I am getting more and more confident that there are indeed people who solely plays with a run and knife class. Why? Because i meet them in every game, at-least 2-3 guys who run around like fools. Also its absolutely horrendous how some players have claymore, noobtube, painkiller and last stand as main thing to get them kills. Its like, sure its fun with different perks but it really feels like some player sees them as their main weapon.
Its like 60 % of the players do not rely on their PRIMARY weapon to get them kills and i am sure most of the good players get more than half of their kills from kill-streaks. This is what i find is wrong with this game.
Its like, 60+ % of the time you do not get killed by a guy shooting with his PRIMARY weapon but with equipment, secondary, perk 3, death streak. Its like i do not even get mad when i get killed by a guy with a assault rifle instead i think to myself "fair". But when i mainly get killed by people who mainly get their kills either by commando, lightweight, noobtube, claymore and whatever stupid combination i feel that there is something wrong. After all the Call Of Duty series core is not commando, lightweight, noobtube, claymore but fire fights between people SHOOTING with WEAPONS at each other.