible sniper too. I get so impatient waiting for a clear shot at a target.Tamanon said:Although, I'll be damned if I'm not completely useless with a sniper rifle, guess it's also because there's a ton more movement than I'm used to.
divisionbyzorro said:I'm tempted to boycott this thread at this point, as it's turned into a bunch of crybaby, butthurt children whining about the fact that the game IW produced was not the savior of the world that they expected. Bitching about getting killed by killstreaks? Seriously? It's a different game - learn to adapt or GTFO. And all this crying about netcode - your rose colored glasses are clearly blinding you to the reality of what playing CoD4 was really like. I'll grant the complaints about care package glitching, but I'm sick of this thread turning into a bitch-fest.
There are only two things seriously wrong with this game: CP glitching and OMA-tubing. Sure, some of the maps aren't great, and some of the weapon and killstreak balance is a little wonky, but the overall game is excellent. Maybe your mom bends over backwards to make you happy every time you cry about something, but to expect the same from a video game developer simply makes you look like a spoiled child.
Ugh. Can we please quit with the incessant bitching now?
UnluckyKate said:Playing right now. Solo is sooo boring. Should I go MP ?
But..but..Jack Bauer is in the game!Terrordactyl said:I really don't know why you even botherd in the first place, I just hope you didn't have to pay much for it. The single player is shit and it never gets better, the MP I played a few rounds of and decided it sucked compared to cod4 and sold it. It wasn't a bad game, but it was not any fun either.
Okay, I don't quite get what your source is on this. You offered no explanation and just posted a chart you made in Excel.eek5 said:
here you go; doesn't change much
Tamanon said:Although, I'll be damned if I'm not completely useless with a sniper rifle, guess it's also because there's a ton more movement than I'm used to.
JustHadToJoin said:this game brings out the worst in people. Just the other day I was surveyin the campus for rule breakers (i'm an RA) and I heard some guy saying "Stupid n**** fuck ahhhh i hate you f*****" from outside the building. went inside and turns out his roomate said he gets a little worked up playing COD. -_-
.nimrod said:i did revisit cod4, in fact, i'm playing it right now.
and even if it lags, at least my shots hit my targets.
it's also way more fun, less bullshit deaths and better maps.
Nelo Ice said:i thought they fixed private xp matches
after playin a game of tdm the game suddenly went into private match ffa and i was host :lol