Ramirez said:
How do people even find these glitches? Like seriously, get a life.
wild guess here, but people how either are beta testers at work or should have been?
Not that is so exceptional though. Every major shooters has had people looking for cheats/ glitches, so it's not new by any means. When I first started playing WaW, I was greated by someone under the map and saw that every game that followed. Even to the point where I could start a game, go the glitching ground and camp there. It sucked, so I quit and never came back.
In comparison, being able to get a killstreak that can be shot down or avoided (and that you would have to deal with anyway, as anyone with a CP can get an AC130...) is not that big a deal. Killstreaks tend to make up a lot of matches anyway.
The real issue is how quickly you can get one, even if that comes at the heavy price of revealing your position and having to wait for the package, which may still be useless ammo. This even works in hardcore btw, as the map will show the CP upon drop, which means if you hear one being called in, you can point your airstrike to the CP location and kill whomever called it in. It's like free radar for other people.
The other part is and remeans the awful map design, or more to the point: spawnlocations. Getting spawned on top of your dead body during an enemy AC130 run is not an exception to the rule in this game. I find the Killzone 2 spawning to be more balanced, at least until you get the classes that can set one and that balance goes out the window. But at least you can always spawn in a safe zone (with turrets) and most maps in KZ2 are big enough to support both base spawning and squad spawning. It all turns to shit with the 'assasination' mode though, since the target player can hide in the safe zone, which he shouldn't be able to.
Still, killstreaks themselves are all over the place too. Most of them are relatively harmless, like the airstrike, helicopter (what a turd), pave low (too slow) and emp (basically just hardcore, but with enemy radar). Sure, they float around and shit, but they don't make as many kills as those goddamn harriers. Which leads to the ridiculous chopper gunner or AC130. Why? Because getting a 5+ killstreak in this game is supposed to be very hard! Anyone can grenade spam, noobtube, snipe or whatever you from basically anywhere, so getting anything above 3 kills should be exceptional if your enemies are at your skilllevel. But because of the nuke, the idea is that somehow the 10+ streaks have to get you one of those. So nobody rolls with the precision airstrike, because the harriers are a whole lot better AND get you a free pass to a 10+ streak.
I know from CoD4 and 5 that having constant helicopters or dogs isn't any better, but the gap between the 10's and the nuke at 25 are what causes the killstreaks to become so annoying and be "harrier, harrier, harrier oh and wait for it: harrier incoming", with the occasional UAV-counter UAV in between (that would be me btw).
The care package is supposed to balance that additional gap between stronger and weaker players, but it doesn't count in performance to what it drops. A really good player may pull out two chopper gunners in one match, whereas his victims may wind up with nothing but ammo crates. Frankly, I don't think the CP works as it is.