divisionbyzorro said:
I'm tempted to boycott this thread at this point, as it's turned into a bunch of crybaby, butthurt children whining about the fact that the game IW produced was not the savior of the world that they expected. Bitching about getting killed by killstreaks? Seriously? It's a different game - learn to adapt or GTFO. And all this crying about netcode - your rose colored glasses are clearly blinding you to the reality of what playing CoD4 was really like. I'll grant the complaints about care package glitching, but I'm sick of this thread turning into a bitch-fest.
There are only two things seriously wrong with this game: CP glitching and OMA-tubing. Sure, some of the maps aren't great, and some of the weapon and killstreak balance is a little wonky, but the overall game is excellent. Maybe your mom bends over backwards to make you happy every time you cry about something, but to expect the same from a video game developer simply makes you look like a spoiled child.
Ugh. Can we please quit with the incessant bitching now?
Wow, the trouble is people paid money for the game, and the game itself was actually priced a lot higher than other games are, meaning that a lot of people who didnt go out of there way to go to a sale or whatever paid a LOT of money.
I got the game half price, and for that reason I dont bitch as much, but when you have a tight budget and pay premium for a game, if that game is a bit of a mess then your going to feel short changed, the fact is people bitch because bitching will stop IW making the same mistakes with MW 3
I dont agree with bitching about killstreaks and whatever, but when the bitching is about mistakes like glitches or about matchmaking issues then yeah people who took money out of theyre pocket are well within theyre rights to complain!
consumer rights aside the game actually is pretty good, when im getting glitched I just leave the game and get put straight into another one, so yeah you can definatly deal with the glitches but its still annoying paying and then getting shunted.
OK that aside I never realised how amazing demolition is, literally get upto 5K a round on that gametype!