Choke on the Magic
Honestly the 1887 shotguns are the worst editions I've ever seen. Over powered (imo) even after the patch. Why would you have two 100+ year old shotguns in "Modern" Warfare?
DRE Fei said:Booster Justice part 2 is out:
m0ngo said:I've put nearly six days into this game and i have yet to encounter any boosters, what game type are they most commonly found in? Wish i saw that many![]()
Fina1e said:Free For All
Choke on the Magic said:Honestly the 1887 shotguns are the worst editions I've ever seen. Over powered (imo) even after the patch. Why would you have two 100+ year old shotguns in "Modern" Warfare?
Because it's ironic. Infinity Ward wants to be funny and edgy.Choke on the Magic said:Honestly the 1887 shotguns are the worst editions I've ever seen. Over powered (imo) even after the patch. Why would you have two 100+ year old shotguns in "Modern" Warfare?
backflip10019 said:WOW Underpass has got to have the worst spawns in the game. So I'm playing Domination and I'm having a really good game. I start out like 7-1, got a few headshots with the Intervention, you know the drill. Then my team gives up B so the other team has B and C. Suddenly I'm killed from behind by dual 1887s and the enemy takes A. Then my entire team is spawn trapped in the back right corner behind A. I am spawned 8 TIMES IN A ROW IN THE SAME SPOT WITHIN ~30 FEET OF TWO GUYS WITH 1887s. Needless to say, I die all 8 times in a row. So what started out as a really good game turns to a shit game where we lose and I go -5. Holy fuck this spawn system is broken.
kaizoku said:were you hammering the respawn button?
when a team holds all spawn points, the spawn location becomes randomised and changes every 30 seconds or something like that? so naturally you would respawn near A cos thats the last place you held, but after that it would have switched to a random spot.
esp if you were spawning with your intervention each time and the guys with 1887s are right near you. if you'd equipped an AR or some other class you may have stood a chance?
Choke on the Magic said:Honestly the 1887 shotguns are the worst editions I've ever seen. Over powered (imo) even after the patch. Why would you have two 100+ year old shotguns in "Modern" Warfare?
MidnightRider said:I swear to god they need to fix the package glitch
that's all anyone does anymore.
LunaticPuma said:That's a glitch?
It's used in every game. I figured that was part of the killstreak.![]()
I know, it's fucking annoying. I'm THIS CLOSE to starting to use it in every game that I play. It's used so much now that it is almost a legitimate strategy. I love how fucking long Microsoft is taking to approve the update. MW2 is the most played game on the 360 right now. What the fuck is taking them so goddamn long? What other priorities can they really have?MidnightRider said:I swear to god they need to fix the package glitch
that's all anyone does anymore.
backflip10019 said:I know, it's fucking annoying. I'm THIS CLOSE to starting to use it in every game that I play. It's used so much now that it is almost a legitimate strategy. I love how fucking long Microsoft is taking to approve the update. MW2 is the most played game on the 360 right now. What the fuck is taking them so goddamn long? What other priorities can they really have?
backflip10019 said:WOW Underpass has got to have the worst spawns in the game. So I'm playing Domination and I'm having a really good game. I start out like 7-1, got a few headshots with the Intervention, you know the drill. Then my team gives up B so the other team has B and C. Suddenly I'm killed from behind by dual 1887s and the enemy takes A. Then my entire team is spawn trapped in the back right corner behind A. I am spawned 8 TIMES IN A ROW IN THE SAME SPOT WITHIN ~30 FEET OF TWO GUYS WITH 1887s. Needless to say, I die all 8 times in a row. So what started out as a really good game turns to a shit game where we lose and I go -5. Holy fuck this spawn system is broken.
Lionheart1827 said:I hardly ever see the glitch in TDM, good thing I usually stick in TDM anyway.I can see why it would probably appear in the objective modes though.
Anyway, I managed 2 EMPs in rundown TDM. My final score was like 30somethin - 3. The funny thing is our team barely won because some noob was like 4-20.
Choke on the Magic said:Can't really blame MS on this one because the Ps3 1.8 patch is shit and the care package glitch is still alive and kicking.
I'm with you though I don't know how to do the glitch, but I'm about to learn it so I can stand a chance.
He is, without a shadow of a doubt, the worst commentator on YouTube. Not because of what he is saying, just because he is an overall douche who always says he is better then everyone else, and anyone with better stats is a cheater. Not to mention the fact that he starts shit with other commentators for no reason.Sealda said:A good watch tip is the youtube user Wings Of Redemption.
I called WoR a douche because of his bullshit, elitist, douchey approach to this video making thing, something that's supposed to be a FUN hobby. I don't like the way he comes across, I don't like the fact that he's a prick to people that like his videos, and I don't like the fact that he instructed people to write him an essay explaining why he should add them. That's fucking bizarre, egotistical bullshit and I don't like seeing it in the community. So I commented. End of story. Kthxbai. (16 hours ago)
What do you mean?Ganhyun said:I hate people that do like u guys do and also have memorized the spawns to even further humiliate the other team. Especially if im in a group of random noobs.
xtheEnemy said:Can someone clarify me on this: End Game III (Rotating Nuke Emblem)
Do I have to get those 10 nukes on the same prestige level or those already detonated nukes will carry over when I prestige again?
divisionbyzorro said:All challenges reset when you prestige (save for the green challenges). So if you're hunting the nuke emblem, don't prestige until you have it!
Graf Nudu said:With Marathon Pro + Lightweight Pro + Commando Pro and my TacKnife I rape people left and right. <3
xtheEnemy said:I see, good thing I knew about this before I hit the prestige button again.
(I'm currently level 69 Prestige 2)
So I guess I need 3 more nukes!
- - - -
PS: I badly needed a good spec-ops player.
add me up: xtheEnemy
MidnightRider said:OBSJiesen
I am good at spec-ops. beat that shit with the quickness.
xtheEnemy said:Can someone clarify me on this: End Game III (Rotating Nuke Emblem)
Do I have to get those 10 nukes on the same prestige level or those already detonated nukes will carry over when I prestige again ?
Cause I think I already have 10 or 11 nukes but still no emblem..
Already got the "End of Line" callsign though.
Anyway, I can't believe I pulled off a nuke on Highrise(Ground War - Domination) earlier :lol
The game almost had every irritating class possible. (Noob tuber, speedster, sniper, guy using that level 70 launcher etc..)
I f'ing love OMA PRO.
-Net 7 kills using M16
-goes to the Elevator near "B"
-switch to SCAR+Danger Close
-call in Harrier
-Harrier down after 2 kills
-switched to SCAR+Hardline, killed one
-switched to SCAR+Danger Close
-Call in Chopper(Massacre begins..)
-got 23(I don't know at that time)
-switched to SCAR+Hardline
-killed a guy climbing the stairs in the helipad
-NUKE Icon Appears (180/200)
-Activate nuke on (194/200)
It was glorious.
Not until at LEAST level 4 or maybe 6 or 8. Those first four levels are BRUTAL, with the completely horseshit classes they give you.Pankaks said:Anyone else feel like they play better after they prestige?
I'm on my first prestige and I was constantly going 2:1 last night with just a stock M4. Probably just a placebo effect.
I was thinking they'd fixed them then this guy took me out from like 25 feet away as I was shooting at him.. pissed me off so damn much.divisionbyzorro said:If it ain't broke, don't fix it! :lol Seriously though: once the Bling 1887s are fixed, the 1887 will become the most useless shotgun. I don't see why anyone would take it over the SPAS at that point.
I love the shotgun category. All of the shotguns are so different, and all of them are excellent at what they do. I really need to learn the M1014; I've definitely seen it being used to deadly effect, but I've never been able to use it myself.
I saw some in MTDM. Joined a game late and we were down huge and it clicked immediately but I couldnt find them until it was too late.m0ngo said:I've put nearly six days into this game and i have yet to encounter any boosters, what game type are they most commonly found in? Wish i saw that many![]()
You have to realize that not everyone has the ability to reach Chopper Gunners or AC130's without a care package. Since my switch to the 360 I can barely reach the Harrier Strike. On the PS3 I pretty much got a Chopper Gunner whenever I wanted. So right now, the care package killstreak is extremly helpful to me until I get use to the controls on the 360.CozMick said:Tell me again why the Care Package is in this game?
4 kills (possibly 3) and you could get the AC-130 leading to another possible 15 kills+
How on gods green earth is that balanced or even fair?
Compared to players like me that earn there killstreak rewards via an 11 killstreak with a damn auto-rifle.
Air Drop noobs DISGUST me.
Graf Nudu said:I don't want to rant on stupid stuff, but why does the game let teammates spawn right next to me, when I tried to sneak behind the enemy and stay at an absolute "unusual" place of the map. But when I get killed I spawn somewhere in the nowhere far away from the next teammates and/or enemies?
Hey, you can leave your AC-130 care package for me if you like.CozMick said:4 kills (possibly 3) and you could get the AC-130 leading to another possible 15 kills+
Air Drop noobs DISGUST me.
Graf Nudu said:Today I stole someones care package with AC130. :lol
Graf Nudu said:Today I stole someones care package with AC130. :lol
I got one on Hardcore TDM today but as I was getting it some idiot in my team knifed me and stole it. It better not been you!Graf Nudu said:Today I stole someones care package with AC130. :lol
rezuth said:I got one on Hardcore TDM today but as I was getting it some idiot in my team knifed me and stole it. It better not been you!
Edit: I really hate when stuff like that happens, totally ruins the game for me and I can only play shit after it.
Choke on the Magic said:Honestly the 1887 shotguns are the worst editions I've ever seen. Over powered (imo) even after the patch. Why would you have two 100+ year old shotguns in "Modern" Warfare?
I think the spawning is slightly shit. I understand they don't want to have 4 set-in-stone spawn locations, to (sort of) avoid spawn killing, but at the same time, spawning next to a teammate by default is kind of crap. Too bad it's not a you-can-spawn-at-bases-under-your-control system like Battlefield or a choose-your-spawn-point-within-reason system.Graf Nudu said:I don't want to rant on stupid stuff, but why does the game let teammates spawn right next to me, when I tried to sneak behind the enemy and stay at an absolute "unusual" place of the map. But when I get killed I spawn somewhere in the nowhere far away from the next teammates and/or enemies?
NYR said:^
He is, without a shadow of a doubt, the worst commentator on YouTube. Not because of what he is saying, just because he is an overall douche who always says he is better then everyone else, and anyone with better stats is a cheater. Not to mention the fact that he starts shit with other commentators for no reason.
Hutch said it best on his YouTube channel:
backflip10019 said:I know, it's fucking annoying. I'm THIS CLOSE to starting to use it in every game that I play. It's used so much now that it is almost a legitimate strategy. I love how fucking long Microsoft is taking to approve the update. MW2 is the most played game on the 360 right now. What the fuck is taking them so goddamn long? What other priorities can they really have?